SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1964 TUF MICHIGAN DAIfV TWillIA AIA ATRA, PI 3,16 PEAN VIEW: rof. Dulles Discusses Foreign Policy By JUDITH OPPENHEIM hough the majority of the ated young Europeans are ex- eIy friendly toward the United es, they feel that our foreign y is too naively idealistic, Prof. er Rhea Dulles of Ohio State ersity told an Honors Council iar on American foreign pol- 'esterday afternoon. of. Dulles discussed the prob- last January when he attended minar of American studies in berg, Germany. ie Europeans with whom Prof. es spoke admire our idealism, 'eel that our position of lead- ip in the free world requires a realistic approach to inter- onal problems. Europeans Uneasy lile John U osterDulles was etary of State, Europeans were sy about his tactics, although approved our basic foreign y of resistance to Russian at- pts at expansion. ow, although they approve of diplomacy of the Eisenhower inistration, Prof. Dulles said, fear we are too anxious to ase the Russians and too will- to back down once we have n a stand. of. Dulles believes there is no ediate solution to such prob- as the reunification of Ger- y and the Arab-Israeli con- . Nevertheless, we should t upon preservation of the sta- quo, and not abandon our posi- tions in the face of the Russian threat. Major Hindrance The major hindrance to progress on disarmament, Prof. Dulles said, is that each side still wants to be certain of maintaining its su- periority. In addition, we can never be certain that the Russians would not carry out underground nuclear tests, even if they agreed to halt them.' Prof. Dulles and Prof: Robert C. Angell agree, however, that such an agreement would be well worth the risk it entails. "The Russians are as anxious to disarm as we are," Prof. Dulles said. The Communists are now devot- ing their greatest efforts to build- ing up the Russian economy and not to an all-out arms race, he added. Territorial Gains Since 1945, the Communists have made no territorial gains through overt aggression, Prof. Dulles said. "And I do not believe they would initiate a situation like Korea again." Prof. Dulles stressed the im- portance of American aid to the underdeveloped nations of Asia and Africa. He considers it neces- sary to aid as many of these coun- tries as possible in exploiting their natural resources and developing industrial economies. Prof. Dulles favors a sort of Marshall Plan' for the underde- t 1a hoW! DIAL NO 2-6264 LATE SHOW TONIGHT 11 P.M. F JERRY LW$ C i *THURSDAY Z Possibly the very f inest documentary motion picture ever made ! FOSTER RHEA DULLES 1 . .. idealism vs. realism veloped nations. He believes Eisen- hower should strongly urge the European powers to join us in sponsoring such a plan. "America's difficulties with Rus- sia are on two levels," he said, "the' struggle for power and the ideal-9 istic conflict." The idealistic conflict is not as great as it once was. The western powers are beginning to recognize the merits of some socialistic re- forms, and Russia has relaxed' somewhat in her efforts toward Marxist world domination. Plan Conest For Writers A new writing contest for col- lege students, which will include all forms of literary work, has been recently announced by Grove Press, Inc. The prize for the contest, to con- sist of a cash prize of $500 dollars and publication of the work in! "New Campus Writing, Number Four," will be known as The Ever- green Award. The contest is open to any col- lege student in the world. It opens' Monday and will close on Sept. 30. Manuscripts submitted to the contest should be in English, type- written, double - spaced and on eight - and - one - half by 11 inch white paper. Entrants must submit proof that they are enrolled in a college or university. Entries should be sent to: Edi- tors, New Campus Writing, An- tioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio. They will not 'be returned unless accompanied -by stamped, addressed envelopes. Honorable mentions will be awarded to all stories selected to be published. KellerCites Journalistic Values, Roles. By MICHAEL OLINICK "Providence has given man no better weapon with which to fight ignorance, self-satisfaction and national blindness than the power of the written word," Prof. Allan Keller told more than 1,500 stu- dent journalists yesterday. Prof. Keller, assistant city edi- tor of the New York World-Tele- gram and Sun, stressed the influ- ence and requirements of a quali- fied newspaperman in his speech before representatives to the 33rd Michigan Interscholastic Press Association Convention. High school newspapers and yearbook staff members from all parts of the state listened to his views of "The Power and the Glory of the Written Word." Writing Effective Prof. Keller, who is also an Adjunct Professor of Journalism at Columbia University, said the written word had more effect and inner pride than most people would credit it. "In the hands of a mature newspaperman the written word is many things-a sort of gospel, a social force, a weapon against evil, a toxic spray to knock down the petty nuisances that beset modern life, and a flaming torch to lead the way to a better world," he said. "I have seen politicians tremble, judges collapse, crooked officials weep and underworld leaders grovel because a newspaper and a few newspapermen used the written word to expose their in- iquities." Need Of Coherence He went on to emphasize the necessity for coherent style, as well as the clear thinking a news- paperman needs. "In his hands a virile verb, a colorful adjective or a cogent phrase can tear away the veil of ignorance. "It is not enough to have a great idea. It must be understood by all, or democracy becomes an empty mockery." Not only should the newspaper- man relate the events he has seen, but he also ought to evaluate and interpret the events through his wisdom, Keller told his audience. "The newspaperman must look at the life inside, his own inward nature, so that he can help direct the nation's thinking to a still better life, which may not be dir- ectly concerned with material things." For this reason, Keller looks for new reporters with an accurate sense of judgement. "What I like to see in young minds is an ability to weigh and measure and to wonder about what is good." By RUTH EVENHUIS and ANITA PETROSHUS "Housing in northern cities is; the key to intergroup relations," said panelist Prof. Mel Ravitz of the Wayne State University soci-1 ology department yesterday at the! Human Rights in the North Con- ference.l Speaking on the panel "Changei and the Community Structure,"1 Prof. Ravitz, member of the De- troit City Planning Commission, poited out that housing "sets the; pattern -for segregated education, recreation and social contact." He noted the trend in major1 cities, citing Detroit as an ex- ample, of social class factors caus- ing both upperclass whites and Negroes to leave the central citya for the suburbs. Residential Areas The older residential areas, Prof. Ravitz explained, are being settled by the influx of lower class southern Negroes bringing with them lower class ways - dress, speech and attitudes. The middle class Negro will attempt to escape from the lower class pressures in the center of the city, he added, introducing a series of one to three. family invasions of previously all white middle class neighborhoods. "Incidents, tension, and possibly violence will result,' he warned, and advocated legislative and ed- ucational means to deal with the problem. He stressed the need for a committee, similar to the Metro- politan Detroit Citizen's, Com- mittee for an Open Housing Mar- ket, to coordinate the efforts of "goodwill" people. Such a committee would not replace such groups as the NAACP or church organizations involved, but serves as a "imaster strategy planner," Ravitz pointed out. Panelist Morris Milgram, presi- dent of Modern Community De- velopers, said "it's an unwritten law ih the United States that all new housing is for whites only, and even that all decent housing is for whites only." Milgram builds integrated housing units. Milgram stressed the impor- tance of social action as opposed to "tea, touch, and talk," or mere association with the Negro. Effect Legislation He noted that it is often a weakness of social action groups to attempt to effect legislation to the neglect of more direct social action. Eleanor P. Wolf of the Merrill- Palmer Schools sociology depart- ment, countered with the attitude ,of avoiding racial conflict by re- marking that "the most peaceful place in the world is a graveyard." She said conflict is often the only way to right a wrong. Although she would avoid conflict whenever it is necessary, she indicated on the positive side that it often dramatizes situation, clarifies is- sues, strengthens group solidarity and makes people question their individual stand carefully. She indicated that students can be effective in the fight for human rights because of their unique position free from professional or vested interest involvement. They also have an academic background which, she said, is respected by the leadership groups of society. Civil Rights In a second panel on "The Poli- tics of Change," Michael Harring- ton said that the civil rights movement is important because it is a force for realignment in the nation. Harrington, a writer and mem- ber of the research staff of the Fund for the Republic, partici- pated in the panel with John Field, former Michigan FEPC di- recotr and legislative assistant to Senator Philip A. Hart. The panel was part of the Conference on Human Rights in the North being held on campus this weekend. "The civil rights struggle and the growth of an organized elec- torate in the South will transform political parties," Harrington said. Increase Defection The practical tendency of the "yoking of liberalism and reac- tion" in the Democratic party, he said, will be to increase defection among Negro voters. "The Negro is faced with an impossible choice," he said. "Ob- vious logic leads to political re- alignment - the creation of a party of liberalism, North and South." This realignment cannot be nar- row, simply on the issue of civil rights, he said, but involves "a host of social issues," such as housing and a minimum wage. Democratic Party If the Democratic party splits, the South would then become a "frustrated third party," he said, or could ally with the Republicans. The defection will not be from the Democrats to the Republicans, Field maintained, but there will Ravitz Views Northern Housing As Key to Intergroup Relations NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC ION pr Wft UNDER TKl OF M MAJESTY KN4 's1,6LEOPoL M be a defection. "The Negroes will sit on their hands rather than try to make a choice between the parties," he said. Northern liberals, both Demo- crats and Republicans, will gain growing _ allegiance from civil rightists, he said, "but they do not represent national party thinking in either instance. There is no national party thinking on civils rights." Field thinks that the movement will develop independently of poli- tical parties, although "ultimately it must take on expression in the form of party activity." This does not mean, he said, a "loss of iden- tity as a faction or movement. But It must develop a broader base." It had become not so much a civil rights as a Negro movement, Field said. We are now witnessing the "revitalization of what can honestly be described as a civil rights movement."' Realignment will not come in the sixties, Field predicted, and he is not sure that, when it comes, another party will develop. "We may cbme up with a new party under an old name," he said, "pos- sibly based on labor, Negro and farm support." k two GJUNGL COLOR by DE LUXE um~STFFO WCSIl 5 r' EXAMS: LSA Group Sets UGLI For Debate The literary college steering committee furthered plans for its upcoming conference on compre- hensive exams, opened petitioning for next year's positions, and elected new officers Thursday. The student committee set the, multi-purpose room of the Undergraduate Library as the lo- cation of the May 12 discussion on institution of senior year comprehensives.4 The nature and necessity of these tests will be debated by a student-faculty panel after which audience response will be highly encouraged, James H. Robertson, associate dean of the literary col- lege said. Student panelists have alrea~y been named. Gretchen Bergie, '60, will argue for the initiation of the tests and James Seder, '61, will take the opposing view. Petitioning for next year's steer- ing committee will begin im- mediately, the committee decided. Forms are available in Robertson's office and must be returned by May 13. Interviews will be held that weekend. The committee elected Seder chairman for next year and Joan Keck, '61, was returned to her post of secretary. The committee discussed the possibilities of reestablishing a s t u d e n t counseling plan with Michael Turoff, '61, administrative vice-president of the Union. Tur- off handled a similar project for the Union last spring. Bike Sticker Crackdown Duein ,June By LORA KRAPOH All bicycles on campus will have to have current licenses after Commencement, according to Vice President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis. Bicycles not licensed will be subject to impoundment anytime, anywhere. "This same policy per- tains throughout the city so far as the police are concerned," Lewis said. Current licenses are those with a Sept. 1960 expiration date. Sum- mer students intending to have bicycles will also have to comply with this rule. Stolen Bikes "The large number of stolen bikes which we have been able to return to the proper owners, dur- ing the relatively short history of the Bicycle Control Program, leads us to only one conclusion: we've got to emphasize proper registra tion throughout the city and on the campus. "An unlicensed or expired li- censed bicycle is an open invita- tion to the thief. Under these cir- cumstances an owner who sees someone riding around on his bi- cycle can not do a thing, unless he has the serial number written down somewhere." Lewis feels this new rule will make it possible to clean out the racks of abandoned and stolen bicycles which clutter parking facilities, and increase the haz- ards of safety in sidewalks and around entrances and exits of buildings. Found At Dorms By way of illustration, Lewis said, many of the men's stolen bi- cycles were picked up at girls' residence halls, indicating that men had taken the bicycles and abandoned them after picking up their dates. Chain locks are alsoa hazard. These locks are relatively easy to unlock and many students set the lock for only one number, thus making it even easier to undo them. "In fact, the junior high school students used to have a game in which each boy would go down a row of bicycles and see who could undo the most locks in the short- est time." The bicycle control program has impounded approximately 800 bi- cycles since initiation of the pres- ent program. Of these 455 were returned after payment of a three dollar fee and 35 were returned . without charge. Of the 490 bicycles returned, 80 were stolen-in fact, a few own- ers said they had not seen their bikes for, more than two years. TH E PROETHEAN OPEN DAILY at 2 P.M. Entertainment Nightly SGC Approves Reorganization, Of Administrative Structure . I - _ _ By CYNTHIA NEU Reorganization of the Student Government Council administra- tive wing was approved by the Council at its meeting Wednesday. Administrative Vice - President James Hadley, '61, said that under the new plan the administrative wing will have a more direct rela- tionship with the Council proper and will be able to involve itself with a wider range of areas in the University community. The new administrative system will consist of five committees: education and student welfare, student activities, recognition, calendaring and elections. Explain Scope The education and student wel- p ------ fare, and student activities com- mittees will handle most areas of campus affairs. The recognition committee is concerned with giv- ing status to student groups. Calendaring of student activities was separated into a single com- mittee so that less time would need to be spent on scheduling during the regular Council meetings. The former national and inter- national , affairs committee has been disbanded and many of their responsibilities turned over to the International Coordinating Board. The committees meet individ- ually to consider programs in their respective areas. Prior to the Council meeting, chairmen of the committees meet as a cabinet to formulate the recommendations which will be brought up on the Council floor. N 1 ' ".<., 5:: r , 4 In cooperati 1960 Conferer man Rights S ma Guild is p program of fil P.M. Sunday a ture Auditoriu sion is free. T be shown are t and trial sc Fritz Lang's FURY and bo Edward Mur ture-length do REPORT FRO) on with the ra Appoint Chairmen nce for Hu- The first step in putting the .G.C. Cine- newlyorganized wing into opera- tion, Hadley said, is to appoint resenting a chairmen of the various commit- ms at 4:00 tees. at Architec- Contrary to former policy, Coun- cil members may chair commit- im. Admis- tees, giving even more continuity he films to to programs. he lynching The chairmen appointed now will work throughout the summer enes from becoming oriented to the work of 1937 film their group. A complete recruit- th parts of ment program and public relations drive will take place in the fall to row's fez- staff the committees. Freshmen >cumentary, will be eligible, and letters will be M AFRICA. sent to them this summer regard- ing the Council and explaining the committee work. 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