RELIGIOUS BIAS CLOUDS TRADITION See Page 4 Sit yn Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom 4714hrt SHOWERS High--G0 Iow--45 Cloudy with increasing showers toward afternoon. VOL. LXX, No. 147 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1960 FIVE CENTS SIX P) i Educator Advocates Additional Semester Nye Sees Need for State Colleges To Initiate More Efficient Plans By SUSAN FARRELL A recent study recommends that Michigan's colleges and univer- sities operate on a year-round basis in the interest of efficiency and economy, the United Press International reported yesterday. The recommendation was included in a report submitted to Gov. G. Mennen Williams by an informal advisory committee on higher education. "While there is agreement among the committee members that the state-controlled institutions of higher education generally make good use of present facilities," Prof. Russell B. Nye, chairman of the 4 --- __ I Kehoe Says Tine' Story Not Correct By FAITH WEINSTEIN Ray E. Kehoe of the Univer- sity's Bureau of School Services yesterday accused Time Magazine ofhmisrepresentation of facts which he gave them for their April 18 issue. The article, entitled "Don't Beat the Band," involved an incident which occurred in Parchment, Mich. when Kehoe went to look over their high school in his ca- pacity as consultant for the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, an ac- creditation group. It indlicated that Kehoe, faced with a choice between elementary school classrooms and a band room for the high school, chose the latter. Time also said that Kehoe "failed to observe the deficiency of the school library, which needs $15 thousand worth of new books," to concentrate on the deficiencies in the band room, which needed soundproofing and practice rooms. Facts Different The facts were quite different, Kehoe declared. "I was invited by the schoolauthorities to evaluate, on an advisory basis, existing fa- cilities in terms of North Associ- ation standards. "After reviewing all facilities except the library, I reported that the music room as it then existed probably would not meet minimum standards. ' He reported that some months earlier the Parchment school au- thorities had asked the Bureau of School Services to send a con- sultant on their library needs. A special library consultant went wthi Kehoe on the trip to Parch- ment, and made a separate library report. ""This is why I made no library recommendations," he said. No Discussion "There was no discussion dur- ing my visit of elementary school needs." Kehoe said he never knew of the conflict between band room improvement and elementary classrooms. Questioned as to the actual state of the Parchment library, Kehoe said that it is deficient only "in the sense that it is not com- plete.", Authorities Act The Parchment school authori- ties have acted on a series of recommendations made by the library consultant and allocated $15 thousand for books. "The appropriation is fully ade- quate; it takes time to fully meet the minimum library standards. As beginning schools go, they will have one of the best libraries in kMichigan." U.S. Reports Soviets Watch Polaris Tests WASHINGTON (P)-A Russian trawler watched the new United States Navy 15olars Submarine George Washington conducting tests only 60 miles off Long Island, the Navy disclosed yesterday. It made public a photograph of the Soviet ship, taken on Tues- day, as the trawler cruised within a mile of where the submarine was testing its missile launching committee and director of the div- ision of language and literature at Michigan State University, said, "There is also the belief that even more efficient use must be made in the future, "Under present conditions, the use of our educational facilities for three semesters or four quar- ters during the year seems essen- tial as a means of economy. "The proposal is hardly very startling," Prof. Nye added. "It is probably the least controversial and least original of the 11 major recommendations the committee made, and it is only a part of the whole pattern." Text Not Released Since the full text of the report has not yet been released, Prof. Nye was unable to discuss it fur- ther. A similar proposal for year- round operation was considered by the University Calendar Study Committee two years ago. At that time is was tentatively suggested that the University adopt a three semester system, a one week examinaion period and an advance registration program, among other calendar changes. Recommends Adjustment The Committee recommended that successive calendar adjust- ments be made beginning in 1960, so the University could operate on a full year basis, if the situ- ation demanded it, by 1964. Additional study of the situa- tion led to the conclusion that, for the immediate future, the Uni- versity should continue to operate on a two-semester system and} that conditions were not yet suic- able for a decision regarding more extended operation in the mid- 1960's. The University does, however, have a three-semester calendar that could be used, if the time ever came when it needed to do so, Vice-President and Dean of Falulties Marvin L. Niehuss said yesterday. "It may very well become neces- sary," Niehuss said, "but the situ- ation is not immediate. We are thinking of it in the same sense that we are thinking of new build- ings. We have no immediate plans or dates." ForA GOP: Bagwell a nnounces Candidacy By MICHAEL BURNS Special to The Daily LANSING - Paul D. Bagwell announced his intention to run for governor last night, stressing "a common-sense approach" toward "major public issues." Speaking before approximately 1,800 Republicans at a fund-rais- ing dinner given in his behalf in the Lansing Civic Center, Bagwell said that "personal problems" had delayed his decision to toss his hat in the ring, referring to his lack of funds. Calling his decision "one of the most widely known secrets in Michigan," he explained that the money raised for him by the $15- a-plate dinner would allow him to enter the campaign. Interest in State "I believe in Michigan," he em- phasized. "I believe that the best politics places the interests of our state ahead of all other considera- tions." His program will stress "respon- sible Republicanism" as the an- swer to the state's governmental problems. "We need a re-birth of progress, with a new outlook, new concepts to . . . put Michigan on a true and steady course for future great- ness." "I believe in the future-because that's where we're going to spend the rest of our lives," Bagwell said. Criticizes Democrats The Lansing politician criticized the Democratic administration for "the complicated and conflicting situation we know as the 'tax mess'" He said that the Republicans in the Legislature have not been ap- propriating more funds than are necessary to run the state. The problem, Bagwell pointed out, requires "realistic tax revi- sion" from local through national taxation programs, "so that we have an integrated tax program which will be equitable for all tax- payers." He stated once again his oppo- sition to the graduated income tax plan advocated by the Democrats. Ltivities -Daily-Dave Cantrel RIGHTS CONFERENCE-Prof. Alvin D. Loving of the University's Flint branch listens reflectively to the Chicago Urban League's Deputy Director, Ted Cobb, speak on the Negro adjustment to com- munity segregation. 'Negro Com-munity' Called Artificial 0 Suspend Two Freshme in Demonstratio By RUTH EVENHUIS and .ANITA PETROSHUS The "Negro community" is an artificial construction-a physical, residential and spatial isolation of the Negro without the instrument of law, Ted Cobb, Deputy Director of the Chicago Urban League said last night. Cobb and Herbert Hill, labor secretary of the NAACP, were members of a panel on "The Social and Political Organization of the Negro Community," moderated by Prof. Alvin D. Loving, professor of education at the University's Flint campus. Discussing the Negro's adjust- ment to de facto segregation as part of the conference for Human Rights in the North, Cobb said this adjustment "depends on what you mean by adjustment." Individual Alteration "If you mean the individual's altering himself in response to the situation, then the Negro has not adjusted," Cobb said. "He would have no problems fi he had. The Negro has not adjusted. He has reacted." Cobb discussed the important structures operating in the Negro community, and the impact of segregation on these structures. He cited the "smugness of most northern communities concerning segregation vis a vis Southern towns," using Chicago - "a bigger and badder case of America, urban center, U.S.A." as an example of this segregation. Part of History Negroes have been a part of the city's history since before its in- corporation, he said, relating that there was even an Indian tale that "Chicago's first white man was a black man." Yet Negroes who live there now, in classic conditions of overcrowding, have one-half to one-quarter less income on the average than the general popula- tion. Structures operating in the Ne- gro community include the family, which exercises a "protective func- tion" with reference to hostile so- ciety, he said. Realization of this hostility is carried on into adult life-onto the college campus, where white and black students sit in separate groups in the cafeteria, where minority group members are non- participants in student affairs. Devseloper- W ill Speak Morris Milgram, the,, developer of interracial housing projects who is currently involved in the Deerfield, Ill. Integrated housing dispute, will address the Confer- ence on Human Rights' in the North tonight. Milgram will speak at the ban- quet scheduled for 6 p.m. in the Union Ballroom, In addition, Lt. Gov. John iSwainson will speak briefly. At 10 a.m. there will be a panel discussion on "lThe Dynamics of Action." Mrs. Frances R. Cousens, research director of the Michigan Fair Employment Practices Com- mission, will participate. The workgroups will continue their discussions at 2 p.m. At 4:15 members of Human Re- lations Boards from other colleges and universities will meet with the University's group. There will also be a meeting for University students to discuss action pro- grams in Ann Arbor. National Affairs Vice-President of the National Student Associa- tion, Curtis Gans, who has been involved in the sit-in movement in the South, and Barnard Lee, recently expelled from Alabama State College for Negroes and ar- rested, will address the Conference from 9 to 10 a.m. Lee is the stu- dent representative for Martin Luther King, He advocated action - "the pressing for an adequate diagnosis of the problems in our society. We get too happy about a drop of water in a whole bucketful. We feel the millenium has arrived, and we can take a rest. We think we're making progress, when the truth is just that things are get- ting worse more slowly." This action also must be im- mediate. "I do not subscribe to the concept of gradualism. It is built on a totalitarian image of society in which we deal with people as groups. Traditionally we have 'opened the gates' for groups-not individuals." "What we have," he said, "is not integration, but homogenized segregation. We live, love and die individually, and it is in these terms that we must seek to remove the obstacles here." Economic Issues Herbert Hill, labor secretary of the NAACP, centered his discus- sion on the economic issues facing the Negro community, noting that "The country is on the threshold of significant changes in politics, labor and economics." He attributes the shifting scene to the new self-image developed in the past decade by the entire Negro community, particularly those in the South, and to the new body of constitutional law altering the place of Negroes in society. He also noted that automation has replaced many unskilled Ne- gro workers, and that some of the traditional areas of Negro em- ployment such as railroads and production lines are drying up. The economic danger this en- genders stems from the lack of middle class Negro workers and the "thin veneer of professionals" as opposed to the mass of semi- skilled and unskilled workers, ac- cording to Hill. Actually, he con- tinued, this makes the Fair Em- ployment Practices Commission an abstraction, unless we develop in- dustrial skills in the Negro work- ing class. Students Receive Severe Discipline Lewis, Rea Support Judic Decisio For Half-Year Ouster from Here By THOMAS HAYDEN Two freshmen will be suspended from the Univer until January 1961 because they allegedly were leaden Wednesday's food riot-panty raid. The suspension-severest penalty ever levied on studi "rioters"-is intended to permanently squelch a long ser of spring student uprisings. The decision came yesterday from the faculty Commit on Student Discipline, which approved a recommendat from Joint Judiciary Council. Judic heard the cases Wedn day night, deliberating until about 2 a.m. generated from a dispute over In a statement to The Daily, Quadrangle dress regulations. I Judic Chairman Michael Sklar lowing an uprising in a dining h said the decision was warranted the suspended students allege because of the students' "active led a group of about 200 to So lealership" and "admitted disre- and West Quadrangles, Presid gard of repeated warnings." Harlan Hatcher's house, the I Detrimental Demonstration and the Hill. The dmonsratin wa de- Rea called it "a poor way of he e mnstrain wpas pressing objection to a regulat scribed as "detrimental and dis- There aefrbte en graceful to the University." communication." vice-President for Student Af- fairs James A. Lewis and Dean of Men Walter B. Rea both supported the Judic decision. J d e H a "This kind of thing just can't continue," Lewis maintained. "We've said consistently for two serve no purpose, and that proper (EDITOR'S NTE: Following is University judicial bodies would report from Joint Judiciary Cou take strong action against indi- clChairinan Michael Skar Thursday's regular disciplinary se viduals involved in such incidents." sion, when the' Judie heard t Some demonstrations, if planned, cases o two students accused are constructive, Lewis said, but Wednesday's i nstigators he labelled the Wednesday incident "tomfoolery." The case was referred to Rea called the demonstrations Joint Judiciary Council rat "not in the University's best in- than to a judiciary body of terests. They are extremely un- residence halls because the desirable and should be vigorously turbance eventually moved outi discouraged." the confines of East Quadran He said the incidents cause where it began. "very. unfavorable publicity, and During the interview Thurs do not represent a proper educa- night both individuals were pi tional activity in the minds of the ent and the following facts No public." ascertained. Previous to yesterday's decision, The individuals accused no suspension had ever been hand- positively identified as the leac ed down for participation in dem- of a group of between 200 a onstrations, riots or raids. 300 students who marched i The possibility of strong dis- East Quadrangle following a b cipline has been discussed often ious disturbance in the dir in housing units, Union forums and halls, to West and South Qu Orientation Week talks, Rea ex- rangles, to University Presid plained. Harlan Hatcher's house, and u "Apparently we've exhausted all mately to the women's reside possibility of impressing on a hals on Observatory Road. minority of students the fact that these demonstrations cannot be The individuals involved, w condoned," Rea said. during the interview admit "While we hate to see severe their active leadership in the de penalties imposed, drastic action onstration, were identified by in this case seems to be the only eral staff people who accompa effective restraint we can use to the group and who on several prevent it." casions attempted to dissuade Rea added "we have been re- demonstrators by advising luctant to penalize anyone but the identified individuals that th leaders of riots." The two students participation would result in e suspended were identified clearly ous disciplinary action by the t as the leaders, he said,. versity. The Wednesday demonstration In spite of the repeated wa 5a in- es- the of of thf thei th dis- lgle 5da3 res- der: ant ser. iad. dens ilti. eno w~hc em- sev- oc- the thf heir Seri Fni- rn. R s Bagwell Supports Con-Con, Opposes State Income Tax By MICHAEL HARRAH Special to The Daily LANSING-A ten minute standing ovation greeted Paul D. Bag- well at the Lansing Civic Center yesterday, as the Michigan State University professor formally announced his candidacy for the Repub- lican gubernatorial nomination. A capacity crowd of 1800 people heard Bagwell "gratefully accept the wonderful support." In an interview, Bagwell took a definite stand for the first time on several issues" of the up-coming campaign. PEN "I think I can render a service E N .*E T to the State of Michigan," he *aid. "Our state needs to be set on its feet and only the Republicans can do it," T"ik r nen in Major Events in Relays 'Run Scared' "I'm going to run scared," Bag- well said. "I'm going to keep .my eyes open all the way. This is going to be one of the most vig- orous campaigns Michigan has ever seen." Bagwell said that he had no specific preference for lieutenant governor, but that he was confi- dant that "the people will pick the best man." Turning to statewide issues, Bagwell spoke out most definitely against the Democrat - proposed graduated income tax. "Burden- ing the people with a new tax won't solve the situation. Our whole program needs to be over- hauled so that the taxes become distributed fairly. Special to The Daily PHILADELPHIA - Sixteen trackmen from the University of Michigan are literally running away with the major university events. In the Penn Relays. When the results were in from yesterday afternoon's leadoff action in the gigantic track and field meet, they showed Michigan in the first place in every event in which it was represented. All three relay teams were supremely successful, one individual had won his event and another qualified for the finals tomorrow. Bird Keeps Title Defending champion Lester Bird won the broad jump with a 24'- 2%" leap on his last try. Bothered by a recent leg injury, which had severely restricted his training and slowed him in competition, he was in third place going into the final round. His previous jumps of 25' and 24'11" had been dissallowed be- cause of fouls. However everything finally went right and he reclaim- ed the title he won last year. The outstanding effort of the Wolverines was that of their dis- ings th ndividualsivolved con- tinued to direct the group toward the women's residence halls. Thi individuals said that this disre gard of the warnings offered then was a result of their concern tha the demonstration,'would become uncontrollable and they thought it better to stay with the group in a leadership capacity to insure tha it did not get out of hand. The Joint Judiciary Council fel that as a result of the actions o these two individuals the demon stration had already progressed to the point where it was no longer containable. Because of their active leader ship in this demonstration an their admitted disregard of the repeated warnings which were of fered to them, the Joint Judiciary Council felt that serious disci- plinary action was warranted. In its deliberation the Join Judiciary Council could not over look the fact that the individual involved had to a great exten fermented the disturbance within . < ;: , :;... :.,. , ..V ? 'fir .n+" ,', {. ', :, r .,. ..r. '..... .,, ,. ,:,. .. . ...: