THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1960 THE MICHIGAN DAIL Y m IV .. _ A r c ' U, U.1 Nq 1T FRANK CASSARA, Professor of Art, School of Architecture and Design, will discuss the Pozzati and Antreasian prints at 10 A.M. Wednesday, May 4, at the FORSYTHE GALLERY DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-4786 from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 9:30 'tia 11:30 A.M. _jy I 201 Nickels Arcade No admission charge BROTHER ANTONINUS poet of the San Francisco Renaissance READING HIS POETRY Auditorium A Thursday, April 28 Angell Hall 4:15 P.M. (Continued from Page 4) Wed., May 4 Beleville, Mich. - See Above, M u s k e g o n, Mich. (Reeths-Puffer Schs.) - Elem.; Ment. Hdcp.; HS Eng., Math/Biol., Girls Phys. Ed., Instr. Mus., Librarian. Temperance, Mich. (Bedford Schs.)- Elem. (K-1-3-4-6); Speech Thera., Ment. Hdcp.; Ind. Arts, Phys/Chem., Eng.; Jr. HS Girls Phys. Ed. Thurs., May 5 Lincoln, Mich. (Alcona Schs) - Biol., Comm., Eng., Guid., Ind. Arts, Boys PE/Ass't. Coach, Girls PE; Jr. HS Spec- ial Group. Ortonville, Mich. (Brandenberg Sch.) -Elem.; Speech Corr.; Jr. HS Math/ St, Eng. Pontiac, Mich. (Doublin Sch) - 4th & 6th Grades; Jr. HS Math, Girls PE. St. Joseph, Mich. - Elem.. Elem Boys PE/Swim; Jr. HS Eng/Speech, Ind. Arts, Home Ec.; Jr. & Sr. HS Girls PE/Swim., Eng., Home Eo.; El. & HS Vocal Music. Dearborn, Mich. - Early Elem., Elem. Fri., May 6 For. Lang. (French, Spanish, German). Pontiac, Mich. - Elem., Math; Jr. HS Math; Latin/Eng., Lib. Set., Girls PE, Ment. Ret. R i c h m oan d, Mich. - Eng/Journ., Comm., Boys PE, Head Football/Ass't. Basketball Coach, For any additional information and appointments contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad. Building, No 3-1511, Ext. 489. Studenta Prt-Time Employment The following part-time Jobs are available to students. Applications for these jobs can be made in the Non- Academic Personnel Office, Room 2020 Administration Building, during the following hours: Monday through Fri- day, 8:00 a.m to 12:30 p.m. Employers Qesirous of hiring students for part-time work should contact Bill Wenrich, Student* Interviewer at NOrmandy 3-1511, extension 2939. Students desiring miscellaneous odd jobs should consult the bulletin board in Room 1020, daily. MALE 3 Counter servers. 7 Meal jobs (hours flexible). 2 Library assistants. 10 Odd jobs. 3 Salesmen (Commission for 3 weeks in June - good money). 3 Soda Jerks (9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. 3 days per week)- 1 Desk clerk (12:30 - 6:45 p.m. - 6 days per week). 1 Shoe salesman (Saturdays). 1 Clothing salesman (interview for job next fall). FEMALE 3 Counter helpers. 4 Typists (16-20 hrs. per week). 1 Typist (full-time for the month of May, then 20 hrs. per week), 2 Library assistants. 3 Saleswomen (Commission -- 3 weeks in June sgood money). 2 Sales clerks (20 hrs. per week - through September). 1 Waitress. 3 Car hops. 1 Dietetics Technician (weekends). 2 Readers (Mon. 8-10 p.m., Thurs. 7:30- 9:30 p.m., Sun. 7:30-10:30). if 1 1 HELP WANTED STUDENT HELP WANTED, full time and part time. Salary good. Apply in person at Charlie White's Restaurant, 510 E. Liberty. H45 TEACHERS WANTED: $5000 and up. Vacancies in all Western States. In- quire Columbine Teachers Agency, 1320 Pearl, Boulder, Colorado. H41 CAMP COUNSELLOR - male. 8 week boys' summer camp located near Che- boygan, Michigan. Assistant water- front director, must have instruc- tor's certificate and be able to teach sailing. Archery instructor - general *counselor. If interested call NO 2- 9454 evenings. H43 SUMMER RESORT - WESTERN MICH- IGAN, WANTED, SPORTS & SOCIAL STAFF MAN OVER 30 YEARS OF AGE. If you would enjoy leading young adult activities, large Michi- gan Resort-Ranch (23rd season) has opening for one man over 30. Season ends latter part September, start as early as possible. Our guests are young adults, 19 to 35. Applicant should be able to speak to and lead large groups. MC aptitude important. One of the following talents desired: musical instrument, singing, dra- matics, sports. Interview will be ar- ranged in Ann Arbor. Please write promptly to S. L. Winslow, Montague, Mich. R.R. No. 2. H39 SUMMER RESORT LOCATED SOUTH OF LUDINGTON, MICH. SPORTS & SOCIAL STAFF, AGE 20 to 35. COM- BINATION MUSICAL AND SPORTS ABILITY. If you would enjoy leading young adult activities, large Michigan Resort-Ranch (23rd season) has open- ings on Sports and Social Staff for single man, age 20 to 35. Season ends latter part September, start as early as possible. Sports instructions with musical talent in Guitar, Drums, Pi- ano, Saxaphone or Trumpet. Beach man with life saving certificate need- ed. Guests are young adults 19 to 35 years of age. You can enjoy com- plete sports, social program, dancing and entertainment while being host to guests. Interview will be arranged in Ann Arbor for those selected. Write to S. L. Winslow, R.R. No. 2, Mon- tague, Mich. H40 Q.,414. SPECIAL 38c s S FRIDAY and SATURDAY April 29-April 30 Only 1321 South University NO 8-9619 *T *~, T * +j T *T * T *.1. Christian Science Organization, Reg- ular Testimony Meeting, April 28, 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall, Fireside Rm. * * * Folklore Soc., Bus. Meeting followed by Pickup Sing, April 28, 8 p.m., Union, 3rd. Floor. * , * Mich. Christian Fellowship, Bible Study, April 29, 7:15 p.m., 2432 UES. * * * Newman Club, "ort Knox Dance," April 29, 9 p.m., Newman Club. Pershing Rifles, Mich. Invitational Drill Meet, April 30, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Yost Fieldhouse. Admission free. Scabbard and Blade, meeting, April 28, 9:30 p.m., Union, Rm. 3-C3. * * * Univ. Coed Horseback Riding Club, meeting, April 28, 6:50 p.m., WAB. For information, call NO 3-7778. * * * ISA-SGC Contest, "The International Student: A Misfit or a Blessing?" Due date May 2. 1st. prize $30, 2nd prize $20. 1500 words maximum. Detail announce- ment available SGC Office, SAB. MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .80 2.00 2.96 3 .96 2.40 3.55 4 1.12 2.80 4.14 Figure 5 average words to a line. Classified deadline, 3 P.M. daily Phone NO 2-4786 BARGAIN CORNER ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords-$7.95; socks 39c; shorts 69c; military supplies. Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. WI WANTED TO BUY- WANTED: Used microscope, contact B. McClear, 1729 Commonbrook, Flint. Give price and specif. K12 USED CARS 1948 PLYMOUTH, very good condition, new battery, etc. $85. NO 8-8693 after 5:30 P.M. N20 59 CORVETTE, forest blue, four speed transmission. 245 horsepower. Posi- traction and 411 rear end. Unques- tionable condition. NO 2-1147 between 6 and 7. N21 1958 EDSEL PACER. 4 door, V-8, stand- ard transmission, heater, 2 tone fin- ish, 5 new white wall tires. Clean. $1150. NO 2-9832. N22 1957 MERCEDES BENZ, excellent con- dition. Call NO 5-8126 after 5 P.M. N23 GOOD DEAL; '51 Chevrolet, $150. Terms if desired. NO 2-9496 in evenings. N19 BUSINESS PERSONAL PERSONAL: News Letters - Conven- tion Reports-Summer Rushing helps, mailing service - Multilithed - at- tractive - inexpensive. The Edwards Letter Shop. FF16 COUNSELOR : The Indian has subdued The tiger while at quite a clip Could this be but a crude beginning of a tiger doijble dip? FF11 JOB WANTED beginning in Sept. - Laboratory technician and reception- ist with hospital and clinical experi- ence. Can also give intramuscular injections. Would like job in doctor's office or clinic. Please write for de- sired qualifications and recommenda- tions. Write Box No. 11, c/o Michigan Daily. FF4 BEFORE you buy a class ring, look at the official Michigan ring. Burr Pat- terson and Auld Co., 1209 South Uni- versity, NO 8-8887. FF99 FOR THE BEST IN MUSIC it's Johnny Harberd - Bob Elliot - Boll Weevils - Andy Anderson - Dick Tilkin - Al Blaser - Kingsmen - Ray Louis - Larry Kass plus many others. Phone THE BUD-MOR AGENCY, NO 2-6362. FF100 EUROPEAN TOURS, '60. 45 days, 9 countries including Oberammergau Passion Play & Olympics, if desired. All for $705. For details write West- ropa, Box 2053, Ann Arbor. FF1 HELP WANTED Call NO 3-4156 Special Weekend Rates from 5 P.M. Friday till 9 A.M. Monday . . $12.00 Plus 8c a Mile Rates include Gas - Oil -- Insurance t14 E. Washington St. * TRUCKS AVAILABLE S8 C-TED STANDARD SERVICE Friendly service is our business. Atlas tires, batteries and accessor- ies, Warranted & guaranteed. See us, for the best price on new & used tires. Road service-mechanic. on duty. "You expect more from Standard and you get it!" 1220 S. University at Forest NO 8-9168 81 WHITE'S AUTO SHOP Bumping and Painting 2007 South State NO 2-3350 82 SMITH AUTO UPHOLSTERING Auto and Furniture Refinished -- Reupholstered Convertible Tops NO 3-8644 YAHR'S MOTOR SALES Bumping and Painting Used Cars Bought and Sold NO 3-4510 Both at 507 S. Ashley 89 FOR SALE VAUXHALL 1958 4 door sedan, one own- er, driven 12,000 miles. Price $1,100. NO 3-7849. B59 EVERGREENS at wholesale for Univer- sity personnel by University employee. Yews, junipers, arborvitae. Spreading, globe, upright forms. Call Michael Lee at NO 8-8574. B54 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Black leather purse at Michi- gras. Please return keys & ID. Reward. NO 5-7711, 6407. A45 LOST: One dark green suit coat; inside label Scholnick's Men's Wear-De- troit. If found, call NO 2-8210. Re- ward. A46 LOST. Wittnauer watch. White face with grey band. Inscription on back. Reward. Call Mike McMillan, NO 2- 4401. A44 CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES l T - I I I RADIO-PHONO SERVICE (Pick up and delivery) Bargain on diamond needles-all types Hi-FI kits and service Pre-recorded tapes, 2 and 4 track Open 10-6 Monday through Saturday FOR RENT SUMMER, beautiful apartment, Close to campus. Reasonable. all NO 3- 7778. 028 RECREATION ROOM for rent, facing Huron River. 1 miles from campus., To young, refined married couple only. Phone after 6 P.M. or before 10 A.M. 027 SUMMER SUBLET: triple, furnished, 1 block from S. Quad. NO 2-7635, C22 APARTMENT FOR RENT: Apartment available for summer session. Good location. GE 7-7523 and NO 3-6612. 023 3 ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT, Near campus. Available June 15 for I year lease or for summer. Only $115 per month, NO 5-5728 after 5:30 p.m. 024 SUMMER, furnished, 4 bedroom house 1 block from campus. Call NO 3-4145, Ext. F22. 025 SUMMER: Another modern penthouse (see ad C-5). Call NO 3-8628. C21 FOR SUMMER, air conditioned, fur-. nished, 2 year old 4 room apt. 1 block from campus. Complete kitch- en facilities. Call NO 2-3541. 092 THREE APARTMENTS in South Cam- pus area. Available June 15 for one year lease, or for summer months only. Furnished, $110.00-$130.00 per month. Call Mike Reynolds after 6 p.m. NO 3-7761. C20 SWIMMING POOL apt. to lease for summer. 4 rooms, modern, reasonable. Call NO 3-2928. 019 FOR SUMMER: 5 room furnished apt. close to campus. NO 3-3626. 015 SUMMER: Large, furnished three bed- room apt., 1 block from campus. 72 S. State, NO 3-9540. 016 FOR SUMMER: Furnished apt. for 2 to 4 men. Call NO 3-7541 ext. 805. C17 BEAUTIFUL wood-paneled apt. Kitch- en, immediate and summer. NO 3- 8267. LiS SUMMER: 3 rooms, bath, near campus & S. University stores, quiet. Separate entrance. NO 2-7711, 012 SUMMER: Modern penthouse for four or five. Completely furnished, air- conditioning, sun deck, kitchen fa- cilities including dishes, cooking uten- sils and dish washer. On campus. Call NO 3-5135 evenings. .t5 FOR SALE OR LEASE. Large rooming house, close to campus, approved for 26 men. Phone NO 2-6156. 014 410 OBSERVATORY near Stockwell, new 2 bedroom apartments. Immedi- ate possession. Call NO 2-7787 or eve- nings NO 5-6714. 085 839 TAPPAN near Bus. Ed. School. 2 bedroom furnished deluxe couple or 4 people. Call days NO 2-7787 or eve- nings NO 5-6714. 84 ACTUALLY on campus, clean 5 rooms furnished. NO 3-5947. C2Q f e.CAMPUS ROOMS for men, reasonable, Linens furnished. NO 3-4747. 017 ONE BLOCK FROM CAMPUS-Modern apartment, 514 S. Forest. Also room. NO 2-1443. 025 LARGE ROOM, single $8 per week. HU 2-4959, 5643 Geddes Road. 035 GIRL WANTED to share spacious apart- ment close to campus next semester. Call NO 5-7616 after 5 p.m. C67 DO YOU HAVE boarders moving out- Rooms for rent? Apartments for rent? Do you want a cheap, convenient, widely read source to publish this in- formation??????????? then - try the MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED NO 2-4786 0J42 BUSINESS SERVICES THESIS illustrations a specialty. Call NO 3-5718. J4 HOT DATE? Why wait in line at the Arb? No parking problems at Ralph's and you can keep cool with Donuts and Cider. RALPH'S MARKET 709 Packard NO 2-3175 J41 REWEAVING-Burns, tears, moth holes rewoven. Let us save your clothes, Weave-Bac Shop, 224 Nickels Arcade, NO 2-4647. J1 SENIORS Last chance to save up to 50% on subscriptions to Time, Life, Sports Illustrated and Newsweek. Student price Reg. price 1 yr. 2 yrs. 1 yr. Time,....$3.87 $7.00 $7.00 Life....... 4.00 7.00 5.95 Spts.Ill. .. 4.00 7.50 7.50 Newsweek 3.50 . 6.00 Call NO 2-3061 Student Periodical Agency J40 MAYNARD & SEEGER WELDERS and BLACKSMITHING 109 S. Ashley NO 8-7403 J3 BUSINESS SERVICES: A-1 MOVING, baggage transfer agents. Pick-up and deliver. Yellow Cab Co. NO 3-2424, NO 8-9382. J39 SPECIAL SALE FOR APRIL ONLY Compare these 1 yr. Subscription Prices. Nat'l Our April Sub. Usual Sale Magazine Price Price Price Am Heritpge 15.00 12.50 11.50 Audio 4.00 3.00 2.00 Harper's Mag. 6.00 4.50 3.50 High Fidelity 6.00 4.50 3.50 Horizons 18.00 15.30 14.30 Reporter 6.00 4.50 3.50 Venture 7.00 4.75 3.00 To order or to request quotations on any other magazine, call NO 2-3061 before 5:00 P.M.; NO 3-3018 after. J335 Reconditioned Vacuum Cleaners $15.00 and up J. LEABU SALES AND SERVIOC 322 E. Liberty NO 3-3604 J59 I 605 Church NO 5-6607 X11,. , . , 1r *,wwwwM wxr'****** *** ***A* *~ w w I UIKES and SOUTERS ZUNDAPP SCOOTER-'58 Vella. Sacri- fice for quick sale. $225. NO 2-5377. Z30 ROOM AND BOARD SUMMER ROOMS for men available now. McDonnald House, 1108 Hill. See Mr. Sharma between 5 & 8 p.m. E-19 - I - -_ _ Psychological experiments * Eaton's PA * Ken's Plastic * Crane's Cellutone at the Mental Health insti- tute. Experiments will be run continuously during the spring and s ummer. $1- $1.25 per hour. Applications ore available in Rm. 1020 of Ad. Bldg, or call NO 3- 1531, ext. 7404. H44 X43. PIANOS-ORGANS NEW & USED Ann Arbor Piano & Organ Co. 213 E. Washington NO 3-3109 Xl Service on All Radios, T.V.'s and Hi-Fi's All Work Guaranteed STOFFLET'S RADIO AND TV SERVICE 207 E.Ann NO 8-8116 X22 A-1 New and Used Instruments BANJOS, GUITARS and BONGOS Rental Purchase Plan PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington NO 2-1834 X14 ORGANS and PIANOS by WURLIT- ZER, EVERETT, & THOMAS. Mak- ers, restorers, and dealers of rare violins and bows. Also GUITARS and BRASS INSTRUMENTS. Sales - Service - Rentals - Lessons Executive Director, the Committee to Defend 'I MADDY MUSIC 209 E. Liberty. NO 3-3395 X40 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED 314 S. State NO 3-2481 (Giving Morrill Support For Over 50 Years) I :-:-:ii i r i .1 I E 1 5 I STRONGEST MUFFLER OF THEM ALL! I I Replies held confidential. r--_. .._ ___. -- I UI or N Il auk- f, 17 -"II tr Riur"iuro r v V VW mr _. -r I 11 IRMCIAN IRITQINW*b'.49 %"I"AFF nr mirninnn un