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February 11, 1960 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-02-11

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Latin AmericanViews'U' Living I

EDItOR'S NOTE: This is the see-,
ond in the series of interviews of
iternational students. The sub-
Ject is one of the 2,727 Latin Amer-
can students at the University.)
"Many Latin American boys
ve too much money," a junior
ychology major from Colombia
She explained that boys from
nezuela are given approximate-
$350 per month from their
holarship funds and "just go
ld with the extra money."
"They get drunk, buy expensive
ings like 1959 automobiles, and
t into trouble," she said.
In housing, she criticized Latin
nericans for sticking together
o much. They have a tendency
live with their countrymen and
ransfer their country up here."
3 a result of this, many students

do not get to know United States
students and remain isolated.
Prone To Criticize
Because they don't try to un-
derstand the way Americans think,
they are very prone to criticize
everything in this country, the
Colombian girl asserted.
Asked the reason for the "Latin
lover" reputation, she attributed
it to a misunderstanding of Amer-
ican customs. Since girls in South
Anerica do not go on dates un-
chaperoned, Latin American boys
get "the wrong idea" of girls who
kiss good night, hold hands and
go alone on dates. They do not
understand that this is considered
a casual show of affection.
She said she had some difficul-
ty in understanding lectures when
she first came to the University,
but now only has a bit of trouble
in writing. Many of the Latin



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American men are studying engi-
neering, and generally do not have
too many problems understand-
ing their lectures and textbooks,
but cannot carry on a coherent
conversation and would probably
have a hard time with "more dif-.
ficult things like p s y c h o l o g y
Studies Well
Speaking about her academic
problems, the Colombian girl said
she was "scared ,to death I would
flunk" when she first registered.
When her problems continued, her
counselor advised her to drop a
course. After doing that, she felt
much more confident and raised
her academic average to a three
Entering the University directly
after completing high school in
her home country, she felt very
well prepared for University work.
Explaining that the high school
curriculum in South America is
much more difficult, she said she.
attended classes from 7 a.m. until
6 p.m. and even went to school on
Saturday morning.
Since graduation examinations
are issued by the government and
are competitive, the senior classes
study for two months before tak-
ing the finals., For those people
who do not pass the exams, trade
schools are available.
Schools More Difficult
She also noted that South
American colleges are much more
difficult than those in the United
States. One girl who entered med-
ical school in a class of 100 re-
ported that only 20 got through
the first year.
"They just flunk them out like
flies," she smiled.
As far as money goes, she re-
ported that she had to learn her
values here since Colombian young
people are entirely dependent on
their parents and never have the
experience in handling funds. She
became so used to figuring prices
in this country that she had
trouble converting her calcula-
tions frtom dollars to pesos when
she returned home.
Discusses Financing
Most students at the University
from Venezuela are here on gov-
ernment scholarships, she said,
but those from other Latin Amer-
ican countries are usually sent by
their parents. Students from
Chile, Argentina, and Bolivia have
special problems because their
money loses so much in value
when it is exchanged for Ameri-
can currency.
"If a South American student is
not sent by his government, take
it for granted he's a millionaire,"
she commented, adding that as
many as 20 pesos from some coun-
tries equal only one American dol-
Most girls at the University
from South America live in dor-
mitories, but most men have
apartments. Although they com-
plain of being too tied down by
dormitory living, she noted that
the real reason Is for having par-

She further emphasized that
they tend to live with people from
their own country and anyone
can "go to the Union and see
them all together without a single
American among them."
Although she had no trouble
getting used to American food,
she said it was considerably dif-
ferent from that of South Amer-
ica. Many students complain es-
pecially about peanut butter, cot-
tage cheese and. gelatin salads.
"Americans look at me like we
look on Americans in South Amer-
ica-as something new and some-
thing they want to know about,"
she said when asked if she had
been accepted by American stu-
She has found most students
"very ignorant" of South Amer-
ica, but finds them curious to
know more about her customs.
No Dating Problems
In dating, the brown-eyed Latin
American said she had never had
any problems even though her
English is not perfect, "because
for some reason they find my ac-
cent charming."
She admitted it was harder for
boys, however, because they "do
not take no for an answer" and it
usually takes them some time to
become acquainted with American
Asked why most Latin Ameri-
can students do not participate in
extra-curricular activities, she ex-
plained that "all they think about
is getting home as soon as they
Although she "almost died"
from the cold weather when she
first arrived, she said she likes the
snowy climate now.
"In fact," she concluded, "I love
America and can't complain in
any way at all."
Inspect's Best
U.S. Missiles
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower donned
a white safety helmet and went
right up to the launching pads to-
day for a close look at America's
mightiest missiles, Titan and
When the President had com-
pleted a three and a quarter-hour
tour of this rocket test center he
told newsmen:
"From my viewpoint it was a
very worthwhile trip and I hope it
was for you fellows."
Eisenhower said nothing regard-
ing the missile race with Russia-
and nothing about the hot con-
troversy In and out of Congress
over the relative military strength
of the United States and the So-
viet Union.
Nevertheless that dispute pro-
vided a dramatic backdrop for
the President's personal look at
the big weapons and the secret
briefings he received on progress
and plans.


Rayburn oi
tOf Progress
To EXmie Prelate Dies-
eae R a ee BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (A) --
Alojzije Cardinal Stepinac, one o
three prelates who have symbol
ized Roman Catholic opposition o
Twining's Testimony Communism in east Europe, die
Raise Co fuyesterday in Krasic, the native
Raises 'onusion village that was his prison.
By The Associated Press Authoritative sources said pneu
monia and a heart condition felle
WASHINGTON--House Speaker the wiry, strong-featured spiritua
Sam Rayburn (D-Tex.) said yes- leader of Yugoslavia's seven mil-
terday he was "not at all satisfied lion Roman Catholics. The 61-
with the progress we have made year-old prelate had been limitec
with the money we have appropri- in recent years to the duties of a
ated" for defense, parish priest.
This was latest in a series of His death reduces the Colleg
recent criticisms of United States of Cardinals to 78.
defense research policy. Cardinal Stepinac, suffering foi
Discusses Speech years from a blood disease, came
Commenting on a speech Tues- down this week with a cold thai
day night by Chairman Carl Vin- parishoners attributed to his hour
son (D-Ga.) of the House Armed of daily prayer in the unheated
Services, Rayburn told his news 400-year-old parish church.
conference "I don't know whether Suffered Blood Disease
our engineers and scientists have Fatal complications followec
been turned loose."
"th t it doesn'do o anybodadde Cardinal Stepinac had been con-
"thd to e sndon anybody any fined by President Marshall Tito's
good to be second in anything.' gm oKrsc in-rwn
Vinson spoke at a Veterans of regime to Krasic, a wine-growing
Foreign Wars meeting and said hamlet southwest of Zagreb near
the country is in danger because' the Kupa River, as a paroled pris-
of skimping on defense spending. o per dubbed ecember arch-
Meanwhile the Senate Prepared- bishop" since Dec.
ness Subcommittee had announced He was sent there after serving
Tuesday night that in order to five years of a 16-year prison sen-
clear up the "confusion" over the tence imposed by a Communist
comparative positions of the court Oct. 11 1946, on conviction
United States and the Soviet of collaborating with the German
Union in the missile race, they Nazi occupiers in World War II,
will recall Allen W. Dulles, director
of the Central Intelligence Agency,
to investigate.
Declares Confusion
Although the exact nature of
the "confusion" was not described,N e
Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson (D-Tex.),
majority leader and chairman of
the committee said it arose in a
secret session held Tuesday after-
noon at which Gen. Nathan F.
Twining, chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, testified.
The closed session was called
when Twining refused to comment
in public on some apparently top-
secret missile figures which Sen.
Stuart Symington (D-Mo.) thrust
at him in regular session.
Twining's public appearance was
marked by ardent defense of Pres-EB
ident Dwight D. Eisenhower's mili-
tary policy. His secret testimony
was not disclosed, although accu-
sations have flown wildly as aF
result of it.
Accuses Democrats
Sen. Charles A. Halleck (R-
Ind.) accused "certain Democratic
hopefuls" of being interested more
in making headlines than in ad-
vancing the defense of the United
With this accusation came an-
other directed against Symington
in a GOP statement in Battle Line,
a party publication. The periodical
stated that Symington, as first
secretary of the Air Force under
the Truman administration had
presided over "the lost years" of
United States missile development.
It also accused him of distortion
of the present situation.
Yesterday. Symington responded 322OUth State St
to this with a distortion charge
of his own. "Distorting the history
of the 1940's will not close the
missile gap of the 1960's or

strengthen our position at the
coming summit conference,"



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Second Front Page

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Thursday, February 11, 1960

Page 3



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