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April 28, 1960 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-04-28

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nte Ytoa
Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Cloudy with temperatures
slightly above yesterday.

See Page 4



Food Riot Ends
In March to Hill
Panty Raid Fails before Markley
After Start as East Quad 'Sit-In'
The residents of East Quardangle staged a sit-in strike yesterday,
apparently in protest over "quad food," and ended up making a
"march on Markley-"
Men remained in the dining room amid cluttered tables and dirty
dishes, calling "quaddies" after any who dared to leave.
Someone made an entrance in a cool cap, dark glasses, Bermuda
shorts, and knee socks. He leaped onto a table, shouting: "Give me a
'C'!" The crowd gave him a 'C,' and also "R-E-A-S-E-D-P-A-N-T-S."

SGC Plans
To Discuss
Bias Ruling
Student Government Council
will consider the proposed regula-
tion against discrimination in stu-
dent organization membership
practices at a special meeting at
7:30 p.m. Sunday.
The Council last night accepted
several amendments to the pro-
posed regulation. More amend-
ments will be offered Sunday.
The first motion substituted a
new version of the motion's gen-
eral regulation. If passed, the
regulation would read, "Al recog-
nized student organizations shall
select membership and afford op-
portunities to members on the
basis of personal merit and not
race, color, religion, creed, national
origin or ancestry."
Presenting the motion, Inter-
Quadrangle Council President Don
Rosemergy, '6lEd., said the new
regulation would be a more posi-
tive formulation of the motion's
purpose. He added that the new
form suggests a method for mem-
bership selection, rather than
merely banning certain practices.
The new formulation is also clear-
Co-sponsors were Roger Sea-
sonwein, '61, and Interfraternity
Council President Jon Trost, '61.
The proposed regulation origi-
nally read: "No recognized stu-
dent organization may prohibit
or otherwise restrict membership
nor membership activities on the
basis of race, color, religion, creed,
national origin or ancestry."
Al Haber, '60, proposed that
four members of the committee to
which cases would be referred be
students, giving students a ma-
jority on the seven member body.
The remaining three members
would be selected from the faculty
and administration.
The old motion prescribed three
students, two faculty members and
two administrators.
Executive Vice-President Nancy
Adams, '60, suggested two students
be appointed each May for the
two-year terms to ensure con-
Haber also moved specific ex-
ceptions for nationality groups
and religious groups be written
into the motion.
Union President Perry Morton,
'61, proposed student appointments
to the committee be "by written
petition and interview," and that
no time limit such as is now pro-
vided for be put on appointments.
To Keynote
The executive director of the
Committee to Defend Martin Lu-
ther King, Jr. and the Struggle
for Freedom in the South, Bayard
Rustin, will deliver the keynote
address of the Conference for
Hunman Rights in the North at
8:30 p.m. in Rackham Lecture
Rustin has been active in the
human rights area for many years.
He has worked closely with Rev.
King and A. Phillip Randolph, the
Negro labor leader who heads the
Railroad Porters' Union.
In 1941 he assisted Randolph in
the "March on Washington"
movement which demanded a bet-
ter break for Negroes. This move-
ment resulted in the establish-
ment of the wartime fedeal Faier

"Creased pants," everyone shouted
in defiance of the new dress regu-
lations. "No creased pants. No
knee socks," the man in bermudas
called out.
Gather Others
"Let's get the guys at South
and West," someone cried. "To
the Hill. March on Hatcher's"
came the reply.
At President Hatcher's house,
no one met their shouts, and they
hurried on their way, finally
joined by reinforcements from
West Quad, who had been locked
in the court.
The disorganized mob converged
on the Diag at 7:30 p.m. and an
unidentified spokesman was
hoisted onto the shoulders of his
Protest Quad Food
"Quad food stinks," he cried.
"We want good food," 500 people
shouted approval.
"Dress regulations," he went on.
"Why should we wear creased
pants? The mob cheered.
"Shirt collars!" he continued.
"How about T-Shirts?" someone
else screamed.
The spokesman waved for si-
lence. "Let's go to the Hill!" he
"To the Hill!" the crowd echoed.
Stop Again
At the foot of the Hill, one of
the leaders stopped the progress
and shouted, "We're here for sym-
pathy on their part. "We'll march
on Markley and disperse .
In Markley, residents, instructed
to lock their doors, rushed into
the lobby and crowded to windows,
shouting out encouragement.
Cry 'Panty Raid'
Suddenly, the cry for "good
food" turned into a cry for a
"panty raid." The curtains swept
back from a window, revealing a!
laundry line.
The ovation was deafening.
A motor brigade of patrol cars,
post office station wagons, and
private vehicles drove slowly down
what little space was left on the
narrow street.
They were met with hisses and
boos from both sides.
After a time, it became appar-
ent the demonstration had de-
generated into a stare-fest be-
tween the men and the women,
and the crowd began to disperse.
"Chickens! Cowards!" the Mark-
ley well-wishers called after them,
amid hisses, boos, and cat-calls.
Ideals Cited
Byde Gaulle
dent Charles de Gaulle of France
climaxed a busy visit in San Fran-
cisco last night with a brief but
fervent call for freedom and self-
determination for all peoples.
Addressing a glittering formal
dinner attended by 4,000 persons
Sin the Civic Auditorium, de Gaulle
said that the "wonderful recep-
tion" given him by the people of
San Francisco was actually proof
"that French-American friendship
today is more alive than ever."
He said, "the deep reason we are
together in heart and spirit is that
we have the same ideals, which
correspond to political realism.
"Together, we desire that all the
peoples of the world have the right
to self determination, within them-
selves as well as outside."
Insulin Shock
Hits Sal ade
In Campaign

SGC Vote
Student Government Council
was still considering the mo-
Ition to support local picketing
early this morning.
Student Government Council
began consideration last night of
a motion to support picketing
local chain stores.
SOC had previously voted to
endorse, in general, "picketing and
other appropriate means to ob-
ject to the policy" of the chains
involved in local discrimination in
the South.
The Council acted on a motion
by SGC Executive Vice-President
Nancy Adams, '60, substituted for
a motion by Roger Seasonwein,
'61, and Al Haber, '60.
The new motion would provide
for various actions to support the
verbal endorsement.
Basis of action was an SGC
motion, passed April 13, that the
Council would support protest if
statements of the national stores
indicated that the stores did not
endorse a non-discrimination pol-
The council acted in an 11 to
three vote with three abstentions.
Receive Letters
The Council has received letters
from the national chain stores
stating their positions.
Seasonwein said the letters
clearly indicate the companies'
answers did not meet the Coun-
cil's criterion.
Miss Adams, '60, thought the
company policies did comply with
SGC standards, as they are based
on "what they are facing in the
Asks Rescinding
SGC Administrative Vice-Presi-
dent James Harley, '61, asked the
portion of the motion that would
give Council support to the means
of protest be rescinded.
Opening the debate, Hadley ar-
gued that picketing might have
serious economic effects on local
stores. But he said local picketing
has had no effect here and was not
helping the movement at all.
Pickets could work for civil
rights more effectively in other
areas, Hadley said.
Bill Warnock, '61, argued that
the resolution against discrimina-
tion should strike at the ultimate
source of discrimination - the
people. Business, he said, is not the
First Means Challenged
"Just because we have suddenly
become aware of a new matter for
concern," Warnock added, "it does
not apply that the first means to
voice this concern that has come
to the Council is the best."
Seasonwein said the question is
not whether picketing is effective
but whether it is fair and just.
He said letters the Council had
received from the chain stores
show the stores do not have to be
"prisoners of local custom."
Interfraternity Council President
Jon Trost, '61, said the letters
showed the companies are doing
enough by consenting to work
with local groups in ending dis-
Warnock said the question was
not of support of civil rig1ts, but
of "how?" He suggested picketing
of governmental bodies would be
more effective than action against

NCAA Inflicts


Indiana for


Probation Rules Out
Post-Season Games
Maximum Assistance Regulations
Violated with Six Football Players
By The Associated Press
Alleged infraction of recruiting rules brought Indiana
University a four-year probation term yesterday, one of the
most severe penalties ever imposed on a member of the Na-
tional Collegiate Athletic Association.
Violation of rules in recruiting six prospective football
players was charged by the 18-member policy making council
of the NCAA, meeting in Atlanta, Ga.
During the next four years Indiana will be ineligible to
enter teams or athletes in NCAA championship competition.
The only exception is any E



MODERN RESEARCH-Faculty representatives will be able to complete research using the excellent
facilities under the Phoenix Project. New grants will enable the program to expand.
Raises Money for Research

The Phoenix Project which for
the last 10 years has worked to-
ward "atoms-for-peace" is near-E
ing the end of a campaign to fi-
nance the program for the next
five years, starting June 30.
An audience in Detroit will hear
tonight that the campaign has al-
ready raised $1,700,933 through
gifts, in anticipation of a $2 mil-
lion goal, Robert K. Hess, cam-
paign director, said. The campaign
began in September.
The Phoenix Project began in
1948 as a memorial against the
holocaust of nuclear war. Students
initiated the idea so that the atom
could be harnessed for peaceful
means and thus eliminate the
causes of poverty and disease.
Since Phoenix's origin, 15 of the
17 colleges at the University have
participated in the program. The
only two colleges that have, not
participated are the schools ofmu-
sic and fine arts, a Phoenix official
Nuclear Engineering
As a result of the Phoenix Pro-
ject, the University has developed
the largest nuclear engineering
program in the country, some au-
thorities have stated. California
and Massachusetts Institutes of
Technology follow the University's
program in size.
The nuclear engineering pro-
gram which is training 105 gradu-
ate students representing 17 coun-
tries, a Phoenix source said, has
recently recruited two experts from
General Electric Corporation.
These men will have to sacrifice
the benefits of industry, but will
be able to use the finest facilities

available to do work that they pre-
The Phoenix Project has built a
nuclear reactor. It is the largest
non-governmental project of its
kind and is one of the first reactors
to be used for educational pur-
poses. Nuclear reactors such as
ours are becoming symbols of pro-
gress among other nations, an au-
thority maintained.
Aid Offered
In 1953, President Eisenhower,
under his Atoms for Peace Pro-
gram offered aid to these nations
for the development of atoms for
peace programs of their own. The
Atomic Energy Commission was
unable to help when small coun-
tries like Korea and Greece ac-
cepted the offer. Therefore, the
University in contract with the
International Cooperation Agency
has been supplying information
and technical guidance to other
ctuntries for the past four years.
Publish Book
The Law School with the help of
the Phoenix Research Program,
recently publisned a 1,500 page
book that is the first book that has
ever been written on atomic law.
The field of atomic law is becom-
ing more important as questions
about litigation arise in cases of
radiation poisoning.
Investigations by the Law School
served as a basis for the Atomic
Energy Act of 1954. This act de-
fined the limitations placed on in-
dustry concerning the use of
atomic energy.
Projects Vary
The type of projects under Phoe-
nix grants vary considerably. All

work must be done under the su-
pervision of a University professor.
Many students complete their doc-
toral theses with the aid of Phoe-
nix funds.
University faculty members are
requested to submit proposals for
research grants twice a year. If
the Phoenix Executive Committee
accepts the proposal, the professor
will be able to begin work. He must
do everything In his free time and
may be assisted by a few graduate
Complete 185 Projects
In Phoenix's first ten years, 185
projects were completed. Approxi-
mately 300 or 400 people will par-
ticipate in 70 projects in the next
year, the campaign office revealed.
Authorities estimate that the old
annual research budget of $200,-
000 enabled the Phoenix Project
to do things that would have cost
industry a yearly rate of $1.5 mil-
Last year the University received
nearly $23 million in outside
grants for contracted research, a
University report stated. The do-
nators of this money could have
requested the right to patent any
results or could have made stipula-
tions saying that the money must
be used for applied research, the
solving of immediate practical
However, money used for the
Phoenix Project is unrestricted.
This money will be used for pure
research. Grants to the Project
are tax deductible and conse-
quently the knowledge produced is
considered to belong to the public

tournament that may have
been contracted for prior to
sanctions imposed yesterday.
The Bloomington school will
not be eligible for post-season
games. The penalty does not af-
fect Indiana's regular athletic
schedule but it will not be per-
mitted to take part in any tele-
vision programs under control of
the Association, such as NCAA
televised football games.
Maximum Assistance
Under NCAA rules the maxi-
mum assistance a school can offer
a prospective athlete is tuition,
room and board, books and $15
per month for indicental expenses.
The council charged that a
bonus of up to $800, plus a month-
ly payment of $50 to $75 had been
offered a Virginia youth by an
alumnus of Indiana, working with
an assistant football coach.
In another instance it was
charged an Ohio athlete was re-
cruited via telephone by a person
using the fictitious name of "Dr.
Palmer," who identified himself
as an Indiana alumnus. It was
alleged the student was offered
$75 to $100 as a bonus, plus free
transportation. The C o u n coi l
charged a representative of the
University later advised the stu-
dent he could rely on what "Dr.
Palmer" told him.
Free Vacation
Anotherstudent reportedly was
offered free vacation transporta-
tion between his home in New
Jersey and Bloomington.
The Council said a representa-
tive of Indiana who formerly
played for head coach Phil Dick-
ens at Wofford College in Spart-
anburg, S.C., offered a student
free vacation transportation be-
tween his Ohio home and Bloom-
ington, clothing and $500 in addi-
tion to a monthly payment rang-
ing from $50 to $75.
No names were given in con-
nection with the charges.
It's a terrible blow . , . a dad-
burned shame . .. an honest dif-
ference on fact . . . undemocrat-
ic . ..," were the reactions of In-
diana University officials and
President Herman B Wells said
the action was "a terrible blow,"
and added school officials had
made an "extensive and painstak-
ing investigation of our own" and
could not agree with certain "as-
sumptions and conclusions" of the
NCAA council.
Athletic Director Frank Allen
indicated at least part of the
blame should go to alumni. He
noted that the University is "held
directly responsible for the actions
of more than 100,000 living alum-
"It's a dad-burned shame," said
head football coach Phil Dickens.
"We thought we had done every-
thing possible to avert anything
like this," Dickens added. "We had
tried our level best to live up to
every rule. I can honestly say that
neither I nor any member of my
staff have made any offers of any
kind to any boy, or had knowledge
of such offers. This is the Gospel
TheNCAA said it found Indiana
had violated rules in recruiting
six prospective football players.

Propose U.S.
Use Experts
On Contract
hearings yesterday produced a
proposal that the government
remedy its shortage of topflight
scientists by contracting with
corporations and colleges for the
services of key men.
Sen. Henry M. Jackson (D-
Wash), head of the subcommittee
investigating the government's
policy-making machinery, offered
the idea and Nobel Prize winner
Edward M. Purcell of Harvard en-
dorsed it.
Purcell and Physicist Eugene P.
Wigner of Princeton University,
winner of the 1960 Eisenhower
Atoms For Peace award, testified
to a serious deficit of first rate
scientists in the government.
Urge Measures
Both urged measures to enlist
men qualified to help make vital
decisions on new weapons systems,
space projects and other programs
-and to lead the government
teams which push the projects to
Wigner said the United States,
while still "not effectively' chal-
lenged" by Russia in pure science,
is behind the Russians in some
fields of applied science and In
danger of being surpassed gen-
erally in this area.
Notes Hesitancy
Jackson, noting that the ablest
university and industry scientists
are slow to enter government be-
cause of sacrifice of income, se-
curity and perhaps their careers,
said somewhat similar problems
have been solved by the contract
The huge Los Alamos, N.M., and
Livermore, Calif., nuclear instal-
lations, he said, are run by the
University of California under
Though the scientists and en-
gineers are really working for the
government, Jackson said, the con-
tract "fiction" makes it possible
to pay them far more than the
government can pay.
Asks Same Method
The Senator suggested the same
device might be used to hire the
services of leading scientists to
head government teams working
on technological tasks which may
require two or even three years to
Purcell, a member of President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's science
advisory committee, agreed this
would be helpful, especially in
getting key people from industry.
Cautious approval of Jackson's
proposal was given by Herbert F
York, the Defense Department's
Director of Research and Engin-
"Itgwould be better if some way
could be found to get these peple
we need actually into the govern-
ment," York testified.
Con-Con Talk

_ u- - -

American Census Takers Count House

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Associated Press Newsteature
WASHINGTON - Probably not
many census-takers thought much
about it, but they were performing
one of democracy's most vital
Their count determines the
makeup of the House of Repre-
sentatives. That was, and still is,
the main point in having a census.
In Article One of the Constitu-
tion the Founding Fathers said:
"Representatives . . . shall be
apportioned among the several
states which may be included
within this union, according to
their respective numbers . . . the
actual enumeration shall be made
within three years after the first
meeting of the Congress of the
United States, and within every

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