THE MICHIGAN DAILY UST MARTIN LECTURES: ees Use for Creativity in Industry Lone Ranger Still Rides ACROSS CAMPUS: Petitioning Opens for Board Positions By CAROLINE DOW, Yes, industry can make good use of truly creative art, David Stone Martin, a creative commer- cial artist affirmed yesterday. If an artist is allowed to inter- pret the idea which an advertis- ment is trying to deliver, then he can be creative with an already prescribed theme. It is up to the artist to avoid stereotyped com- mercial work, Martin said. ' The biggest problem is that business is essentially amoral while the artist is usually object- ively concerned with morals. The nature of buying and selling does NDIAL NO 5-6290 * ENDS THURSDAY * When that lady walks in.. all restraint flies out! TONY. DEAN JMiNET CURTIS-A TIN LEIGH I KU not lend itself to the support of moral atitudes - only pragmatic ones. Selling Important What counts is not what goes into art but how it sells the pro- duct. Business is functional and there is a danger that the artist, too, may become functional. The conflict of attitudes toward his work may stifle creativity.- There are two kinds of com- mercial art - craft and creative, Martin observed. The craft type deals with 4he stereotyped com- mercial formula. This type ful- fills its function and then passes away. It also bores the artist. Martin estimated that about 80 per cent of work done around the world is of this craft variety. In the commercial art world- it can come easily from an over-pre- scription of the work by the agency. Creative Art When the artist is given the general theme and left alone, the second type of art, the truly crea- tive type, is allowed to arise. It is creative because the artist is left to his own design. Even with this free rein, it is DIAL NO 2-6264 ENDING TONIGHT METRO-GOLD~vN-MAYER DORIS D DNIYE? STARTING THURSDAY JERRY LEWIS in "Visit to a Small Planet" I r A UG HT- HEARTED L6I5W AT LOVE $ AMONG THE ADULThSI essential for the artist to under- stand the qualities of fine art, Martin said. He pointed out with slides of his work, the care taken to portray an idea and give its message in terms of art without reliance on the written part of the advertisement. N Artist At Fault It is the fault of the artist rather than that of industry if he cannot be creative when allow- ed to portray an idea with a cer- tain amount of freedom. A commercial artist is held in check imposed by subject matter. But when Michelangelo was com- missioned to paint a certain sub- ject matter on the Cistine Chapel, his freedom was more of style' than of subject matter, as is the' freedom of the modern commer- cial artist. Martin,ta free lance illustrator, has had almost no formal art in- struction. WUS Plans Fund ]Drive The World University Service will hold its annual drive on cam- pus May 9, 10 and 11, chairman Joyce Goodkin, '61,,' announced yesterday. This year's drive will begin with an auction on the Diag at 3 p.m. May 9, followed by a two-day "bucket drive." The World University Service is an autonomous group which works closely with UNESCO and other United Nations agencies providing American students with an oppor- tunity to help students abroad. The funds collected will be used to provide better living conditions, food, books and other aids to stu- dents in other countries both through grants and loans. Panhellenic Association turned over all proceeds from the recent Johnnie Mathis concert to WUS. The remainder of the funds will be contributions by students to the bucket drive. Next year the Service will con- centrate on the refugee problem, attempting to enable displaced students to continue their edu- cation. Africa will be a key in- terest point, but the Services re-j cent support to Hungarian stu- dents will be continued. Students interested in working on the drive may contact the WUS office located in Lane Hall. THE PROMETH EAN OPEN DAILY af 2 P.M. Entertainment Nightly By JOHN FISCHER Brace Beamer, the original Lone Ranger, still rides again. The first star of the radio pro- gram that appeared at ':30 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday for more than two decades still makes personal appearances upon his original horse, Silver's Pride. He is proud of the fact that the 24-year-old horse can still make the fast entrances "of lightning speed" that have long character- ized the masked man's horse. Looking to the present, however, Beamer is not happy with the present trend in westerns. "They are too brutal," he said. He said that "the Lone Ranger," in the 27 years it has been on the air has never killed a man. Deplores 'Brutality' In present "adult westerns" the hero sometimes even shoots the villain in the back.1 Beamer, who regularly receives crime statistics from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, is alarm- ed by the rising juvenile crime rate. He attributes no small part of it to the brutality of the west- erns.. "The boy of today knows more jiu-jitsu than even I.' Moreover, Beamer decries the misplaced realism of the westerns which is responsible for the poor grammar and diction of the mod- ern heroes, and he fears the harmful effect on the speech pat- terns of the nation's youth. Used Good Grammar In addition to its educational value, the Lone Ranger used per- fect grammar, because he was I create the mood, while his whole body must give vitality to his words. Only these words will enter the listener's livingroom and only by them can he determine -the actor's emotions.. Speech Important In addition, acting and speech help one learn simplicity, to un- der-act - to be yourself. Speech training is iidispensible, he said. Returning to the importance of vitality of the body to radio act- ing, Beamer emphasized that con- trary to general opinion radio actors do not just read their scripts, but in fact act out their lines as much as possible. "After a hundred mountings and dismountings of Silver," the masked man said, "you are glad to get home to rest." Dormitory Conference Votes Study By RICHARD OSTLING The Big Ten Residence Halls Conference, meeting at Purdue University last weekend, voted to conduct a study of judicial sys- tems and disciplinary problems in university housing and on the campus at large. Daniel Rosemergy, '61, Univer- sity Inter - Quadrangle Council President, suggested the topic to the other schools. He feels: "stu- dents should have the power in these areas. The goal of judici- aries is not primarily punishment, but to help students adjust to their particular environment." Select Site After discussion, Michigan State University was selected over Indi- ana as- the site for next year's meeting. The University supported Michigan State's bid largely on the basis of its suggested discus- sion topic for next year: "the values and responsibilities of the college student body." Indiana proposed discussing "residence hall and greek con- flict." "Greeks and independents have the same aims, but for a different group of people," Assem- bly Association President Myra Gaines, '61, commented. A number of leaders felt com- petition between residence halls and sororities and fraternities was a thing of the past. "Our job is to make residence halls the best possible places to live, not to en- gage in petty fights," one delegate remarked. Dorms Fill Needs A dormitory president from Illinois, which has about 75 fra- ternity and sorority houses, felt that sorority and fraternity living fitted the needs of many indi- viduals, but that "maybe 20 houses" at his school were not functioning well and would even- tually disband. Similar opinions were voiced by representatives of other universi- ties. The University's group was in- terested in comments on separ- ating freshmen from upperclass- men in dormitories, since such a plan is under discussion here. Minnesota has had some success with this system, and students at Purdue have separated themselves officially. AN " """ "| 3Si 54IWWIU _FRIDAY_ BURT LANCASTER AUDREY HEPBURN in "THE UNFORGIVEN" Petitioning opens today for eight vacant positions on the Stu- dent Government Council Human Relations Board, Administrative Vice-President James F. Hadley, '61, announced. The petitioning period will close Monday. Any student who is aca- demically eligible is qualified to petition. Petitioning Petitioning for male co-chair- man for Spring Weekend opened Monday, Union President Perry W. Morton, '61, announced re- cently. All interested male students may pick up forms in the Student Offices of the Union from 2 to '5 p.m. daily. Applicants will be in- terviewed on May 5 and the re- sults announced shortly after- wards. Astronomer . Prof. Frederick T. Haddock of the astronomy department will speak on "Intelligent Signals from Space?" at 8 p.m. today at the Hillel Foundation. Prof. Haddock is director of the satellite radio project. The talk is open to the public. Doctors' Meeting . .. Three medical educators will speak at a meeting of the Afflili ated Hospitals today at the medi- cal center. Dr. John M. Nunemaker of the American Medical Association's Council on Medical Education and Hospitals, will describe a new two- year training program for family physicians, a plan used instead of the regular internship. Dr. John C. Leonard, director of medical education at a Hart- ford, Conn., hospital, and Dr. Wright R. Adams, of the AMA's American Board of Internal Medi- cine in Chicago, will discuss con- cepts of administration and resi- dency training. The program is being presented for about 125 doctors of 18 Michi- gan hospitals by the department of postgraduate medicine. It will begin at 10 a.m. in the fifth floor amphitheatre of the Medical Sci- ence Building. Art Critic .. . Miss Dore Ashton, associate art critic of the New York Times, wil lecture at 4 p.m. today in the Architecture Auditorium, Miss Ashton's speech will be presented in connection with the current exhibition, "Images in Mid-Century." Concert .. . Violist Robert Courte and plan- ist Lydia Courte will present a 'Judic To Open Posts Friday Petitioning for five positions on Joint Judiciary Council for next semester will be open Friday, Council Chairman Michael Sklar, '60, announced recently. These positions are open to any student who will have 60 credit hours by next September. Petitions may be obtained in the Dean of Men's office and must be turned in by May 5. Interviews for the position will be held on May 6, 7 and 8. Appli- cants will sign up for an inter- view when they turn their peti- tions in. , MOST POPULAR SHOE ON CAMPUS White (Ked) Sneakers MICHIGAN girls wear KEDS and they make RAN DALL'S their first stop forthis foot comfort! Also in Colors Navy, Black, Olive, Chino, Charcoal, Red Kau UtN 1 #F i I- concert at 8:30 p.m. today at MU1SKET Ch Rackham Lecture Hall. The program will include "Not- turno in D major, Op. 42" by Beethoven; "Sonata in F minor, Op. 120" by Brahms; "Sonatina in E flat, K. 439" by Mozart; and "Sonate, Op. 11, No. 4" by Hinde- mith. Frosh Weekend . .. The Blue team of Frosh Week-1 end will present a skit on the Diag at 1 p.m. today. The Maize team will give one tomorrow at the same time. A A J Z5..dA .ArU.EI5'I,* * * Rona Wolk, '61, and Morton Achter, '61, have been appointed music chairmen of MUSKET, General Chairman John J. Fried, '62, announced yesterday. MUSKET is now considering the possibility of presenting an original show. Those students in- terested in writing the show should submit a complete script, including dialogue and orchestra- tion, to the MUSKET office in the Union before May 6. - PAID ADVERTISEMENT I (the ma kI4c PRESENTS $479 THIS BLUE KEDS LABEL STAMPS THE SHOE OF CHAMPIONS 1 Thursday and Friday, Mr. Roberts The literature of World War II presents a revealing study in contrasts. The dark novels-thehnatur- alistic treatments of the per- sonal agony and misery of men being fed into a gigantic war machine-are written, with few exceptions, by former army pri- vates. The officers in these books, The Naked and the Dead, Those Devils in Baggy Pants and Combat, are generally por- trayed as an ignorant, stupid, sadistic crew. The light novels-the comic studies of civilians trying to act like warriors-are almost the exclusive property of former naval officers. The commis- sioned personnel in these books, Teahouse of the August Mooni and Don't Go Near the Water, are often fumbling and inept but seldom cruel. Thomas Heggen's Mr. Rob- erts is closer to the latter type than the former yet serves to bridge the gap between the grimness of the dogface novels and the sometimes incongruous gaiety of the antics of the beach commandos. It manages to make a telling statement on the nature of men in war while sustaining a high level of com- edy. The story is of a supply offi- cer, Mr. Roberts, ontcargo ship operating behind the battle lines in a mythical area of the Pacific theater. The task of car- rying thousands of rolls of toi- let paper to occupied islands fails to excite the imagination of the intelligent, youthful lieu- tenant but his innumerable re- quests for transfer are ignored by the ship's captain, a cari- cature of Captain Queeg. Henry Fonda plays the title role he created on Broadway, as always, with perception and dignity while James Cagney gives a first rate performance as the comic martinet skipper. Jack Lemmon, in one of his first important screen roles, is delightful as the Puckish En- sign Pulver who finally over- comes his natural lack of mor- al fiber to assume Roberts' role as champion of the enlisted personnel's cause. The picture is filled with hil- arious episodes. flYL. c.L. PnWl. , w a tionship between the two most lazy officers in the U.S. Navy is temporarily disrupted when one of them decides it is too warm to supply his partner with cokes. The other responds by hoarding his exclusive sup- ply of cigarettes and they pro- ceed to mark off their tiny compartment into spheres of influence. They are reunited when one nods appreciatively at a land- scape painting the other is ex- ecuting, saying "You're get- ting real good at sidewalks." Ensign Pulver's grandiose plans to bedevil the hated cap- tain with home-made firecrack- ers come to a hilarious climax with an explosion in the laun- dry. The original work by Reggen was either a looselykconstructed novel or a closely related series of short stories. With the as- sistance of Josh Logan the au- thor transformed the book into a successful play.Shortly aft- erwards, he committed suicide, a bizarre fate for one who knew so much of laughter. The screen adaptation re- mains more of a filmed stage play than a movie but it has the advantage of being a damn good play and certainly one of the funniest post war pictures. Bringing Up Baby, our fea- ture Saturday and Sunday, is a pre-war movie and, as such, faces stiff competition as the funniest of the period. Movies were funnier then, w,,h come- dians like Chaplin, Lloyd and Keaton and directors like Cap- ra and Lubitch making pic- tures. The picture stands up rea- sonably well, however, even in the company of such giants. It has the inestimable advantage of the presence of two of Hol- lywood's really fine light come- dians, Cary Grant and Kather- ine Hepburn, Although both of these stars are still going strong they sel- dom turn their talents to the sophisticated humor which gained them their fame in the 1930's. The couple romp through this zany but ebullient story of a rich, young lady who dupes a biology professor into search- ing the country for her miss- ing leonard. They exhibit a BRACE BEAMER * , . first Lone Ranger supposed to "personify Ameri- cana," Beamer said. Consequently he could not speak any dialect from any section of the nation. Speech is one of the primary requirements for development of a good actor, he told an assembly of speech students in the televis- ion studio in the Frieze Bldg. yes- terday. And radio action improves speech in a way no other medium can. In the radio, Beamer said, the actor can use only his voice toI Sizes 2 to 1N1,NorM. Apan ia/Lt on the Camupus- 30 S. State . 'I I T" !m- :l Tomorrow at 8 P.M. H ILLEL presents The eminent Rabbi, Scholar, Author and Lecturer DR. EDWA RD NEUFELD Congregation Ahavas Israel, Grand Rapids onEASSIMILATION" "JEWISH SURVIVAL vs.ASILTON DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Take my shirt, my lit. notes and my cuff links... but get your own B'NAI B'RITH HILLEL FOUNDATION 1429 Hill Street - i TON IGHT The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27,1960 VOL. LXX, No. 152 General Notices Regents' Meeting; May 26, 27 and 28. Communications for consideration at this meeting must be in the President's ?.WWnWVfW. .%.7...4. *tM .4fM f hands not later than Mon., May 16. Please submit nineteen copies of each communication. Attention June Graduates: Order Caps and Gowns now at Moe's Sport Shops, 711 North University. Phi Beta Kappa: Annual 'Meeting Wed., April 27, Room 411 Mason Hall, 4:15 p.m. Election of new members and officers. Open to all members. International Student and Family Exchange have moved to new quarters at the Madelon Pound House (Base- ment) 1024 Hill Street. Open Thursday mornings each week, 9:30-11:00 a.m. Topcoats and sweaters for men and (Continued on Page 4) Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre 8:00 L OOK I HOMEWARD, BROTHER ANTONINUS poet of the San Francisco Renaissance READING HIS POETRY LOOK FOR THE BIL LUELALBEL* it's * ' ... YOU TELL HER, MAN. The Court King is your shoe... professional traction-tread soles, flexible instep, full cushioning. A pro on the tennis court, but just as right with slacks. y~ti'- 4 \ ANGEL Auditorium A Angell Hall Thursday, April 28f 4:15 P.M. I. Performances through Saturday; Tickets available for Ending Thursday DIAL NO 8-6416 2ND BIG WEEK tonight and Thursday only. i I i