ADMISSIONS POLICY A SACRIFICE ? u1 Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom t1 IA ) OI Hn gh-r54 Low--38 Light winds with little change in temperature See Page 4 VOL. LXX, No. 144 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1960 FIVE CENTS SIX FAG ADMISSIONS POLICY: Hatcher Views 'U' Expansion By FAITH WEINSTEIN The problems of pressure from Increasing numbers of freshman applications to the University "will grow in perplexity and difficulty," President Harlan Hatcher said yesterday. President Hatcher's answer to this pressure on the University is "gradual growth which will allow it at all times to provide as much educational service as is consis- tent with the standards it has maintained." He pictured the University growing "until everyone - deans, faculties, administrators -every- one is convinced that if we go far- ther the University will start a decline." He added that the breaking point is far from reached, and that the deans of the colleges and schools agree with him. Need Sufficient Budget "of course we would require a sufficient budget to supply facili- ties and faculties" which would allow the University to maintain its present standards. "We can grow as long as we grow in con- fidence and strength." Asked about pressures from the State Legislature for sudden Uni- versity expansion, Hatcher said that there were "no pressures to make the University do more than gradually grow." He dismissed the bill requiring state - supported institutions to limit their out-of-state enrollment to 10 per cent as "not a serious pressure on the University." "Limitation on out - of - state students is the inevitable answer to "a freshman applications prob- lem where you can only accept one- third of the applicants. "We have a rising number of fine young Michigan students com- ing out of high schools now. If you had the choice, would you1 give the place to the non-resi-. dent?" On the other hand, he felt that overly severe limitation on the numbers of out-of-state students would be very unfortunate. "We would be in a very sorry way if the states began to wall off an interchange of students. Opposes Provincialism "I firmly believe that it would be a mistake to make up a fresh- man class strictly of a provincial4 selection," of entirely in-statet students. He added that the Uni- versity has the highest percentage of out-stateenrollment of anyt state university. The President offered several defenses of out-of-state enroll-1 ment. "Out-of-state students pro-r vide a better educational environ- ment for our young people. Thet cosmopolitan nature of the Uni- versity is an educational advan- tage. Out-of-state students alsol pay significantly more."r President Hatcher defendedthe proposed quotas on specific con-e gested metropolitan areas as "im- portant to keeping the Universitya cosmopolitan. $ "We now have an extremelya heavy enrollment from the Atlan- tic seaboard," he said. "We must not neglect the other states." He added the fact that the! University is by no means entirely1 state - supported. "Fifty-six perP cent of the buildings out theret were built, not by the Legislature,e but by friends of the University: from all over the country." h Police Make Ne wArrests JOHANNESBURG (P) -- Hun-n dreds of Negroes were arrested yesterday throughout South Af- rica and Nationalist Minister of 3 Justice Francois Erasmus said theI end of big scale police roundups f is not in sight. Erasmus told the National Par- i liament in Cape Town the govern- t nent has no idea when it can lifth .he state of emergency it pro-L claimed March 30. Replying in a debate on his c ninistry's policies, Erasmus said here is lots of cleanup work tow e done.t Among these tasks he listed o oundups of suspected troublem nakers and banishment from d ities of vagrants. e Il/tee Korea Plans New Election OfOfficials Temporary Slate Governs Peninsula SEOUL VM -- Syngman Rhee, founder of the Republic of Korea, resigned as president yesterday after six weeks of violent public demonstrations against his auto- cratic rule. Foreign Minister Huh Chung, the senior member of the govern- ment, announced after a two-hour conference with the 85-year-old president that Rhee had sent his formal resignation to the Cabinet Secretariat to be relayed to the' National Assembly. The Assembly was expected to accept the resignation promptly. Powers At End The father of modern Korea finally ended his 12 years of power after weeks of mounting violence Resigns Under * * * * * * * * * Campaigrnn Predicts No g Symmgton Nuclear War Pressua re REEVALUATION: Comment on ISA Purpose, Function s ARTIST OF ABSTRACTIONS--Speaking to a group of Univer- sity students yesterday, commercial artist David Stone Martin explained how he has fallen "in love with" black and white abstracts of "pure line.'" Martin's much lauded style of line drawings has projected him to the top of his field. Commercial Artist Martin EXplains n Astractions By CAROLINE DOW "You see that little bird in the corner? "That's a gig bird, my own crea- tion. You see, when a group of jazz musicians get together for a one night stand, they have a meeting of minds called a gig. That's a gig bird." So spoke David Stone Martin of one of his black and white line drawings. One of the many draw- ings done in a style that has made him famous, this particular draw- ing, with a minimum of lines, toldj the story of a group of musicians gathering for an engagement. Draws and Designs "When I draw, I design at the same time. I abstract a great deal. I am in love with the method of black and white abstracts of pure line without models," he said. To Consider Picket Replies, Fate of J-Hop Student Government Council will consider a recommendation to abolish J-Hop at its meeting to- night. J-Hop Central Committee chair- man Alex Fisher, '61, will explain to the Council that the dance is unprofitable both in terms of money and time. The Council would drop the dance by not calen- daring it. Replies have been received to Council inquiries about the policies of the national chain stores in- volved in the sit-in strikes in the South. The Council has passed a mo- tion to endorse the picketing "as a means to object to the policy of these stores" if inadequate replies are received. Administrative Vice - President James Hadley, '61, will give de- tails of the proposed reorganiza- tion of the Council's Administra- tive Wing. The Council will consider again the motion of Roger Seasonwein, '61, to send a letter to the presi- dent of the University of Illinois supporting Prof. Leo Koch. Prof. Koch was recently suspended for advocating pre-marital sexual re- 1atnnei n a., 4.. 14fr n 4-,.. 1"..4Th.',41 Martin was forced by financial difficulties to learn to paint by observing the masters at the art institute in Chicago in his free' time and his career was launched with almost no formal instruction. How? "Because I was always con- vinced of what I was," he said. Much of his early work was, done on record albums during and following World War II when his sparse, economical line drawings were preferred to the more ex- pensive color art. He delights in using heavy blacks in abstracts and absence of color to outline images. The! crow quill and black and white are his favorite mediums although he works in color and other methods to "give a sense of variety to my work." Advocates Exploration To keep work from getting stale he advocates not a change of style but a ''"deeper exploration of dif- ferent applications to different things." Looking at slides of his work over the last ten or fifteen years, Martin was "surprised at the con- stancy and lack of deep change" in his work. He attributed this to his continued exploration of his favorite medium. This black and white enables him to produce simple juxtaposi- tion of images such as one port- folio sample of a victorian chair and a trombone. At present he is experimenting with the expression of action through the use of trans- parent images. Slides of Peoplej Most of David Stone Martin's slides were of people, j abb people or late-at-night-in-Penn Station people. He draws people for peo- ple. Flashing on the screen a draw- ing of a wide eyed baby boy, he!E chuckled todrepresentatives of a Detroit advertising agency in the audience, "That's Belafonte's young son. Never knew that when you put him on an insurance ad did you?" See earlier story, page 3 stemming from charges of fraud in the March 15 presidential elec- tions. After the resignation is accept- ed, a caretaker government will take over until elections for presi- dent, vice president and a com- plete new national assembly can be held within the next three months. Huh, as ranking member of the cabinet, will head the care- taker regime. Huh is a 62-year-old Independ- ent, and former acting premier. Rhee named his senior man in a new Cabinet this week after a Cabinet from the President's Lib- eral party resigned. Vice President John M. Shang, leader of the anti-Rhee Democratic Party, re- signed last week. He is considered a likely candidate for the presi- dency. To End Rioting To end the huge, anti-govern- ment demonstrations in which at least 145 persons had died in the past week, Rhee announced yes- terday that he had ordered new elections held, ordered Vice Presi- dent Lee Ki-Poong to give up all his public posts, agreed to a sys- tem of cabinet government re- sponsible to the Assembly, and would himself resign if the people wanted him to. The National Assembly met at once and, as an expression of the will of the people, demanded the old president's resignation im-+ mediately. Crowd Celebrate Rhee's announcement brought jubilant crowds into the streets. The throngs celebrated until cur- few last nidnight. Rhee for the moment was still [n the presidential mansion, but there was widespread speculation he would return to exile in the United States, where he spent many of the years of Japan's oc- upation of Korea. Huh quoted him as saying he would "devote the rest of my life to the country and people as an ordinary citizen." This apparently meant he would not be a candi- date for the presidency in the elections. By SUSAN HERSHBERG The University International Students Association's purpose, according to the constitution, is "to sponsor educational, cultural, athletic, and social events, and to represent the foreign students in issues which involve their inter- ests." Whether or not the organiza- tion has been accomplishing these functions has long been a subject of debate. At present, approxi- mately 300 'international and American students are members. Took Office The present administration took office with approximately $200 of ready-made debts and practically no record of the previous year's activities. Interest was at a low ebb among the dues-payers. SUMMIT TALKS : Nixon Set as Alternate For Ike at Conference WASHINGTON ()-Vice-President Richard M. Nixon will sub- stitute for President Dwight D. Eisenhower at the East-West summit conference if the President has to return to the United States because of "domestic requirements." The White House in reporting this yesterday said Eisenhower could spend only a week in Paris because a visit to Portugal is now set for May 23. The summit meeting of Western leaders and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev is to open May 16. 1 V. _T .JwQ The date of Eisenhower's visit However, ISA was able to in- crease at least the number of pay- ing members, participate in a good number of its usual activi- ties, and come out of the year out of the red, although finances still remain a problem. Laboring under a constitution which only outlines the barest skeleton of an organization, the present officers have tried earn- estly to run ISA effectively. How- ever, "ISA up to this date and to my knowledge has been an execu- tive committee," Miss Carole Blinder, activities chairman, com- mented. She observed that although there are five committee chair- men, she does not know of any committees. The executive board meets every other week, though general meetings have never been a matter of policy. "Something definitely lacking in ISA is meet- ings per se," she said. "In theory, ISA should be work- ing jointly with the nationality clubs. It should be a relationship of cooperation and calendaring," Miss Blinder said. To Meet Students "I think there are lots of Ameri- cans who would like to meet in- ternational students and who would like to work on projects, if there were any way to sign up for the various. jobs," Miss Blinder said. However, "As a member, I've heard nothing about ISA activi- ties," said Dietrich Bergmann, chairman of the SGC Interna- tional Coordinating Board. "One thing that has been good is con- tact with members, but how can this be done with 300 members? "Members should be considered as supporters of ISA, instead of as members," Bergmann empha- sized. The concensus of opinion was that ISA exists to bring interna- tional and American students to- gether to meet each other and help them to adjust to each other. Members should feel more a part of a group, not just the repre- sentatives of a one-dollar mem- bership fee. Provides Council The constitution provides for a presidents' council to coordinate activities between ISA and the various nationality clubs. This has only convened once or twice, and projects involving all the groups have been difficult to engineer. Particularly touchy was the cal- endaring problem of not getting two events scheduled on the same evening. "There are almost no programs as I know. Most meetings are either directly or indirectly con- nected with dancing," Ramesh Patel, Grad., said. This becomes a real problem, when students from many lands are unused to this type of social activity. Makes Suggestion He further suggested for ISA sponsorship activities which have been attempted by other organi- zations in the past or which are traditionally handled by other groups. Among these were Inter- national dinners, the World's Fair to be handled by ISA, and a brother-sister program. "I am anxious to see more in- terest in ISA, and I hope that a result of the elections will be a stronger, more active organiza- tion," Arthur Milne, ISA advisort said. to Lisbon was selected with the expectation that the summit con- ference would have ended by that time. He plans only an overnight stay in Portugal. The White House said: "Should the conference continue beyond the dates of the Presi- dent's visit to Portugal, however, President Eisenhower either will return to Paris, or if domestic re- quirements make this impossible, will request the Vice-President to represent the United States for the remainder of the conference." The White House did not ex- plain what domestic requirements might make it necessary for the president to return even if the summit conference dragged on be- yond May 23. But Congress will be driving to- ward adjournment, and Eisen- hower might feel he should be here to sign bills and help push legislation through in the closing days of the session. DiscussonS The controversial issues involved in holding a constitutional con- vention in Michigan will be dis- cussed at 7 p.m. tomorrow. Participants will be August Scholle, president of Michigan AFL - CIO; John Racklyeft, na- tional director for the Michigan Junior Chamber of Commerce; and Stanley Powell, Farm Bureau leg- islative agent. Lynn Eley, associate director of the University Extension Service, will serve as moderator. The debate, sponsored by the Student Government Council, will be held in the Multi-purpose Rm. of the Undergraduate Library. Gov. G. Mennen Williams re- cently said that he will promote the drive for a convention, while Scholle has tried to discourage it. SEN. STUART SYMINGTON .. ; discusses campaign sized that he felt our Supreme Air Command was stronger than the Russian air force. There is "no deterrent gap" be- tween the United States and Rus- sia but he warned that "there will come a day when there will be a serious gap if we don't change our policy.- .Takies Stand On Problem Of Defense Advises Preparation For 'Limited' War By MICHAEL BURNS Special to The Daily ' LANSING-The possibilities are nine out of ten that the next war the United States fights will be a limited, and not a nuclear war, Sen. Stuart Symington of Missouri said here yesterday. Symington, speaking at a press conference on a two day tour of the state, said that this country must be prepared to "handle the limited war," adding that there have been 20 limited armed con- flicts since World War II, none of them of the nuclear variety. "We are not in a position to handle this type of situation," he warned. Lists Needs There are three things this nay tion needs, he said:, 1) The ability to "get off the ground and destroy your enemy." 2) "To make sure any possible. enemy knows this." 3) "The ability to handle the limited war." "We have the first and therefore the third," he said, but "rm ab- solutely sure in my own mind we don't have the second." Continidng on the problem of defense, the Missourian empha- FIRST AMATEUR PERFORMANCE: 'Look Homeward, Angel' Opens Toda By BEATRICE TEODORO ! "Four cents a letter on any tombstone you choose," is the epitaph bargain offered by W. 0. Gant, the sensitive, stone-carving father in "Look Homeward, Angel." On one of the drunken sprees that release him from a suffocat- ing home environment, Gant is commenting on the cold economic facts of a business that depends on death. The Ketti Frings adaptation of Thomas Wolfe's novel opens at 8 p.m. today at the Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre. The speech depart- ment production is the first ama- teur performance of the play in the United States. Crossroads of Life The play presents Wolfe, as young Eugene Gant (played by Richard Lenz, '61) at the cross- of Carrara marble that he wishes to be placed on his grave. Technical Difficulties The play presented certain tech- nical difficulties. Much attention is paid to the use of lights. A prominent roof silhouette draws attention to the background lights which carry the scenes from morn- ing to dusk. Differences in light- ing emphasize the shifts from ex- terior to interior scenes. A highly stylized handling of lights is used during the prologue and epilogue. Staging a Problem The staging requires that rooms inside the Dixieland boardinghouse and the front porch be simul- taneously visible. In the New York production, this was accom- plished by an open space with a rotating stage holding two room sets. In the speech department version. the smaller stage space Returning to the domestic scene, Symington discussed his campaign plans, saying that he had no formal c.ommittee organized in Michigan but that he did have friends who were interested in his candidacy. Asked whether he considered Gov. G. Mennen Williams a top contender for the vice-presidential nomination, the Democratic sena- tor stated, "I think he'd be a fine vice-president." Symington spoke t'o Williams later in the day. He also said that Williams' back- ing would be "considerable sup- port" at the Democratic conven- tion in July, emphasizing that he was not, however, making any "deals" with politicians. Not a Dark Horse The senator dispelled any views that he was planning a "dark- horse" campaign, when he said he hoped he would be 'nominated on the first ballot at Los Angeles. He explained his abstention from entering primary campaigns by saying that there were so few Public College Bill Approved Gov. G. Mennen Williams signed a bill yesterday which authorizes :t ~ .e t4RRF . W '