"Tell Me, As One Old Soldier To Another, How Does It Feel Actually To Run A Government?" Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. 0 ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Vhen Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevaill 'YEARS OF POWER': Potrait of Nehru Mirrors Indian History Nehru: The Years of Power, by Vincent Sheean, Random House, New York, 1960, $5.00. IN THE almost thirteen years since India achieved her independence, there have been a number of books written by both Americans and Europeans, informed in widely varying degrees, about the "real" India, the "heart" of India, and so on. Vincent Sheean has studied and lived in India for long periods of time and knows many of its leading statesmen, other influential figures, and its masses well. His previous book, "Lead, Kindly Light," was a Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staf writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. .Y APRIL 24, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: PHILIP SHERMAN Pacifistic Ideal Poorly Implemented HE LOCAL pacifists are at it again. This time they're setting up a booth on the Diag o get students to sign a petition against iuclear bomb testing and urging a program of progressive arms reduction, with controls, ventually leading to total disarmament of ndividual nations." The petition, sponsored by the Ann Arbor ,ommittee for a Sane Nuclear Policy, is to ie sent to the State Department, where "it is :nown such petitions are seriously considered," in time "to have an effect on our Summit posi- ion." NOW, OF COURSE, it is a good idea to end nuclear tests, at least until disagreement mong scientific authorities about their harm- ulness is ended. But it seems very question- ble that the State Department actually gives erious attention to such petitions, at least as ar as determining United States' Summit policy from them. Not only this, but the actual contents of the >etition itself are a perfect replica of the United States' stand. We certainly urge a R it of Sring 1ICHIGRAS does not lend itself to astute, critical analysis. Nor does it lend itself to omparison with "the old days," since it some- rhat synthesizes old and new and leaves one eeling traditional yet modern. With Gargoyle dead, and J-Hop quaking, MIchigras remains as something uniquely "col- egiate" in a "non-collegiate" University. It does not necessarily reflect anti-intellec- ualism or useless frivolity. Instead, it repre- ents unusually intense interest in a community indertaking. It is Michigan's biennial "sacre du prin- "permanent negotiated ban on all nuclear weapon tests with an effective inspection sys- tem covering currently detectable tests and continuous research to improve this system." And in urging "'a plan for making disarma- ment an economic advantage to our nation and the world, rather than an economic threat," the petitioners are avoiding the ques- tion. Just what system would do this, if there is any such system? THIS PARTICULAR point seems vague to the point of being fatuous . In short, the petition seems rather inane, in that it keeps falling back on just the same undefined restrictive phrases that the Adminis- tration uses to state its policies-"with con- trols," "currently detectable tests," "effective controls," and the like. Perhaps the Committee could write its petition a little more plainly, explaining ex- actly what it wants, and what it doesn't like about the present State Department stand. -ROBERT FARRELL Genius Burns IN A BURST of fierce intellectual ac- tivity, incensed University scholars at- tacked and set fire to the parade float of Williams House Friday night. The float, called "A Whale of a Tale," was con- structed of 20,000 paper napkins and was consumed within seconds. Spiffy, his child's heart torn with grief at this sight, retreated to the comforting arms of South Quad's court. Backward, turn backward, Oh time in thy flight: Michigras, oh Michigras A pox on your plight! --M. 0. +K' 4A'amt Gio 'P,.s.- .,..._- WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: ips. d It is a good thing. --T. H. IAX LERNER: Massacre in South A frica NEW DELHI-The long-dreaded event has come to pass-the coldblooded mass killing of blacks by whites out of fancied racial superi- ority, which may forebode the mass killing some day of whites by blacks out of racial revenge. It was appropriate that the two sharpest and earliest rebukes to the South African govern- ment came from Washington and New Delhi. Americans, who in their own history fought a civil war to destroy slavery, cannot remain silent at a massive effort in our day to create a slave society. Nor can a people who gave' Gandhi to the world and whose freedom emerged from the mounds of dead at the Amritsar Massacre of 1919 remain silent at a new Amritsar, whose victims sought, however clumsily, to use Gandhi's methods of passive resistance. In an. emotion-choked voice, Nehru said in Parliament that the South African tragedy was "one of those very special happenings which almost affect the course of history." What gives his statement an acrid flavor is that he failed to make a similar comment on the genocide of the Tibetans by the Chinese Communists. But what gives it point is that Nehru knew he would sit in the Commonwealth Conference in May alongside Prime Minister Verwoerd, who had praised the police for their restraint and who resisted an inquiry into the events at Sharpeville and Langa because it might undermine police morale-another name for their killing fervor. 1JHE PICTURE of the bloody ground at Langa,. with the bullet-riddled bodies laid out on it, will sharpen the struggle for justice and freedom in Africa and cause the wind of change to blow more strongly. The parallel with the corpse-piled ground at Jallianwala Bagh more than 40 years ago at Amritsar is one that should trouble Ver- woerd and his comrades-in-apartheid on sleep- less nights. Surely they must know that the Amritsar martyrs, like dragon's teeth, pro- duced a harvest of resistance fighters against British rule in India and that Sharpeville and Langa spell the ultimate doom of apartheid and the pass laws. The spectre over South Africa today is that violence will lead to counter-violence and that Verwoerd's policy of keeping the Negro leaders imprisoned removes the only force that can keep the resurgent African mass disciplined in nonviolence. The spirit of a wizened, dhoti-clad man called Gandhi walks across South Africa today as it walks across our own American South. I don't call the two situations comparable. The gap separating them is the fact that the overwhelming majority of white Americans are struggling for Negro civil rights while only a timid minority of South African whites make common cause with the Negroes against the creators of a slave state. But the exciting parallel remains that in the Carolinas as in Capetown, bands of young Negroes are follow- ing the Gandhi tactics of non-violently offer- ing themselves for mass arrest. THERE IS, ALAS, no Ghandi in South Africa today to keep the Negro mass resistance disciplined on their great march into Trans- vaal, which began November 6, 1913. Chief Albert Lughugi of the African National Con- gress has to quote Gandhi from his prison cage aet the Pretoria treason trial because the cage at the Pretoria treason trial because the purblind band of white South African rulers by putting its leaders behind bars. In Gandhi's day, South African General Smuts, whatever his own blindspots, was relatively a humanist, while Verwoerd and his compatriots follow a Nazi pattern not only in racism but in ruth- lessness. These two facts-the ruthlessness of the apartheid whites and the lack of trained lead- ers who can discipline the Negroes in non- violent resistance-make me fearful of the bloody days that lie ahead for South Africa. Those whom the gods would destroy they first infuse with the dogma of racist supremacy. It happened to Hitler; is it happening to Ver- woerd, again with how bitter a harvest of blood? He should know that even with machine- guns mowing down the Negro demonstrators and jets diving at them from overhead, the brutality of the ruling minority will only feed the passion for freedom of the underlying majority, who outnumber the whites 4 to 1. With garrison mentality, South African leaders may rely on their superior firepower. What they should remember is that when the blacks put down their tools and refuse to work they are utilizing more powerful weapons, and can bring the whole economy to a stop. PREDICT that South Africa will drop out of the British Commonwealth as a final but futile racist gesture.,Something is happening in the Commonwealth--a shift of axis to non- white nations-which the apartheid rulers can- not tolerate and which cannot tolerate them. WO YEARS ago this writer was in Paris as Charles de Gaulle was called from semi-retirement to take over the floundering French republic. At that time I wrote: LIPPMANN: Salutes De Gaulle HAVING BEEN one of his Amer- ican admirers since June of 1940, when he raised his flag in Britain and summoned the French to go on with the war, I cannot pretend to write dispassionately about Gen. de Gaulle. But now that he is coming back to Washington in triumph, I have been asking myself what is the secret of this famous man? The secret is that he is more than a great man. He is a great man in the sense that he has taken a great part in historic events. But there were other great men in the war days. In addition to being an historic man, he is also, which is rarer than greatness, a genius. This is the special quality which he, and I think only he, shares with Churchill. His genius consistsdin the capac- ity to see beneath the surface of events, to see through the obvious and conventional and stereotyped appearance of events to the sig- nificant realities, to the obscured facts and forces which will pre- vail. This gift, which is more than leadership as such, is second sight into the nature of history. The ability to see truly the sig- nificant reality carries with it the ability to convey what his vision brings him. Men like Churchill and de Gaulle do not sign ghost-writ- ten books and they do not read ghost-written speeches. For the vision is their own and they alone can communicate it. * * * THUS, IN THE bitter days of 1940 when France had fallen and Britain stood alone, it called for a great man, for a brave man, for a resolute and faithful man, to go into exile and from there to or- ganize the French resistance. But it took genius to see how this noble but desperate venture would end, and to see that France, defeated, demoralized and prostrate, re- mained one of the great powers, to see that in the end she would be-as is now the fact-among the principal shapers of the settlement with Germany, * * * THINKING OF ALL that has happened in these twenty years, it occurred to me to see whether or not my memory was deceiving me. Was it true, as ever since I have believed, that in the darkest days of the most desperate of modern wars, Gen. de Gaulle had com- municated his vision of an en- during and an undefeated France? I find that about three weeks after the fall of France, I had ornely Hero Visits U.S. - By DREW PEARSON "De Gaulle's ideas are so pro- gressive that the Algerian colon- ists would be shouting out of the opposite side of their mouths if they really knew them. . . . De Gaulle is a brilliant idealist, has the world's worst public relations, a genius for antagonizing people ... temperamental, conceited, strong-willed, will probably lean toward Russia . . . passionately devoted to France . . . whom the United States will have to get along with whether we like him or not." Time passed. De Gaulle became premier, then president. He was invited to the United States - a personal invitation from the Presi- dent. He declined. Instead Ike made two trips to Paris to see him. Now, two years later, de Gaulle is here. It was another spring exactly 20 years ago that Charles de Gaulle made another historic trip. This time France was falling be- fore Hitler's onslaught and de Gaulle flew to London to confer with Churchill, designated by Pre- mier Paul Reynaud as the man who some day would liberate France. This was June, 1940. In the two decades that have passed, de Gaulle was to hear him- self accused of "latent fascism" by Winston Churchill and ridiculed by FDR as wanting to be a cross be- tween Joan of Arc and Clemen- ceau. He was to remain a virtual prisoner in Lndon, hated by Churchill, ignored by Allied com- manders, kept in the dark regard- ing the Allied landing in North Africa until after reading it in the papers. Only Anthony Drexel Biddle, onetime tennis star, took the trouble to win his friendship. De Gaulle was a very lonely hero. He was to learn that American troops wiped out one unit of the French Foreign Legion in North Africa, and he was to find 900 Americans drowned, below decks, their hatches fastened, when French troops opened fire in Oran Harbor. And he was to see free France decline until only the tiny mid- Atlantic islands of St. Pierre-Mi- quelon, famous as the bootleg capi- tal of the world, remained loyal; and even Cordell Hull, the sup- posedly Democratic Secretary of State, referred sarcastically to the "So-called free French." Came the liberation of France, the triumphal march up the Champs Elysees, the expectation that de Gaulle would bring peace and orderand power to war-torn France. The triumph was short- lived. A decade of turmoil followed. De Gaulle watched it from the side- lines, watched the army of France get stronger, civilian government weaker, saw his old comrades-in- arms become so powerful, so ar- rogant they would not obey civilian orders in Algeria. And he watched French para- troopers, on the verge of a great victory at Suez which would atone for the sting of losing Indo-China, Morocco, Syria, Lebanon, suddenly bassador had called on him fre- quently, asked his advice rather than that of the French govern- ment. But in office de Gaulle has leaned the other way. He has been tougher toward Moscow than Ei- senhower, so tough that Khrush- chev diplomatically delayed his trip to Paris in order to jockey for a change of his Paris program. It was also expected that de Gaulle would rattle the saber against the Germans. Instead he has become the bosom friend of Chancellor Adenauer. It was said when he assumed office that he would be the Kreensky of France, the caretaker who would fall be- fore the march of Communism. It has not happened this way. There have been moments of grave crisis -- when the French army almost revolted in Algeria, when Minister of the Interior Fer- dinand Mitterand fled for his life through the streets of Paris pur- sued by political gangsters, and when the Communist high com- mand offered de Gaulle 3,000 of its hard corps secret underground troops ready to do battle to sup- port the republic -- in case the army revolted. During the war de Gaulle wrote a letter to the British and Ameri- can governments comparing allied strategy to the beating of a drum. "No one man is beating the drum," he wrote, "but a host of beetles are bouncing up and down on it and they think they are beating it." .. De Gaulle first rose to fame by writing two books on military strategy. The first was "Edge of the Sword:" the second, "Towards a Professional Army." In these he proposed that the French army organize a highly mobile blitzkrieg division. Later, the Nazis did ex- actly this.. . . Roosevelt, in report- ing to Congressmen on his Casa- blanca visit with de Gaulle, quoted de Gaulle as saying: "What France needs is a great soul in this hour of defeat. I am that soul." (Copyright 1960, by the Bell syndicate) perceptive study of Gandhi whom written in the somewhat rambling and conversational, albeit not in- coherent, style which characterized his first book, "Personal History" "Nehru: The Years of Power" is nominally a study of Jawaharlal Nehru and the period in which he has guided the destiny of an inde- pendent India. Any book which concerns itself with Pandit Nehru however, must also necessarily treat the country of which he is a part and whose modern history is so well mirrored in his life. 4 t THE STORY of his close associ- ation with Gandhi in the Indian National Congress (the nationalist organization which eventually led India to independence) and out- side of it, his British education and cultural ties as well as his discovery of his Indian heritage and his, considerable leadership ability is well summarized by Mr. Sheean in this provocative book. Major Issues of India's eco- nomic, social, and political devel- opment are taken up - among them, the complex and perplexing Kashmir case and its ramifica- tions for the future of Indo- Pakistani relations, the measures which India is taking to develop the agricultural and industrial sectors of her economy, the prob- lems of regional vs. national loyal- ties and their inherent regional language problems, Mr. Nehru's "critics, colleagues, and friends," and "the man Nehru," a specific study of his personality and tem- perament. A clear and understandable ex- position of the "neutralist" or more correctly "non - alignment" policy which Mr. Nehru has ex- pounded in the foreign relations field is set forth in the chapter entitled "The Pursuit of Peace." That Mr. Nehru has almost single- handedly forged Indian foreign policy in the years since indepen- dence is not the authoritarian process that it might seem. As Mr. Sheean points out, it is Mr. Nehru's feeling for the pulse of Indian public opinion on these points that has for the most part enabled him to enunciate the poli- cies which India is now following. " -+ - THE CONSIDERABLE role he has played as an informal go- between for Communist China and the West in the Korean War and for Communist China and the United States in the off-shore islands crises has yet to be ade- quately told. The vital necessity for India's remaining at peace with her powerful neighbor to the northeast is spelled out, as is the quandary in which Mr. Nehru now finds himself vis-a-vis Com- munist China and the rising averse Indian public opinion which is even now vociferously protesting the presence of Chou En-lai in New Delhi. This and many other issues are adequately and informatively dealt with in this book. What emerges is an understandable and compre- hensive picture of the man Jawa- harlal Nehru and the influential nation which he has guided to world prominence in thirteen short years. In this task Mr. Sheean has again proved himself an able and excellent rapporteur to the rest of the world of the subject to which he has addressed himself. -Murray Woldman New Books at Library Gaiser, Gerd - The Final Ball; N. Y., Pantheon Books, 1960. Gregory, Horace - The World Of James McNeill Whistler; N.Y., Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1960. he also knew. The ,work at hand is DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) ities within the University family and fills requests for information and pic- tures. Salary, 400. Experience helpful but' not, essential.- Name: National Bank of Detroit, 661 Woodward, Detroit, Michigan. Contact: Mr. A. W. Gietz, Vice"Fires; Mr. E. L. Koning, Vice President." Job: Men with a degree in Economics, Liberal Arts' or Business Administration for Loaning Officer Trainees. Will start in. the Credit Department for six months or less, working with a lending officer. Salary, 425; 450 for BA; 00, MA. For further information call the Bureau of Appointments, Ext. 3371 Beginning with Mon., April 25, the following schools will have representa- tives at the Bureau of Appointments to interview for the 1960-1961 school year. Man., April 25 Garden City, Mich. - Elementy Greenville, Mich. -- Elem. 12th Gr. Eng.; Mont. Ret.; Speech Corr. Livonia, Mich. (Clarenceville Sehs.) - Elem., Music, Ment. Hdcp.; Jr. or Sr. HS French/Eng., Latin/Eng., Biol, Eng., Comm., Ind. Arts, Home Ec., Girls & Boys Phys. Ed., Math/Physics; Li- brary; Art. (Elem. & HS). Otsego, Mich. - Elem., Vocal. Tues., April 26 Eaton Rapids, Mich. -- Speech Cor- rection. Highland Park, Mich. - Elem., Art, Phys. Ed., Visiting Tchr.; HS Eng., For. Lang., St., Math, Soo. Stud., Bus. Ed., Library. Gen. Shop, Home Ec.; Jr. CoIL. Eng., Soc. Stud., Sci., Math, Bus. Ed. Rochester, New York - Elem. (K-7) All Secondard Subjects; Men. & Phys. Hdep., Hearing and Speech Therapists, Sch. Psychologist; Music. Sheridan, Mich. -Id. Art, Set Math, HS Eng.; Early Elem Wed., April 27 Albion, Mich. - Elem.; 7 & 8 Or. Soe. Stud.; 9th Gr. Eng.; 10th Or. World Hist/Eng.; L. Elem. Instr. Mus.; 7th, Gr. Girls Phys. Ed/Swim. Elkton-Pigian, Mich -- Elem.; ES Voc. Agriculture. Cleveland, Ohio - Elem.; HS Math/ Se., Phys. Sd., Ind. Art, Home Lec / Tecumseh, Mich. - Elem., Instr. Mus.; Jr. HS Eng/French or SpaH.; 1S Eng., Eng/Latin, Soc. Stud., Gen. Shop, Math/Gen. St. Detroit, Mich. (Redford Union schs.) - Elem., Vocal; Jr. HS Eng/Soc. Stud., Sci/Math, French/Latin. Thurs., April 2 Arlington Heights, 111.-Elem. Jr. HS St., Math, For. Lang., Speech Corr, Couns. or Social Work. East Detroit, Mich. - Jr. S e . Set., Eng., Math; HS Eng/Soc. Stud., Eng., Math. Home Ec. East Rockwood, Mich. (Gibraltar Sb. Dist.) - Elem. Phys. Ed., Art, Vocal Mus.; Speech Corr., Type A.. Jr. HS Set., Eng/Soc. Stud. Ferndale, Mich. - Elem.; HS French Sci., Math, Shem., Eng/Jour.; Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Ment. Rt. Or- thopedic, Hopkins, Mich. - Elem. (4 & ); MS Se., Comm., Hom Be.; Mantonah, Wi. - ES Eng.; Jr. ES Gen. Set. Fri., April 29 Gary, Ind. - Elem.; 7th Gr. Eng.! Soc. Stud.: Jr. HS Strings & Band; HS Vocal Mus., Art, Home go., En Sparta, Mich. Elem. (2, 3, 5, & Es Amer. & Eng. Lit., Latin/Spanish vocal Music/Art, Math. West Hemstead, New York - Elem, Vocal; Jr. ES Librarian, Eng., Sl~ Rem. Read.; HS French, Bus. Ed., Eng. Math, Chm. of Citizenship Ed. Dept. For any additional Information and appointments contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Building, NOrmandy 3-1511, Ext. 489. SUMMER PLACEMENT Interviews April 26. Bernard Scotch of Camp Chi., Lake Dalto, Wisconsin, will inter- view students for camp counseling job -male and female. This is a camp run by the Jewish Community Centers of Chicago, Illinois. April 26. Mrs. H. L. Turner of Camp Missaulsee, Lake city, Mich,' wil inter- view women for jobs in her camp. She wants 2 assistant cooks, Archery Dir- ector, Asst. Waterfront, and Nature Director.I April.26 and 27. Stan Michaeis of Camp Nahelu will interview men and women for counselors positions.. The Summer Placement Service is open every afternoon from 1:30 to 5:00 and Friday mornings from 8:30 to 12:00, in D528 of the S.A.B. TO THE EDITOR: Koch Cites Real American Values To the Editor: THE STUDENT Government Council, it appears, has de- cided not to "support" Professor Koch, of Illinois. This decision is all very well, since Professor Koch obviously needs none of their "support," whatever that may mean. But who, now, is this fellow Trost, who rises up from his place and justifies the dismissal of Koch on the grounds that "there are still some American values . . . I hope." Well I hope so too. I live here, and values are necessary to life. But Mr. Trost, aside from us- ing a pompous and meaningless phrase, has sadly mistaken Ameri- can values if he believes that Koch has denied them. Actually, Koch's letter was a mistake, just because it stated so clearly what American sex values are: what Koch was dis- Sir W. S. Gilbert, and he a Vic- torian, might have read the state- hient and said, as he once wrote: "Why, what a most particularly pure young man this pure young man must be!'' --R. K. Burdette, Grad. Gripe Pages . . To the Editor:? RE: THE EDITORIAL by Judith Doner on April 21, 1960. You are misinformed about the Eastern college exam schedule. True it is usually crammed into one week (students frequently take two exams in one day and in some instances three, although this is rare). However, never have I heard of a week reading prior to the exam period. Perhaps the University plans Grow up and act like the young adults you are supposed to be!!! -Lydia Glutz, Grad. Catharsis To the Editor: IN REPLY to Mr. Stevens' con- fused catharsis of yesterday: The University probably does not have a small men's residence over near the medical school for the same reason that it doesn't have one near the Frieze Bdlg. or sufficient women's residence halls near campus at all or new build- ings for the music school or . Would you really like to know how we can talk of lack of funds for education when we spend so much on cigarettes? It's very easy. The same way that we can talk about lack of anything although our economic system is far from Editorial Staff THOMAS TURNER. Editor HILIP POWER ROBERT JUNKER ,ditorial Director City Editor EIM BENAGH ....ports Editor ETER DAWSON .... .Associate City Editor