Rhee Relinquishes Power, Disbands Liberal Party ARTS AND LETTERS: Euripides Effects Add Modern Twist By CAROLINE DOW The Shavian quality of Euri- pides' characters will make the speech department production of "Orestes" at 1:30 p.m. today on WUOM, akin to modern drama. Euripides, like Shaw, pokes fun at honored traditions and employs dramatic irony to lessen the influ- ence of the Gods and make man responsible for his own acts, Jerry Sandler, director of the produc- tion, says. The use of Apollo in "Deus Ex Machina" to give the drama a Hollywood ending is not just an easy way out, he adds. It becomes a way for Euripides to point up the fact that there is no answer or easy way out. The characters are all mortal, in fact they are "stinkers," as ex- emplified in the vain Helen of Troy, who display more insincerity and sardonicism than heroics, Thus Euripides comments on the archaic traditions of Greek God heros. use of Arrowsmith which puts the story vernacular. s .* + translation in modern The classic Greek drama is writ- ten for the stage and thus the Chorus should be adaptable to radio with minor changes. However, like Miller and Ten- nessee Williams, Euripides did not stick to the classic methods of his time and inserted the Chorus wherever he felt it was effective, this could add chaos to a radio show with the Chorus seemingly interrupting the dialogue from no- where. The only danger on changing the scripts and stage effects is im- pairing the inner poetic quality of the Drama. But the basic beauty and dignity of Greek poetry is still captured in this production, Sand- ler believes. Student Poll Koreans Set To Organize New Party Chang Charges Irregularities SEOUL - Syngman Rhee gave up his presidential powers yester- day and planned to disband his Liberal party. Under pressure by rioting Ko- reans and United States, disap- proval, Rhee will relinquish his powers but hold on to the title of president, becoming symbolic head of state. Lee Ki Poong, who was recently elected vice - president, also re- signed before taking office. He an- nounced Rhee's resignation. A cabinet of Conservative mem- bers and headed by a premier will be formed soon. Rhee will have no political affiliation. Chang Resigns Opposition leader John M. Chang, dark-horse vice-president, also resigned yesterday. He charg- ed Rhee with irregularities and police brutality, and said he wished "to have nothing to do with the Rhee administration." After Rhee announced he would disband his Liberal party, with which he has ruled for 12 years, Deputy National Assembly Speak- er Yi Jai Pak said it would pave the way for formation of a unified conservative party. Lee said he was giving up office because the new governmental system with a prime minister and cabinet made the post of vice- president unnecessary. Riots Protest Violent riots across South Korea this week protesting the return of Rhee to the presidency for his fourth term and the election of Lee were responsible for the deaths of more than 100 students. The students and the opposition Democratic party had charged that the elections were rigged. The Democrats demanded that Rhee give up his position entirely. In response to the rioting after the election, Rhee imposed martial law on six cities. Following pro- tests in major cities Tuesday Rhee's cabinet and the Liberals' central committee resigned. DeGaulle Doubtful OnBerlin WASHINGTON (-) -French President Charles de Gaulle warn- ed Russia yesterday that any sud- den "brutal threat" against Ber- lin would wreck prospects that the summit conference can improve East-West relations. In the midst of talks with Pres- ident Dwight D. Eisenhower, de ".!fF. Ff.. Gaulle said bluntly that a solu- tion of the Berlin probeIs Im- possible at the long-awaited sum-1.f F . mit parley three weeks hence. The 69-year-old French leader expressed confidence however that the Big Four chiefs can find whats' he called a "practical start" toward world disarmament. Ignoring American objections to the idea, he urged Western and Communist countries to join in a program of economic aid to the two billion people in underde- veloped lands. Talked Confidentially De Gaulle, who talked confi- dentially with Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev a month ago, strongly hinted he really doesn't expect the Soviet leader to set off a new crisis over Berlin. "It seems to me that had the Soviet Union wanted to keep on the pressure and the threat loom- ing over the West because of Ber- Harvest" swimsheath has a w lin, it would have done so," he said. "And the Soviet Union did down, down, down in back that's q not." But, apparently with Khrush- view-tiful decoietage of the sun s chev's unpredictable nature in mind, de Gaulle added this note of due to the expert shapery of the r caution: No Brutal Threat swimbra specially designed for dIV "If the relations between East and West are to be improved, there An elasticized print; 10-16, 19.95 should not dawn upon the confer- ence the brutal threat of any ques- tion, and in particular of Berlin." De Gaulle's main theme, empha- sized often with a gesture of his hand, was that East-West leaders can hope only for a very limited start in settling problems in view of current tensions. He described the quest for a safeguarded disarmament agree- ment with the Russians as one of the main talking points when the summit conference begins in Paris on May 16. 217-South Main He stressed a need for "re- ciprocal control" of the means of delivering nuclear weapons-__ planes, missiles and ships. WEEPING--South Korean mourns for relative whose body he had just identified in a Seoul morgue. The relative was a victim of the recent anti-government riots. The riots have brought a change of policy by South Korean President Syngman Rhee. - ' Second Front Page Sunday, April 24, 1960 Page 3 o 1 c o Mothes Day Select your CARDS * and GIFTS early. §BRU N DAGE G IFTS 307 SOUTH STATE STREET oe o o -s