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February 11, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-02-11

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Seventieth Year of Editorial F:-eedom


Rain this morning, turning
to snow later today

LXX, No.85




te Senate


Vaste Probe

LANSING M -- The Senate
mwrapped itself up in election year
politics yesterday.
Aside from oratory and political
fencing, the main fruit of its la-
bors was a decision to investigate
government waste and passage of
a bill to put new restrictions on
dental laboratories.
Maneuvering on the constitu-
tional convention issue yielded a
conclusion for majority Republi-
cans that they would do well to
do nothing until after hearings on
the subject beginning today.
Senators put off at least until
today a vote on re-establishing a
special committee to search for
irregularities in conduct, of the
state's road building program.
To Vqte on Probe
Sen. John H. Stahlin (R-Beld-
lug), who asked $20,000 for the
highway department probe, was
accused by Democrats of squan-
dering $3,000 in an investigation
that ran out of time in January.
Sen. Carlton H. Morris (R-Kal-
amazoo), said that in opposing
Stahlin and questioning motives
behind the "waste-in-govern-
ment" proposal Democrats were
striking a ridiculous pose.
"You're trying to say $20,000 is
too much to spend to inquire into
an operation that spends $100
million a year," Morris said.
Lodge Seeks Probe
The economy probe, sought
chiefly by Sen. L. Harvey Lodg,.
(R-Drayton Plains), will be fi-
nanced with a $7,500 appropria-
Two Democrats, Sens. Charles
S. Blondy of Detroit and Philip
Rahoi of Iron Mountain, credited
Lodge with doing a good job with
a similar committee in 1958.
Blondy said that on the other
hand the Stahlin committee
which was forced to disband aft-
er hearings last fall had a "Ro-
man holiday at public expepse"
and accomplished nothing.
Dental Bill Passed
The dental laboratory bill, ap-
proved 28 to 4 and referred to
the House, would prohibit making
and repair of dentures except on
written order from a dentist. The
order now does not have to be
Republican senators caucused
for an hour on what to do, if any-
thing ,about a resolution to put
the League of Women Voters
compromise plan for a constitu-
tional convention on the Novem-
er election ballot.
None have much enthusiasm for
the idea, but Paul D. Bagwell, the
party's titular head, has made
con-con one of his favorite tis-

Seasonwein Quits
Council Position
Action Postponed on Sigma Kappa;
Election Petitions Not Required
In its last action last night, the Student Government Council
accepted the resignation of Roger Seasonwein, '61, as its executive
vice-president and moved to elect a member to fill this post in its
first action next week.
In explaining his action, Seasonwein said that he felt he could
no longer accept the general nature and direction of the Council as
a complete body, although he-
would remain on SGC to work in
its many valuable areas.
The Council accepted the report
and recommendation of the Sigmay
Kappa Study Committee and
tabled a motion to consider the
status of Sigma Kappa sorohty at
The committee recommended
that the Council consider previous;
actions regarding Sigma Kappa's
status not binding on the present
SGC president John Feldkamp,
'61, said this in no way implies
that SGC will or will not take ac-°
tion on the case, but that the
Council will base consideration of

Sigma Kappa on only three con
siderations: the Cornell and Tufty
incidents in 1956, the resolution of
of the 1958 summer convention of
Sigma Kappa and any other ac-
tion or lack thereof of Sigma Kap-
pa up to the present.
A motion to consider on Marcb
2 whether Sigma Kappa meets the
conditions for permanent recogni-
tion as set forth in University
regulations, after collection of
pertinent information by the
Council executive committee, was
An amendment calling for the
executive committee.to gather in-
formation on whether Sigma Kap-
pa now discriminates according to
the definition of discrimination set
forth in the November Regent's
Bylaw was also tabled.
Eleceton rules were approved,
including one major change. Can-
didates are no longer required to
submit petitions signed by 350
registered University students.


*.. education costs rising

De Gaulle
PARIS (A) - Pres. Charles de
Gaulle and his cabinet last nighi
ordered sweeping reforms in Al-
geria;1lolowing the nine-day Jan-
uary insurrection by right-wing
French in Algiers.
The psychological warfare de-
partment of the army - some of
whose officers had sympathized
withdthe insurgents -was dis-
csolved, apparently to get the army
out of politics.
The territorial home guard
units, some of which had helped
man the insurrection barricades,
will be broken up. Individual ter-
ritorials henceforth will be called
for periods of active service as re-
Reorganize Police
In a far-flung reorganization of
police services, police in Algeria
will serve directly under the civil-
ian delegate-general, the top gov-
ernment- official in Algeria, and
not under a military chief. New
officers are being sent from
France to bolster the force.
Steps were approved to
strengthen the. powers of prefects
(local governors). Part of their
duties had been handled by mili-
tary officers because of the emer-
gency caused by the five-year-old
Algerian nationalist rebellion.
It was also decided to hold lo-
cal elections throughout Algeria
before summer.
To Reform Courts
Government decrees will reform
military courts in Algeria.,~
Three generals were removed
from their posts: Jacques Faure,
commanding in the Grande Kaby-
lie region east of Algiers, Henri
Mirambeau, commanding in the
southern Oran department and
Andre Gribius, commanding in
the western Sahara.
{ Reform orders were announced
nearlytwohours after a two and
one-half hour cabinet session with
de Gaulle.
IThe changeover in police organ-
ization has begun, Information
Minister Louis Terreonoire told
Replace Chiefs
"Departmental chiefs of the Al-
gerian police are being replaced by
men sent from France," he said.
"Those stationed in Algeria are
being brought home. The govern-
ment is taking the police services
directly in hand."
The administrative reorganiza-
tion would return powers from the
military to the civil authority.
The military in Algeria took
over virtually all powers after the
May 13, 1958 uprising that led to
de Gaulle's return to power. Some
powers then were returned to the
civilian prefects.
RMsore Function
The latest change means that,
while the army remains respon-
sible for public order, the prefects
can function normally again.
Military court reform will ac-
celerate legal procedures dealing
with nationalist terrorism, Terre-
noire said.
The cabinet announced no de-
cision on a date for de Gaulle's
visit to Algeria. He had originally
planned it for Feb. 5





Hannah Says
e e
sCsts Rising
DETROIT (R)-John A. Hannah,
president of Michigan State Uni-
versity, said here yesterday the
cost of higher education is going
And, in effect, he told the De-
troit Rotary Club the cost must
ygo up if America is to maintain
its role as a first-class nation.
"We can't delude ourselves by
talking about holding the line,"
Hannah said in a speech, adding:
"To try to hold the line in tax
support for our colleges and uni-
versities would leave us with two
alternatives - lower quality edu-
cation for more students or the
same quality for fewer students.
"Both are bad."
Hannah said that Michigan had
worked itself into a financial cor-
ner by providing more and more
services while holding down the
taxes that support such services,
and in a period of inflation where
each dollar buys less and less.
""The blame, in the end," he
said, "mfist rest on us as taxpay-
ers. We have not insisted on being
taxed enough to pay for all we

'U' Cheating
Plans To Publicize
Results in Statement
A committee of 10 literary col-
lege seniors began a look at "the
problem of intellectual dishones-
ty" among the colleges' students
yesterday, with plans to publicize
their results.
At its first meeting, the group
started formulating a "thorough-
ly definitive statement" of what
constitutes intellectual dishon-
esty, John Eisberg, chairman of
the group, said. The committee
hopes to have it published in The
A second project will take the
form of a pamplet to be distrib-
uted to "at least all entering
freshmen" beginning this fall.
Contents will include a discus-
sion of "the question of dishonesty
at the University" and the fresh-
men's "responsibility to the Uni-
versity as students."
I The student committee will be
-working with the faculty on
"looking into factors in the class-
room which encourage dishon-
But the i"concept of an honor
system in the literary college"will
not be considered at its meetings,
Eisberg said ,because past Stu-
dent Government Council studies
have shown the inadvisability of
such a program.
Eisberg and James H. Robert-
son, associate dean of the literary
college, felt there was a need for
a study of the problem of cheat-
ing from the student viewpoint.
Nine other college seniors were
contacted and the students
"formed a committee, with the
approval of Dean Robertson."
Members were chosen on the
basis of their outstanding records
in academics and activities, Eis-
berg explained.
The group consists of Eisberg,
Maurice Zilber, Martin Newman,
Michael Sklar. William Ransom,
Daily Editor Thomas Turner, Jo
Hardee, Carol Holland, Ann Doni-
ger and Gretchen Burgie.
Heads Discuss
For Colleges
The state's nine tax-supported
colleges and universities are con-
tinuing their search for a co-or-
dinator, University President Har-
lan Hatcher reported last night
following a meeting yesterday of
the State Council of College Pres-
idents in Detroit.
Hatcher said the council dis-
cussed the question but reached
no decision. The office of co-or-
dinator, Edgar L. Harden, presi-
dent of Northern Michigan Col-
lege at Marquette and chairman
of the council, claims, would en-
able the nine institutions to sub-
mit a unified budget to the Legis-
lature, help correct duplication of
courses and otherwise co-ordinate
the efforts of all the schools.

above, left, will be added to the medical school should state
legislators agree to grant the funds for new construction which
Gov. G. Mennen Williams will ask.
Storm Sweeps Midwest,
Passes by Ann Arbor
The worst storm of a decade swept over the Midwest yesterday
while Ann Arbor remained relatively untouched by the violence.
. While this locale was subjected to freezing rains yesterday after-
noon and evening, the rest of the central states were buried by. a
blizzard that left vast areas isolated and helpless.
The U. S. Weather Bureau reports that the worst of the storm
has passed, with the low pressure center moving east. Ann Arbor
residents can expect a narrow band of precipitation to pass over this
morning providing more freezing showers.
Rain To Snow
Later today, the rain will turn to snow and much colder weather
is due by evening. Last night's low was 25 degrees, today's expected

To Ask Backin



Get Priority
Second Medical Uni
Included in Prograin
Gov. G. Mennen Williams wi
ask the Legislature for five ne
University buildings this week.
In a statement on popos'
capital outlay, Wiliams disclos
yesterday he will asl: for a secor
unit of the fluids, engineers
building, a physics and astro
omy building, an Institute of c
ence and Technology building,
mathematics . and computatk
center and a second unit for t
medical center as part of a $
million state building prorapn.
Recommended amounts for ii
dividual buildings were not r
leased but the University's estl
mates for the structures totale
$25,250 million for this year. Wi
liams will outline the program ,x
dfetail and amplify his requests 1
the Legislature later this week,
'U' List Differ
First on the University's prioril
list for needed buildings is t
music school at a cost of $4.5 mil
Ion - Williams bypassed this I
his recommendation. The piorit
list was developed in 1953 an
has been revised and submitte
again to the Legislature yearl
Vice-President for Business an
Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont e
plained yesterday.
The original University priorit
list and total cost of the struc
tures include: the second unit t
the fluids engineering buildip
($2,355,000), physics, and astron
omy buildings ($4,330,000), heat
ing plant and services buildin
($7630,000) second unit for t
Medical Center ($10 million)
Dental building ($10,100,000)
school of education building ($4,
Others are the architecture col
lege building ($5,290,000); Nort
Campus roads and utilities ($1,
635,000); Institute of Science an
Technology ($3,815,000) and th
mathematics and computing cen
ter ($4,750,000),
Costs Rise
Pierpont noted the state coul
have saved 10 to 15 per cent of
the increased costs now inlude
in the estimates if constructio
had been continued at the 195
level during the last three year
"For the last couple of year
we have increased our cost esti
mates. by about nine per cent,
he said.
The University considers all th
buildings at the top of the list o
equal priority.
"We think that the buildin
program for the University ough
to be well-balanced to meet thi
needs of all its parts," Pierpon
He explained that the Legisla,
ture recognized the music schoo
building in 1956, and the Univer
sity accepted bids for constru-
tion in 1957.
YD's Oppose
NDEA Oaths
In Resolution

CalvM College
Accepts New
Building Plans
The Calvin College Board o
Trustees has approved a mastel
plan for the school's new Knoll-
crest campus on a 166-acre tract
in suburban Grand Rapids.
An immediate target date of
September, 1961, was set to begin
using the first new college struc-
tures: a men's dormitory, a wo-
men's dormitory and adjoining
dining hall, and a library-class-
room building. The cost of these
projects was estimated at $2,800,-
Buildings on the Knollcrest
campus will be grouped into four
main areas: academic, residential,
non-academic and seminary. The
new Calvin College Seminary al-
ready is under construction on the
Knollcrest campus.
More than 20 separate buildings
on the new campus were expect-.
ed to be in use by 1975 accommo-
dating a student body of 3,500.
MSU Board
To Consider
ROTC Status
to end compulsory military train-
ing (ROTC) at Michigan State
University comes before the MSU
Board of Trustees today.
An informal poll revealed the
six-man board was evenly split on
the proposal. A tie vote would re-

...resigns from Council

high will be 28. Hazardous drivingl
warnings are up for the entire
state. The lower portion of Michi-
gan is expected to freeze over,
while the northern lower penin-
sula has had heavy snow.
Heavy northerly winds through-
out the state will lower tempera-
tures, and in the north, provide
the extra problem of drifting snow.
While this area was let off
easily, the rest of the Midwest bore
the brunt of the storm. The raging
blizzards dumped more than a foot
of snow on parts of northern Illi-
nois and southern Wisconsin and
up to 15 inches on Iowa.
Worst in 25 Years
The storm was the worst in 25,
years in northwestern Illinois.
Drifts up to 10 feet high left;
Rockford, an industrial city of
110,000 population in northwestern
Illinois all but isolated. Only one
road, a tollway several miles east
of the city, remained open. A 104-
car freight train was snowed in
for several hours near Rockford,
unable to move in either direction.
Milwaukee reeled under 151
inches of snow with more still
falling. Wind gusts exceeding 55
MPH sent waves 40 feet high1
churning across Lake Michigan.-
With the worst of the storm
having passed over, the Midwest
is now in the process of digging
out. In a number of areas speed"
is important.
The village of Forreston, Illinois
was completely snowed in and its
two stores had only one gallon of
milk and a dozen loafs of bread
for the 1,100 inhabitants.f


Report Mysterious Satellite
Orbiting Earth over Poles

WASHINGTON W)-United States tracking stations were reported
yesterday to have noted what appears to be a large, dark satellite.
orbijing the earth over the poles.E
Reports in military quarters are that the mystery object, picked
up several weeks ago, is far heavier than anything yet put up by the Official SG(
United States.
On report circulating in the Pentagon was that the unidentified Feb. 15--
space object may weigh 15 tons. The object was said to be emitting no Feb. 18-
radio signals, a fact that has complicated a precise determination of Feb.'24-
its orbit.'Feb.c24-
All these reports were unofficial. The Defense Department de- March 15
clined any comment. In seeking to determine what this space object
is doing and who put it there,"
United States tracking experts,
working from the known facts PAKISTANI TRAVELER:
about man - launched satellites,
have about reached the conclusion
tat the unknow bject Is prob-

C election calendar-
-Petitioning opens
Candidate training
Candidate training
Petitioning closes
, 16--Elections

Daily Trains
All Corers
Today can be your lucky day.
If you want a campus activity
try The Daily. Trainee meeting,
will be held at 7:15 p.m. today
and 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in th(
Student Publications Bldg., 42C
What has The Daily to offer?
"A rich educational experience,"
Charles Kozoll, '60NR, personnel
director, claims. "Practical experi-
ence," Morley Gwirtzman, '6Ph,
associate business manager, divul-
"A photography training pro-
gram has been set up to help
terested trainees," Peter Dawson,
'60SM, declared. Dawson is in
charge of getting photographers,
and he and Bill Maund, The
Daily's darkroom technician and
photography advisor, have set up
"an A-1 program." Maund will
train photographers in picture
taking (all The Daily asks of
photographers) and, if they de-
sire, in darkroom work.
"We pay for our pictures," Daw-
son added.
"And no experience is neces-
sary," he averred, pointing out
that The Daily can, train almost
The business staff is seeking
trainees, too. Gwirtzman declares
they are trained and put to use-
ful work quickly. Jobs in local,
national and classified advertising,
accounts, art, and layout are all
Experience on the business staff
will prove valuable for anyone who
wishes to go on to such jobs as
accounting, advertising or news-
paper management after gradua-
Kozoll continued that the edi-
torial staff has "an A-1 program"
for training people and everyone
is welcome. Writing begins almost
immediately as does desk work.
Bomb Thrown
In Little Rock

of Country's Great Strides'

The experts have not ruled out,
however, the possibility that the
silent space object Is an upper
stage of a previously launched and
announced satellite.
Only one American - launched
object remains in orbit around the
poles. That is the burned out
rocket Section of Discoverer VIII,
launched last Nov. 20. The cap-
sule of that vehicle ejected but
was never recovered.
Rocket Still Orbits
The reason that burned - out
rocket stage is still in space is due

-Mahbub Alam of the Pakistan
embassy has not seen his 12 year-
old country very often.-

The embassy's political affairs
officer has spent the last ten years
outside of Pakistan with only
sporadic vacations home.
"We are a young country, which
believes in economy with its of-
ficials," he said. "We are kept too
busy here for many vacations."
Alam visited the University to
donate books on Pakistan and
Islam to the general library.
Struck by Changes
On each of his short vacations
to his. country, Alam is struck by

believe their "country's problems
are their own problems.
Discover Resources
"We have discovered more un-
tapped resources under our feet;
400 million cubic feet of gas have
been discovered since independ-
"Rivers are now dammed, to use
for both irrigation and power,
These Pakistanis are the same
people, but they are now looking
The emphasis in education has

Great strides have also been
made in technology, Alam said.
Upon each visit he notes a tre-
mendous increase in factories and
industries. Much of this industry
is making use of Pakistan's raw
materials such as jute and cotton.
Exports Products
Instead of importing these
finished products, Pakistan is now
actually able to export some. She
is actively soliciting foreign in-
vestments in order to produce

The Young Democrats lat
nighthpassed a resolution oppos-
ing the loyalty provisions of the
National Defense Education Act
The resolution states:
"We of ,the Young Democratic
Club of the University of Michi-
gan wish to go on record in oppo-
sition to the disclaimer affidavit
and loyalty oath of the National
Defense Education Act and urge
the United States Congress tc
strike these requirements from the
Copies of the resolution will be
sent to all Democratic membera
of Michigan's congressional dele-


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