Chain of Command Seventieth Year EDITED ANw MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. 0 Phone NO 2-3241 I___EI Opinions Are Free h Will PrevaU" '.C /. i, ,4 :I . . tPRETING: Berlin May Cause sum mitStalemate BY J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst Editorials printed in T he Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. rRDAY, APRIL 23, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL BURNS THE UNITED STATES is continuing to whittle down the area of negotiation over Berlin when the chiefs of state ,meet in Paris'next month. The position that the status of West Berlin can be solved only in connection with reunification of Germany has been reaffirmed. There is little room for doubt that Germany will be reunified. Porspects that it will come any time soon are nil. After their recent Washington conference, the Western foreign ministers announced they were in complete agreement on the stand they Essential or Extraneous? Con ... I - . L - r ° _ - _ ._ (EDITOR'S NOTE: The literary college steer- g committee has brought up the question of ssibly instituting senior year comprehensive aminations at the University. The necessity and ture of these examinations, which are an attempt demonstrate a student's grasp of his general ea of specialization, will be the subject of a stu- :nt-faculty discussion in May.) ECHNOLOGICAL advances in the past sixty years have produced the most startling in- ment of knowledge in man's history. In- ectual foresight in the use of this knowledge, item which we call wisdom, has achieved le progress in this same period of time. A versity, such as this one, which holds the I of instilling both knowledge and wisdom .ts students, is faced with the critical prob- of educating for the latter. 'robably the first requisite for wisdom is pro- tion, the capacity to take account of all the ortant factors in a problem and to attachr ach its due weight. THE PRESENT academic process of the Literary College a student selects a major the end of his sophomore year and pursues it taking 10 or 12 usually unrelated courses. 1e has fairly good study habits, he will pick enough knowledge in a semester to write a sable final after which he will most likely. get about that particular subject and con- trate on another one. rot once in the four years he is at the Uni- sity will he be asked about the unity and tions underlying the relatively broad field is supposedly studying. PROPOSED REMEDY for this situation is a senior year comprehensive examination. 'r the University, the exams would provide Leasure of an ability which is more important n any other once he has left the campus: w well can he visualize the continuity and errelationships between fragments of knowl- e and apply them for a common benefit? 'or the student, the exams will provide an mtive, clearly lacking now, to supplement regular course work with an essential ughtful attempt to gain emancipation from here and the now of fleeting knowledge. He I then be able to draw together the concepts i conclusions of a dozen courses and form inified concept and philosophy of a broad THE PLAN for comprehensive examinations for the whole literary college is revolution- ary, progressive and totally unsuited to the University community. Comprehensives are less examinations than experiences, experiences calculated to bring all the tag ends of information and ideas of six- teen years of education together into a semi- uniform whole. Because of this, comprehensives have an amorphous quality, a subtle- value which has to be fully appreciated by the stu- dent who takes it in order to give full benefit. This value is not readily understood; it is a quality which has to be a part of education, trained into the student by years of classes, discussions and readings in a small intensely communicative group, led by teachers who know and value the comprehensive ideal. THE UNIVERSITY prides itself on its diver- sity: of subjects, of students, of teachers. But diversity cannot bring cohesion, and tends to limit the kind of mutual interchange re- quired for the understanding of the idea behind comprehensives. How would the teacher com- municate to the student who has been trained in the tradition of specific hour exams and objective consideration, that he has to take an entirely different attitude towards the com- prehensive exam? How are any of us going to be able to change our attitudes that rapidly? It would be something to cram for and then to forget, like the average hour exam. If it determined whether or not you got your degree, it would be something to panic over, if not, it would be something to ignore. But in any case it would not be anything even vaguely re- sembling the real purpose of comprehensives. HE ONLY PLACE in the literary college where comprehensives can be used with effect is in the various honors programs, which fulfill the requirements of a comprehensive situation. The honors groups are small, fairly cohesive and highly articulate. They work closely enough with teachers and tutors in a comprehensive directed manner from the be- ginning of their junior year. Comprehensives in the literary college are limited to the groups which they should cover, and to the type of education to which they are suited. Spreading them further will spread them too thin for effect or for proper implementation. -FAITH WEINSTEIN _ .,. - pEFENS x? Pr iT ' TC - S II / { 4"" l U [ T 4/"Jy ,,, r . \. ++' , , -, ~-- oI rQ14 _.- -- -0100 I. r' .1 would take on this issue. at the summit, Now Under Secretary of State Dillon has restated the equation of Berlin to reunification. The . possibility of an interim compromise is mentioned again. THE ALLIES said at Geneva they would consider a reduction in West Berlin occupation forces, with steps against espionage and propaganda originating there. Whether the Allies will even stick to this offer at Paris is a question now. Dillon mazes it clear that the United States considers the In- solubility of the issues at this point as leading to a decision be- tween peace and war. * * * THE ISSUE faced by the West, after failure of settlement on.Ber- lin, will be what to do if Khrush- chev carries out his threat to assign East Germany complete sovereignty over communications between West Germany and Ber- lin, Such an act would yield him small profit, producing a theoreti- cal rather than a factual change if the Allies stand firm, and would once more hold the Soviet Union up before the world as a unilateral welsher on international agree- ments. AT THE MICHIGAN: I1i i AMON Au'960 Tqs c(4t1 ++ iA&tEtC c&p eAcr Cc LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Random Comments on a Bewildered U' -MICHAEL OLINICK ROTC Evaluation Needed N SUPPORTING compulsory ROTC at Michigan State University, the MSU trustees ave made an unfortunate decision, and re- aled a limited understanding of education. Their decision is the latest in the national spute over the merits of the military train- g program. It is a dispute made complex by a yriad of emotionally-based opinions, both :levant and otherwise. Army Secretary Wilbur M. Brucker, for ex- nple, claims that compulsory basic ROTC aining is absolutely vital to the national curity. The peacetime Army's requirement 14,000 commissioned officers a year could ot be met without the compulsory training, e believes. But with selective service becoming less lective and draft deferments easier to gain~ any are beginning to question Brucker's dgement. Even the defense department has ken a hands-off attitude, on the theory that ilitary requirements can be met with "elec- ves" and that national security is therefore ot at stake. VHILE BRUCKER'S claim that only com- pulsory ROTC can "keep the ranks filled" of dubious merit, it is hardly as questionable his other arguments for the program. ROTC levelops in the student ideals of patriotism, crifice, and service to our country which can me to him in no other way," he assuredly rites. This is corollary of the widespread notion at universities are somehow capable of aching democracy, or moral codes. This is ore than provide a climate in which those .titudes might be fostered. Military training a more teaches a man "how to be a patriot" an marriage courses teach a person "how to ve someone." Brucker is correct, perhaps, in claiming that OTC develops ideals of sacrifice and service country, but only in an unfortunate sense: anyhting, ROTC training teaches a student respect authority, and to sacrifice his iden- ty to a larger, mysterious will. THIS SEEMS intolerable in an academic community. The educational formula for veloping an independent human being is gnificantly different from the formula for veloping the professional soldier. The acher, on the one hand, prizes independent, itical inquiry into all matters. The military >es not. It desires critical judgement, but ly within the framework of certain assump- ns which are held above criticism. marks is that ROTC training enables a student to better lead a regimented, well-systematized life, nicely laid out by his directors. Citizen- ship, in short9 means proper respect for au- thority, and little more. Certainly it does not mean proper suspicion of authority, which is so precious to this society. REGARDLESS of the damaging educational philosophy of the military, it is difficult to justify the complete elimination of all officer training programs at a university, particularly if the university sees as one of its purposes the defense of society. Thus, there is legitimate reason to offer students the opportunity to participate in military training. In other words, a voluntary ROTC program is justifiable. BUT VOLUNTARY programs, as handled at this University and in any other section of the country, are not very defensible in their present form. That form includes "drill" (a disciplined variation of tag), and a series of courses geared to the mental capabilities of small children. As such, it deserves no place in the curriculum of a University otherwise engaged in the opening of men's minds. The military man of this decade must deal with the most complex and dangerous of situ- ations. Vital to his position is an understanding of most of the concrete and abstract systems contrived by the human mind; he should be particularly sensitive to political, social and economic patterns in America and abroad. Present ROTC curricula do not adequately prepare a man for this kind of task. If ROTC is to have any value, it must under- take a program designed to promote under- standing of the place of the military in a democratic society and in a world of many ideologies. It is not quite enough for ROTC to assume the student will gain such an under- standing through his other courtes in the University. * * * MICHIGAN STATE is at least temporarily oppressed by the compulsory ROTC stan- dard. Their problem has brought to public attention two questions which must be re- solved: that of the compulsory versus voluntary programs, and that of curriculum content. The former still affects some 170 schools across the country, the latter affects nearly all schools. Fortunately, some signs of change are evi- dent. Army ROTC is "upgrading" its curricu- lum to provide greater challenge for the stu- dent, something long overdue. The national controversy itself has shown To the Editor: SOME PERSONAL prejudices: Why is it that the University does not have a small men's resi- dence over near the Medical School? Why is it that some people in- sist on defending their integration views in The Daily letters? Do they really want integration, or do they desire to show their ignorance in print? Really now, let's not get personal injuries involved in this already complex social problem! Congratulations to the Univer- sity of the planning of a cross- walk for the coeds over Forest Avenue. This is very much needed! Dr. Hatcher and etcetera: We have the finest music school in the United States here. How about showing our appreciation by build- ing some buildings to show the quality of that school? * * * HOW CAN WE talk about lack of funds for education in these United States when we consume 15,000 cigarettes per second and spend nine million dollars a day for these weeds? Let's grow up! To the Picketers: Integration is a fine thing, but don't you feel that you are accomplishing little for your expended energies? This is a moral problem, a problem that will take much time to solve. I hope you won't be guarding F. W. Woolworth in 1984! You might trip over your beards! If you are against personal prejudice, why don't you fight for Dean Bacon? Yes, and, by the way, why do we have women's hours? Is it be- cause we are not old enough to be good little boys and girls, or is it because daddy wants his little darling to be safe at college? I'm afraid you lose anyway, daddy! * * * IF A BIG WIND ever comes to Ann Arbor, we will have about 12,- 000 "men" in orbit due to the lift of their umbrellas! You guys afraid of H20? Some of those beards could use a washing now and then. To some coeds: Did you ever hear of stockings (or socks)? Really, they are comfortable and nice looking inside of tennis shoes, too, you know. To Ann Arbor and the United States Government: What do you take us for, fools? Why should we be counted in the Ann Arbor re- gion on the census if we cannot vote here in the elections? Stu- dents, wake up!! May the good Lord bless all of you bicycle thieves, for the rest of us hate you! * * * TO ALL OF YOU professors who are leaving the University: I hope you are never captains on a ship that I take to Europe! To the Legislature: May your children get the defunct education that you deserve because of im- maturity and lack of foresight. To Dr. Hatcher: Now, sir, you know the headaches of being a president. Let us praise the Presi- dent of the United States. To Dean Rea : I wish we could get to meet you without getting into trouble to do it, sir. nance, we learned over the week- end. Tuesday's paper announced that the city police had tentatively released the demonstrators, pend- idg further review by the police and the city attorneys. And on Wednesday we found that two pickets are still subject to further investigation. Readers of the papers reporting this story might think this a case to tax the abilities of a Sherlock Holmes, but, Bravo!-the Assistant City Attorney, according to The Daily, hopes that final action will come by the end of the week. We would like to think that misunder- standing and confusion have re- sulted from bad reporting; in which case the writers of this let- ter would chide reporters and editors as remiss in their duty. But the reporting is not bad: that it is not sensational, any intelligent reader may easily verify; that it is accurate in presenting the es- sential facts of the case may be proved by anyone taking the trouble to talk to the principals in- volved, including the Assistant City Attorney. * * * THE POLICE must complete an investigation, the attorney's of- flice must conclude research be- fore a decision is reached as to whether or not two of the fifteen demonstrators will be prosecuted for violating a city littering ordi- nance! Do we have to drop ba- nana peels in the gutter to dis- cover how long and thorough an investigation will be made before we are prosecuted for littering? Under ordinary circumstances if two detectives observe persons to be littering the streets of our free Ann Arbor, the cases of those persons would be disposed of routinely, without "investigation" or need of time for consultation of legal treatises. We submit that the city littering ordinance is a law of the kind often invoked for the sake of con- venience. Mr. Steingold in a very lucid exposition in Tuesday's Daily examined the problem of the con- stitutionality of laws like this. Whatever his legal background, every person alive to the society around him has some awareness of the technique of enforcing the letter of the law in violation of its spirit. Are those who prate of the civil responsibilities and obliga- tions of demonstrators demanding civil rights enamored of this tech- nique? * * * ThERE ARE undoubtedly those who would conclude that the city authorities are under pressure from special interest groups to harass the picketers, and that tac- tics of intimidation and coercion familiar to all readers of events that happen or have happened in Germany, Russia, Cuba and our own sunny South are now seen in their incipient stages here in Ann Arbor. The writers and signers of this letter don't necessarily con- clude this yet. They have after sober reflection, however, reached the conclusion that the cause of civil liberties - and it is indeed unfortunate that this phrase is a cliche to some people - has suf- fered as a result of the actions of the city authorities. Fully appreciative of the integ- rity and bravery of our city au- thorities, we respectfully call upon them to clear themselves of sus- picion of reprehensible behavior. This they can do by closing quietly a case which scarcely requires the wizardry of storybook detectives to solve. Aware of the complexities of the problem of civil liberties which must ultimately face every think- ing person in this land, we call upon all members of this com- munity to examine long and care- fully their attitudes and motives and actions in regard to this cru- cial problem. -J. Talayco J. Dixon Hunt E. K. Cronan R. Vander Meulen M. Richards F. Jeismann L. Talayco R. J. Dunn E. E. Robbins Michigras To the Editor: AGAIN THE University faculty has met the challenge. Once every two years the biggest week- end on ,campus, Michigras, rolls around with all its fun and festiv- ities. The Union-League calendar ad- vertises this event with a picture of a beautiful float on page 98, and the caption below it reads, "All books closed! Michigras is here!" The faculty has met this challenge with an onslaught of bluebooks scheduled for the following week. Congratulations on your staunch support of Michigan tradition. --D. Tractenberg, '61 Failure . . To the Editor: AS CONSTANT readers of The Michigan Daily we cannot but view with alarm your inexplicable failure to implement your innum- erable apocalyptic editorials in bellicose condemnation of coma- tose student apathy with complete and accurate reporting of the do- ings of distinctly non-apathic stu- 'dents such as the campus Young Republicans., You failed to report Thursday evening's meeting. Professors Goodman and Lamb of the Po- litical Science Department spoke and we planned for the coming YR convention. Members were very, enthusiastic about the meeting, some even came out of the woods to try to pack it. Goodlier heads forthrightly rescinded their es- sentially callow actions at a meet- ing held this Friday which you failed to announce,report or to allow us to advertize. It is too bad that the univer- sity community does not hear of these meetings - they are well worth the price of admission. Thus you showed a discourtesy to the faculty of this University and to yourselves by revealing that your apparent concern is for our friends. of theLeft, who may not be apa- thetic but merely sobered by reci- ent history.i -Cora Prifold, Grad. J. R. Reid, Grad. Nuclear Policy To the Editor: IN CLASS the other day, a pro- fessor said he has detected in the last 10 years "a certain stir- ring" among American students. Although I had felt that any stirring among students had more to do with mixing drinks than considering problems of the mind and heart, I have been forced to change my view. Recently while inviting signatures to a petition on nuclear testing and disarma- ment, I found reaction hopefully warm. Many signatures are yet to be collected. That is the reason for this letter. The petition, sponsored by the Ann Arbor Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy, urges: 1) A permanent negotiated ban on all nuclear weapon tests, 2) A program eventually lead- ing to total disarmament, and 3) Several other courses of ac- tion. There are a thousand things wrong with the world, and if a student doesn't feel strongly about at least a few'of them-well, he's problem one thousand and one. Of all the things to be "stirred u" about, war is the most immediate. If we do not solve the problem of war, we likely won't be around to deal with the others. To say, "I can't do anything about peace," is, of course, not to state a fact. We can read more on arms and disarmament, talk to our friends, write our Congressmen. There now is something else we can do - give this petition sincere attention. The signatures will be asent to the State Department. They are being collected by 10,000 SANE members all over the country. It is known that such signatures are seriously considered. Top officials welcome clarifications of public thought. Visible public opinion becomes more important daily. Never be- fore has a single signature been so critical. Do your conscience a favor. The apathetic and cynical have had their day. Now those of us who are serious about peace must be counted. Watch for the petition. -Barrie Zwicker, Spec., Community Action Committee of Ann Arbor SANE Tfired ,Joke Comxes A live "WHO WAS THAT lady I saw you with last night?" "That was no lady. That was my wife!" This' "joke" is older than the movies shown on the late, late, late show on T.V. No doubt intrepid archaeologists hae found it, in- scribed deep within the recesses of a crumbling pyramid. However there is nothing anti- quated about the treatment Nor- man Krasna gives the old saw in the current movie based upon his play of the same title. * * * THIS IS A funny, funny farce that just keeps zinging along. The springboard situation for all the antics is this: George Wilson (Tony Curtis) an assistant profes- sor of chemistry at Columbia was caught kissing a luscious foreign exchange student by his wife Ann (Janet Leigh). She, being (a) a women and (b) an extremely jeal- ous one at that buys a plane tick- et for Reno immediately. Abso- lutely frantic, Wilson calls is friend, Mike Haney (Dean Martin) who is a writer at CBS. Haney thinks up the story that Wilson is really an undercover agent for the FBI and was kissing the student in the line of duty be- cause she is really an undercover foreign agent. And then the snow- ball begins to roll. AFTER GETTING Ann to swal- low this, Haney then convinces Ann that he and her husband have to take two more beautiful female agents out to dinner, "in the line of duty," at a Chinese res- taurant that is owned by the sup- posed uncle of Madame Chiang Kai-shek. Needless to say, the real FBI gets into our two Rover Boys' schemes and then, lo and behold, real foreign agents, employed by Uncle Nikita capture them fin an elevator of the Empire State Building. The best sequence is the one in which Curtis and Martin are diink- ing with the Coogle sisters in Lee Wong's Restaurant. S * * * HOWEVER, the wildest moment is when our heroes are trapped in the fourth sub-basement of the Empire State Building thinking they are really in a Russian sub- marine in the middle of the At- lintic. All three stars are perfection. Even though the situations become extreniely wild and improbable, they motivate them completely, making them all the more hilar- sous. Special mention must be given James Whitmore as the long suf- fering FBI agent. Only once is our credulity really strained. The Wilson's apartment is just too chic and expensive to be that of an austere professor. But then again, maybe it is just the influence of the cultivated, civ- ilized East. -Patrick Chester DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices fir Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday., sATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1960 VOL. LXX, NO 149 General Notices May Festival usher tickets, which were listed in the D.O.B. on Tues. and Wed. this week, that have not yet been picked up, must be picked up at Hill Auditorium box office on Saturday, April 23rd, from 10 a.m. to noon. This will be your last chance to claim your tickets as they cannot be given out at the door on the night of the first con- cert. A few additional ushers for the May F'estival will be needed and those, per- sons who are interested may come to (Continued on Page 5)