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April 22, 1960 - Image 17

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-04-22

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FUL 22, 1960



Sleeveless Cocktail Dress, Suits
Dominate Spring Fashion Scene

The "dress-up life" of a busy
coed will be enhanced this spring
by a score of trends in cocktail
dresses, and suits. .
The new word on cocktail
dresses is "sleeveless." There is
no one line -predominating. Ev-
erything from sheaths, to con-
trolled fullness to wide, billowing
skirts is popular.
In color, paleness is important,
especially in accessories. Yellow
seems to have the "majority
In fabrics, softness is the word.
A new development, cotton chif-
fon, is important. As always, silk
prints and polished cottons are
very popular.
Something nice has happened
to spring suits.
Year-'Round Comfort
No longer are they too heavy
for comfort on warm days. No
longer do they have to be pressed
every time you wear them.
The new idea in suits is light-
ness, coolness and easy care. Most
of the well-dressed women you see
on city streets this spring are
choosing their suits on an all-year
basis, in fabrics of featherweight
and stape-retaining talents, com-
fortable in warm weather, light
enough to wear under coats in
cool climates.,
Jacket Variety
Suit jackets are being shown in
a wide variety of styles. Ranging
from the short, crop jacket with
button trim to the longer tunic
styles, often belted, there is a
style to suit the whims of any
Sleeves are winged and wider
this spring, their length varying
from just above the elbow to just
below it. Dressier fabrics, such as
silk, are giving the spring stilts
more dress-up value. Drip-dry
cotton-dacron blends are favored
for more tailored occasions.
Tapered Jackets
In general, the jackets are
characterized by a "demi-fit." The
front features a slightly tapered,
concave line, and there is little
fitting in the back.
Getting dressed-up should be
fun this spring. The styles are
comfortable and easy to take
care of. The lines are so varied
that every figure-type will look

Sun Carefree
With Simple
Skin Cautions
Summer ;brings not only sun
and flowers and new romance. It
also brings certain pesky personal
problems like an unhealthy com-
plexion and dull, straight hair.
Those remaining in the city have
different problems from those at
the sea side. In the city the big-
gest problems are oily skin and
hair accompanied by blemishes.
The best cure for oily skin is
soap and water used two or three
times a day. Skin fresheners are a
nice pick up in between washes.
Makeup with anticeptic base should
should be used with oily skin to
prevent blemishes.
Wash Hair Often
In the city, hair should be
washed at least two times a week.
Many commercial rinses make hair
hold curl better in the humid
A gentle permanent, profession-
al or do it yourself, can be a great
help. If you do it yourself, your hair
should be shaped and trimmed be-
fore-hand professionally.
Beach goers have problems just
the opposite from those of the city
dwellers and those who commute
have alternating problems.
At the sea shores, dry flaky skin
combined with sunburn and peel-
ing is the difficulty. A creamy sun
tan lotion will not only prevent
sunburn and insure a golden tan.
It will keep the skin moist.
Apply Tanning Lotion
Tanning lotion should be ap-
plied before and after each swim
and before each sun bath. If skin
is extremely dry, one cleaning a
day before bed may suffice. This
may be done either with soap and
water or with one of the commer-
cial cleansing creams. Perhaps
cleansing cream pickups during the
day will keep your skin clean and
moist. A non-drying, non-alcoholic
skin freshener may be used after
cleaning to give a vital feeling to
the skin.
If your hair gets wet while you
are swimming, it should be rinsed
with clear water. Rinsing removes
any dirt particles picked up from
the water. It also prevents chlorine
from leaving that greenish cast on
peroxided hair.
Keeps Hair Dry
If dry hair bothers you, keep it
as dry as possible with a good
bathing cap and wash it as seldom
as sanitation allows. Frequent,
vigorous brushing keeps h a i r
cleaner, and helps to maintain
natural oil balance.
Fatigue is one of the main
causes of pasty complexion and
dull hair. Eight hours sleep is a
necessity for every summer beauty.
Base makeup should be two
shades darker than usual to blend
with your tan. Light colors in eye
makeup accentuate a tan. Mas-
cara, eyeshadow, and eyeliner are
available in a vriety of water-
proof summer shades.
Choose Standbys
In Shoe Wear
This spring will see the old
standby in shoe style. The pointed
toe and narrow heel will remain
The popular printed shoes of
last spring will be played down
with the possible exception of
madras, to go along with the
madras trend in sports clothes.
Sport shoes for the spring sea-
son will still find the leather boot,
bubble oxford and Italian loafer
(with the plain front) constituting
the majority of other-than-tennis-
shoe styles.

-Daily-David Giltrow
FOR THAT DATE-This black and white sheath dress can be
worn for a dressy date to a concert or for regular evening wear.


-Daily-David Giltrow
PARTY DRESS--This pure silk, striped organza dress with a low
cut back and bow trim is suitable for summer dates and dancing.

Spring Hair Styles Shorter,
Bouffants, Bubbles Popular

Keep a Trim Feminine Figure
By Consistent Exercise, Control

In spring a young girl's fancy
turns to thoughts of-figure con-
With summer just a few weeks
away, aspiring objects of man's
favorite beach activity, girl-watch-
ing, begin their annual war against
the "bathing-suit bulge."
From one end of the world to
the other, the gals congregate to
exercise extra inches away. Some
do it with music, others counting
in a strict calisthenic fashion.
Many girls go through their rou-
tine as soon as they get up in the
morning, while others prefer to
exercise before dropping off to
Any man who thinks the female
sex is weak or lazy need only spend
a few minutes witnessing an ex-
ercise session to cancel all such
Lovelier Legs
For lovelier legs: Squat, placing
hands, palms down on the floor in
front of you. Now, straighten legs,
keeping hands on floor. Repeat ten
Aid Coordination
Here's an exercise to aid co-
ordination and general flexibility.
First, stand up straight. Second,
squat, hands placed in front of
you, on the floor. Third, throw
your legs out to the rear. Fourth,
return to squatting posision. Fifth,
stand. Do this fifteen to twenty
times. You're out of breath? Non-
sense-we're just beginning.

For a flatter tummy, here's an,
easy little "task." Lie on back, !
legs extended, arms over your
head. On the Count of One flex
legs and sit up, bringing arms up
and placing hands on one side of,
your body. On Count Two, return
to lying position. Repeat to the;
other side. Do this exercise twenty
times. Remember, you must be dil-:
igent about your exercises if you
want results. Quitters just aren't,
Slim Hips
Now I'll show you an exercise:
which has been revered by girls for '
centuries because of its wonder-:
ful hip-slimming effects. Lie on
back, arms outstretched at should-
er level. Raise right leg, cross over
body, touching right toe on floor
near left hand. Raise leg again and
return to floor. Now try it with
your left leg. Repeat ten times.

Don't worry about the soreness--it
will pass.
Small Waist an Asset
A small waist is a great asset
for the girl who wears a swim-suit.
Let's try a couple "waist reducers"
-just to see what they're like. For
the first one, stand up, arms at
sides. Raise left arm over head
and bounce eight times to the
right, making sure not to bend
forward or backward but right ov-
er your hip. Do this to the left
side and repeat the whole exercise
fifteen times.
The second exercise for a small
waist is called the "airplane."
Stand up, arms outstsretched at
shoulder level. Touch left toe with
right hand, letting the left arm
raise naturally behind you. Now
use your left hand to touch your"
right toe and repeat the exercise
twenty times.
Trimness Worthwhile.

Hair styles this spring will be
generally short. Anything from the
"shingle" to a 11 inch short wave
will be in fashion.
Bouffants and bubbles will be
very much in style. Modifications
of these hair-do's with hair close
to the head on the sides will also
appeal to many girls.
Waves Will Dominate
Waves, rather than curls will
dominate the scene. Most of the
new hair styles will require roller
type setting.
We will still be seeing a few
pixie-cuts, but most of the college
girls are turning to the softer
bouffant look.
'Page-boys' will remain popular.
The shorter 'page-boy' fluffs, with
hair no longer than three inches
on the neck, are replacing the
longer bobs.
Favor Casual Styles
For dressy occasions many co-
eds seem to favor the French roll.
But hair styles resembling bee-

hives and birds' nests, although
popular in other areas, are not
prevalent in Ann Arbor. Girls
rather favor casual styles which
they can easily comb and set
To combat the "drenched look,"
which often accompanies an Ann
Arbor spring, a soft permanent
can be of help to many girls in
wet weather.
With summer approaching tip-
ping, frosting and tinting will
again be in style.
Of course hair-do's vary, but
University girls generally follow
the trend of the short, casual look.
Short Hair Easier
"Short hair styles are easier to
take care of than longer fluffs or
'page-boys,'" said one coed.
Most girls agree that they wear
the hair style that looks best on
them and best fits their personal-
ity, and so anything from the cap-
cut to the pony-tail are apt to be

Now ... A Silverplate
that You Never Polish!



is summer's darling




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15% Discount

Cacq uel syles ft high or mid-heeled in shanoin,
the shntung weave th''s crisp as line and so coofly right, summering
onywherel Which of 121 pale to blazing shades will you choose? Just name
it. Con do! As bean in Voaue. 1 1no

Striped Vase.........$21.00
Large Cigarette Box... 12.50
Fruit Bow.......... 12.00
Triangle Bawl...... 11.00
Perfect blending of modern beauty and old world





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