DUE PROCESS: A LOT TO ASKA See Page 4 Y Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom Daii4 SHOWERS Low--48 Partly cloudy with possible showers during the afternoon. VOL. LXX, No. 138 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1960 FIVE CENTS SIX PAGES City Police Free Student Pickets Expect More Discussion of Case Before Announcement of Decision By PETER STUART City police tentatively released 14 students and one University employee yesterday after the city attorney's office found their distri- bution of anti-discrimination ieaflets constituted "no littering within the purview of the ordnance." Before any final action is taken, further review is expected by police and city attorneys. The decision was reached in a one and one-half hour conference yesterday between assistant city attorney S. J. Elden and attorneys - for the pickets, Harold Norris of KORE S SEIZE P RTS OF CAPIT 1 S I ELECTIO S DE 0 STR TIO Meyer Calls Communism Successful By MAME JACKSON Our age is the "most revolu- tionary of all ages," Prof. Alfred G. Meyer of the political science department at Michigan State University said in a lecture spon- sored by the Democratic Socialist Club last night. In his speech, "The Russian Revolution and the Revolution of Our Times," Prof. Meyer ex- pressed his views on the relation- ships between the present day industrial revolution in underde- veloped nations and their "pioneer model," the Russian Revolution of 1917. Opposing a popular conception "that this is a world where the democratic principle is quite well- established and a evil, Communist conspiracy is throwing monkey wrenches into the scheme," Meyer listed three definite reasons for associating the second industrial revolution with the Communist revolution. Gives Reasons First, the Soviet system "repre- sents a successful alternative to the free enterprise system." Aside from success in the promotion of economic growth, the Soviet Union has become sucesesful as a welfare state and as a power in power in foreign technological nomic aid. "Second, the Russian Revolu- tion can be considered a pioneer of colonial revolution," Meyer said. "Because there are many features which characterize both revolutions, the Russian Revolu- tion has become a model to strug- gling, backward nations." The third reason for associating the two revolutions lies in the development of Lenin's theory about revolution in our time. Lenin offered a "systematic an- alysis of backwardness and a sys- tematic prescription for correcting backwardness." Tells Results "The social and political conse- quences of the present revolution are great," Meyer continued. Among the most important inno- vations wrought by revolution are "the formation of a completely new image of warfare and the twin development of automation and energy revolution." Meyer stressed the possibility that society may be on the "threshold of a truly humane period of history" as another re- sult of the industrial revolution. "This," he added, "presupposes that we don't blow ourselves up in the meantime." Nehru Says India Periled By Red China NEW DELHI (AP)-Red China's Chou En-Lai, looking glum and stolid, arrived here yesterday for talks on the bitter boundary dis- pute with India. He was promptly told by Prime Minister Nehru that India's relations with Communist China "have been imperiled for the present and future." This declaration, voiced shortly after the Red Chinese Premier stepped from an Indian Air Force plane, set the tone for one of the toughest speeches Nehru has ever made to a visiting dignitary. The usually affable Nehru wore a tight smile as he told Chou: "When your excellency came here three vears nn as the renresenta- the Detroit chapter of the Ameri- can Civil Liberties Union and David E. Utley of Pontiac. Asked To Appear The 15 picketers had been re- quested to appear at City Hall yesterday morning after having been apprehended Saturday while demonstrating before the Cousins Shop and local branches of the S. S. Kresge Co. and the F. W. Woolworth Co., whose Southern branches allegedly practice segre- gation. Utley said he assured Elden that police officers had seen no pickets dropping leaflets on the sidewalk (in violation of a city ordinance) and if leaflets were dropped, they were done so by pedestrians receiving them. The action means that demon- strations will resume against the stores Saturday, barring the possi- bility that the decision to release them may be reversed, John Leggett, Grad., spokesman for the pickets, said. Release Statement The statement released by at- torneys Elden, Norris and Utley with the consultation of Prof. Wesley E. Maurer, chairman of the journalism department, repre- senting the local chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union stated: "In the light of the court deci- sions on the subject, if there has been no littering within the pur- view of the ordinance, there has been no violation. Hence there will be no prosecution." Explaining his position on the matter, Norris said he felt the pickets had violated no city ord- nance, but even if they had, they would have been supported by guarantees in the First Amend- ment and Michigan law. 'Exercising Rights' "These students are exercising their constitutional rights of free- dom of speech and press to oppose racial discrimination and segre- gation in American life. They are thus defending the Bill of Rights for all," he said. The 15 picketers are Dale Ar- oner, '60, Daniel Breskin, '62, Har- riet Collins, Grad., John Erfurt, who is not a student at the Uni- versity, David Golden, '63, Stephen Hendel, '63, Jack Ladinsky, Grad., John Magney, '60E, Leonard Rob- ins, Grad., Thomas Roland, '60, Robert Ross, '63, Shirley Walton, '62, David Whinston, '61, James Wigle, '61E, and Judith Yesner, Grad. U.S. Voices Peace Hopes For Korea WASHINGTON (/P)-The State Department said yesterday it "fully concurs" with a statement put out in Seoul by United States Ambassador Walter P. McCon- aughy deploring violence and urging the settlement of "justi- fiable grievances." Press officer Lincoln White was asked at his noon news confer- ence about the disturbances in Korea and McConaughy's virtu- ally unprecedented comment on the host country's domestic af- fairs. The department, White said, has no intention of listing the grievances the Ambassadormen- tioned in his statement, but he did say they include "acts of violence and irregularities which marked the recent elections in Korea." White declined to discuss the question whether it wasan un- usual step for McConaughy to events. But he said, "unique rela- tions" between the two countries, with thousands of Americans in the United Nations forces in Korea, explain why the diplo- mat found it necessary to make his statement. The official adoption of that statement came a few hours after Secretary of State Christian A. Herterhad invited Korean Am- bassador You Chan Yang to call on him, obviously for a discussion of events in his homeland. You Chan Yang said in an! interview he is sure Communist agents are inciting demonstrators in Korea. "They use the same tactics in Korea as in other parts of the world," the ambassador said. "The agents are exciting young students to destroy everything that is anti-Communist." In advance of his meeting with Herter, Yang said he is confident order will be restored soon. The internal troubles of South Korea are causing no danger to the forces guarding the border with Communist North Korea, military men here believe. Two divisions of United States army troops are deployed on the border, along with the ground forces of the Republic of (South) Korea (ROK). The United Nations agreement under which the United States and South Korean troops operate, assigns full control of troops of both countries in the border area to the U.N. commander, Gen. Car- ter Magruder. , Ai::::.Wflfl4::l.T $".:...V::W.A r'.4V .A. ..:..W$ .* . . .,: m +i:. . , 'Sfr r. ..{rripi . + r:.hi.~ . . r'.v ri Katy Johnson, Lea By JO HARDEE She has begun a t Daily contributing Editor project, going alph Ask the policeman in Chi- down a lengthy list cago's LaSalle Terminal who teas offered in a loc told her about his days as a .rant. Sipping her Ba juvenile delinquent. tea, she continued, " Or the elderly English lady you can assume that who took her to see a Soho pa- son next to you on rade and to hear speeches at. doesn't really want to Hyde Park. Or the children who Katy has operate were on her television show. theory that the pe Ask these people who Katy want to talk -- and Johnson is. They won't tell you very interesting thin that she is president of the With a rare ability f Women's League. conversation, Katy us They, will probably tell you out more about her i she is one of the most viva- than the interviewer t ciously alert people they have her. met; a person with a keen in- This ability served terest in people and a healthy in her television serie appreciation for good conver- dren. Produced in1 sation--preferably over coffee, state of Iowa during Easy To Float mer of 1956 and agai "It's very easy to float along these programs won on the surface of things," Katy thusiastic reception said recently, this time over tea. younger set and the Protest Election; Cal artial aw Students, Townspeople March On Presidential Mansion in Seoul SEOUL (R)-Defiant students and townspeople armed with guns, knives and clubs held mob control over northeastern Seoul yesterday in the bloody, fiery Korean civilian revolt against allegd political corruption. Ruins of public buildings still smoked from destructive mob-set fires. On the international front'the United States rebuked the Korean government for repressive measures. President Syngman Rhee's government - now In its fourth 4-year term - called troops into Seoul and proclaim- ed martial law here and in four other cities Monday after clashes between police and-! gue President ea-tasting habetically of exotic al restau- sket Fired You know, t the per- the plane talk." d on the rson does has some gs to say. or skillful ually finds nterviewer does about her 'well s for chil- her home the sum- n in 1957, n an en- from the approval of parents, teachers and those in the television industry. Series Nominated Her first series, "It's Fun to Find Out," was nominated for a Peabody Award. Questioned about her stamina in dealing with the trying schedule of League president, Katy attributed much of it to experience gained in producing and acting in a weekly televi- sion program. "After working 18 hours a day under constant pressure, University life is a vacation." Dean of Women Deborah Ba- con, who worksclosely with the League president, has noted that the best presidents of women 's organizations have often had experience in televi- sion production. "It's that abil- ity to keep track of a dozen different things at once and tie See KATY, Page 2 100,000 demonstrators chal- lenging the count of ballots in recent national elections. The troops quickly cleared most streets in Seoul and other cities and restored a brooding peace. But in northeastern Seoul, hot- bed of resistance to Rhee's ruling liberal party, hundreds of die-hard demonstrators still roamed. Army tanks and truckloads of soldiers moved on that sector this morn- ing. g Lead Battle School boys were in the fore- front of Monday's swirling battle where teargas fell thick and police rifles poured volley after volley into the ranks of the demonstra- tors. The clashes, facing the tough- minded 85-year-old Rhee with his gravest crisis since the Korean war, were sparked by protests over alleged freuds and . strong- arm tactics in the March 15 presi- dential elections which Rhee's lib- eral party won. Reports that 81 persons were killed and up to 300 wounded in Monday's street battling brought rebukes from the United States. Secretary of State Christian A. Herter called the strong measures taken to put down the disorders "unsuited to a free democracy" and asked the Korean government to put an end to "repressive meas- ures." _.;:qtrs.;:fx;: :. :s:tac 5:?:.:.-s =: ^a: :' r:?%.; X; :? : 5:'4fi. ':.. _._ 7:.# FOR COMBAT SURVEILLANCE: U'Develops Radar System Board Head Tells Reason For Action (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is a statement from Prof. Olin L. Browder. chairman of the Board in Control of Student Publications. The imminent disappearance of Gargoyle from the campus scene is attributable to lack of sufficient interest in keeping it going. I do not refer to lack of readers but to the lack of personnel to make it a vital and going concern. The senior staffs of The Daily and Ensian consider it their respogsi- bility, not only to publish cur- rently, but to recruit and train underclassmen so as to provide a reliable succession. Without this ingredient no continuing enter- prise can be successful. For some time now, this element has. been lacking in Gargoyle, which has re- sulted in a tentative, hand-to- mouth sort of operation. This places the Board in the difficult position at appointment time of having to consider petitions with- out any, reasonable criteria for judgment. The same problent was presented this year. The deadline for peti- tioning passed without a single petition having been filed. This is a startling fact in a University with over twenty thousand stu- dents, and proves the point pretty well, I think, about lack of in- terest. It is true that well after the deadline three petitions were filed. But two of these three per- sons would not have met the exist- ing eligibility requirements ap- plicable to Gargoyle, and two of the three were persons whose qual- ifications were virtually unknown to the present staff. The Board would have con- sideredit an act of irresponsibility on its part to have tried to per- petuate an organization which had been left hanging by such tenuous threads of responsibility. To Our Youth By SUE FARRELL An advanced radar photography system for airborne combat sur- veillance developed by the Uni- versity's Willow Run Laboratories in cooperation with the United States Army Signal Corps was announced yesterday. The new system-composed of an aircraft containing radar equip- ment and a van on the ground containing the signal processing equipment-was termed "one of the most significant breakthroughs in radar since the early days of World War II. The aircraft flies in a straight- line path while the side-looking antenna, in a continuous opera- tion views a wide strip of terrain along the horizon. Stored on Film The radar signals, stored on film, are later converted into a detailed, distortion - free, photo- like strip map. The processing system is in es- sence a "synthesizing" of side- looking antennas many times long- er than the aircraft itself. It simultaneously focuses radar for all ranges, so that the far edge of the strip being viewed is seen with the same clarity and defini- tion as the near edge. This system "provides a picture with detail that has heretofore not been achieved by radar and to ranges which a few short years ago were deemed impossible," Brig. Gen. William M. Thames, com- mander of the Signal Corps' Com- bat Surveillance Agency, said in Washington yesterday. Details Classified Although exact ranges and de- tails remain classified, they are great enough to allow a plane fly- ing over friendly areas to look deep into enemy territory. It is known that the system shows objects several hundreds of miles away as Ike To Seek - A . if they had been photographed al- most overhead. Research on the system is con- Sauer Hints 'At Changes HUMANSDORP, South Africa (U)-Paul Sauer, who is acting as minister in the absence of Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd, called yester- day for a "new spirit".in the ap- proach to the country's racial question. In what was regarded as a ma- jor policy statement-though it contradicted opinions held by some sections of the government-- Sauer said South Africa would. "reconsider in earnest and hon- esty her whole approach to the native question." tinuing with increasing perfection of the data processing technique in view. Work on a completely air- borne system that can be trans- mitted as TV film has already be- gun. Willow Run Laboratory repre- sentatives at a press conference yesterday envisioned future uses to include truce-zone patrolling, long-range bombing by missiles and aircraft and geodetic mapping. They estimated that an airborne processing system applicable for use in satellites could be made as light as 100 lbs. Officials in Washington where the system was unveiled yesterday concurred with these predictions. It was reported from Washing- ton that the system is being re- ceived as a possible aid to an in- spection system the United States considers essential for policing any East-West disarmament pact See 'U', page 2 LAST ISSUE TODAY: Garg Closes Shop-Perhaps Forever By JUDY OPPENHEIM By decision of the Board in Control of Student Publications, today's Gargoyle will be the last for at least a full year. In an official statement, Prof. Olin L. Browder of the Law School, r. x chairman of the Board in Control, cited lack of sufficient interest as the reason for the decision. The board received no petitions for Gargoyle editorships prior to the deadline, and the present Gargoyle has no staff trained to take over. Training Difficult Richard Pollinger, '60, retiring Gargoyle editor, etplained that - training a staff presents problems since the magazine is not pub- lashed regularly and potential members need a knack for humor writing which cannot be taught. Banned Twice The magazine has been banned from campus twice. Director of University Relations Lyle Nelson, discussing the magazine, said he felt that Gargoyle has more problems among its own staff than it has with the University. He said, however, that the I: