Arrest African Negroes fBef ore Expected Boycott PREPARES FOR SUMMIT: De Gaulle Arrives in Canada for Talks I.I OTTAWA (RP)--French President Charles de Gaulle arrived in Can- ada yesterday for a 17-day visit to the Western Hemisphere, includ- ing presummit talks in Ottawa and Washington. He will spend four days in Can- ada and a week in the United States before concluding his 17,000 mile trip with a visit to French Caribbean territories. This is the first visit of the French leader to North America since 1945. Talks Important While the de Gaulle visit will be mostly social, diplomatic offi- cials believe his talks with Cana- dian and United States leaders will constitute an important part of Western preparations for the May 16 summit conference. De Gaulle will meet Prime Min- ister John Defenbaker twice to- morrow for private conversations. Also taking part in the talks will be Maurice Couve de Murville and Howard Green, the French and Canadian Foreign Ministers. Canada, as an ardent supporter of the North Atlantic Treaty Or- ganization, has taken an active' part in drafting Western strategy. As a member of the Western disarmament team in Geneva talks, Canada has played a key role in arms negotiations - a major subject for summit discus- sions. Key Role The most important diplomatic talks, however, are expected to take place after de Gaulle arrives in Washington Friday. He and President Dwight D. Eisenhower will begin their conversations Sat- urday at the President's Gettys- burg farm. In addition to discuss- ing summit plans, de Gaulle is expected to urge the United States administration to share atomic secrets with France. De Gaulle will remain in Ottawa until tomorrow morning before flying on for brief visits to Que- bec, Montreal, and Toronto. His last visit to Canada was during World War II when he was leader of the Free French forces. 'To Win Peace' Speaking in Montreal in July, 1944, he said "France now is ready to help win a peace both for her- self and the rest of the world." The Montreal Gazette recalled this visit today in an editorial and commented: I ~4eEfri~~ym D i Second Front Page Tuesday, April 19, 1960 Page 3 . "The words which de Gaulle will use in Montreal this week may be different, but the general content is likely to be much the same. For de Gaulle is not a man who changes his views or his objectives often." Court Bans Rail Strike n junctons WASHINGTON (P) - The Su- preme Court yesterday ruled out anti-strike injunctions in disputes between unions and railroads over the elimination of jobs. The Court divided 5-4 in strik- ing down an injunction obtained by the Chicago and North Western Railway against the Brotherhood ' of Railroad Telegraphers. The in- junction was issued by the United States Court of Appeals in Chi- cago. Justice Hugo L. Black, speaking for the majority, said a labor dis- pute within the meaning of the Norris-Leguardia Act was involved. "It may be, as some people think, that Congress was unwise in curtailing the jurisdiction of Federal courts in railroad disputes, as it did in the Norris-Laguardia Act," Black wrote. "Arguments have even been pre- sented here pointing to the debili- tation of the respondent Chicago and North Western Railroad and to the absolute necessity for aban- donment of railroad stations. These arguments, however, were addressed to the wrong forum. If the scope of the Norris-Laguardia Act is to be cut down in order to prevent 'waste' by the railroads, Congress should be the body to do so. Such action is beyond the judi- cial province and we decline to take it." Justices Charles E. Whittaker and Tom C. Clark wrote separate dissenting opinions. Justices Clark, Felix Frankfurter and Potter Stewart joined Whittaker's dis- senting opinion. Whittaker said the union's demands that it be, given the right to veto job elimina- tions on the railroad was contrary to the provisions and policies of the Inter-state Commerce Act. The North Western proposed to close down many of its one-man stations, principally located on branch lines. The union demanded a provision that no job in existence on Dec. 3, 1957 would be abolished or discon- tinued except by agreement be- tween the carrier and the union. The union issued a strike call for Aug. 21, 1958. The railroad then obtained a temporary injunction in Federal District Court. The Court of Appeals made the injunc- tion permanent. Accuse 400 Of Violence, Intimidation Police Say Natives Attacked Workers JOHANNESBURG (M-Striking before the opening of a work boy- cott called for all South Africa, police and troops arrested 400 Ne- groes in a settlement near East London yesterday. Police said they rounded up Ne- groes who had beaten and intimi- dated others who want to work in defiance of the boycott called by Negro leaders to oppose South Africa's white supremacy laws. Maj. P. M. Landman, East Lon- don district police commandant, said the arrested Negroes had beaten and intimidated Negroes who wanted to work. He said no violence was connected with the arrests. Near Port Elizabeth, a Negro sergeant was attacked and injured by Negroes as he went to work. Six Negroes were arrested and charged with assault. Elsewhere in South Africa, po- lice maintained an uneasy quiet yesterday for most workers. The real showdown for the stay-at- home movement called by the out- lawed African National Congress comes today. All police and many white civilians have been mo- bilized. The government has warned that Negroes heeding the call will face loss of their jobs or banish- ment to native reserves in the in- terior. Police offered protection to Negroes going to work. A failure of the boycott will be a setback for the ANC in its cam- paign to force a letup in the gov- ernment's segregation policy and' to gain freedom for jailed Negro leaders. Thousands of strike pamphlets flooding Johannesburg indicated an effective underground organiza- tion. The Johannesburg Golden City Post, a Sunday paper for Ne- groes, said many Africans have been arrested for distributing the pamphlets. Other press reports said the gov- ernment may seal off South Afri- ca's frontiers with the British pro- tectorates of Swaziland, Basuto- land and Bechuanaland to hinder government opponents from seek- ing asylum. In an Easter statement, the Rev. J.D. Serfontein of Port Elizabeth, a leader of the Dutch Reformed Church, accused the Anglican archbishop of Cape Town, the Most Rev. Joost De Blank, of "making war on the Dutch Re- formed Church" for refusing to condemn apartheid. Castro Says U.S. Aiding Cuba Rebels HAVANA (P) - Fidel Castro charged yesterday that United States authorities at Guantanamo Naval Base are connected with a plot to set up organized counter- revolutionary resistance to his regime in eastern Cuba. "American authorities at the naval base know of these activities and are connected with them," the Prime Minister said in an inter- view aboard a plane that returned him to Havana from eastern Cuba. He said United States planes had been flying over the moun- tainous region of eastern Cuba, probably trying to make contact with Manuel Beaton, a counter- revolutionary hiding out there with a small band of men. Names Objectives He said the objective of all these activities "is to create some sort of resistance to the government on the east coast between the mountains and Guantanamo." The United States State De- partment in Washington quickly denied the charges. A spokesman said: "Our people at the base are doing their work and not dabbling in Cuban politics." As to the United States planes, it was recalled in Havana that planes from the base were search- ing for a missing antisubmarine plane last week, and their normal search pattern would take them over the mountain area. United States officials said such searches were coordinated with Cuban au- thorities. To Solve Problems Despite the charges, Castro said he feels problems between the United States and Cuba can be solved. He expressed willingness to talk with anyone in the interest of promoting United States - Cuban understanding. But he appeared reluctant to specify whether he thought a meeting withrPresident Dwight D. Eisenhower or Secretary of State Christian A. Herter would do the trick. Castro did not name any officer or groups of officers. at the big United States naval base in con- nection with his charges. Castro charged that another former army captain, Nino Diaz, was a link between Beaton and authorities at Guantanamo. Diaz Accused He accused Diaz, now at large, of having been a contact between Batista followers at the base and "rich counterrevolutionaries" in Santiago, the capital of Oriente Province in eastern Cuba. Castro described Beaton as a "vulgar delinquent" and said plot- ters in eastern Cuba were trying to turn him into a counterrevolution- ary hero. Beaton escaped from prison in Havana and took to the same hills used by Castro when he battled dictator Fulgencio Batista. Beaton claimed he was held on trumped up charges that he killed one of Castro's army officers. "The campesinos (farmers) will take care of Beaton," Castro as- serted. NEW DELHI WIP-Chou En-Lai, Red China's touring goodwill salesman, arrives in India today to talk about strained India- Chinese relations. It appears the Communist lead- er will find Prime Minister Jawa- harlal Nehru and other Indian officials displaying the toughest kind of sales resistance. Most Indians say there is virtu- ally no hope for a settlement of the border dispute with Red China -the biggest problem to be tack- led in six days of talks. Land Disputed. At issue is 51,000 square miles of wild, remote territory between India and Communist-held Tibet. Red China occupies 12,000 square miles and India the rest. Both claim it all. Sources close to the Chinese Communist Embassy here were hinting that a part of theborder might be agreed upon, and a part turned over to a commission for further study. This was the for- mula used by Red China in a border dispute with Burma. Chou arrives in India after apparently doing a good selling job in Ran- goon. But, as one New Delhi news- paper put it on the eve of Chou's arrival: "Political circles are not build- ing exaggerated hopes of a Sino- Indian settlement of the border question." Settlement Difficult Frank Moraes, editor of the Indian Express, said that unless both sides engage in brisk horse trading it is difficult to see any chance for a settlement. Moraes said the Prime Minister would tell Chou politely to return to Peiping if he "insists on main- taining old postures." There was no enthusiasm here over Chou's impending arrival. Chinese flags fluttered alongside India's tricolor, but only on the route through which Chou will pass on his week's stay here. Se- curity men from all over India have been brought into New Delhi to help guard the visitor. The border dispute flared up last summer after smouldering in notes between the two govern- ments. The 51,000 square miles in dis- pute-the size of Alabama-is in three parts. The largest area is 36,000 square miles of India's north-east fron- tier agency between Assam and eastern Tibet. About 15,000 square miles lies on a three-mile high plateau of Ladakh at the western end of Tibet. There are also a few small areas south of Ladakh on the border just west of Nepal. Chinese Anxious The Chinese appear anxious to get the part of Ladakh where they already control nearly 12,000 square miles. Through it runs the only road from Tibet to the Chi- nese province of Sinkiang. When the dispute came into the open Nehru sounded as if he was not too willing to give up FOR STUDENTS A SPECIAL CHECKING ACCOUNT IS BEST OF ALL ! Just $2.00 for a book of twenty checks- that's all it takes to maintain a special check- ing account at Ann Arbor Bank. No service charges . . . no minimum bal- ances . . . no fuss or bother. It's just that easy! For a student, a special checking account is the best way we know to pay bills ... carry- ing money without carrying cash. Why not drop in and open your account right away? some of the barren Ladakhi Pla- teau. jBut- he met severe-criticism in parliament and demonstrations throughout the country have urged India not to give an inch. Nehru now appears to agree; warning the nation it must be prepared for many years of border tension. Official Chinese sources suggest Chou might agree to accept the northeast frontier border, evacu- ating the Indian outpost they captured last August. Chou might also accept Indian claims on the small areas west of Nepal. These agreements would permit the appearance of some success for the meeting, since about 2,000 miles of the 2,500 mile border would be settled. But the actual demarcation of the border could present problems between the two countries later. ARRIVES IN INDIA: Chou En-Lai Seeks Border Settlement j. d/ Read Daily I TOMORROW NIGHT at 8 at H ILLEL PROF. GEORGE E. MENDENHALL Near Eastern Studies Department 6th Lecture in series, "WHAT'S WORTH LIVING FOR?" Some Guidelines for the Perplexed of the 60's" on "THE BIBLICAL HIERARCHY OF VALUES" in Zwerdling-Cohn Chapel B'NAI B'RITH HILLEL FOUNDATION 1429 Hill Street I Use Daily Classifieds! SPRING r r SMART PRINTS a4th eat9 care lai The birds are singing, everything's shop and choose from our tremendous getting green, at last it's Spring and time to visit our second floor cotton collection of cotton prints as whimsi- cal as a wink, light as the wave of a wand, styling chic as a top hat. Junior sizes 7-10 average, petite and tali 10-20 half 121/1-241/ priced from 10.95 Nothing up your sleeve . . . bare armed dress of 100% cotton ba- tiste ... with cropped jacket. Pret- tiest ensemble of the season at 17.95. V \ _ A U AA %w T b A' The very fashions that have made news this spring and Easter . . . Now are yours at Emphatic Savings .. . /1t /a were $39.95 to $59.95 were 17.90 to 45.00 Large group of INDIA MADRAS Slim 6.90 t,,1 Qc.9 I ZI ~ I~ .~WU YUW'~J~ iS .. 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