-1 ---- .7--- - 11 1 -, --pt w RWM these mean about him as a Presi- dent. Nixon and I of ---- I. - - -j I - .1..fw . 09, Mmwi f His Critics: Li beral IS afna inae penae ni THEY ARE NOT so much con- cerned with the charge itself " that the Democrats are soft on Seek To Find the Man Communism. They are more inter- ested'in the implications such a charge holds for the individual Ithe Political M ask who made it. They are worried about a man who seems to believe Behinc By PHILIP POWER "F NIXON is-elected President, I'll leave the country!" Considering the relative politi- cal stability of recent American history, such threats uttered by a surprisingly large number of the electorate have introduced an un- usually discordant note into the domestic political scene. This wide-spread dislike for Nix- on, often verging on hatred, is all the more disconcerting in view of Vice-president Nixon's excellent chances of becoming the next President of the United States. It is this intense partisan feel- ing, more than any other quality, which characterizes Nixon in the contemporary p o1it ic a1 arena. When Nixon is being discussed, and the preliminary hemming and hawing is disposed of, debate in- variably turns not around his ex- perience, .skill or capacities, but around the often frighteningly in- tense emotions he generates. But when most anti-Nixon peo- ple are asked exactly why they dis- like him, one is often given the vague reply, "I don't trust him," or "He's an evil man. I can feel it." Such common responses, often grounded entirely on impression- istic bases, make debate surround- ing Nixon's candidacy for the Presidency particularly emotional and fruitless. At present, any at- tempt at objective analysis of the man always acquires an emotion- ally super-charged atmosphere. NOT THE least of the results of casting the Nixon debate largely in emotive terms is that his supporters feel called upon to a n s w e r t h e emotionally-based charges against him on emotional rather than objective grounds. If this tendency is allowed to extend to the overall level of the national campaign, it could easily preclude any meaningful debate on the is- sues at stake. Those who argue for and those who speak against Nixon gener- ally choose to emphasize differing criteria in their analyses. Those who support him prefer to em- phasize his undoubted skill and seasoning in public office and the experience which led President Eisenhower to call him "the best trained Vice-President in the his- tory of the United States." Those who oppose Nixon seek to discuss the less directly verifiable questions of his personality, atti- tude toward a position of public trust and individual ethics. Two major attacks have been leveled at Nixon'sconduct: a rath- er specific question about his fi- nancial dealings, and a more gen- eralized criticism of his campaign tactics and philosophy. The "Nixon Fund" that came to light in 1952, consisting of $18,- 000 which Nixon had accepted from his California backers as a supplement to his Senate salary, set off a long and often bitter dis- cussion of Nixon's finances and personal ethics. NIXON defended his acceptance of the fund in the now-famous "Checkers speech," w h e r e h e claimed that accepting the money was "morally wrong if any of that $18,000 went to Senator Nixon for my personal use. I say it was mor- ally wrong if it was secretly given and secretly handled. And I say it was morally wrong if any of the contributors got any special favors for the contributions which they have made. "And now to answer . .. Not one cent of the $18,000 or any other money of that type ever went to me for my personal use. Every penny of it was used to pay for political expenses." This speech convinced Eisen- hower and much of the nation of Nixon's honesty in the matter, and, according to S t e w a r t Alsop, Philip Power is Daily edi torial director and a senior in the literary college. I "transformed Nixon from a youth- ful would-be Throttlebottom into the really major political figure he has been ever since." However, doubts still remain in the minds of the anti-Nixon camp. For example, of those contribu- ting to the fund, real-estate, man- ufacturing, and oil interests were in the large majority. Nixon's vot- ing record on public housing, cor- poration taxation, labor and off- shore oil has uniformly tended to favor exactly these interests. important, no-holds-barred strug- gle for votes, he has ignored the basic ethical considerations which are essential even in politics and subverted any rational utility any campaign might have. These charges on campaign tac- tics center around a multitude of incidents, some real, some large- ly imagined. Critics point to three particular cases: 1) In 1950, Nixon distribuated a "pink sheet," linking his oppon- ent for a California Senate seat, . litical purposes, without any sub- stantial proof being brought for- ward at the same time. 3) In 1954, Nixon described the issues of the campaign as "Korea, Communism, corruption, and con- trols. This terrible foursome of deep trouble for our Nation spelled battlefield deaths in a war that apparently had no ending." Critics charge that such patent oversimplification and emotional- ism destroy any possibility for rational meaningful debate in a campaign. They further claim that it leads to a press-agent-controlled race for office, in which state- ments and charges are made with the headlines they might get f ore- most in mind, and with little or no concern for the facts and real issues. in all areas before 1956, citing his questionable campaign methods, financial dealings and a host of other alleged inadequacies. On the other hand, Nixon sup- porters prefer to emphasize Nix- on's achievements since 1956, when a "reformed" Nixon suppos- edly gained statesmanlike stature in his world tours and vigorous governmental leadership during and after Eisenhower's illnesses. IN SUCH A debate, Nixon's sup- porters are usually forced to, admit that Nixon may have been guilty of some indiscretions in the past. However, they then assert that the "old" Nixon is no more, but that he has now "reformed." They point to his increased matur- the process of winning more im- portant than what one does when one has won. They are frightened of a man who may have willingly subordinated means to ends. They are worried about a man who can say, "I can sell in the mass. But asking some individual to vote my way, for example, I'm no good at that." And they fear a man who conceives a political campaign in terms of selling and not in terms of discussion of is- sues. They mistrust a man who be- lieves that one must be a politi- cian first and a statesman second. They have misgivings about a man whose conscience is his ac- complice and not his guide in his dealings with interest groups. They are frightened when they hear a man say, "I try to be candid with newspapermen, but I can't really former Rep. Helen Gahagan Doug- H1OWEVER, even such a critic as las, with the late ultra-leftist Rep. William Costello (author of a Vito Marcantonio of New York. biography of Nixon, The Facts The sheet asked: "Would Califor- About Nixon) admits "Nixon was nia send Marcantonio to the Sen- not bribed. The fund did not in ate?" and purported to demon- any conscious way compromise strate a more than coincidental his integrity or independence." similarity between the voting rec- But Costello then goes on to ords of the two. present a quote from a biograph- This contention was attacked ical sketch by William V. Shan- vigorously. Charges of innuendo non which illustrates clearly the and dirty politics were made, and lingering worry the incident en- Nixon received for the first time gendered: "He (Nixon) was not the nickname, "Tricky Dick." a man of independent views enter- It now seems highly unlikely ing politics in the conventional that Mrs. Douglas was either a way and then 'bought off' by the Communist or one of their tools, vested interests . . . A man can willing or unwilling. Even Repub- be compromised only if he makes licans admit it was unfortunate a conscious choice between his own that Nixon should have chosen to moral standard and that of others. resort to tactics approaching per- When the standards coincide, sonal slander to win the campaign. there is no need for choice and Nixon himself recognized the dif- no sense of guilt . . . ficulties the incident caused him "Arthur Balfour, the British when he remarked, in response to statesman, once remarked of an a question asking an explanation opponent that 'his conscience is of .his campaign against Mrs not his guide but his accomplice.' Douglas, "I'm sorry about that It would be melancholy if such a episode. I was a very young man." phrase were ever applied to an ' American President." 2) In the 1952 campaign, Nix- Nixon's supporters assert that on said that President Truman, acceptance of the fund involved Secretary ) of State Acheson and no wrong-doing and find ."Nixon Adlai Stevenson "are traitors blameless of any moral guilt. On to the high principles in which the other hand, his opponents, many of the Nation's Democrats while accepting the assertion that believe. Real Democrats are out- he was not guilty of any explicit I raged by the Truman-Acheson- crime, prefer to emphasize the Stevenson gang's toleration and questions concerning Nixon's mor- defense of Communism in high als and ethics that the incident places." brought up. The close juxtaposition of "trai- tor" and "defense of Communism ANOTHER major area of criti- in high places" angered many, for cism has centered around Nix- the speech implied, although did on's campaign tactics. Critics not directly state, that Truman & charge that Nixon has repeatedly Co. were traitors. It was pointed indulged in campaigns of over- out by many critics that the heat simplication, innuendo and near- -of the campaign could excuse slander, and that in viewing the much, but not calling a political political campaign as a supremely I opponent a traitor solely for po- ity, his unmatched leadership1 em airdwit noe IXON himself sees campaign yNot really with anyone, not even tactics as a function of the training under political pressure my own family." tacic a a untin o te as a member of the Eisenhower . necessity of winning the race. "I administration, and his increased It is Nixon the man who is mis- believe there is only one sure-fire awareness of the consequences trusted and feared, not Nixon the formula for victory .. . We must and ethics of his actions. And they Vice-President, the Senator, e start with the basic cliche, that accuse Nixon's critics of sterile, world-traveller, not even Nixon an individual must be a politician politically motivated smear tac- the politician and campaigner. For before he can be a statesman . . . tics when they attempt to dig up all these roles are derivative from As my critics are very much aware, his political background. and dependent on Nixon the es- I believe in vigorous sharp debate Ts sential man. during a political campaign," heTsaying that the purpose of cam- And such personal mistrust puts saidin1958.gcdamn-hs Nixon himself in an almost hope- saidin 158.paign is to determine the issues less bind trying to answer it. For Again, Nixon said in defense of and to better understand the men hescfotd rega swht he his Checkers speech, "My concern involved. And they assert that the henceforth, regardless of what he throughout was motivated by a Nixon of today is essentially the says or does, he will always be in- coldblooded political judgment of same person as the Nixon of the terpreted in an unfriendly way by what was best for the ticket, and Helen Gahagan Douglas campaign his critics. Such is what happens that was why it was a pretty emo- or the Checkers speech. when reaction to a political figure tional talk." Understanding a man involves hen eactio htsolitif It is exactly these assertions, much more than merely examin- that political considerations must Ing his statements and actions of come before statesmanship and today. Rather it involves a care- THeANTI-N asOnforces may everything else, that worry Nix- ful and (hopefully) dispassionate unrealistic nin basing so much on's opponents. They fear tha t their concern on matters of: analysis of Nixon's behavior and Nixon has allowed the end of elec- motives, now and in the past. Nix- ethics, personality and conscience. tion victory to dominate the way on's critics claim that it is im- But, they ask, whereifdnotmncna- his campaigns are conducted. They possible for a man to undergo in uchnconsiderationsvalPresidencyare fear (in the words of The Reporter only five or six years the change such cnieatins vali? Ehc magazine) that Nixon is a"poli- some claim for Nixon. And they one of the two most important po- tician who regarded winning elec- hold that one of the truest indica- one of he m hs iortd po-: tions as a politician's first and tions of a man's character and at- stak o er i most important function, and who titude is his past words and deeds, sk was willing to use all the tricky not present claims. Any discussion of Nixon and the debating techniques which he had And in saying that it is the man Presidency involves implicitly or: learned as a boy to that end." A behind the press-agent-created explicitly a discussion of what the man who is not only capable, but mask that they want to discover, ideal President should be, and a willing, to subordinate means to the anti-Nixon forces are coming comparison of Nixon with this ends is clearly dangerous to the to the real heart of their dislike ideal. nation, Nixon'c critics reason. for him. For at bottom, what they The comparison is a difficult When discussion turns to Nix- fear and mistrust is not Nixon's and complicated one. And it is one on's performance in office and in performance as a public official or that the Political pundits have his campaigns, another equally even the specific facts of his cam- en struggling vareid, the ed to deep split in emphasis emerges be- paign techniques. What they fun- oCandidates, 1960, a series of bi- ogaensNixon's supporters and his damentally are concerned about is ofCnd ofte19 aj candi- critics. The anti-Nixon group lays Nixon the man, his attitude, his .datehtas saidThe ma rueon special stress on Nixon's conduct ethics, his conscience, and what: thumb I have been able to come up with is that of the rule of the men and the boys: "'The boys In politics are those individuals who want position in order to BE something. The men are those who want position in or- der to DO something.". And those who dislike Nixon fear even more that he may well be one of the boys of politics. Nixon is presently running as a full and experienced member of the Eisenhower administration. In spite of his support for the poli- cies of that administration, Nixon has shown signs that he does not entirely agree with all its positions. BUT NIXON has not, up to this: date, presented clearly his own: philosophy of government or of- flee. Various segments of the Re- publican party claim him simul- taneously as a true liberal and a real conservative. Nixon has so far seemed disinclined to present the voting public with an unequi-' vocal statement of his true politi- cal colors. Nixon foes take great glee in re- telling the story, told by William Costello, of a campaign meeting :. in California which Nixon ad- dressed. A particularly noisy, ob- noxious heckler was threatening to completely disrupt the meeting. At last Nixon turned on him and shouted, "When we're elected, we'll take care of people like you! Okay, boys, throw him out!" Perhaps they're afraid of being thrown out themselves. SUNDAY, APRIL 17. 1960 Pro and (These quotations are relirint by William Costello, pub] Political positions have alu and it v as the right time and t A little man in a big burr) And speaking for a tinani publican Chief Justice, Earl W74 gation in the nation's schools. A man u-ho uwill exploit f& does not have within his conscie try has the right to expect in th There is no man In the his a careful preparation as has Vice the duties of the Presidency, if I do not consider a Peps< actor's perfection uith lines, no fications for high office. The cons iction of Alger . persistence alone. At last the st government has been exposed b> Apparently he is a man W) he does not understand why, af not simply forgive and forget. bead that there are some thin' to go on peacefully after an ele You're my boy. So far as we are concerned