It's That Time Again a Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. 0 ANN ARBOR, MIcH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" AT HILL AUDITORIUM: Good Friday Program well Chosen, Performed BRUCKNER'S Symphony No. 9 and Beethoven's Choral Phantasy for, Piano, Choir and Orchestra were performed yesterday on the School of Music Good Friday Program. Both.of these works were most appropriate for such a concert. The University Orchestra, under the direction of Josef Blatt, did well interpreted reading of the Bruckner. It is a difficult, highly chromatic work full of sweeping, romantic melodies. The occasional problems encountered by the orchestra were those of precision and intonation, especially in some of the violin parts. This Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. LURDAY, APRIL 16, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: SELMA SAWAYA Moral Commitment Necessary To University Students AN energetic young instructor y e s t e r d a y mocked a spontaneous gathering of students on the Diag; their heated debate on the dis- crimination issue was interrupting his class. "Rabble," he muttered whimsically. "Let 'em eat cake!" It's reasonable to assume the teacher regards himself as a liberal and an upholder of equal rights. No doubt he takes his ideas and ideals seriously and feels a commitment to certain things he believes are right. It's equally probable that he didn't realize he was taking a position in this instance which breaks down the image of what a teacher should be. lHE students he termed, "rabble" are per-' haps the most valuable of all to the Uni- versity community. They are committed. They are interested and alive. Apathy is not one of their characteristics. They feel strongly enough against the in- equality of their Southern Negro counterparts that they are willing to take a stand on the issue. Some of them are in favor of picketing in Ann Arbor as a means of economic pressure on stores that segregate in the South; some of them think this means is unfair to local merchants. None, however, are indifferent. All these students must feel that expediency on an issue of this ethical significance is rep- rehensible. Expedient thinking of the kind shown by this instructor-though he may not be aware of it-is a serious problem in this University. It's easy to laugh at commitment. Commit- ment, after all, is active-not passive. -JEAN SPENCER Usage of Student Fees T HE UNIVERSITY is planning to build a new addition to the Student Activities Building, using student funds to finance self- liquidating bonds. The question is: why can't this arrangement be used for other, and perhaps more noble, projects. For instance, even the most cursory diagnosis of the legislative situation indicates the University is not going to get its badly- needed music school building. There are other important projects that are being delayed be- cause of a lack of capital outlay funds, and the record shows that actual facilities are a big factor in maintenance of the University's faculty. In addition, the new facilities are often necessary to continue producing the new scholarship and research that contribute so vitally to the greatness of any university. USE of student funds for building might entail a tuition boost, but it wouln't be pro- prohibitive. An increase of $5 per semester would yield a quarter of a million dollars per year, not enough to rebuild the University by MAX LERNER: The Calcul C ALCUTTA -The Indian press is running, belatedly, a good shot of Senators Syming- ton, Humphrey, and Kennedy at the U.A.W. rally in Detroit. Symington and Kennedy are both grinning, while Humphrey for once looks unsmiling and detached. The fact is however that Humphrey is the man with warmth in him, while the smiling men are the calculating ones. I have an election theory which goes beyond the present American Presidential struggle but Includes it. One part of it, as I wrote in an earlier column, is that the democracies at the moment are inclined to choose men just right of Center who will talk and act like men just Left of Center. The other part, perhaps linked with it, is that the cold fish will inherit the earth. MY campaign predictions, alas, are not based on facts, evidence, or research. I have neither public nor private poll-takers to rely on. On this shaky foundation I decided some time ago that it- would be Nixon versus Ken- nedy, and nothing which has happened up ot now shakes me in that conviction. F Richard Nixon is elected President It will mark the triumph of tactical political calcu- lation over life and its inner impulses. The anti-Nixon forces try to prove too much when they depict him as a gutter political goon com- ing out of the manholes with a bludgeon. He an intelligent, quick, and even subtle mind, and he has by now acquired the stamp of authority. But he would be the coldest man ever to sit in the White House. Objective newspapermen who have accom- panied him on his campaigns testify to the way he cans his speeches and even his jokes. Even the set of his jaw, like his camera smile, seems canned. President Eisenhower, who us- ually finds it easy to warm to the people with whom he works, has never warmed to Nixon. Elected very early to public office, working hard at the job of reaching for power, Nixon Editorial Stff THOMAS TURNER. Editor PILIP POWER ROBERT JUNKER Editorial Director City Editor JIM BLENAGH........ . .. .... . .. Sports Editor PETER DAWSON ............ Associate City Editor pARLE S KOZOLL ........ .. . 'rsonne Director JOAN KATZ Magazine Editor BARTON HUTHWAITE . Associate Editorial Director FRED KATZ...............Associate Sports Editor DAVE LYON................Associate Spurts Editor any means, but enough to get started on one or two necessary projects. The $100 per year increase, percentage wise would not be unbearable: for in-state students it would mean a four per cent boost, while for out-of-state students it would not even reach two per cent. Even on top of the possible tuition increase to increase faculty salaries, the burden would not be unbearable. Or perhaps even a little more could be added. THE EFFECT of such a program would be excellent. Obviously the University would get some badly-needed buildings. But it might also influence the Legislature to speed up capital outlays, because they would be on a shared basis. Even the most conservative Sen- ator must realize eventually more building must be done, if not in Ann Arbor or East- Lansing, certainly in Dearborn or Oakland. Why not speed up the process? In sum, students can and should help build the University. -PHILIP SHERMAN has rubbed away the protruding angular sharpness of a ruthless partisan. He has learn- ed to be more wary and less vulnerable. But he has remained rootless and has not achieved the warm humanity of a Roosevelt or an Eis- enhower, a Harry Truman or a Hubert Hum- phrey. Every bead of his blood turns to self- aggrandizement. The one quality he has whicp has carried him so far is his sure knowledge of how to strike at the jugular of power. A liberal Senator who has worked closely with John Kennedy, and who is not un- sympathetic to him, has described him as "a pretty cold fish". Kennedy Is no Nixon, but the phrase comes close to home. His boyish winsome smile, which is somewhat disarming, comes not out of warmth but out of a certain shyness. Unlike Nixon, who has the pitchman phrases of successful salesmanship. Kennedy's style is scholarly, allusive, and almost literary in a stilted way. But don't be deceived by this into believing that Kennedy is a political ama- teur, or-as Adlai Stevenson was in 1952-an egghead thrust by circumstance and histor into the political melee. No one as intensely competitive in his drive to power has come up in the Democratic polit- cal arena in our time, and no one has built a campaign machine to equal Kennedy's in its cold impersonal efficiency. I don't mean that Kennedy is a natural politician: he isn't. He gives me the uneasy feeling of not really liking politics-in the way, for example, that Roosevelt liked it, or Truman, or in the way' Lyndon Johnson likes it. But he has thrown himself into it with an almost frightening in- tensity, as if his life depended on his getting to the White House- If his life doesn't depend upon it, I suspect that his self-image does-which may amount to the same thing. I suppose that if you set your sights for the most powerful democratic office in the world, at a moment in history when the decisions it carries will be fateful for all of mankind, everything else in you is con- sumed and the drive-to-success becomes the man. THIS need not be a sinister fact, if there is a humanity underlying the drive, as I think there is in Kennedy. His competitiveness has helped him with the Democrats, because it has promised them someone who can match Nixon's drive to power. In fact, when Nelson Rockefeller bowed himself out of the race, last December, and Nixon remained the lone run- ner, Kennedy's political fortunes zoomed up- ward. Many whowould have preferred Hum- phrey in a campaign against Rockefeller, to match the latter's warmth and liberalism, -Daily-James Richman THE WEIGHT OF CAMPUS RESPONSIBILITY ... PROBLEMS FOR U.S.: International Trad eFair (EDITOR'S NOTE: Norma Sue Wolfe, last yea~r a Daily Staff menm- ber, is presently studying at the University of Vienna.) By NORMA SUE WOLFE VIENNA-Fortunately for United States' prestige, the Soviet pa- vilion at Europe's fifth largest ex- hibition was closed. Even while the Vienna Interna- tional Trade Fair is recalled as the place where 68 Yugoslavs asked Austrian authorities for politicaleasylum in March, 1956, the United States took no advan- tage of her "propaganda" oppor- tunity. The United States exhibit was a disappointment to the Aus- trians, visitors hailing from ap- proximately 60 different countries, and a University of Michigan student who is attending the Uni- versity of Vienna. Glass-enclosed and modern, the United States pavilion was archi- tecturally well-planned. Inside, a large display room surround a glass-enclosed interior where an American maintained one of the few live exhibits of the fair: be drove a new, yellow American- manufactured tractor within the enclosure, scooped holes, and re- filled them with dirt. VISITORS watched a few mo- ments apiece with interest and then turned to view the rest of the eagerly awaited exhibit. To their right was a score of yellow tractors. To their left, sev- eral bright yellow caterpillars. In between, familiar yellow dump trucks. All very modern, impressive, and briefly interesting. The visitor then started his promenade around the other three sides of the pavilion. An unex- pected sight greeted him-a dozen more yellow tractor-trailers, cater- pillars, and dump trucks. He stared through the glass- enclosed center in disbelief. THE AUSTRIAN exhibit of leatherwork, toys, sportswear, and textiles housed in the former tre- mendous stables of the royal fami- lies of Vienna had fulfilled its prime task-helping balance Aus- trian foreign trade by stimulating exports, Great Britain and Belgium had attracted streams of visitors with displays of new - model motor scooters, motorcycles, bikes, and helicopters. State industries in Soviet satel- lite countries were represented by busy official buyers who shopped, made businesscontracts, or kept check of latest Western products and designs. Fifteen other countries housed impressive exhibits. Once again, the visitor's eyes fell upon the glaring yellow of massive farm equipment. He shook his head and looked outside the glass entrance walls for something unusual - still more yellow. ** * SO UNTIL the "kino" (movie) on the United States was ready to roll, the visitor strolled outside and drank a cup of instant Ameri- can coffee at the stand. Overhead, a sign fluttered: "Es hat so viele Vorzuge . . ." (It has so many advantages). He sighed. The American coffee, (one shilling a cup-four cents) was too thin and too sweet, Then back inside the U. S. pavilion for the movie. Austrians poured into the small, dark room, filled the seats and stood waiting expectantly for the movie on America. The narrator's voice came through in good, clear German. The spectators were surprised and satisfied. As University student Helene Prizant, '61, described it: "Onto the screen flashed a picture of a prosperous American farm with rolling yellow tractors, caterpillars, and dump trucks." "I hear it is every spring so, though," Viennese law student Gunther Koszlk said when ques- tioned about the exhibit (it must be noted here that the Viennese are extremely polite people). "The tractors are interesting to us. We do not have these," he continued. "The spring fair is mostly for farmers and street- builders because this is when they are planting crops and building streets." "I hear all but two of the American machines were sold," his younger brother Friedl chimed in. IN THE FALL, the Soviet ex- hibit is oriented towards technical material, such as microscopes and photographicharticles, they ex- plained. In the '59 fall fair, the Sputnik in the Soviet pavilion was the fair's center of attention. "The USSR makes a little more propaganda with great pictures of Lenin," Gunther said. "America also, but written and in a better way-it makes an appeal to the people. "Have you heard of the book, 'The Hidden Persuaders.' This is America. The Russians make it so ---uhhh ,. .. " But the crowd at the movie dis- persed instants after it began. To them, it was even less im- pressive than the silent dome of the USSR pavilion (the Soviet Union ordinarily participates only in the fall fair). COMMUNIST East Germany's furor-creating attempts to force all Austrian fairs to fly East Ger- man flags was forgotten. Neutral Austria's ban on the new hammer and compass flag to couhter Com- munist efforts fora de-facto rec- ognition of the Ulbricht Regime at the risk of East Germany's withdrawal from trade fairs was no longer as important as it had seemed in February. The Yugoslavian visitors who sought political asylum in 1956 because of "unfavorable economic conditions" at home and begged permission to seeks shelter in western European countries and America were forgotten. And for many visitors, so were the exhibition efforts of the latter country. did not, however, seriously detract from a generally good perform- ance. ALTHOUGH the second move- ment had the most technical diffi- culties - especially the Trio - it was one of the most beautifully interpreted. One could clearly hear the movement of all the voices and the curve of the melo- dic lines. It ranges in character from the fight stacatto sections for strings to the full sounds of a brass choir. The third movement is, perhaps, the most dramatic part of the symphony. The principle melody is haunting, almost tragic in sound. Here, the strings, particu- larly the cello section, produced a beautiful rich sound. Except for an off-beat entrance, the brass along with the wood- winds are to be commended for their fine sound and precision. The chorale sections grew to high dynamic levels yet remained mel- low in sound. * * * DAVID EFFRON, a piano stu- dent of Benning Dexter, was the soloist in the Beethoven Choral Phantasy. His performance of this lesser Beethoven work was bright, precise and exciting. His sound balanced well with the orchestra and his playing was confident and musical. There was good ensemble be- tween soloist and orchestra, es- pecially in the ritards at the ends of the solo passages where the orchestra joins the piano. In the solo orchestra sections, there seemed to be an occasional lack of precision and the violins did not always produce a firm accu- rate sound. The Choral Phantasy is some- thing of a forerunner to Beetho- ven's ninth. The main theme is suggestive of the theme Beethoven used in the last movement of his ninth symphony and a chorus introduced in the final section of the work. The first part of the Phantasy is entirely for piano and orchestra, with the main in- terest in the piano. It is more of a virtuoso work than a melodic one and gives the pianist a chance to demonstrate his technical skills. The difficult passages seemed to provide no obstacle for the soloist, Effron. The opening cadezna was strong and brilliant. THE SHORT choral section was performed by the Michigan Sing- ers and the Bach choir. Their bright, well balanced voices brought the work to an exciting climax. The voices carried well over the sounds of the orchestra, were in tune and well together. Although Beethoven's Choral Phantasy could not be ranked among his great works, it was the vehicle for a very enjoyable, excit- ing performance by the combined efforts of various groups in the School of Music. -Charlotte Davis INTERPRETING: S tevens on: Still Going By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst ADLAI STEVENSON and GoV. Nelson A. Rockefeller are con- tributing. signs of change to the whole preconvention picture. Stevenson, returning from a two- months tour of Latin America in the middle of the political thun- derstorm has marched right out into the open where the Democra- tic lightning can strike. Rockefeller, emerging from a long preoccupation with the New York legislature, is going to take to the road again, putting himself back in the national limelight. Both have been standing on the "no hope" line, Stevenson since 1956 and Rockefeller since his too-early campaign last year. * * * vor have persisted throughout the country despite the walk-in gen- erally expected for Vice-President Nixon. His supporters will be watching closely to see whether reaction to his forthcoming speeches seems to warrant a stretch run. Even if they can't get the nomination for him, a show of power might get them other things at the convention and thereafter. Some of them also feel sincerely that Republican muscles are losing their tone from inac- tivity and need some form of fillip. Stevenson struck the flint at a news conference in New York. In- stead of dwelling on Latin Ameri- can affairs, which would have been in character, he said he neither hoped for nor expected a Demo- cratic draft. While Humphrey, Kennedy and Symington have been campaign- ing ad iYyndon Johnson laying back with a fistful of delegates, Stevenson has been a very lively ghost in the Democratic back- ground all the time. Despite his two defeats he still holds the respect of a very large section of both voters and politicians. NORMAL political procedure, if he really had hopes for a draft, would haveabeen to take to the road this spring, helping to raise money for the party and patting Governors and Senators on the head. Instead, he dropped almost out of sight, his Latin American trip being obscured by that of Presi- dent Eisenhower. His speaking program now calls for appearances only in academic halls. He found out at the Uni- versity of Virginia, however, that he can turn them into political forums if he wishes. Whether he has been influenced by the indecisiveness of the Wis- consin primary, whether he senses a division of strength among other candidates which could lead to convention deadlock, his action no longer bear out his expression of no hope. 4 TO The Ecrdor DAILY OFFICIAL.BULLETIN Sufficient Evidence .. . To the Editor: FOR THE past few weeks, the picketing of a local store has received considerable attention in the eyes of the community. The demonstrators, their spokesman reportedly claims, are seeking a "clear statement of Cousins Shop policy, and behavior consistent with that policy." The above words must not be taken lightly; certainly they were not meant to be. But the serious- ness of the idea stated appears to have been overlooked by even the picketers. In a civilization where men may live by their own conscience sub- ject only to the restrictions of na- tur^ and the law, it is essential that reason and sincere dealings replace violence and coercion as the means of effecting justice in the land. Honesty and reason, in turn, create the need for valid evidence on which to base deci- sions and actions. * * IT APPEARS that in the Cous- ins situation, there has been a lack of sufficient evidence as to the actual incident concerned; in a court of law, more than an accusation is necessary to convict. If people, in business or any re- ltionsiD. dalon th ess of AS I HAVE said, evidence of discriminatory practice seems to be lacking in the case of the shop-keeper, although a 'com- plaint has reached the public through rather garbled channels. I can't defend or accuse the owner, since proper evidence (picket signs notwithstanding) is not available. But if it were, I might still be inclined to withhold judgement. By what authority are we to de- mand that she "state her policy" and act consistently with it? The pickets and their support- ers should realize that though the desired end is imminently impor- tant, if it is to establish the un- prejudiced evaluation and accept- ance of men only on the basis of essential qualities, still the means to that end must be constantly questioned and watched. We must not destroy the concept of the individual in our quest for equal opportunity for all, or we may "win the battle but lose the war." -Jack Lifsitz, Grad. govt The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1960 VOL. LXX, NO. 143 General Notices USHIERING: Sign-up sheets fox people who wish to usher for the next Depart- ment of Speech Playbill production are on the bulletin board outside room 1502 Frieze Building. The annual spring meeting of the University senate will be held on Mon., April 18, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall. Drama Season Ushering: Ushers are needed for the Ann Arbor Drama Sea- son, beginning May 10 and running for 5 weeks. Ushers sign up to usher one evening of the week each of the five weeks (one performance of each pro- duction). Performances are Tuesday through Saturday evenings, with Thurs- day and Saturday matinees. People wishing to usher are asked to call Mr. Ltz at NO 3-1511, ext. 3383, Monday or Tuesday between 3:15 and 4:30 p.mT. or Friday between 10:45 a.m. and 12 noon. Opening night performances are formal dress. Concerts Student Recital: Irwin Gage will pre- sent a recital in Aud. A on Sat., April 16, at 8:30 P.M. He has included in his program compositions by Bach, Hinde- mith, Chopin, and Mussorgsky. Open to the public. Composers Forum: Compositions by student composers will be heard inba. recital in Aud. A, on Mon., April 18, at 8:30 p m. Compositions by the following students will be included on the pro- gram: Ronald Le, Mary Luther, Maur- ice White, Robert James, George Caci- oppo, Donald Scavarda, Gerald Humel, and Michael Cunningham. Open to the general public. Academic Notices Engineering Mechanics Seminar, Mon. April 18, at 4:00 p.m. in Room 311 West Engineering Building, Prof. D. C. Druckerof.Brown University will speak on "The bole of Experimentation in the Development of Theory as Iilus- trated by Stress-Strain-Time-Tempera- Sri-ieTmea(Continued on Page 5) By Michael Kelly }