--wwxmw She ruhigatt Daily Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGA1N UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG.O ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Backstage Pipeline Fight By DREW PEARSON 'When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevall" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. AY, APRIL 15, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: KENNETH McELDOWNEY 'Reasonable Picketing Questioned Morally Equivocable STUDENT Government Council's second re- fusal to support picketing of local outlets of variety store chains that discriminate rep- resents moral equivocation and avoidism at its worst. Gone is any credit which might have re- dounded to the Council which only a few weeks ago forthrightly supported Southern Negro students and others engaged in action against discrimination. And the role played by President John Feldkamp in the adoption of this week's stand shows his concept of leadership to be far too restricted. A LETTER from Brereton Bissell asked the Council to again endorse picketing of local chain store outlets. SGC has first done so before the March elec- tion, also sending letters to Southern gover- nors and to managers of the national chains, supporting the Southern Negroes. After the election, following receipt of some ferocious letters asking SGC to stop "South-baiting," the endorsement was withdrawn. Those opposing the motion last night cen- tered their opposition on the point that it would be unfair picket an Ann Arbor store for the actions f Southern stores. Some of them coupled this notion with a belief that economic boycott is Justifiable, but only as a last resort, some with a clear-cut stand that boycott violates property rights. None of these points is tenable. In the first place, picketing an Ann Arbor chain store is not selecting a Northern scape goat for a Southern offense, as Roger Season- wein maintained (he was reading from a statement of the Michigan Region of the National Student Association, of which he is newly-elected chairman, and did not make completely clear the extent to which he per- sonally concurred). The local stores are not franchise-operated, but nationally owned. It is true, and regret- able, that the manager might lose money. But the brunt of the financial losses in Ann Arbor would be borne by the national organiza- tion. The. national offices, as well as the Southern outlets, discriminate, for they have unequivocably committed themselves to com- pliance with local custom, even if the local custom is the odious segregation of the South. l E MORALITY of economic boycott is a separate and prior question to any con- RECENT COMPARISONS of University architecture with that of the spa- ciously beautiful McGregor Center at Wayne State have raised comment both here and in Detroit. WSU's Daily Colle- gian recently ran an article headlining, "U-M Jealous of McGregor Center." A letter to the Editor suggested, "If they like the center so much, why not swap it for Yost Fieldhouse?" Perhaps it might be a deal if we in- cluded West Physics, too. -M. OLINICK cerned with whether or not it should be only a last resort. Either it is justifiable to force charges in practice prior to changes in atti- tude, using economic pressure to do so, or it is not. Only if property rights are assigned pri- ority over individual rights can the use of the boycott be considered wrong. Since the segre- gation policies of the South relegate the Negro to second place economically as well as second place socially and legally, one cannot say that attempts to alter those policies must eschew the field of economics. Those favoring the endorsement motion last night noted these inconsistencies, and pointed out that failure to adopt it would be failure to come to the aid of the Southern Negro. It is now the crisis period of the sit-in movement, as Al Haber has pointed out to SGC: success may not be far off. At the same time, failure is near also: if the sit-ins and picketing drag on until June it is likely they will die over the summer vacation. At last, after repetitious debate on both sides of the issue, the question was called. The motion to support local picketing apparently passed by a vote of 8-6. But Seasonwein, who had asked to "withhold his vote," until after the count, then sided with the negative to nar- row the margin to 8-7. On a point of order, Seasonwein inquired whether or not the chairman had the power to make ties as well as break them. Feldkamp answered in the affirmative, then cast his vote with the negative also, defeating the motion 8-8. Visibly embarrassed, Feldkamp explained afterward that he had to vote with the nega- tive because the vote was "so close." This would appear to be nothing more or less than sacrific of conviction to Council unity. FOLLOWING DEFEAT of the motion, Sea- sonwein introduced another motion appar- ently designed to be all things to all men. It suggested joint action on the part of Kresge, Woolworth, Kress and Grant in taking a policy stand on non-discrimination, then imple- menting that policy in their stores. This is, as Seasonwein maintained, a "rea- sonable suggestion, in that it allows for a change of heart. But the suggestion does not, as he intimated, exclude the possibility or desirability of endorsing picketing that will be going on in the meantime. Seasonwein's motion may err in the direction of being overly "reasonable" or "fair." Bissell pointed out that SGC has already written the chain stores, albeit separately, and that they have taken an action which is in large measure "joint." Their public statements of intention to comply with local custom were made on the same day. But what is most clearly objectionable about Seasonwein's motion is that it implicitly sup- ports the rationalization that boycotts are justifiable only when all else fails, but was designed also to attract the votes of persons opposed to boycotts per se. In adopting it, therefore, SOC deferred consideration of the central ethical point in hope that it would not prove necessary to consider it at all. -THOMAS TURNER Editor WASHINGTON - Preliminary Congressional probing has only scratched the surface in dig- ging into the operations of "Tom- my The Cork" Corcoran and the Federal Power Commission. In the background is the biggest pipeline in the history of North America and in some respects the basic question of whether the USA is going to win out against hru- shchev's challenge that Commu- nism will bury us. What the Russians have done is to plan a 2,000-mile pipeline from the Black Sea to the Baltic and then, without any bickering or backstage manipulating, go ahead and build it. What the United States and Canada did was to plan five years ago for a pipeline of about the same length from the gas - oil 'fields of the Gulf of Mevico to the rich fields of Central Canada, and then proceed to bicker and back- stage lobby so that it isn't built yet. The Trans - Canada Transmis- sion Co. was the pet project of C. D. Howe, Massachusetts-born Ca- nadian Minister of Defense Pro- duction, who dreamed of a gas- oil link insuring a stable supply to both Canada and the United States. However, when Howe's Liberal government was defeated, the new Diefenbaker government almost failed to renew the license. In fact, it was not renewed until two weeks ago. The American link in this huge pipeline connection was the dream of Gardiner Symonds, head of Tennessee Gas Transmission and his Washington attorney, Tom Corcoran, who as a member of the Roosevelt brain trust had helped Harold Ickes pioneer the big and little inch pipelines, then considered almost revolutionary. JUST AS the big and little inch pipelines were fought by John L. Lewis and the coal interests, so the Gulf - Canada Pipeline was fought by rival gas interests. The backstage battle to stop this pipe- line-or else share in it-included such powerful figures as the Tom Dulles law firm, plus some of the remnants of the old Insull utility empire in the -Midwest. At one time the heads of three of these companies held a confi- dential meeting at the Chicago Club with Gardiner Symonds of Tennessee Gas, demanding that he sell them three-quarters inter- est in the pipeline to Canada. They hadn't originated the dream, yet they wanted a piece of it. At about the same time that gas distributors were manipulating AT THE MOVIES Tall Story' . . By THOMAS KABAKER SHE: "Elephants mate only once in seven years." He: "Some make it in six." She: "Nymphomaniacs." "Tall Story" is about people, not elephants. People don't wait. Joshua Logan's "super-saucy smash" playing at the Michigan Theatre turns out to me amusing, but no great comedy. The college humor in this film is particularly bad, but when Anthony Perkins as the All-American basketball player and Jane'Fonda (Henry's daughter) as the siren of Custer College take the fore, the day is saved. * * * PERKINS turns in one of the finest performances I have seen in a long time, and Miss Fonda in her motion picture debut seems to have a fine career in the making. The scene where they conduct a scientific study of the art of kissing is a masterpiece. But these two are not left to their own enough. Many of the situ- ations are quite ludicrous and some lines sound downright amaturish. In fact any resemblance to this film and college life is a horrible mis- take.\ The main objection to this motion picture is that it sets out to be daring-sex and all that-but sometimes is not funny, just dirty. After awhile it gets embarrasing. In short, when it is good it is very very good. But when it is bad.,.. 'Please Don't Eat the Daisies' By K. McELDOWNY CHILDREN are amusing. Movies about children are usually weak-- but amusing. "Please Don't Eat the Daisies" currently at the State Theatre is about children. Jean Kerr's book of isolated happenings was funny, and of course, disjointed. To tie these together the film industry chose a trite, boring plot. At times, the movie becomes bearable only through timely appear- ances of an 18-month-old baby or a polar bear disguised as a dog. As with the book the individual scenes are on the whole funny. The remodeling of the castle in the country, while it in places resorts to situations hundreds of years old, is very funny. Little Adam, whether throwing bags of water while hanging to the barred windows in his room or peering from his cage (he can pick locks) saved many a scene. * * * ONLY scenes inserted merely to aid the progression of the plot fall into the soap opera classification. Scenes with "the other woman" or "love conquering all" are terrible. Individuals manage to rise above the plot. Doris Day whether singing, talking or moving is very fine. Janis Paige whether moving, moving or moving is an eyeful in CinemaScope. While I may be preju- diced the male actors didn't impress me as much. The children were great. In summary-scenes good; people good. See it in the afternoon-- it's cheaper. backstage to block the Gulf-Can- ada pipeline, the oil-gas producers were manipulating backstage with Congress to pass a Natural Gas Act removing the Power Commis- sion's right to regulate the price of gas. That too failed. HOWEVER, the man who was President of the Natural Gas Lob- bying Committee, Leonard F. Mc- Collum, testified before a senate committee June 14, 1956 that his group had spent $1,72,513 "to educate the public" on the dang- ers of federal regulation. This is the same Leonard Mc- Collum who is President of Conti- Dewey law firm of New York, the nental Oil, a member of the big four CATCO combine which tried to sell gas to Tennessee Gas Trans- mission for use in its Gulf-Canada pipeline at the high price of 22.4 cents per thousand feet. And de- spite McCollum's fears of federal regulation, the federal power com- mission OK'd this high price. It bowed to the gas industry. O n I y Commissioner William Connole, the consumers' champ- ion, dissented. IN THE END and after a long battle through the courts, McCol- lum's fears proved justified. For Connole's lone dissent served as a guide for the ringing opinion by Justice Tom Clark ofthe Supreme Court against the gas companies. He warned that the 22.4-cent price created dangerous price plateaus, and that 1 cents was enough. It was following this that the White House refused to reappoint Commissioner Connole, champion of the consumer, to the Federal Power Commission. Note - final fact is that the five-year struggle to build a Gulf- Canada pipeline has not yet been quite successful. On April 2, the Canadian Cabinet finally OK'd the sale of gas and the construc- tion of a pipeline from Trans- Canada through Winnipeg to the U.S. border. The Federal Power Commission has OK'd the construction of a line from Emerson, Manitoba to Marshfield, Wis., under the juris- diction of Tennessee Gas. But they will not connect. There will be a gap between Chicago and Wiscon- sin. Meantime the Russians are pushing their through pipeline from the Black Sea to the Baltic. Though the White House was smart in appointing Harold Bayn- ton, Democratic Counsel to Sena- tor Magnuson's commerce com- mittee, to replace Commissioner Connole, it hasn't gone down well with a lot of people, including Baynton. He has high respect for Connole, doesn't like the idea of pushing him out of a Job.... The Federal Power Commission will now be lopsided with Westerners- Jerome Kuykendall of Washington state, Arthur Kline of Wyoming, and Baynton of Nevada. This leaves the heavy gas-consuming states of the East, which have to worry about the price of gas, with no voice on the Commission.,. . Sen. George Aiken of Vermont, Republican, plans to do battle at the White House over freezing Connole out of the FPC. He points out that New England, with rugged winters and no coal or gas of its own, is one of the heaviest gas consumers and deserves some say in fixing the price of gas. Instead, its lone commissioner, Connole of Connecticut, is being given the gate. r (Copyright 1960, by the Bell Syndicate) that just when the show would begin to build and really become snappy, there would be a break in the production that would destroy the rhythmn. Undoubtedly, as the show ma- tures, these interruptions will be- come smaller and the overall pace will pick up. * * * ONE OF THE best numbers in "Town," the first act finale, failed to be truly effective because it started at too high a point. The stage was filled with the entire cast madly doing the conga, which was completely hilarious for the first few moments, but they just kept on girating about and there was nothing to climax the initial im- pression. Perhaps the best moment in the show was the second act number, "SuWing." In it, the chorus and dancers, led by Miss Connors, cut loose and the old Lydia Mendels- sohn really began to rock. Another outstanding moment was the opening song in the Sec- ond Act "Eileen" sung and danced enchantingly by Miss Hauman and five of New York's finest. Miss Hauman's filled the theatre with her sparkling personality and it was delightful. Then there was a long wait and the mood was destroyed. * * * AS THE wise - cracking Ruth, Miss Connors beautifully combined the cynicism and frustration at having such a cute-as-a-button sister (Miss Hauman). Each of the three vignettes dramatized from her eclectic short stories was a comic gem. Miss Hauman, Eileen, combined a beautiful voice and a captivating naive manner to perfection. Especially outstanding among the other pereformers was Donald Sandberg as Speedy Valenti, the coolest cat of them all." His en- trances with a beagle hound were a riot. * * * JOEL BOYDEN as the ex-col- lege football star was a man moun- tain of fun. His song about his college days was sung with vigor and a sense of the comic. As two of the more uninhibited members of the human clan, David Newman (Chick Clark) and Bette Ellis (Violet, the girl who gives rumba lessons without a phono- graph) were very funny carica- tures. Ted Heusel, the eccentric artist, Mr. Appopolous, brought many comic touches that were most wel- come. The final word must go to the energetic orchestra that played the score with ear piercing enthusi- asm. -Patrick Chester "WONDERFUL TOWN" Book by Joseph Fields and Jerome Chodorov Music by Leonard Bernstein Lyrics by Betty Comden and Adolph Green LETTERS to the EDITOR A CIVIC THEATRE- 'Town' Revisited "WONDERFUL TOWN" is the fifth and final production of the Ann Arbor Civic Theatre's 13th season. The musical, based upon the adventures of two Ohio girls, Irene Connors, and Judith Hauman, try- ing to conquer the New York City rat race, was much like the little girl with the curl in nursery rhyme fame-"when it was good, it was very, very good, and when it wasn't, well ... All the actors were good--ome were truly great; but their efforts did not combine to produce a unified whole. It was the unhappy fact tf Explanation'. To the Editor. believe that some explanations are in order concerning the Stu- dent Government Council actions dealing with store picketing. The Daily headline concerning the matter reads: "Deny SGC Support to Store Picketing." This is misleading in two ways. First, there is an error ofomis- sion. Wednesday evening the Council reaffirmed its support of the non-violentpicketing which protests the alleged discrimina- tory action of the Cousin's Shop. Second, the headline mistates SGC's stand . concerning non- violent picketing against the local branches of chain stores with seg- regated lunch counters in South- ern outlets. The Council did not deny support to such picketing. ON THE CONTRARY, the mo- tion passed by the Council calls for the endorsement of such pick- eting of local branches if the chain stores do not take adequate steps to "jointly endorse a policy of non-discrimination" within two weeks. Taking this action, the Council noted that these chains, when re- garded separately, are more or less bound by the customs of the communities where they have out- lets. However, the Council recog- nized that collectively these stores -because they "make up a con- siderable portion of any com- munity in which they do business" -wield considerable influence In these communities. Thus, the Council has asked these chains to join forces in ob- jecting to the discriminatory practices existing in their South- ern outlets. Failing to do this, they can no longer be considered as "victims" of "Southern custom" but, rather, as "molders of it. Hence, the policy of these chains becomes objectionable. And, thus, their Northern, branches - which contribute to the success of each chain-should be picketed. D E B A T E SUPPORTING the SGC action pointed out, as indi- cated above, why this action was considered a ,reasonable one. How- ever, the Daily story reported none of this. One speaker was quoted as say- ing that the motion passed would "make sense to both 'conserva- tives' and 'liberals'"; he actually said that this motion "would, ap- peal to any _reasonable person whether he was labeled 'liberal' or "conservative'." The point is simply this: The Council attempted, in my opinion, to display neither "liberalism" or "conservativism";. it tried to take a fair, just, and reasonable action. I hol~e it has done so. Roger Seasonwein, '61. "I 4 14 L Out-State Student Problems "I 'Think Those Passive Resistance Demonstrations Are In The American Tradition" THIS WEEK a bill calling for the University to limit out-of-state enrollment to 10 per cent of the total enrollment failed to pass in the House by only 10 votes. It is both surpris- ng and disconcerting to see such a proposal receive such support from the legislators. Traditionally, the University has been a cosmopolitan institution drawing its students from an extremely wide variety of back- grounds. The relationship gained through con- act with people from many different areas of he United States and from different countries adds immeasurably to the fullness of education received by all students at the University, in-' eluding those from Michigan. The bill the Legislature almost approved would have seriously jeopardized the University and would have forced it into becoming paro- chial in the scope of its student body. LEGISLATORS argue that a school like Ohio State draws only 10 per cent of its student Editorial Staff THOMAS TURNER, Editor HILIP POWER ROBERT JUNKER itorial Director City Editor iM BENAGH . .....................Sports Editor ETER DAWSON ............ Associate City Editor 3HARLES KOZOLL . ..,,... ,rsonnei Director JOAN KAATZ,.... Magazine Editor ARTON HUTHWAITE .. Associate Editorial Director RED KATZ................Associate Sports Editor AVE LYON ...............Associate Sports Editor body from out-of-state, compared to the Uni- versity's out-of-state enrollment of about one- third of its total. But there is probably a defi- nite relationship between the University's high quality and the high percentage of non-Michi- gan residents who apply for admittance. Should out-of-state students be accepted when the University may be forced to turn down some qualified applicants? I would say yes. Owing to enrollment pressures, the Univer- sity is being continually forced to raise its admission requirements. An out-of-state stu- dent must be truly distinguished to be admitted against the heavy in-state competition. All this raises the level of the student body. As a result, the out-of-state student who is accepted must be an exceptionally capable one-one of whom this or any university can be proud. Michigan possesses a great educational insti- tution in the University and it would be foolish and tragic to endanger its standing. But were out-of-state enrollment cut to 10 per cent of total ,many exceptional students would not be allowed to attend the University and student body quality would decrease accordingly. By keeping admission standards high, the state is continuing to offer an excellent school to its residents. Though fewer in-state appli- cants can be admitted under the University's present in-state to out-state ratio, those who are admitted are given the opportunity to study in one of the country's finest schools-- an opportunity that would no longer be avail- able were out-of-state enrollment to be cut. The best in-state students are being admitted already, and it would be unfortunate for the / c l . t " F / k " I " 1 , :' . -.. ., " 0 t < " ' .r. SDAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN -wj:4 ..... 4 7 t r1 . I hi The Daily Official Bulletin is , an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which ,The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1960 VOL. LXX, NO. 142 neumonid wasps." V. K. Gupta. Ele- tion of Officers for the coming year. Attention June Graduates: Order Caps and Gowns now at Moe's Sport Shops, 711 North University. USHERING: Sign-up sheets for people who wish to usher for the next Depart- ment of Speech Playbill production are on the bulletin board outside room 1502 Frieze Building. Summary Action Taken by Student Government Council At Its Meeting 0 oc- -10 = Vqt!., w