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April 15, 1960 - Image 1

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Mostly cloudy, slightly warmer
with scattered showers late in day


SIX. .

VOL. LXX. No. 134




Smith Appointed
Law School Dean
Stason To Retire After 29 Years;
Replacement Approved by Regents
Prof. Allan F. Smith was named the new dean of the Law School
early yesterday by University President Harlan Hatcher.,
The announcement came after a breakfast meeting with the
faculty committee named to assist in the selection of the new dean.
The approval of the Regents had been received by mail ballot.
Prof. Smith, currently the director of legal research, will succeed
Dean E. Blyth Stason, who has been dean since 1939 and a member
of the faculty since 1924. Stason will retire in September, making the
appointment effective as of Sept. 6.
Prof. Smith will be the ninth dean of the Law School. "The Law
School has had many distinguished leaders in its 100-year history, in-
cluingthe' great Thomas M.
Cooley, President Harry Burns
utchins, Harry M. Bates and
an Stason," President Hatcher

. .. new Law School dean
To Prevent
Student Government Council
Wednesday refused to approve the
request of the Men's Glee Club
for a concert on May 13 as being
in conflict with the Michifish show
scheduled for the same date.
The Glee Club had requested
that the Council permit them to
hold a concert Friday night, May
13, in addition to the already
scheduled concert for that Sat-
urday, May 14, because of un-
precedented demand for tickets.
The Michifish show was sched-
uled to be held Friday, Saturday
and Sunday, and the president
of Michifish asked the Council
to refuse the Glee Club request
because it would lessen the num-
ber of people attending the Michi-
fish shows.
4,000 Requests
The Glee Club representative
said that nearly 4,000 requests for
tickets had already been received
in block orders-before any pub-
licity had been published for the
concert. This leaves only about
200 tickets to be sold, he told
the Council.
The Glee Club feared that hold-
ing just one concert this spring
would leave many students and
Ann Arbor citizens disappointed
when they found themselves un-
able to attend it, so they wished
to schedule another, the repre-
sentative said.
It is impossible, he said, for the
Glee Club to give two full concerts
in the same day because of the
effect on members' voices.
Sunday 'Impossible'
It would also be impossible to
schedule the concert for Sunday
evening, he said, due to Hill Audi-
torium's calendar.
League President ;Katy Johnson,
'60, presented the objections of
Michifish for the group's presi-
dent, who was unable to be pres-
ent due to the late hour of the
Michifish's members had spent
a great deal of time and effort
on their program, Miss Johnson
said, and had spent funds beyond
their usual budget on this year's
show, and they should have as
harge an audience as possible.
Also, Miss Johnson said, the size
of the organizations should have
nothing to do with Council deci-
sions on calendaring, and since
Michifish had calendared first and
there was a conflict, they should
have precedence.
Precedence Checked

Expresses Confidence
"I am fully confident that in
Allan Smith we have a leader with
both the scholarly and adminis-;
trative skills to continue the Law
School's great traditions, and also'
to keep ahead of our ever-chang-'
ing world," he said.
Widely known as a scholar,;
teacher and author, Prof. Smith
conducts courses in property and
municipal corporations. He is
chairman of the Committee on
Graduate Study and Research
which involves the administration
of the William W. Cook research
He has been chairman of the
Real Property Committee of the
MSBA, and was decorated by the
Lebanese government with the
Order of the Cedars for his work
in developing the Law School's
international legal studies.
Nebraska Native
Prof, Smith, a native of Neb-
raska, graduated from Nebraska
Teachers College and received his
Bachelor of Laws degree from the
University of Nebraska in 1940.
He also received two degrees from
the University, a Master of Laws
in 1941 and a Doctor of Juridical
Sciences in 1950.
Before coming to the University
to teach in 1947, Prof. Smith was
a law clerk for a Nebraska law
firm and was acting associate
professor of law at Stanford.
Prof. Smith served as Chief
counsel with the Office of Price
Administration from 1941 to 1943
and worked on Army Intelligence
during the war. Smith's writings
include a volume of "Personal Life
Insurance Trusts".
He was co-editor withhProf.
Lewis M. Simes of the Law School
on a revision of "The Law of Fu-
ture Interests."
Bucket Drive
oll ects $882
In. Three Days
The three-day bucket drive for
Southern students engaged in the
"sit-ins" has netted $882.51 from
approximately 4,000 s t u d e n ts,
Brereton Bissell, '61, chairman of
the drive, announced yesterday.
Anyone still wishing to contrib-
ute may sent it to "Southern
Students Fund," Office of Student
Activities Bldg., Ann Arbor. "We
will ask student organizations to
make donations next week."
Money gathered in this "Dollars
for Dignity" drive will aid South-
ern students in paying for legal
defense and fines. Any extra
money will go for scholarships for
those who were expelled for their

Bias Code
At College
accordance with their 1954 decis-
ion that all national fraternities
must either drop discriminatory
clauses or become local by April 1,
1960, The Discrimination Commit-
tee of the Undergraduate Council
at Dartmouth last week began the
process of deciding the status of
local chapters of national fratern-
ities on campus.
The Committee, under the
chairmanship of Thomas E. Green
'60, will base its decisions on the
acceptance of a letter signed by
the national officers of each
chapter in question and a pledge
signed by the house president.
Both must assure the non-exist-
ence of any written or unwritten
discrimination practice.
The Committee's recommenda-
tion, after acceptance by the UGC
Thursday evening, will then be
presented to the College's Board
of Trustees April 15.
Thus, if a chapter cannot pre-
sent an acceptable letter, the
letter, the house in question will
house in question will be forced
to adandon its national affiliation.
The effective date, however, for
houses in this situation, has been
set at september 1, as recom-
mended by the Discrimination
Committee. The reason for this,
according to Green, is that the
confusion and inconvenience cre-
ated by negotiating the change
from national to local in the
middle of a school term would be
awkward and disrupting for both
the administration and the stu-
The result of determining Sept.
1 as the effective date, however,
has further implications. For sev-
eral houses in danger of losing
their national standing, there is
a good possibility that they will
be able to influence the national
representatives at this summer's
conclaves, to institute changes
which wouId abolish an rem-
nants of discriminatory practices.
Money Bill
Clears Unit
WASHINGTON (1P)-An $8,146,-
167,400 money bill carrying funds
for new federal buildings in 18
citiesnamong other things, cleared
the House appropriations commit-
tee yesterday.
It will be considered next week
by the House.
Despite a $270,729,600 cut from
appropriations requested by Pres-
ident Dwight D. Eisenhower, the
measure provides $1,108,360,200
more than was provided this year
for more than a score of govern-
ment agencies.
The new funds are for use dur-
ing the fiscal year starting July 1.
The largest allotment was $5,323,-
587,000 for the Veterans Adminis-
tration, which had requested $5,-
397,976,000. Funds approved in-
cluded $39,100,000 for construction
of hospital and domiciliary fa-
cilities and $3,800,000,000 for pen-
sion and compensation payments.
The National Aeronautics and
Space Administration was given
$876,015,000 of the $915,000,000 it
wanted, including more than 900
new jobs and authority to transfer
to its own payrolls an estimated
5,400 employes now financed in the
Army's budget.

Will Consider

versit Fund


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LANSING P) - Recruiting of
o v e r a g e foreign athletes for
American college teams came
under fire in the Michigan Legis-
lature yesterday, but a move to
curb the practice fizzled.
The flurry was sparked by Re-
publican Rep. Andrew C. Cobb, a
dairy farmer and a former track-
man at Michigan State Univer-
"An American athlete doesn't
stand a chance at 18 competingz
with a foreign champion-a pro-
fessional-who's 24 or 25," Cobb
"These fellows are professionals,
let's face it."
His proposal in the Michigan
House to bar scholarships to for-
eign athletes older than their
classmates was beaten 69 to 19,
despite some vocal support from
other lawmakers.
Follow Suit,
"It all happened in the last four
or five years. One school started
it and then the others followed
suit in order to win," Cobb said.
He referred specifically to MSU
and the University but said gen-
erally there are many foreigners
recruited for track, soccer, hockey
and swimming teams.
Cobb said he asked a University
representative a week ago for a
report on how many of the tenders
of athletic aid and issued under
Big 10 rules last year went to for-
eign students.
He said he got no answer and
indicated he didn't expect one.
Cites Report
The lawmaker said a report on
1958-59 by the Board in Control
of Intercollegiate Athletics to the
University Regents showed 135
tenders worth an average of $1,860
and totaling $160,000 were issued
in 10 sports.
Fifty-four of these were In foot-
ball and 19 In track, he said.
Cobb ticked off the names of
five University soccer team mem-
bers from Romania, Venezuela,
Switzerland, Greece and Turkey.
"Here's Suha Albayli, captain
of the Turkish navy soccer team,"
he said, fingering a newspaper
clipping. "How in the world do
you suppose he got over here?"
As examples in track, he started
off with Tom Robinson from the
Bahamas, a University sprinter
who was the only double winner
in the Big 10 indoor track meet
at Columbus last month.
He mentioned George Kerr of
Jamaica, competing on the mile
relay team for University of Illi-
nois; Paul Foreman, also an Illi-
nois Jamaican and former British
Commonwealth broad jumping
champion, and Tony Seth, a Uni-
versity trackman from British
Cobb's proposal was voted down
after Rep. James F. Warner of
Ypsilanti, a legislative spokesman
for the University said scholar-
ships are financed from athletic
funds and are not subject to leg-
islative control.

Port-er Gives

w- x

b ~
-David Giltrow
By JEAN SPENCER and School. "Though I am majoring His discussion of this problem
[KENNETH McELDOWNEY in psychology, I have probably reveals Tex's readiness to apply
Bore Chrtko cae tothe taken at least one course in his own experience to defining
Bivrsit fhro Teas fourh every department up here," Tex the common experience of stu-
niverity rom exasfourestimates, outlining his phi- dents in college at the Univer-
ars ago, because he had heard losophy of achieving the goal sity. This consciousness may
the University's good aca- of a broad liberal arts educa- well arise from years of student
mic rputaion. " d ion.leadership in the residence halls
er euation" later Tex "Many complain that educa- system.
11rays dIctsn atamn fiex tion here is too impersonal, but Fails in Function
ll sys t sa dmn ineI don't think this is true,"' he One of the reasons behind the
Paof h ibrledcto said, citing the willingness of break-up of IHC, Tex thinks,
xpak of h ea coefrtom faculty members to spend time was inability to fulfill the func-
Pa t fth p o le pparent de t o ii nnn fthe he
aini preient.x Duind iC to Tex in the relationship of aims of IHC was to get house
rg in ofie gided IntC each student to the University presidents from the men's resi
rog Gteorgdanizaio ioun is "not an impersonal faculty dence halls together for ex-
L). Tex left the new organiza- Lackh ountstean prgexperi- "Unfortuatly, the students
mn last week. ence on the part of counselor& don't seem to show any opinion '
Scholastic Alms may be explained by the im- on many issues," he related.
His scholastic Interests and possibility of knowing each stu- "Students just don't care."-
ms are deep as well as broad dent they deal with, but Tex He traced this apathetic atti-
although he has satisfied the feels something should be done tude, "indicative of student
quirements for medical school, to improve the "bad news" area activities in general," to aca-
is now interested in Law of counseling. ' See TEX, Page 2
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'Space AgencySnubs U' Rocket

House-Senate onferenc

New Reort
Coordinator Opposed
By Combined Group
In Meeting Yesterday
LANSING (P) - A wrangle over
spending by state colleges gripped
the Legislature last night, raising
one of the most threatening bar-
riers to a quick windup of the
1960 regular session.
House-Senate conferees in ef-
fect agreed to disagree on $109
million question, although it re-
mained to be reduced to writing.
Some lawmakers talked about
meeting today and tomorrow to
iron out differences on thorny
problems wrapped up in an ad-
mittedly oversized $420 million
general fund budget for 1960-61.
Any issues not settled in the
next 48 hours will be put over'
under the joint rules until May
12-13, the date set for sine die ad-.
Rejection Certain
Sen. Elmer R. Porter (R-Bliss-
field), GOP money chief for the
upper chamber, said a confer-
ence report on the higher educa-
tion bill will be offered today that
is certain of rejection by the
The report, Porter said, will re
ject a one million dollar addition
to Wayne State's operating al-
lowance voted by the House at the
height of a squabble over funds
between Wayne and the Univer-
By a four to two vote, Porter
added, the conference committee
also will recommend rejection of
these other sums voted by the
House in adoption of amendments
offered from the floor:
$95,820 extra for Northern Mich-
igan College at Marquette, $129,-
000 for Michigan College of Min-
ing and Technology, Houghton
and a $200,000 increase for adult
education purposes.
Against Coordinator
Porter said the conference re-'
port further reflected agreement
on a prohibition to the state sup-
ported colleges and universities
against hiring a "chancellor or co-
ordinator" without legislative
The schools already have an-
nounced plans to hire a $25,000 a
year factfinder but deferred mak-
ing a selection for the post.
If Porter's expectation was real-
ized, it would mean slicing $1,-
424,820 out of the bill as passed by
the House.
Porter readily conceded that a
second conference probably could
quickly reach a middle ground that
would mean more money for
Wayne and possibly Northern and
Michigan Tech.
It seemed that Wayne might
wind up with between $200,000 and
$500,000 more than the Senate
Sen. Basil W. Brown and Rep.
William Baird, both Detroit Demo-
crats, were members of the first
conference committee who were
expected to refuse to sign the re-
port. Four Republicans were
agreed to it.
To organize
'U' Program
On 'Challenge'
A mass meeting for the "Chal-
lenge" program on campus will'
be held at 4:15 p.m. today in the
small ballroom of the Union.
Challenge is designed to aid the
student in confronting the chal-
lenges of the modern world. This
aid would come through present-
ing the complete spectrum of

every problem in such a way that
the student is forced to make a
commitment one way or another.
Students interested in working
on this or choosing the topic for

A "poor cousin" in the missile
field has been snubbed by the
parents of its larger and "richer"
relatives, a top research scientist
at the University said recently.
Prof. Richard Morrison of the
aeronautical engineering depart-
ment said that the rocket which
the staff at the aeronautical engi-
neering laboratory designed and
tested has been shunned by the
National Aeronautics and Space
One-Stage Rocket
The Rambler is a one-stage
rocket capable of carrying a pay-
load of 25 pounds for distances
above 1,000 miles. The rocket
would be used for"university
type" research which needs
cheaper rockets for basic research
in outer space. The total weight
of the rocket is less than 200
pounds and it is about 40 feet
The plans and designs for the
rocket were submitted to NASA

about a year ago. It was reviewed
and called "a beautiful type of
proposal" with no technical objec-
tions presented, Prof. Morrison
said. By Congressional act, NASA
holds the patent rights to any
patentable item for space mission
and thus must approve the speci-
fications for the Rambler.
However, as it stands today,
there are no specifications drawn
up by NASA for a rocket in this
general category, he explained.
"This we disagree with," Prof.
Morrison said. Unless the specifi-
cations are drawn up showing ex-
actly what is needed in a rocket
of this type, interest in the pro-

ject may decline because the mis-
sile might not fill specific needs,
the scientist said.
Need Outside Survey
This left the staff in the posi-
tion of surveying scientists at
institutions other than the Uni-
versity to find out what specifica-
tions should be set. (The original
plans had been based on the
recommendations of University ex-
perts in fields ranging from bot-
any to physics.)
The purpose of the survey was
to "find out what the scientists
want to do. We don't feel these
people realize it is up to them to
See SPACE, Page 2

Africans Call for Negro Work Boycott

JOHANNESBURG P)-The outlawed African National Congress
called on Negroes yesterday to boycott work again next week in the
fight against the government's racial policies.
Big trouble could come from revival of the work boycott, a power-
ful economic weapon in this land where 10 million Negroes provide
most of the labor for the farms, factories and homes of three million
Nation's Vulnerability Seen
The first phases of the stay - at - home movement, crushed by
police raids on African settlements last week, showed the nation's
vulnerability. Industry slowed. Meat supplies dwindled. Housework
Mimeographed pamphlets signed by the emergency committee of
the African National Congress and circulated throughout the African
settlements of Johannesburg asked all Negroes to join in a one-week
urrl hnrf..-,f n..incrnet Mnav.

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