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April 14, 1960 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-04-14

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Seventieth Year

Then Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

AY, APRIL 14, 1960


.Lack of Research Facilities,
Space Cause Faculty To Leave

RESULTS of the 1960 Daily survey of faculty
resignations reveals that the part which
salary currently plays in keeping people at the
University has been vastly overstated.
Most deans and department chairmen inter-
viewed said that the state's financial situation
md the University budget appropriations for
faculty salaries had relatively little to do with
either the number of outside offers or the
:umber of offers accepted.
While University salaries may lag somewhat
behind those of the Ivy League and some other
schools, when viewed over-all, they are higher
than those at most colleges across the nation.
AS PROF. Charles Davis, geography depart-
ment chairman, put it, initially larger
salaries at most schools don't hold the promise
that the temporarily smaller starting salaries
at the University do.
The American Association of University Pro-
fessors indirectly acknowledges this, giving the
University a "C" rating on minimum salaries,
but a "B" mark on average salary figures.
Harvard was the only university to receive
in "A" rating.
Certainly professors accepting offers from
schools of the calibre of Harvard and Yale can
not be called peculiar to this particular year.
Such offers would be successful in any year.

Further, it is generally well-known that the
University will duplicate the higher salary
offers from any schools to its more strategic
CONSEQUENTLY, it is research facilities and
space considerations which mainly account
for the numbers of faculty leaving to take
positions elsewhere.
These are problems inherent in the nature
of a growing university. Overcrowded offices,
run-down buildings and inadequate laboratory
facilities can only be expanded and replaced
step by step, to be sure.
Still, to have the Legislature slash year after
year the number one item on the University's
building request is significant of the disregard
it has towards the University's conception of
its own needs.
While the University continues to regard
itself as essentially furthering the liberal and
fine arts, the Legislature seems to feel no
building should be erected which does not
directly aid us in our competition with the
Soviet Union.
Until it revises its thinking, the University
can not expect to hold many more of its faculty
now and in the future.

"Who Would Have Thought That The Revolution
Contained So Many' Traitors?"
A \

Foggy Atmosphere
Surrounds Summit
Associated Press News Analyst
THE APPROACHING Summit conference, like the now-deadlocked
disarmament conference, promises to be more and more a propa-
ganda battle and less and less a vehicle for easing East-West tensions,
British Foreign Minister Selwyn Lloyd is the only major figure who
expresses hope for concrete agreements, and even his classical diplo-
matic approach is qualified by a warning against hoping for too much.
The Allies have been playing around with the idea that Russia
really wants to start on disarmament, that this can be made the

Amherst Protest Offers Hope


RIGHT OR WRONG, the Amherst march on
Washington is one of the most significant
steps in the current anti-discrimination cam-
paign. It is important because a march on the
capital city dramatizes, much more clearly than
any previous local demonstrations, the fact that
segregation is a national problem.
Although other demonstrations have been
directed against national chain stores, they have
often been coordinated with purely local issues.
For example, picketers in Ann Arbor are picket-
ing the local Cousins Shop, in addition to the
three chain stores involved in the situation in
the South.
Another encouraging factor about the Am-
herst protest is that it shows a dedication by
students not directly affected by segregation to
eliminating it. Amherst's students will travel
four hundred miles and miss two days of classes
to participate in the protest. This willingness
to act shown by Amherst students is being sup-
plemented by other students in several colleges
across the country. Oberlin College, for example,
has collected more than $2,000 to support the
Nashville sit-down strikes, and collections are
now taking place at the University,

ANOTHER interesting point about the Am-
herst demonstration is that this is probably
the first time that there has been such common
national student concern about a serious issue
since the campus radicalism of the Depression
period. The Amherst activity is even more en-
couraging than the Depression radicalism, how-
ever, because it involves students who are not
directly affected by the problem on which they
are acting.
The Amherst demonstration will not be the
exciting, violent action of the Depression, how-
ever, but is intended to be almost dramatically
dignified. All demonstrators will wear coat and
ties, be silent while picketing, and (in the
stalwart Eastern tradition) there will be no
women picketers.
If students at the University could organize a
similarly dramatic protest, which (in the care-
free U-M tradition) might be even more radi-
cal than Amherst and allow women, it might be
one step towards getting University students
interested in their school and its actions.



WASHINGTON - The congres-
sional spotlight this week will
be focused on "Tommy the cork"
Corcoran, the Roosevelt brain
truster who though an out-in-the-
cold Democrat was able to influ-
ence the Republican appointed
Federal Power Commission.
However, the real story, which
will not be in the headlines, is the
backstage maneuvering to oust
one man from that same com-
mission after he stopped the big-
gest natural gas price hike in this
He is William Connole, vice-
chairman of the FPC, an Eisen-
hower appointee, who is now being
eased out by Ike at the secret
behest of Sen. Prescott Bush,
Connecticut Republican. Connole
also comes from Connecticut
where he has had a long record
of protecting the consumer which
he has continued in Washington-
Ordinarily, the Senator from any
state is. all too anxious to have a
man from his state reappointed.
However, it happens that Senator
Bush's son is president of a gas
and oil company which is linked
with the four gas-oil companies
whose price hike Commissioner
Connole helped to block. Connole
will soon be looking for a new
- * * *
happened is complicated. But it
involves millions of dollars saved
to millions of gas consumers and
millions in profits denied to four
companies. It also involves the
very same gas rate fight in which
Tommy the cork made headlines.

it tie over Natural Gas

conference's chief topic, and thati
pressure on the matter of Berlin.
Nothing at Geneva has indicated
that they can make sufficient con-
cessions on disarmament to get
anything moving on that issue,
much less to buy Soviet conces-
sions at other points.
INSTEAD, Nikita Khrushchev's
Insistence on Allied withdrawal
from Berlin, under threat of a
separate Soviet peace treaty trans-
f erring traffic control to East
Germany, suggests i is still the
major topic in his mind.
The Soviet desire is to start dis-
armament in Europe and in Amer-
ican military bases abroad, dis-
rupting NATO in return for a mere
paper dissolution of the Warsaw
Pact, which is meaningless any-
way as long as the USSR controls
the East European satellites.
The West isn't even considering
such a thing.
w e
AS THE Allied foreign ministers
meet in Washington they would
be glad to find some new ap-
proach which would put the Soviet
Union on the defensive before
world public opinion, but their
chief search is for means of keep-
ing the Communists from doing
the same to them.
By repeatedly avowing that he
has no respect for solemn agree-
ments already in effect regarding
Berlin, Khrushchev heightens the
feeling that the USSR cannot be
relied upon to live up to any com-
mitments which might hamper
her in the future,
THE FOGGY atmosphere sur-
rounding the conference ,is fur-
ther thickened by the unreality
about disarmament while Red
China sneers, and of an atom
test ban detection network which
would involve stations in that
country which is not even being
This unreality will continue to
surround all peace talk as long as
Soviet Russia and Red China in-
sist that peace can only be
founded on world wide Commun-
Takes On
"A MAN we like is Hubert Hum-
phrey. We don't follow his
farm policies, nor do we think his
chances of nomination bright. But
on one point we are enthusiastic;
he is this columnist's favorite
anti-Nixon candidate. He would
not approach such a fracas re-
luctantly nor as a martyr. His
eyes glitter at the possibility:
frankly he would love it. And we
think he could take on Nixon,
without using Nixon's peculiar
style of weapons, and emerge the
victor. It would be the bare-
knuckle battle of the century."
-The New Republic

it can.

be used to turn aside Soviet

Finally the story involve an
astute move by the White House
to appoint Harold Baynton, No. 1
assistant of Sen. Warren Mag-
nuson, Chairman of the potent
Senate Commerce Committee, to
fill Connole's -place on the Power
Commission. Baynton is an old
Truman appointee, a loyal Demo-
crat, and an able public servant,
The White House figures that his
appointment to replace Connole
will quiet Democratic protests.
The real story dates back about
five years to the plan of Ten-
nessee Gas Transmission to build
a pipeline from the Gulf of Mexi-
co to Canada, thereby tapping
both the rich offshore gas of the
Gulf and the rich supplies of
Canada. In case one supply
slacked off, the other could be
used. The Liberal Canadian gov-
ernment, now out of office, agreed
to build a pipeline down to meet
that of Tennessee Gas in the long-
est international pipeline link in
the world. It is comparable to the
Russian pipeline now being built
from the Black Sea to Poland.
* * *
Washington attorney is Tommy
the cork, tried to negotiate a con-
tract for offshore gas in the Gulf
of Mexico, the chief producers,
CATCO, quoted a price of 22.4
cents per thousand cubic feet.
Since 1,75 trillion cubic feet was
involved, this meant a billion-
dollar deal. And since the price
was high, Tennessee Gas argued
before the Power Commission that
it be reduced.

But the Power Commission
found for CATCO. It even per-
mitted CATCO to put the high
price into effect while the case
was being appealed to the courts,
which is unusual. One FPC com-
missioner, however, vigorously
bucked the FPC majority and
argued that the price was far too
high. He was Vice-Chairman Con-
nole, champion of the consumer.
And when Tennessee Gas ap-
pealed the Commission's case to
the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals
in Philadelphia, the Court sided
with Commissioner Connole's mi-
nority dissent. CATCO then ap-
pealed to the Supreme Court and
the Supreme Court handed down
a strong opinion again siding with
Commissioner Connole. Justice
Tom Clark of Texas, a great oil-
gas state, handed down the deci-
sion that 17.5 cents was ample
price for Texas offshore gas.
THIS WAS almost five cents
under the price permitted by the
other FPC Commissioners, and
CATCO was furious. CATCO is
comprised of the following big
companies-Continental Oil, At-
lantic Refining, Tidewater, -and
Cities Service, some with
important friends in the White
However, it was Senator Bush
who pulled the rug out from un-
der the man who had bucked the
big four, Commissioner Connole.
Senator Bush's son, G. H. W.
Bush, is president of Zapata oil,
which in turn holds various leases
from the four CATCO companies.
(Copyright 1960, by the Bell Syndicate)

(Continued from Page 2)
Open Wednesday nights 7:30 - 9 p.m.,
Thursday mornings 9:30 - 11 am. Top-
coats and sweaters for nen and women.
Infants equipment and clothing -nd
children's clothing. These are available
for all Foreign Students and Families
needing the above items.
University of Michigan Graduates
Screening Examinations in French and
German: All graduate students desiring
to fulfill their foreign language require-
ments by passing the written examiria-
tion given by Prof. Lewis (formerly
given by Prof. Hootkins must first pass
an objective screen examination. The
objective examinations will be given
four times each semester (te., Sept-
ember, October, November, December,
February, March, April, and May) and
once during the Summer' Session, in
July. Students who fail the objective
examination may repeat it but nt at
consecutive administrations of the test
(e.g., September and October) except
when the two administrations are sep-
arated ,y more than 35 days (e.g. Dec-
ember and February).
There will be two more administra-
tions of the objective examinations in
French and German during the cur-
rent semester. The first will be on
Thurs., April 21, in Aud. B, 7:00 to 9:00
p.m. The last will be on Fri., May 6 in
Aud. C, 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Within 48
hours after the examinations the names
of students who have passed will be
posted on the-Bulletin Board outide
the office of Prof. Lewis, the Examiner
in Foreign Languages, Room 3028 Rack-
ham Building.
Students desiring to fulfill the Grad-
uate School's requirement in French
and German are alerted to an alternate
path. A grade of B or better in French
12 and German 12 will satisfy the for-
eign language requirement. A grade of
B or better in French 11 and German
11 is the equivalent of having passed
the objective screening examination.
Today at 4:10 p.m. the Department of
Speech will present a double-bill of
student written one-act plays. The
Window, by Shannon King, and The
Good Cross by Donna Eichenlaub will
be performed in Trueblood Aud., Frieze
Building. No admission will be charged.
Doctoral Preliminary Examinations in
Education: All applicants for the doc-
torate who are planning to take the
May prelim. exam. in Education, May
25, 26. 27, and 28, 1960, must file teir
names ith the Chairman of Advisers
to Graduate Students, 4019 U High
School, not later than April 22.
Michigan Entomological Society, Fri.,
April 15, 7:30 p.m. Room 2009, Museum
Bldg. "The Evolutionary Relationships
of the 17-year and the 13-year Cicadas"
T. E. Moore. "Distribution of Inects-
Is It Random? An example from Ich-
neumonid wasps." V. K. Gupta. Elec
tion of officers for the coming year.
Good Friday Concert: The University
Symphony Orchestra, conducted by
Josef Blatt, will be heard at 3:30 p.m.,
Fri., April 15, in Hill Aud. performing
Bruckner's '"symphony No. 9 In D
minor" and the Beethoven "Choral
Phantasy." In the latter work the orch-
estra will be assisted by David Effron,
pianist, and the University Choir. Open
to the public.
Guest Lecturer: Jack Bornoff will give
a lecture entitled "Survey of the Con-
temporary Music Scene" on .Thur.,
April 14, at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. A.
Lecture on "The Physical Bases of
Time" by Prof. Adolf Grunbaum of
Lehigh University (Philosophy Dept.
on Wed., April 13 at 4:15 in Aud C.
Aeronautical- Astronautical Engin-
eering Lecture: Prof. Hsu Lo of Purdue
University will speak on "Motion of a
Satellite in a Geo-Magnetic Field," Fri.,
April 15, 4:00 p.m., Room 1504 East
Engineering Building.t
Academic Notices
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics:
will meet Thurs., April 14 at 4 p.m. in
room 3201 Angell Hall. Professor P.S.
Dwyer will speak on "Hoef1fding'a
Theorem and the cl Test."
Social Seminar on Thurs., April 14 at
8:00 p.m. In the East Conference Room
of the Rackham Building. The speaker
will be Dr. Harvey E. Brazer, who will
discuss "Organization and Operation
of Tax Study Committees." Coffee
hour to follow.

Applied Mathematics Seminar: Mr.
Pavel Chalento of the University of
Kiev, U.S.S.R., will speak on "Approxi-
mate Solution of Linear Functional
Equations," Thurs., April ,14, at 4:00
p.m. In Room 248 West Engineering. Re-
freshments will be served in Room 274
West Engineering at 3:30 p.m.
Doctoral Examination for A. Martin
Eldersveld, Speech; thesis: "A Review
of Thematic Analysis of Arthur H. van-
denberg's Senate Addresses on Foreign
Policy," Thurs.. April 14, 2020 Frieze
Building, at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, W. M.
. Seminar: The Properties of High Tem-
perature Gases. Thurs., April 14, 4:00
p.m., Rm. 1041 Randall Lab. Ralph
Guernsey will speak on "A Theory of
Irreversible Processes in Fully Ionized
Gases." Oernsey will continue this
lecture at'the next meeting on April
21. On April 28, the seminar will be
addressed. by Prof. Lawrence Aller who
will discuss the solar atmosphere.
Colloquiun: Dr. M. G. Smith, Uni-

Preparing for the Summit

THIS WEEK in Washington the leading West-
ern Foreign Ministers will be holding the
first of three meetings to prepare for the sum-
nit in Paris on May 16.
As the series of meetings begin, the control-
kng fact is that there is no big issue which all
;he Western powers think it is desirable to
raise. There is nothing that all of them, indeed
ay of theI, urgently want to do. At bottom
they are united in the feeling that on the crucial
'uestion-which turns on the two Germanys
and the two Berlins-the situation as it is is
good enough, and that the best thing to do
would be to leave it alone.
Adenauer and de Gaulle most insistently,
Macmillanrand Eisenhower acquiescing, believe
hat the Western position at the summit must
be to stand pat on the status quo, and to be
prepared to make tactical moves to repulse or
o divert any Soviet move to change the status
[N THEORY, the Western nations want more
than the status quo. In theory, they want
he re-unification of the two Germanys. In
heory, they want the liberation of Eastern
Europe. In theory, they want a reduction of
armaments. But in fact they have no hope that
any of these goals can be reached at a price
pvhich they are willing to pay.
In fact, Western Europe is prospering might-
ly although Germany and Berlin are divided.
n fact, Western Europe is not afraid of war
tthough the Red Army is on its frontiers. For
he status quo appears to them to be so secure
nd is in fact so profitable that the problem of
he summit meeting is how to go there and how
n come away from there without changing any-
hing and without losing face.
JPE UNRESOLVED question about the sum-
mit is whether the Soviet Union is so dis-
atisfied with the status quo that it will run
ny serious risk in order to change it. Nobody
nows,. We can only guess. The worst that Mr.
C. has threatened us with is that he will sign
separate peace treaty with the East German
tate, will leave' it to the IEast Gfermans to argue

The Soviet threat is now indefinite and rather
ambiguous. It is not a very terrifying threat be-
cause the risk, if the worst came to worst, is
fully as great for the Soviet Union as for the
United States and its allies. Mr. K. must know
by this time that while we cannot stop him
from signing a treaty with East Germany,
signing that treaty will not change the status
quo. Western access to West Berlin cannot be
blocked. At most it can be harrassed.
APART PROM the special problem of Berlin,
there is an underlying agreement with the
Soviet Union. This agreement can never be ad-
mitted and formalized in a treaty. The agree-
ment is that the status quo with the two Ger-
manys is tolerable. It is not the best that either
side wants, But it is not the worst that either
side fears. This unavowed and unavowable con-
sensus reflects the balance of power which, for
the time being at least, is equal enough to pro-
duce a diplomatic stalemate.
If this is a correct estimate of the situation,
it follows that the problem of the summit will
be a little like the problem at the Republican
convention in July. It is to find something in-
teresting and useful to talk about. "Disarma-
ment" is the obvious subject to talk. For it is an
inexhaustible subject for diplomats who have
to talk-because talking helps to keep the peace.
It is a subject about which no one expects
serious end far-reaching agreement. Dr. Ade-
nauer, for example, who wants to do nothing
about the central issue in Europe, wants to talk
about disarmament. For disarmament, like the
synthetic dog bones flavored with ham which
are now for sale, gives the diplomats something
to chew on.
THIS IS not a cynical view of the summit
meeting. If it sounds cynical, that is because
the Western powers want to be united and
therefore have to be unanimous; they are going
to the summit not to make things better but
to prevent them from becoming worse. They
are preparing, therefore, the tactics of a defen-
iia n vreian ,_n n .nran4 1.s.,* a 1 rn rlunn

Writers Discuss Discrimination, Protests


To the Editor:
O THE people of Ann Arbor:
It is not clear to me why the
Ann Arbor News persists in sup-
pressing information as to the
makeup of the Council Committee
which worked on the question of
housing discrimination.
On March 17, following the re-
port of this committee, I ad-
dressed the following letter to the
editor of the News and personally
handed it to Mr. Robert Schairer
of the News editorial department
with the obvious intent that it be
March 17, 1960
To the Editor
The Ann Arbor News
The Ann Arbor News account
of my report, submitted to
Council last Monday was a good
account and I wish herewith to
express my appreciation of it.
Due to my own oversight in pre-
paring and offering the report,
the names of the other members
of the Council Committee on
Human Relations were not in-
cluded. They are : Richard Den-

This letter never appeared in
the paper,
* * *
IT IS NOT only unfair to these
people who have worked with me
on this matter to withhold the
appropriate credit from them, but
it is also unfair to the community
to attribute all official action in
this direction to one councilman,
and by implication to one politi-
cal party.
As has been stated repeatedly,
by many Ann Arbor citizens of
both parties, this issue is a moral
issue, not a political one. It is in-
deed unfortunate that the one
local newspaper upon which we
all depend for knowledge of local
affairs should have failed to in-
form its readers of the bipartisan
character of the Council Com-
--A. Nelson Dingle
Councilman, nth Ward
(larification . .
To the Editor:

HAVE I HEARD "only one side
of the story"?
My concern in this issue is
based on a broad acquaintance
with the entire problem. I have
talked at considerable length with
picketers at the picketing scene-
despite the inference in Sunday's
editorial to the contrary.
While these discussions have
been of limited value (since pic-
keters are often poorly informed
themselves), at least two pickets
I talked with had enough interest
in presenting their ideas to sug-
gest we go for coffee at a nearby
newly-opened beatnik-house res-
taurant. Much to my disappoint-
ment, they would not discuss the
issues at hand but, rather, talked
of a social function not at all
related to my purpose of coming
with them.
WITH MUCH greater success, I
have also talked with U. of M.
officials, student heads of various
campus organizations, more than
fifty interest students, a "test
case" who called me, proprietors
of the Cousins Shop, SOC mem-
bers, newspapermen, my executive

HAS "LACK of research cast
doubt on his (Mahey's) motives"?
As previously stated, I have ex-
pended considerable time and ef-
fort to determine many opinions
and problems connected with the
picketing act. Surely, I have no
personal gain in mind-as was
also inferred in the April 9 edi-
torial. I have asked to be anony-
mous in many articles. My con-
cern is solely to find the best solu-
tion to the problem Leggett says
Regarding any question on mo-
tives, it is my opinion that people
who raise such questions should
not jump to judge others by them-
selves, lest people question' their
motives. If Miss Williams had
carefully informed herself by
reading each article, it would
have been very apparent to her
why I am against picketing.
Briefly, three reasons given for
my position may be read in Sat-
urday's front page article.
if it is her, purpose to even
more closely analyze motives, she
may begin with her own! My

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