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April 14, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-04-14

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Seven tieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Slightly cooler, with
scattered showers.

See Page 4


. ...

VOL. LXX. No. 133





To In






INTENT CONSTITUENCY-Members of various interest groups,
including students currently picketing local stores, gathered in
the Council room to witness SGC's handling of the picketing
Deny SGC Support.
ToSto re Pcketi
Student Government Council yesterday denied support to non-
violent picketing against local branches of chain stores with segregated
lunch counters in Southern outlets.
After hot debate on both sides of the issue-including one mem-
ber's call for the Council to "demonstrate its liberalism"-SGC presi-
dent John Feldkamp broke a tie vote to defeat the motion.
Al Haber, '60, introduced the motion to endorse "direct non-
violent sympathetic action" being taken against local branches of
Kresges and Woolworth. He stressed that the motion's aim was to

Air Force
Set in Orbit
WASHINGTON (M)-A naviga-
tion satellite designed to help sub-
marines, ships and planes always
know precisely where they are in
any weather was sent orbiting
around the earth 400 miles high
The experimental satellite is in-
tended as the forerunner of a
system of four globe - girdling
spheres which will radio down a
constant stream of information
to be translated into the latitude
and longitude positions needed by
Launch Satellite
The satellite -- named Transit
I-B - was launched by the Air
Force for the Navy atop a two-
stage rocket system at 7:03 a.m.
from Cape Canaveral. Almost im-
mediately success began to show
when tracking stations in the
United States, Newfoundland and
England started picking up radio
signals while the rocket was still
climbing skyward.
About 94 minutes later success
was assured. The satellite soared
in from the West and was picked
up by tracking stations in New
Mexico, Texas and elsewhere after
its first circular trip around the
Eighth Satellite
The satellite is the eighth United
States earth satellite now in orbit.
Russia has no earth satellite cur-
rently aloft but has two satellites
in orbit around the sun. United
States Pioneer V also is in orbit
around the sun.
Navy officials and scientists of
the Applied Physics Laboratory of
Johns Hopkins University, which


Nuclear Disarmament Viewed

On Housing
Legislation against discrimina-
tion in housing will not be passed
by the present City Council, ex-
Councilman Richard Dennard in-
sisted yesterday.
Dennard, the first ward Demo-
crat who was defeated in last
week's city elections, claimed "the
city's housing situation will still
be critical" if no statute is passed.
Minority group members will not
be able to purchase any homes,
"unless they're 50 or 60 years old."
Repeats Charge
Dennard repeated the charge he
has made before -"legislation is
the only answer."
But with an all - Republican
Council, discussion of last week's
proposed housing bill may not
come up for 60 to 90 days, Den-
nard said. "When it does, it won't
be passed."
Mayor Cecil 0. Creal has al-
ready acknowledged there will be
"probably no action on possible
legislation, until 'pressing matters,'
including the city budget, are
taken care of."
Opposes Housing
Creal opposes the housing legis-
lation proposed last week by a
Council Committee.
"I have to be shown there's an
absolute need for it. When you're
writing- legislation, you're inter-
fering with certain rights and
have to go carefully."
"We don't want to set up an
ordinance that would do more
harm than good."
The proposal for specific legis-
lation, which emerged from a
committee chaired by Democrat
A. Nelson Dingle, covered alleged
discriminatory practices in single
housing units, multiple housing
accommodations, and publically
assisted housing,
Analyses of the five presi-
dential nominees will be fea-

influence policy makers, not to
jeopardize the positions of local
League president Katy Johnson,
'60, questioned whether picketing
is the best solution to this instance
of the problem of discrimination,
since "it isn't the local managers'
decision." She spoke of "local
autonomy" on the part of local
It was pointed out that in no
sense can local branches of these'
particular chains be said to have
autonomy, since money taken in
locally goes directly in to the na-,
tional. Therefore, it was said, boy-'
cotting the local branch is a direct
communication with the national
Wants Action
Haber asserted that to hold an}
ideal (like elimination of bias) im-
plies action toward that end. Sym-
pathetic picketing focuses public
opinion, involves individuals in the
problem and applies pressure on
the national, he said.j
Four hours of debate centered
around two main points: support
for Southern student protests and'
picketing as a means of showing
sympathy with these protests.
The Council eventually passed
a compromise motion to support
student protests.
Opinion Conflicts
Roger Seasonwein, '61, asserted
that the motion he proposed would
"make sense to both 'conserva-
tives' and liberals." The Council
voted to send letters to the store
chains' national offices.

developed the"
were delighted

Transit satellite,
with the new

""" --"u. a...-. .
... future terrors
On Berlin
WASHINGTON t)--The West-
ern allies agreed yesterday to
press for a stopgap Berlin settle-
ment and to consider seriously
"any practical disarmament pro-
posal" Russia may offer.
At two pre - summit strategy
sessions, they stipulated that Rus-
sia must clearly guarantee to re-
spect existing allied rights in West
Berlin as the price for any
changes in the present status.
Foreign ministers of the West-
ern big three nations, plus those
of Italy and Canada, followed this
up by appealing anew to Russia
to help develop a "balanced,
phased and safeguarded" disarm-
ament agreement.
Any such arms reduction, they
stressed, "must be observed and
verified by an appropriate inter-
national organization within the'
framework of the United.Nations."
Britain's Foreign Minister Sel-
wyn Lloyd used the term "com-
plete agreement" after two and
one-half hour session on disarma-
ment. France's Maurice Couve de
Murville agreed, and Secretary of
State Christian A. Herter added
that the private strategy huddle
had gone "very well."
In this atmosphere of harmony,
the allied foreign ministers set a
final meeting for today to con-
sider Britain's plan for persuading
Russia to agree to control weapons
shipments to newly independent
nations in Africa.
The swift agreement on ways to
meet Russia's challenge to Berlin
stood out as the highlight of the
four hours of confidential talks.

Professors Anatol Rapoport of
the Mental Health Research In-
stitute and Morris Janowitz of
the sociology department agreed
last night on the necessity of "in-
hibition of nuclear armaments."
But they disagreed on omitters
of timing and strategy.
They spoke at a convocation of
the college honors program in the
Prof.-Rapoport argued prospects
of surviving a nuclear holocaust
are so terrible that it must not be
allowed to happen. "Disarmament
then is so urgently necessary that
the conditions are unimportant."
Hence, the United States should
prefer an unsatisfactory agree-
ment and the rather remote possi-
bility of unilateral disarmament
to no disarmament.
Too Grave
The chances of accidental war
or of miscalculation on the part
of national leaders is too grave
to allow the present armaments
situation to continue. Possibilities
of living under community domi-
nation are preferable to condi-
tions which would follow a global
nuclear war.
Prof. Janowitz insisted this posi-
tion is immoral because it neglects
United States obligations to main-
tain the world order. He agreed
disarmament is desirable and sug-
gested present world conditions
are favorable for some limiting
Pointless and Undesirable
The present arms race is point-'
less and morally undesirable, but
there is a good chance that mu-
tual self-interest of the atomic
powers and the rise of new power
centers will set the stage for
For instance, Prof. Janowitz
expects there may be an agree-
ment to suspend nuclear testing
for world health reasons, and,
more important, because neither
side will want to break the pres-
ent moratorium.
Also, prevention of production
of new nuclear weapons, such as
satellite bombs, offers a fruitful
area for consideration. A system
to prevent surprise attacks is more
If they reach agreement among
themselves, the present nuclear
powers would be able to prevent
an increase in the number of
other nations building atomic
weapons, a critical problem.
If the arms race is thus in-
hibited, East - West competition
could shift to other areas of com-
petitive co-existence. Neither side
sees a chance of a general settle-
ment, Prof. Janowitz concluded,
but use of the other means for
the struggle would be more com-
patible with Western morality,
Accidental War
The chance of accidental war,
emphasized by Prof. Rapoport,
was minimized by Prof. Janowitz,
who said it would depend on

... present obligations
where the accident occurred as to
whether it would trigger a con-
Prof. Rapoport analyzed the
arguments for nuclear arms used
by opponents of disarmament and
concluded that, while these are
logical, they do not fit contem-
porary facts.
The important fact, he ex-
plained, is that all anti-disarma-
ment arguments become irrele-
vant in face of nuclear war.
World War II was probably a
just war, and participants looked
toward restoration of pre-war
conditions of peace, and estab-
lishment of economic plenty.
Combat Service
Combat service was an acute
trauma, but of short duration, so
it couldrbe endured in hopes of
the future. War made sense, be-
cause it was removing the causes
of future war.
But in nuclear war, there can
be no such return to normalcy.
Prof. Rapoport thinks "mass
psychosis and the end of life"
resulting from destruction of
"man's social fabric on which he
depends for survival" may be the
ultimate results of a nuclear con-

Backs College Mov
To Hire Mediator
Opposition To Proposal Expectec
In Joint Conference Committee
4.By The Associated Press
The House yesterday passed a record $109,455,000 hig1
education appropriation without adding to the Universit
$35.4 million appropriation.
The House earlier approved an amendment backing a
move by college presidents and the Legislature to hire ac
ordinator to check into college needs and operations.. '
coordinator and his staff would discuss per student costs
both undergraduate and graduate levels, utilization of spa
and research activities.
This proposal is expected to run into strong opposition
the conference committee which will be called to iron out I

differences between the House;
bill and the appropriations
bill passed by the Senate last
Adds To Measure
The House bill added $424,000
to the Senate's measure for higher
education. An increase of $96,280
was set for Northern Michigan
College, $129,000 for Michigan
Tech and $200,000 for adult edu-
cation programs.
Rep. Arnell Engstrom (R-Trav-
erse City), chairman of the House
Ways and Means Committee pro-
tested the increases saying that
they are out of proportion when
compared to the appropriations
of the other schools.
University administrators were
"disappointed that the Univer-
sity was not granted an increase
in appropriations. "Every little bit
helps," Vice-President and Dean
of Faculties Marvin L. Niehuss
No Choice
State university presidents have
as yet made no announcement on
their choice for the proposed
$25,000 a year post of coordinator.
Rep. Wilfred G. Bassett (R-Jack-
son) called the House decision a
"complete surrender" to the wish-
es of college officials.
Many observers believe no de-
cision on the part of the college
presidents will be announced until
the legislators take final action
"on the appropriation for higher

Votes Doom
Sports Ban
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO - The proposed Big
Ten ban on post-season athletic
competition appears doomed fol-
lowing negative votes by four
Conference members this week.
Illinois, Ohio State, Northwest-
ern and Purdue added their nega-
tive votes on the ban which has
already been turned down by
Michigan, Michigan State, Wis-
consin and Minnesota. Indiana
and Iowa have yet to vote on the
Formal disapproval of this plan,
which would prevent Big Ten ath-
letes from competing in NCAA
tournaments, will have to wait
until the spring Conference meet-
ings in East Lansing on May 20
and 21.

Crowd Hears Bates Discuss
More Living Satisfaction

'U' Student,
Level Kept
If either of two amendme:
proposed to the appropriations
had passed, the University's oa
of-state enrollment policy wo'
have been curtailed.
However, both failed, one
only ten votes.
The first amendment, offered
Reps. Allison Green (R-Kingst
and William Roman (D-3
Dyke) would have limited the p
portion of out-of-state stude
at the three major universities
10 per cent. It failed, 46 to 48.
Suggests Measure
The other, suggested by R
George Montgomery (D-Detrc
would have reduced the approi
ations of the three major univ
sities by $1,000 for each out-
state student enrolled.
It was voted down688to
largely because its practicab
was questioned.
However, Vice-President a
Dean of Faculties Marvin L. N1
.buss says no change in enroim
policy is being contemplated.
He said the legislature hias
right to attach conditions to
propriations, though he was :
sure of the details in the er
ment situation.
He repeated arguments the '
versity needs out-of-state stude
to ensure quality and to maint
the cosmopolitan character.
Student Exclusion
Also, if out-of-state stude
were excluded, tuition of in-st
students or the legislaitve ap)
priation would have to be ral
to make up for loss in funds. 0
of-state students pay $600
year, while in-state student p
only $250.
At present, the limits we
curtail enrollment, Niehuss ad
Any change would have to
made over a period of years.
The practicability of any 11
would depend on its extent. '
per cent would be impractica
Argues Acceptance
Roman argued acceptance
out-of-state students cramps
portunities by Michigan -ap
He pointed out that while C
State University enrolls 2,400 C
of-state students out of a stud
body of 28,500, similar Univer
figures are 6,500 and 23,000.
"We want to educate oura
dents here in Michigan first,"
said. Now, "either you've got
know somebody or be a coll
football player to have reasoni
assurance of getting in."
He said he had to lnter
with Wayne State University
thorities to get an "A" stuc
from his district enrolled.
lirirb L$'swftl

"If we become more c
community and less concern
find more satisfaction in liv
department said to an overf
of the Hillel Foundation last
Prof. Bates' lecture, fi
series, was a consideration o
anxiety and fear around us.'
He said that in the eig
the abolition of tyranny, m



Two Ohio Girls Make Good in 'Wonderful Town'
A large, enthusiastic group of Civic Theatre members will begin y
a three day engagement with their production of the musical comedy,
"Wonderful Town," at 8:50 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn
The play, based on the novel, "My Sister Eileen," presents a story
of two Ohio girls who go to New York to "make good," director Clar-
ence E. Stephenson said last night. .
"The plot involves the difficulties they encounter in their struggle
to achieve their goals and is centered around the interesting char- -
acters they meet. 'Wonderful Town' is a fun-type thing that people }
can come and enjoy for its own value." It is a spirited and entertaining
play but carries no great message as do some musicals, he noted. - ER.
Magnified Comedy x a

oncerned with sharing with our natural
ned with overriding it with people, we will
ving," Prof. Marston Bates of the zoology
flow crowd in the Ben Paul Brasley Room
fth in the "What's Worth Living For?"
f the reasons for "the constant feelings of
ghteenth century man believed that with
an would be perfected. In the nineteenth
" century this became a general be-
* lief in the inevitability of progress.
Example of Thought
An example of this . century's
thinking was H. G. Wells' belief
that society would be improved
when better technology made pos-
sible more leisure. Modern times
have shown,( however, that the
extra leisure time available is be-
ing "apparently used for watch-
ing silly television programs and
similar activities."
Prof. Bates characterized the
contemporary world as a "neigh-
borhood." Because of this, religions
tend to be comforting and ad-
ern religions are marked by "a
deep need for both ritual and a
sense of belonging."
"What frightens me more than
anything else about this neighbor-
hood concept is that it gives rise
to violent and futile nationalism."

Though the story of the play is "real, many thing have been
magnified for the purpose of comedy," Stephanie Freedman, '60, as-
a-zin dirptn. tdpad


Cause Concept

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