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April 13, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-04-13

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Stu dent Apathy,

"The present generation of college students is politically dis-
interested, apathetic and conservative.
"Social movements and social philosophies do not arouse their
interest or command their commitment," a book, "What College
Students Think" reports. "In social psychological terms we would
say that they react to baffling complexity by withdrawing. In the
slogan of their own campus culture, they 'play it cool'." %
This general apathetic attitude was discovered by Prof. Rose K.
Goldsen of Cornell and her associates in a study based on 5,000
Interviews in 11 colleges and universities, including the University.
"Students are politically apathetic, in part, by default. There
are no clearly defined programs around which to rally, no clearly
defined answers to the problems their generation confronts.
Most students feel that they consider the merits of each issue
and campaign and thus avoid a party label.
There are three general spheres of circulation at Cornell which
affect , political affiliation. The fraternities enforce conservativism

by isolating the conservatives in the house from liberal tendencies
There also are spheres of liberalism on campus which attract
other liberals and thus isolate them from conservatism. Other con-
servative groups, besides fraternities, tend to act in the same way.
Their findings in the area of American political philosophy
showed "Traditional privileges which are formally incorporated as
an intrinsic part of the American creed are most widely accepted
as legitimate values.
Special privileges and conflicting interests tend to be considered
private matters rather than the business of government." In times
of crisis, however, those widely accepted democratic values that seem
to be in conflict with the survival of the society tend to be weakened.
On the subject of religion the researchers discovered that "reli-
gious belief on campus is widespread while the philosophical climate
of the campuses is essentially non-religious.
However almost all students indicated a need for religious or
philosophical guides to give both,meaning and orientation to their

lives. "One senses a certain nostalgia for such absolute guides for
the guarantees of certainty that only faith can provide.
It is perhaps this nostalgia which marks much of what passes
for religious belief today."
The new report demonstrated that as the student progresses
through college his aims change. They begin to accept the legitimacy
of the aims of education whrich are found in colleges. "Non-curricu-
lar aims come to be valued less; broad, general aims which stress
ideas and concepts come to be valued more than vocational and tech-
nical skills."
On the whole most students praised their college. They feel what
their colleges are doing is worthwhile. However, many are critical of
such things as racial or religious discrimination and suppression of
academic freedom.
While being critical of certain aspects of the university they
don't transfer this objective analysis to themselves. At the colleges
studied it was discovered that 40 per cent of the freshmen and
sophomores had cheated at least once in college.

The study made three point concerning this cheating proble
on campus: at large institutions where the relationships 'are loose ai
casual there seems to be a higher incidence of cheating; many 9i
conform to the practices of the peer group even in areas such
cheating; and it is the student who is unsuccessful, uninterested ai
critical who is most likely to cheat.
It was also found that 10 per cent more fraternity men ch
than independents.
The book also indicated that "fraternity members are co
sistently more likely than independent students to engage in extr
curricular activities, haave more dates, do more drinking." To so?
extent the fraternity system has de-emphasized the academic si
of education-to many the "gentlemanly C" is acceptable.
On campus yesterday, Prof. Goldsen'said that despite the pro
lems indicated in the book college educated students are me
tolerant of minority groups and less trustful of authority thl
those who -are not college students. Still,, she pointed out, colleges a
not doing as good a job as they should in influencing the student.

See Page 4

a r

Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Little temperature change
with late afternoon showers.

VOL. LXX, No. 132




Feldkamp Says
Bias Ruling Due
Sees Anti-Discrimination Motion
Passing SGC Within Four Weeks
"Within four weeks a regulation prohibiting discrimination in
recognized student organizations on the bases of race, religion, or
color will be a reality," Student Government Council President John
Feldkamp, '61, reports.
The original Haber-Miller motion on anti-discrimination came
before the Council Feb. 17. "The delay has allowed for careful
consideration as to how this regulation might be implemented,"
Feldkamp said.
The Council has discussed a Committee on Discriminatory Prac-

House Approves

Senate-Backed Move









tices in Student Organizations

West Starts
ern Big Three Foreign Ministe
launched a review of pre-summ
prospects yesterday amid moun
ing optimism that East-West lea
ers will agree next month to
enforceable ban on nuclear tes
This somewhat cheery alli
view appeared to be offset by
feeling that the Summit par
probably would fail to ease t
deadlock over Berlin and Ge
many's future.
Leading off a three-day confe
ence, Secretary of State Christie
A. Herter discussed the outlook
a closed door meeting with Briti
Foreign Secretary Selwyn Llo
and French Foreign Minist
Maurice Couve de Murvillt.
Herter met the allied foreig
policy chiefs a few hours aft
talking privately with Lloyd an
with West German Foreign Mi
ister Heinrich Von Brentano, w
joins the conference today.
Italian Foreign Minister A
tonio Segni and Canada's Mir
ister of External Affairs Howa
Green, are due to come into U.
talks tomorrow as the allies ran
over disarmament, Germany, Be
lin and East-West relations
There were signs the Big Thr
Foreign Ministers would recom
mend that their government chie
pursue an exceedingly cautio
policy in negotiating with Sovi
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev.
hDiplomatic officials r e p o r t e
that Herter shared the West Gei
man view that the Summit Con
ference should, start afreshi
seeking an acceptable Germa
peace settlement.
This meant, they said, the
Herter opposed beginning an
Summit talk about Berlin by re
introducing concessions the Allie
offered at a Foreign Ministers
meeting in Geneva last August.
Russia rejected those proposal
even though the Big Three offer
to put a ceiling on their 11,00
man Berlin garrison, curb son
propaganda activities and pledg
never to station atomic weapon
or missiles in the Western sector.
S tratton t ake
Lead in Vote
CHICAGO (P)-Gov. William Q
Stratton built up a lead last nigh
in~ his bid- for nomination fori

which would arbitrate discrimination
cases. Its composition has been
tentatively established with three
students, two faculty members'
and two administrators. Members
would be appointed for two-year
renewable terms.
The seven basic functions of the
committee would include policy,
formulation. It would recommend'
to the Council policies in keeping'
with the purposes of the regula-'
st- tion, and would receive and in-
ers vestigate reported violations.
nit The Committee would recom-
t- mend disciplinary action against
d- student organizations in violation'
an to the Council, as well as holdj
ts- hearings, take testimony and re-'
ed quest appearances of witnesses
a and records in writing.
eye Proceedings would be confiden-1
tial unless the Council requested
a report on a particular case, or
r- the group under consideration re-l
an quested that the case be made1
in public.
er Bias Motion
gn The motion on non-discrimi-1
er nation in student organizations
nd currently before SGC proposes{
n- a regulation which would read
ho as follows in the rules booklet:
"No recognized student or-
n- ganization may prohibit or
n- otherwise restrict membership f
rdj nor membership activities on
he the basis of race, color, religion,#
ge creed, national origin or an-
r- cestry.3
In1 "(All cases of possible viola-r
I tion of this regulation shall be
referred to the Student Govern-
ment Council's Committee on {
m- Discriminatory Practices in
Student Organizations.)"
,,, I

INSA Group
Takes Stand
On Pickets
The Michigan Region of the Na-
tional Students Association op-
poses picketing any chain store
branch which does not itself en-
gage in discriminatory practices,
Region Chairman Roger Season-
wein, '61, reported.
Contrary to an opposite policy
endorsed by the NSA as a body,
the Region said it is not in favor!
of "coercing Northern store man-
agers in a situation in which they
are virtually impotent" in a reso-
lution last Sunday.
"This stand doesn't imply a 'go
slow' policy in the South," Sea-
sonwein admonished. "It merely
means we shouldn't use a North-
ern scapegoat to root out the prob-:
lem in the South."
The resolution is as follows:
"We, the Michigan Region of the
United States National Student
Association, support the carrying
out of non-violent sit-in strikes in
the South. They represent, when
peacefully conducted, a legitimate
form of protest. As such, they"
should not be impeded.
"The members of schools of the:
Michigan Region are urged to sup-'
port the conducting, in any way
possible, of such non-violent dem-
onstrations in the South. We rec-
ommend strongly that they en-
courage the local managers of
chain stores to act toward the
elimination of policies condoning,
segregation within any part of
their organizations.
"We further encourage the!
member schools to oppose any and;
all discriminatory practices exist-;
ing in their local communities.
However, the Michigan Region of
the USNSA cannot condone the!
picketing of any chain store branch;
which does not itself engage in
discriminatory practices."

The House got around to con-
sidering the higher education bud-
get last night but took no final
The Democratic proposal to re-
store the $3 million cut by the
Senate from Gov. G. Mennen Wil-
liams' proposals, as well as two
riders which would have restricted
the number of out-of-state stu-
dents the state universities could
enroll, were defeated.
Also discussed was an appoint-
ment of a coordinator for the
state's higher education systems.
The Democrats had hoped to
push through the $3 million in-
crease, with the help of Rep.
George Sallade (R-Ann Arbor),
whose vote would have given them
a majority, but some Democrats
did not follow party lines and the
proposal was defeated.
Fund Drivlse
I& V
Nes ,$400
Brereton Bissell, '61, chairman
of the "Dollars for Dignity" fund
drive which began yesterday,
termed the $400 collected "ex-
cellent, but the campus is capable
of more."
The drive, sponsored by the
Inter-Cooperative Council, the Po-
litical Issues Club and the Con-
gregational Disciples'dGuild, will
last through tomorrow.
Half the funds collected will go
to the National Association for
the Advancement of Colored Peo-
ple legal defense fund for South-
ern students arrested in protest
demonstrations against segrega-
The rest of the funds will be
sent to the National Student As-
sociation's Southern student aid'
Over 60 persons have signed up
for bucket-carrying, but Bissell,
stressed that more students will-
ing to solicit in the drive are need-
ed and may sign up in Mason Hall.



Legislators Discuss Education Funds

In Ann Arbor Vice-President The money lost would have tc
and Dean of Faculties Marvin L. come either from increased in-
Niehuss had no comment except state tuitions or increased legis-
that "the University needs the lative appropriations. "I think we
additional funds ... that's about should cotiou set ot
all" should continue our present out-
The first enrollment amend- of-state policy," Niehuss said.
ment, offered by Rep. Allison At present, he added, the limits
Green (R-Kingston) and William would certainly reduce enrollment.
Roman (D-Van Dyke), called for Any change would have to be
limitation on out-of-state enroll- made over a period of years.
ments to 10 per cent of the stu- "We feel it is undesirable tc
dent body. It received only 46 have the state universities accept
votes, 10 short of the number only citizens of their own states,'
needed for passage. Niehuss added.
Rep. George F. Montgomery (D- "I think its a matter for the
Detroit) suggested the other pro- Regents to determine ... any leg-
viso which would have reduced islative limitation would depend
the appropriations of the three on how liberal it is . . . ten per
major universities by $1,000 for cent would not be feasible"
each out-of-state student enrolled.
It was defeated 68 to 26. Coordinators Discussed
Cramp State Students The House discussed appoint-
Roman argued that acceptance ment of two coordinators for
of out-of-state students cramps higher education, one to be named
opportunities for Michigan appli- by the legislature and the other
cants. by the college presidents, as a
Niehuss said the legislature has possible compromise in the dispute
the right to attach conditions to as to which group should name
appropriation bills, though he him.
was not sure about the particular "It would be perfectly all right
ones offered last night. He re- to have two men," Niehuss said
peated arguments that the Uni- "If the legislature and the presi-
versity needs out-of-state students dents had competent persons, they
to maintain its present level of could work together. There is cer-
quality, and added that, if out- tainly plenty of work to do."
of-state enrollment was restricted, Another possible compromise
the University would need addi- was suggested Monday by Sallade,
tional money to make up for who said the Legislature might
tuition losses. allow the presidents to name the
Out - of - state undergraduates coordinator, but would stipulate
pay $600 per year, as against $250 state funds could not "be used to
per year. support his office.
South Korean Crowds Riot
Against Rhee's Reelection


To Place Proposal
O Ballot In Fall
Refuse To Authorize Referendum
For State Constitutional Conventio
LANSING {fg-The Legislature yesterday cleared aw:
the final barriers blocking a statewide vote on raising tl
sales tax ceiling from three to four cents.
Without a word of debate, the House okayed a Senat
approved resolution to put the proposition on the Nov.
ballot. The 85-16 bipartisan vote was 11 more than the tw
thirds approval needed to send it to the voters.
Later, the House refused to authorize a referendum on
convention to rewrite Michigan's 52-year-old constitution.
Two proposals for a November vote both were sound
beaten, leaving it up to petitioners to get the issue on ti


Student Fees To Finance SAB

1" :'-

> ,*

44 ^" . Y


MR ra+ 40 s A14DU4

The $975,000 proposed wing o
will be built solely with student fee
Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont said y
The costs for the SAB addition
standing for the building. Pierpont
for in 10 years.
In the addition will be housed
office, business and finance offices fo
Affairs, Office of Veterans Affairs a
Also included an the wing will
the Dean of Men and Dean of Wor
Explains F
Vice-President and Dean of F
the financing and construction of th
of the original decision to build th
There is no legal reason why t
buildings by using student funds, F

1. ,

MASAN, Korea (AP)-A crowd of 10,000, protesting police tactics
in the election that kept President Syngman Rhee in power, threat-
ened to break into a police station in this Southern port city yes-
Police drove them back by firing about 1,000 shots in the air.
The demonstrators formed again an hour later and police dis-
persed them a second time. Authorities claimed order was restored
" just before midnight with the help
of extra truckloads of police and
two fire engines.
This was the second day of
anti-government rioting in South
Addition opoiiDmaiatywr
AdditionKorea. About 30 members of the
arrested in, Taegu.
KABAKER But Masan, scene of violent
f the Student Activities Building riots during the March 15 election
f te Sudet Atiitis Bildngwhen seven persons were killed
s, Vice-President for Business and in demonstrations against alleged
esterday. voting frauds, continued the cen-
will be added to the present debt ter of renewed protests.
said the two sections will be paid The present outbreak began
after the body of a 16-year-old
the admissions office, placement student, one of five persons miss-
r residence halls, Office of Student ing since the election riots, was
nd cashier's office- u found floating in Masan Harbor.
nd cahiers ofice.He had a bullet wound in the
be added space for the offices of head. One student was killed, 20
nen. police wounded and a dozen build-
inancing ings wrecked in the ensuing wave
of anger Monday.
Faculties Marvin L. Niehuss said The demonstrators, including
he new wing was considered a part high school students, gathered for
fe SAB with student funds, the second day and marched
the University cannot build other through the streets of Masan
Pierpont explained. chanting slogans denouncing the

ballot. The sales tax vote wa
a signal victory for Republi
can legislators, who have tried
for more than a year to solve
the state's financial trouble
with a sales tax incrase*
To Choose Tax
Gov. G. Mennen Williams an
Democrats said the statewide vot
would give Michigan citizens a
opportunity to choose betweena
higher sales tax and a persona
income tax.
Williams and most Democrati
legislators fought stubbornly las
year for an income tax but wer
repeatedly rebuffed in the Repub
lican controlled Senate. The dead-
lock was the main reason fora
record-long legislative session tha
didn't adjourn until Dec. 19.
Income Tax Fairer
"Everyone knows my position
that an income tax is fairer than
a sales tax," the Governor said
"If the people vote down the sale
tax increase in November, I woul
conclude it meant they wanted an
income tax."
Thirty-three House Democrat
sided with 52 Republicans to vote
for the sales tax referendum. Las
week, the same proposition at
tracted only 17 Democratic votes
and it fell four votes short of
The question will appear on the
ballot as an amendment to the
state constitution and will require
a simple majority vote for ap-
Another proposed constitutiona
amendment for a convention cal
and a change in the delegate sys-
tem drew a 39-64 vote, far shor
of the two-thirds needed for ap-
proval and transfer to the Senate
Job Drop-Off
Flits New lHigh
March storms in two decades sen
unemployment soaring beyond the
four million mark last month.
The Labor Department, an
nouncing the new figures yester
day, predicted a sharp reboun
in the job situation in April.
Seymour Wolfbein, departmen
manpower chief, said better Apri

wtrffnn ..

dSouth Africa
Closes Gates
d To Negroes
a' JOHANqNESBURG, South Afric
d1 (M-)South Africa is closing ii
gates against migratory Negr
is labor and seeking to swell th
>t influx of white immigrants, th
,e government announced yesterda;
- A long range plan to impro-
athe balance of three million white
Sagainst 10 million blacks was out
6lined by Interior Minister J.1
Naude before Parliament in Cap
n Speaking in this fourth weekc
Ln a crisis capped Saturday by
white man's attempt too assassi
dnate Prime Minister Hendrik1
n Verwoerd, Naude said the govern
ment now considers 1mmigrato
sof the utmost importance an
e specially wants white skilled work
. ers.
_ Asks for Help
s He mentioned the Netherland
if Belgium and Germany, as likel
sources to improve the flow, whit:
e has been running only abou
e 16,000 annually. He told Parlia
e ment he has already asked charn
hers of commerce, the agricultur
union and other organizations
I help bring white settlers.
1 Coupled with this was a warn
Ing to the nation's farmers the
tthey will soon have to do witho'
the cheap help of Negroes whi
have been Imported for farm wo
by the thousands from other Af.
can territories.
"With all the trouble the co
try has experienced," Naude saic
"it (the government) will n
longer be able toallow migrator
Bantu (Negro) labor from outsid
tto be brought into the Union (
South Africa) indiscriminately."
Denies Allegations,
-Naude denied long standing al
- legations that the dominant no
d itonalists, largely men of Dut4:
descent, have impeded immigra
t Lion by English-speaking peop
1 g to this member of the Comn

.,. ..,:...fw


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