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April 10, 1960 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-04-10

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Holbrook To Impersonate Mark Twain
nocents Abroad," "Life on the Mis- and appeared as soloist with' th
On December 12, 1884, the Uni- sissippi," and "Roughing Lt." Ann Arbor Civic Symphony in th
versity Student Lecture Associa- Yeas an suying t.' Ann rbo Cc Sy o i.
tiop presented Samuel Clemens in Years of studying Twain's man- Grieg Concerto last year.
old University Hall in a program of nerisms, odd walk, drawl and habit A tour of South America in 1941
his own works of constantly moving on the plat- led to her interest in Spanish an
On Tuesday night, 34-year old form have resulted in a characteri-
actor Hal Holbrook will ecreate zation which the New York Times South American music..
termed "startlingly realistic . . . . * ,-

Graduates may apply
Candidate Course.

for the Officers

Tues., April 12
U.S. Marines Corps -~~See Monday's.
The J. L. Hudson Company, Detroit,
Michigan. Location of work: Detroit,
Michigan. Graduates: June, August.
Retail Department Store. Men & Women
with degrees in Liberal Arts or Business
Administration for Executive Develop-
ment Training Program.
Fisher Body Craftsman's Guild, De-
troit, Michigan. Location of work: East,
South, Midwest, and West. Graduates:
June, August. An organization for the
development of, craftsmanship and cre-
ative ability among boys. Men with a
degree in Liberal Arts or Business Ad-
ministration for Field Representatives
for the Fisher Body Craftsman's Guild.
There will be an intensive three-week
training period beginning August 29
followed by a week of work in the
Southern Michigan area Schools. The
remaining time is spent in the terri-
tory to which the representative is
assigned. Expenses of representatives
who do not live in the Detroit Area are
paid during the training program. The
job provides valuable experience in
public speaking, each man will make
about 100 presentations to a total aud-
ience of approximately 40,000 students,
in a three month period.
Wed., April 13;
Caro StateHospital, Caro Michigan.
Location of work: Caro, Michigan. Grad-
uates: June. Treatment of Epileptic
Psychoneurotic with Emphasis on Diag-
nosis of Brain Damage End. Over 700
employees. 1800 patients. Medical staff
of 6. Men (veterans or Draft Exempt)
or Women with a BA or MA in Psy-
chology for someone to work in diag-
nosis and research with some oppor-
tunities for treatment on supervised
basis. One will assist the Director of
Psychology in the general patient pro-
gram at the hospital. Emphasis on
training the Individual Indiscrimina-
tion of neurological and phychologcal
trait pathology.
U.S. Marines Corps - See Tuesday's
YWA, New York, N.Y. Location of
work: For YWCA Community and Col-
lege and University Aasso c i a t i o n s
throughout the USA. Graduates: June,
August, February. Nature of business:
Social group work, recreation, and
adult education with religious pur-
pose. Women with a degree in Political
Science, Sociology, Psychology, Fine
Arts, Philosophy, Education, Social
Work or Physical Education for 1.
Youth Program 2. Adult Program 3.
Health and Physical Education Pro-
gram 4. Armed Services 5. Business
Secretaries 6. Public Relations Direc-
tors. 7. Community Secretaries 8. Coinn-
seling Secretaries 9. Membership Sec-
retaries and Metropolitan Associate
Zurich Insurance Company, Chicago
Illinois. Location of work: Training in
Chicago, Illinois with eventual reloca-
tion in some cases to one of the 21
branch offices located throughout the
U.S. Graduates: June. Accident and
Health, Casualty and Fire Insurance.

Employs 2400. 1. Men with a degree in
Liberal Arts or Bus. Ad. for Casualty
Representative. 2. Men with a degree in
Liberal Arts or Bus. Ad. for 'Cacualty
Sales Representative (Salaried). 3. Men
with a degree in Liberal Arts or Bus.
Ad. for group Sales Representative
(Salaried and Commission), 4. Men with
a degree in Liberal Arts or Bus. Ad. for
individual Accident and Sickness Rep-
resentative (Salaried and Commission).
5. Men with a degree in Economics or
Marketing for Special Risk Sales Rep-
resentative. 6. Men with a degree in
Liberal Arts or Bus. Ad. for Under-
writing (Casualty or Group). 7. Men
with a degree in Liberal Arts or Bus.
Ad. for courses in Logic, Philosophy,
Accounting, or Engineering for Methods
and Procedures. 8. Men with a degree
in Mathematics with at least one course
in Statistics for Statistics.

April 12. Nils Fredrickson of Camp
Robinson Crusoe of Sturbridge, Mass.,
will interview for men and women
counselors - also married couples.
April 15. Students from Clarkson,
Mich. area: Day camp jobs in all cata-
gories - you must have a car. $40 per
week plus $10 car allowance. Interviews
all day in D528 of the S.A.B.
Summer Requests
Mrs. Charles Weber of Ann Arbor
would like a girl 'to care for her child-
ren on Hickory Island, Grosse Ile, Mich.
Take care of children and help with
the meals - no cooking. Good pay. H
Manpower, Inc., located in 100 cities
in the U.S. has summer jobs for men
and women. See the Summer Place- h oto
ment Service. Open every afternoon the sort
from 1:30 to 5:00. which Tw
S.S. Aquarama: Navy Veterans - one famouS.
year aboard ship as deck crew or two Closingt
years aboard in other departments - a tractionss
job for you. Very good pay. Also part-
time jobs with this ship both in De- pear ons
troit and Cleveland. Minimum age 19, white-hair
prefer 21. ing, cigar
For further information about these
requests, see the Summer Placement Missourian
Bureau, D528 of the S.A.B. from "Huc

. as Mark Twain
f solo entertainment for
vain was internationally
the current Platform At-
series, Holbrook will ap-
stage made up as the
xed, white-Suited, drawl-
- smoking 70 - year old
,n and recreate episodes
ckleberry Finn," "The In-

Student files re-opened
at SAB 2nd floor TuTh 10-1 1 and M.W.F. 1-3
I ris Office

(International Travel Student Service)


I '!




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