SUNDAY, APRIL 10, 1960
Baseball, ring
Two Sophomores To Start'
In Tuesday's Home Opener
ill To Begin
'M' Grid Practice Sessions
Open Tomorrow Afternoon
When Michigan's baseball team;
takes the field against Wayne
Tuesday afternoon in the season
opener, it'll be sporting a new
look, with rookies holding down
two key positions in the Wolver-
line lineup.
Sophomores Ed Hood and Joe
Merullo are slated to start the
season in center field and at third
base respectively.
"They're both solid ballplayers,"
commented coach Don Lund.
"From what we saw out West (on
the spring trip), they're capable
of playing front-line Big Ten
Defensive Skill
Hood, who came to the Univer-
sity on a football tender, is ex-
pected to provide defensive finesse
in the outfield.
"I wouldn't say Eddie has over-
powering speed," said Lund, "but
he is faster than the average ball-
player and his excellent instincts
give him a jump on anything hit
near him."
While Lund had counted on
Hood to see fairly regular action
in a Michigan uniform this year,
the Michigan coach had not ex-
pected to open the season with
Merullo at third.
Moved To Third
jVeteran Bob Kucher had been
tabbed for the hot corner in most
pre-season discussions, with Mer-
ullo backing up junior starter Dick
Syring at the catching post. Mer-
ullo's performance on the spring
trip, however, convinced Lund that
the Wolverines needed his bat in
the lineup, and Merullo was shift-
ed to the third sack and Kucher
placed in an utility role.
"It's a little hard to make the
shift," the Boston sophomore con-
fessed, "but I'll play anywhere
they put me." Merullo, a graduate
of Boston's City League, played
infield briefly during his high
school career.
"Playing catcher, you're in the
game every pitch," he said. "While
at third, you can never tell when
the ball's going to come your way."
Getting Used To It
"When I first started, I'd find
myself hoping that I wouldn't
have to make the play, but I'm
getting used to it now-it's a
lotta fun."
Both Hood and Merullo are
hopeful of playing professional
baseball after their careers at
"I've always thought I'd like to
play professionally," said Hood,
who's majoring in business ad-
ministration and plans to eventu-
ally enter law school.
"I'd like to take a crack at the
big time after I graduate," he
said, "and if possible pay my
expenses through law school."
Eyed By Lund
Merullo and Michigan got to-
gether under an unusual set of
circumstances, with the principal
negotiator being the then first-
base coach of the Detroit Tigers,
one Don Lund.
"While visiting Boston during
the '58 season, we heard Joe was
going to work out with the Red
Sox at Fenway Park before one
of the games," Lund relates. "So
we invited him to drop by the
next day for batting practice."
"I liked his quickness, strength
and arm. Joe was the first boy I
signed to a tender as a Michigan
The appearances of Hood and
Merullo in the lineup mark the
second straight year that Lund
has started two sophomores in the
opening game. Last year's rookie
regulars were outfielders Wilbert
Franklin and John Halstead.
SOPH STARTERS-Centerflelder Ed Hood and third baseman
Joe Merullo will make their varsity baseball debuts in starting
roles against Wayne in the season opener Tuesday afternoon.
At the end of last fall 55 fresh-'
man football players were awarded
Next fall some of these players
may win varsity letters in their
first season of actual competition.
But whether they start on the
varsity next fall is due in large
part to how they appear during
spring practice which starts to-
Freshman Coach Don Dufek de-
scribes his charges as "fairly
sound, better than average, per-
haps, but with few standouts."
Frosh Could Help
The positions where the fresh-
men could be the most help are at
quarterback and guard.
There are two top frosh quarter-
back prospects. The first is Dave
Glinka who is 5'11", 195 lbs. from
Toledo, Ohio. The other is Bob
Chandler, 6'2", 190 lbs. from La-
Grange, Ill. These two will battle
veteran signal-callers Don Han-
nah, John Stamos and Paul Pal-
Although there are four return-
ing lettermen at guard the posi-
tion is still held to be a weak spot.
Three freshmen standout are
hoped to add the needed strength
at this line slot.
Similar Builds
The three are of almost the
same mold. Chuck Collins from
Grand Rapids is 5'1" and 195 lbs.;
Dick Szymanski from Toledo, Ohio
is 5'10" and 185 lbs.; and John
Atchison is 6' and 200 lbs.
Jack Strobel, 5'9", 170 lbs. from
Chicago and Dave Raimey, 5'11",
190 lbs, from Dayton, Ohio, are
given the'best chances to break
into the halfback slots. The most
promising newcomer at fullback
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is Joe O'Donnell, who at 6'2", 210
lbs., is the largest contender for
the position.
These are a few of the 28 fresh-
men players that showed the most
promise during last year's prac-
tices. During the next 20 days
these and all the others on the
Michigan squad will try to show
their best talents in shooting for
a starting berth on next fall's var-
sity team.
Exhibition Baseball
Washington 10, Detroit 4
Chicago (A) 2, New York 1
Cincinnati 16, Milwaukee 3
Chicago (N) 4, St. Louis 1
Cleveland 12, Boston 8
San Francisco 13, Los Angeles 10
Pittsburgh 1, Kansas City 0
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109 S. MAIN
Quality of College Baseball Rises;
More Players Sign with Professionals
A familiar sight at any college
baseball game are several men
scattered throughout the grand-
stand who never seem to stop
writing in the little black note-
books they clutch so closely to
their chests.
These men are professional
baseball scouts and in their closely
guarded chronicles are pages and
pages of data about the various
college players on the field before
them. How strong is his arm, how
fast is he, can he hit a curve, can
he field, has he had any serious
injuries - these are just a few of
the questions the pro scout must
answer for himself.
The increasing number of pro-
feesional scouts at college games
can mean only one thing - the
quality of the collegiate game has
attained such a level that it is
now a prime hunting ground for
major league talent.
Former Collegians
Signed to professional contracts
within the last year or two have
been: Dean Look of Michigan
State, Chicago White Sox-$50,-
Palmer Leads in Masters;
Five Trail by One Stroke
By The Associated Press
Hogan, at 47, is shooting for his
AUGUSTA, Ga.-Arnold Palmer third Masters title. He also has
battled a biting wind and somewnth U.M.ster titlefurltomhs
faltering strokes yesterday to re- won the U.S. Open title four times.
taroerin strokeyesdftery three-And yesterday he contended that,
tar a one-stroke lead after three the massive 6,850-yard, par 36-36
rounds in the 24th Masters Golf - 72 Augusta National course
Tournament. "played easy."
The field behind him became so Casper is the current National
closely bunched that it is any- Open titleholder, Boros a past
body's title for the taking in the winner of the Open, Finsterwald a
final 18 holes today. former PGA champion and Ven-
Palmer, after a sparkling 34 on turi one of the top younger per-
the front nine, slipped coming formers on the pro circuit.
back and finished with a 72, even
par, for a 54-hole total of 212. Two strokes behind the chal-
That put him just one stroke lenging quintet, at 215, came Gary
ahead of Ben Hogan, Bill Casper, Player, the young South African
Dow Finsterwald, Julius Boros and holder of the British Open title,
Ken Venturi, who also had a 72 yesterday.
The margin was just the same At 216 were Stan Leonard, the
as it had been at the start of yes- weather-beaten 45-year-old Cana-
terday's crowd - stirring third dian; former PGA champion Wal-
round, but the opposition was ter Burkemo, Don January and
much more formidable. Claude Harmon.
000; Frank Howard of Ohio State,
Los Angeles Dodgers - $108,000;
John Herrnstein of Michigan,,
Philadelphia Phillies-$55,000.
These players along with many
others, whose talents didn't earn
quite as high a price tag, are now
fighting their way through the
minors toward the 'big time.'
And if the Detroit Tiger roster
is typical of major league teams,
several of them have a good
chance to make it.
Twenty-three of the 46 players
listed on the Tiger spring program
have attended college. What is the
reason for the high percentage of
college players? Tiger Manager
Jimmy Dykes said, "More good
ballplayers are going to college.
Out in California about half the
Southern California team signs
professional contracts before or
after graduation."
What Is the Lure?
The question then seems to be
what is luring the outstanding
young baseball players into insti-
tutions of higher learning.
Michigan Coach Don Lund, who
has filled the roles of college stu-
dent, professional player and
scout at one time or another, had
this to say, "Security plays a big
part in bringing youngsters to
college. Of the thousands of ball
players signed, only a few make
it to the big time. If you attended
college, you at least have a college
degree to fall back on in case you
don't make it.
In addition, players and scouts
are realizing the importance of
being mature when you enter the
professional game. A lot of the
kids who sign fresh out of high
Kaline Injures
Leg in Game
ORLANDO, Fla. (W) - Al Kaline,
star Detroit Tiger outfielder, in-
jured his left leg yesterday in an
exhibition game against Washing-
ton and was taken to a Lakeland
hospital for x-rays.
It appeared to be either a pulled
muscle, a pinched nerve or a torn
school have big problems getting
adjusted to living away from
home. A college student obviously
knows his way around better.
"Also, players are realizing that
college baseball facilities compare
favorably against those of a lot of
lower minor leagues." A final fac-
tor that Lund neglected to men-
tion is that a lot of former pro
players like himself have been en-
tering the collegiate coaching
ranks and raising the calibre of
play considerably.
One thing is certain those men
with the little black notebooks
wouldn't be sitting in the grand-
stands if the calibre of college play
wasn't as high as it is.
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