I r' Herter Denounces Recess, In Disarmament Meeting ARTS AND LETTERS: Local Group Sends Plan On Theatre to Guthrie BEFORE GENEVA: Ike To Seek Out Russia's Intentions WASHINGTON (W)-President, Dwight D. Eisenhower Intends to make a determined effort next' month to find out whether Soviet' Premier Nikita Khrushchev really wants to come to terms on any major East-West issue. Officials said yesterday this is Eisenhower's central purpose in approaching the Big Four summit conference with Khrushchev, Pres-' ident Charles De Gaulle of France and Prime Minister Harold Mac- Millan of Great Britain. It will guide Secretary of State Christian A. Herter in a series of meetings here next week with allied foreign ministers on summit preparations. Herter is expected to tell his allies during the three days of strategy talks that the western powers must be ready for any grandstand plays by Khrilshchev. His aim would be to put the West SENATOR KENNEDY'S WIRFE She was brought up in an entirely different kind of world. She's not at all what you would expect a U. S. Sen- ator's wife to be. She would be more interested in what Byron was doing than what Napoleon was doing and yet, Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy might soon become the "first lady" of the land. Where does a brilliant and cultured, shy and retiring 30-year-old beauty fit into a presidential candidate's life? If John Kennedy wins the election, how much does Jacqueline stand to lose? For the first time, you can meet the real Mrs. Kennedy... In the April issue of Redhook; The Magazinef or Young Adults Now on sale at aU nowsataads on the defensive and seize the in- itiative in the propaganda battle that will be a big part of the con- ference. Khrushchev's possible spectacu- lar moves, officials believe, may include a new disarmament pro- posal and some declaration about scrapping the Soviet blod Warsaw Pact, the Red counterpart of NATO. The stage was set for a Khrush- chev move on disarmament when Professors Give Support to Students DETROIT ( -The American Assn. of University Professors yes- terday rallied to the support of Southern students who have been suspended or expelled from college for "protesting in peaceful ways, against racial discrimination." Such action destroys the civil liberties of the students, the group said, and is an abuse of academic authority. A number of Negro students have been expelled or suspended after taking part in sit-in demon- strations in off-campus segregated lunchrooms. In a resolution overwhelmingly adopted today, the AAUP said in effect that such demonstrations are not necessarily disorderly, and colleges and universities should not be misled by public pressures into punitive action against the students. "Since not every conviction under law necessarily represents an offense with which an educa- tional institution must concern itself," the resolution said, it is up to educational authorities to reach their own decisions. East and West agreed today to recess the 10-nation arms confer- ence now under way at Geneva. The recess will begin late this month and run until June. This decision to suspend the conference effectively cancelled hope that some progress might be made on disarmament prior to the summit. Eisenhower's main interest is reported to lie not in the formal Big Four meeting which will start at Paris May 16 but in the small private talks where personal dip- lomacy may be employed to best advantage. The President himself told a news conference 10 days ago he looked forward to some small in- formal sessions with Khrushchev, MacMillan and De Gaulle. Behind his interest in these small and secret talks is a con- siderable puzzlement in official quarters here-apparently shared by the President-over Khrush- chev's actual intention. Some of- ficials believe, for example, that he would like to make a first-step deal on disarmament. Herter is among these, and Eisenhower evidently thinks there is some chance. Opinion is divided about wheth- er and when Khrushchev will force a new crisis over Berlin. The United States, Britain and France have no intention of yielding to his demand to get out. One of the big questions is whether he would forceful measures, perhaps sometime in the late summer or fall, to try to squeeze the West out. Such measures would consti- tute a new Berlin blockade. The President is said to hope he and other Western leaders can get some new light on such ques- tions and at the same time get across to Khrushchev the deter- mination of their own stand. Plan Backed DFrom U.S. Five-Week Recess Approved by Group By The Associated Press Secretary of State Christian A. Herter denounced yesterday a re- cess agreement made by his own disarmament negotiator at Ge- neva. But he said that since the deed was done he would let it stand. The agreement provides for about a five-week recess in the 10 - nation Geneva disarmament conference until after the summit meeting at Paris in late May. Herter's statement came close to being a rebuke for Ambassador Fredrick M. Eaton, New York lawyer and board member of many banking and industrial firms who is a newcomer to big time Some State Department offic- ials §aid privately that Herter did not intend the statement to be a rebuke or reprimand. Others equally familiar with the circum- stances said there could be no doubt that a declaration by the Secretary of State deploring the agreement Eaton announced yes- terday was a slap for the man in Geneva. Herter's statement came as the climax of a series of comments which indicate at the least some kind of brbeakdown in communi- cations between him and Eaton. Eaton and the British, French, Italian and Canadian delegations were reported hopeful that the conference could make some pro- gress toward disarmament if the summit meeting agrees at least on how the subject should be dis- cussed. By STEPHANIE ROUMELL The steering committee for the repertory theatre in Ann Arbor recently sent a summary of all that Ann Arbor could offer for thej theatre should it come here, to Tyrone Guthrie, Oliver Rea, and3 Peter Zeisler, who plan to estab- lish such a theatrein acommunity other than New York. It was noted in the letter thata since 1951 various avenues to a professional company in Ann Ar- bor have been investigated In January, 1959, the first def- inite step in this direction was to employ Louis Simon, a member of1 the board of the American Na- tional Theatre and Academy to investigate the possibility of es- tablishing "a truly great repertory theatre" in this area. Situation Encouraging Simon found the theatre situa- tion in Ann Arbor "highly en-1 couraging." He recommended that such a theatre should operate4 under University sponsorship and that the highest calibre of pro- fessional leadership would be "absolutely essential." The following summer was spent exploring possibilities of Imple- menting Simon's report to make an Ann Arbor repertory theatre a reality. Then in September of 1959 Ty- rone Guthrie, Oliver Rea and Peter Zeisler announced their plan to form a repertory theatre in an American community other than New York, which could be a focus of fine theatre. Proposal Made Guthrie and Rea arrived in Ann Arbor last November for a two day visit. They stated exactly what they proposed and what the com- munity must offer to attract a venture of this type. Since then a steering committee for the theatre has been formed in Ann Arbor to plan and prepare the community for active sponsor- ship of the project. Conferences with University of- ficials have resulted in the admin- istration's enthusiasm for the Guthrie-Rea-Zeisler proposal. The Regents made an offer of land for the theatre and academic support. The Ann Arbor City Council passed a resolution favoring the theatre, and the City Planning Commission said that it could make an important contribution to the over-all future structure of the city. The Board of Commerce gave enthusiastic support to the preliminary work which has been accomplished this year. The letter went on to express the numerous advantagesAnn Ar- bor holds for a repertory theatre, such as the large potential region- al audience that it "already con- ditioned to finding in Ann Arbor a center for its culturalineeds." Examples Given The May Festival annual sells out 4,900'seats to each of six con- certs to guests from all over the country including some 5,000 stu- dents who attend each year. The Lecture Series draws 30-35,000 annually. The Choral Union Con- cert series attracts 37,000, and the extra series (five concerts) sold 22,000 tickets this year. The Drama Season, since the 1920's has played to an audience of 25,000 each spring and the speech department plays draw 30,000. The Civic Symphony and Civic Ballet sold out a 1,800 seat theatre for two imported dance programs last year, and the Ann Arbor Civic Theatre has an audience of over 2,000 for many of its plays. The steering committee set up the mechanics for a local fund raising drive which will be part of a state wide operation. It is ready to select a leader and has set a tentative goal of $250,000 from the area. Community enthusiasm has been aroused through a series of coffee hours at which the project was explained and illustrated with color slides. One result has been numerous offers of financial sup- port should Guthrie, Rea and Zeisler chose Ann Arbor for the theatre site, The steering committee esti- mates that at least 10,000 season tickets could be sold in Ann Arbor and the surrounding territory, which might underwrite 50 per cent of the operating expenses. The decision for the theatre has been postponed at least until April 18-19, since other cities com- peting for the theatre have not yet clearly stated what they can offer the theatre. Gibbs girls get top jobs Gibbs-trained college women are in demand to assist executives in every field. 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