almer Leads in Masters
By The Associated Press
AUGUSTA, Ga. - Arnold Pal-
mner salvaged first place in the
Masters Golf Tournament at the
halfway point yesterday with a
140 total after a retroactive pen-
alty had cost Dow Finsterwald the
The muscular, 29-year-old Pal-
mer from Latrobe, Pa., lost most
of the five-stroke lead he held
after the first round, posting scores
of 67-73-140 over the massive
6,850 yard, par 36-36-72 Augusta
National Course.
Finsterwald, a former PGA
champion and Tournament Com-
mittee member who should know
the rules, called one on himself
for an infraction Thursday. He
could have been disqualified for
it, but the Tournament Commit-
tee decided instead to add a two-
stroke penalty to his first round
score. That gave him 71-70-141
and threw him into a tie with Ben
Hogan, Claude Harmon and Wal-
ter Burkemo for second place.
Practice Putt
Finster.wald's difficulty arose
from a practice putt he took on
the fifth green Thursday. A local
rule, printed on the back of the
scorecard, says this is not allowed
and prescribes a two-stroke pen-
qualification for turning I
correct score card should b
and the two-stroke penalt
plied to Thursday's score,
it a 71.
Unusual Circumstan
Masters Tournament C
Cliff Roberts said this
cause of the unusual circus
of the incident. A provisic
USGA Rules permits this
tain cases.
The circumstances and
ability to steady himself
bad first nine overshad
old threat in a new guise-
The little Texan who
the Masters twice and
second three times, fired
round 68 for a 141 total.
who won the 1948 Masters
the same total with 69-72
fiemo, a two-time PGA c
n an in- had 72-69, the first round below
e waived 70 for him in the Masters.
y be ap- Following the four way second
making place deadlock were Casper, Don
January and Ken Venturi at 142
ces as the field was cut to include the
!hairman 45 players with scores of 150 or
was be- better for the final two rounds.
imstances Other leaders at 143 were Julius
on of the Boros, Gary Player, Billy Maxwell,
s in cer- and amateur Deane Beman, fol-
lowed by contenders Doug Sand-
Palmer's ers, Stan Leonard, Lionel Hebert,
faftera Jack Burke Jr., and amateur Bud
owed an Taylor at 144. Venturi's 69 yester-
-Hogan. day was one of three sub - 70
has won rounds.
finished Today's round will be televised
a second by CBS between 5 and 6 p.m.
Harmon, (EST and the cameras will be on
, reached the scene from 4 to 5:30 p.m. to-
and Bur- morrow for the expected climactic
hampion, finish.
Finsterwald had overlooked this
rule and started to take another
practice putt yesterday. His play-
ing partner, U.S. Open Champion
Billy Casper, stopped him and
called the rule to his attention. At
the end of the round Finsterwald
reported the infraction to the
Tournament Committee.
After a long discussion and a
consultation with U.S. Golf Assn.
Secretary Joe Dey, the Commit-
tee decided that the penalty of dis-
Harlan DIVng
Contest 1To day
The first annual Bruce Harlan
Memorial Diving Meet, in honor
of the ex-Michigan diving coach,
takes place today at 12:30 with
divers from all over Michigan and
elsewhere competing.
Dick Kimball is in charge of the
event, which is in remembrance
of the popular Harlan, who met
with a fatal accident last summer.
Divers of both sexes will nartici-
pafe, from the age of nine on up.
R uggers Meet Canadian,
In Home Opener Today
An encouraging note is that th
The Ann Arbor Rugby Club, two Wolverite footballers on th
still looking for its first victory of squad, Ken Tureaud and Gran
the season, opens the home season McKee will see action.
today meeting a strong Canadian * * *
Bank of Toronto team at 2:30 p.m. Rugby Growing
on Wines Field. "In recent years rugby has be
The ruggers dropped their first come one of America's faster
four games of the season during growing and toughest sports
a spring vacation tour of the west contends Bert Sugar; Captainc
coast. The tour consisted of a 8-0 the Ann Arbor Club. In the ear
loss to San Diego; a last minute years of its development in th
8-3 defeat at the hands of Po- country it was confined to ti
mona College; a 17-0 drubbing by eastern seaboard and more spe
powerful UCLA; and a 17-3 de- ifically to the Ivy league," h
feat by a Southern California all- said..
star team. "But recently the west coa
The Canadian club comes here has risen to challenge easter
fresh from two victories over the supremacy in the sport. Indee
University of Toronto, in which
they totaled over a 100 points.
Regulars Out Referees Needed
Missing from the Ann Arbor The I-M department urgently
lineup will be regulars Robbie' eeds softball referees for this
spring's season. Anyone inter-
Burne'tte, out with a torn cartilage ested should see or call Ron
in his knee, and Mich Oprea, who Thompson at NO 3-418.l
suffered a broken hand in the Thompson______________
game with the Southern Calif-
ornia All-Stars, the University of California
The team's high scorer, Robbie now acknowledged as having ti
Farr, may only see limited action finest college rugby team in tt
due to a leg injury sustained in nation, with UCLA not far bi
the UCLA game. His scoring will hind," he continued.
be sorely missed if he is unable to Unikyowi In Midwest
see action. Rugby is still relatively ur
known in the midwest with Mich
Hawks Play
Celts Today
For Crown
By The Associated Press
BOSTON - The off - and - on
Boston scoring machine and the
St. Louis "Comeback Kids" must
cram their bids for the National
Basketball Assn. Championship
into 48 minutes this afternoon.
Seventy - five regular season
jgames and two playoff series'
apiece will be wrapped up in the
nationally televised action start-
ing at 2:15 p.m. (EST) at Boston
Garden. A hassle over officials
spices this dramatic "no tomor-
row" contest.
Three times the defending
champion Celtics have gone ahead
in the best-of-seven title series
displaying their awesome fire-
power and speed. Three times the
embattled Hawks have pulled even
by forcing the Celts to slow down
and by defensing Boston off its
Clash over Refs
Following Thursday's 105-102
St. Louis triumph in the western
city, Hawks' owner Ben Kerner
end NBA President Maurice Podo-
loff clashed in a violent argument
over Podolo's choice of Mendy
Rudolph and Jim Duffy as refer-
After putting off his final deci-
sion until yesterday, Podoloff is
sticking with his original selec-
tions-Rudolph and Duffy. Kerner
would have preferred Sid Borgia
as one of the referees because it
is believed in the NBA ranks that
Borgia calls more fouls in favor
of the visiting team.
The Garden, seating 13,909, is a
sellout as fans anticipate a repeat
of the frantic 1957 finish when
Boston edged St. Louis 125-123 in
a double overtime in the seventh
game as a Bob Pettit shot barely
missed at the final buzzer.
"We played 75 games to get the
home court edge for one game,"
said Boston's Sam Jones, sum-
ming up the Celtics' sentiment.
"That's just where we- are now."
By becoming the winningest
team in NBA history for one sea-
son (59 victories), the Celts get
the home floor edge in the play-
Stanley Cup Action
MONTREAL - Montreal was
ruled a heavy favorite to take the
National Hockey League's Stan-
ley Cup Title over Toronto yester-
day as the two teams prepared to
do battle tonight in the Forum.
The Canadiens' stock rose as a
result of their convincing 4-2 vic-
tory in the opener Thursday. The
coaches, Toe Blake of Montreal,
and Punch Imlach of Toronto,
disagreed with speculation that
the Canadiens would sweep the
series in four straight, as they
idid against Chicago in the semi-
A capacity crowd of rabid Mon-
treal fans is expected to jam its
way into the arena for tonight's
encounter. Both teams are keyed
up after the rough and tumble
By plane, by car and by train
ethey came to that springtime
mecca of college students - Ft.
Escaping from term papers, mid-
semesters and their academic
counterparts, students from all
over the nation jammed Lauder-
dale's beaches, bars and motels.
Included in the teeming mass of
fun-seekers were hundredsof
Michigan students.
During the day, they flocked to
the beach where they either
fought the waves of the Atlantic
or just lounged in the sun to pick
up that all Important tan. An
informal and interesting daytime
activity was simply wandering up
and down the "Diag on the Sand"
and meeting people.
At night those who' were 21, or
could prove they were, visited
places like the Elbo Room, Omar's
Tent and several of their less
famous contemporaries. Other va-
cationers ,held parties at their
motels and apartments, while out-
door types headed for Jade Beach
where there always was a beach
party in progress.
If things got too dull those who
could afford it headed for Miami,
Cuba or Nassau, all within a few
hours of Lauderdale.
At week's end, the students-
some 30,000 according to Ft.
Lauderdale merchants *- headed
north and back to the "grind,"
with many a cry of "I'll be back
next spring."
Students Invade Lauderdale'
WHERE THE BOYS ARE-This best seller about the annual student invasion of Ft. Lauderdale
gets an on-location reading from a Michigan State coed. On the right, a swimmer pauses to test the
water before plunging into the waves of the Atlantic.
Photos by
Story by
gan having the only representa-
tive team from the Big Ten Con-
ference. The Associated Press as
well as many midwesterners have
shown their ignorance to this fact.
After the UCLA game this bul-
letin came over the AP wires: "The
UCLA Bruins today defeated the
Big Ten champion Michigan rugby
team 17-0 in . . . ." This was un-
doubtedly the easiest Big Ten
championship the Wolverines have
ever won.
Rugby's toughness comes from
the fact that it is played in 40
minute halves with no time outs
and no substitutions, except in the
case of an Injury. The players, in
contrast to football, wear no pro-
tective padding, although tackling
is a major fundamental of the
Scoring in rugby is three points
for a try (touchdown), three
points for a penalty kick, and two
points for a conversion.
Exhibition Baseball
Detroit 6, Chicago (A).5
(10 innings)
Washington 8, New York
Baltimore 5, Kansas City 3
Milwaukee 6, cincinnati 3
St. Louis 6, Chicago (N) 4
San Francisco 7, Los Angeles 3
Philadelphia 4, Indianapolis (AA) 0
CENTRAL LOCATION-Lined on one side by bars and by the beach on the other, this corner-U.S.
AlA and LasOlas Boulevard-was a center of student activity. The sailboat on the right was rented
for a couple of days by a couple of Michigan students who apparently preferred their parties aboard
347 Maynard St. Ann Arbor
on the Campus - Across from Municipal Parking Garage
Thought Process of Women
Dr. A. Tract
Emphasis on philosophy of getting dates. Background of dateless stu-
dents who use sticky hair creams or alcohol hair tonics. Fundamental
logic of students who have discovered that Vaseline' Hair Tonic takes
care of hair even when used with water. Philosophy of the Enlighten-
ment: one may use all the water one wants with 'Vaseline' Hair Tonic.
Students who use'Vaseline' Hair Tonic think-therefore they are sought
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Enjoy all tha benefits of a
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June 27th to July 29th
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REGISTER NOW... Admission Open
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IDENTIFICATION PLEASE-This was a familiar request to any student who attempted to enter a Ft. Lauderdale bar. Above, students
line up in advance of have "a short one" at the Elbo Room. Discrimination of another sort was practiced in this part of the South. The
sign on the right was an exception to the rule as most Ft. Lauderdale merchants welcomed the students and their dollars.