Red Asks South African Forces Stop No-Work Campaign) CROWNING OVATION: DeGaulle Calls for End of Arms Race I AP Wirephoto HALF TEST-French President Charles de Gaulle calls for nuclear disarmament. He is shown with his wife, Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth. BASEMENT BOOK SALETOA at FOLLETT'S State 'St. at North University LONDON ()-President Charles DeGaulle won the crowning ova-I tion of his triumphant visit to Britain yesterday with a call for an end to the nuclear arms race. France, he said, desires above all that nuclear weapons be de- stroyed and the "vehicles of death" that carry them be placed1 under surveillance. And she be-' lieves that East and West can live in peace together. DeGaulle's speech combined the stuff of history with oratory per- haps unmatched since Winston1 Churchill roused the free world to action 20 years ago. Churchill, 85 and feeble now, was there to honor his wartime ally yesterday. Gets Honor Guard: DeGaulle, tall and vigorous in sober morning dress, staad before) a silk covered throne on the gray1 stone steps that fill one end of Westmnister Hall. Scarlet-robed Beefeaters from the Tower of London flanked him as an honor guard. A fanfare from trumpeters in medieval dress introduced his speech. The soldier - president spoke with hardly a glance at his notes for 30 minutes. By an oratorical tour de force he contrived to end just as the 900-year-old hall vi- brated with the last stroke of noon from the great bell of Big Ben. The audiene-members of both houses of Britain's Parliament- sat a moment in silence as though stunned. Then they burst into a roar of applause that lasted a full four minutes. De Gaulle's theme was that Britain and France have a com- mon destiny to work for peace. It brought him to this statement of French aims: French Aims "France believes that this peace can be attained only if the gen- eral fear of sudden annihilation is first removed. "This involves the limitation and control of armaments by both camps. "She (France) wishes above all that stocks of nuclear weapons be destroyed, that installations where they are made be used for other purposes, that rockets and aircraft capable of carrying them, as well as the fixed or floating bases from which these vehicles of death can be launched, be plac- ed under surveillance. Happy To Stop Tests "France would for her part be very happy to give up the tests and the capital expenditure she has undertaken in order to pro- vide herself with the means pos- sessed by others, as soon as these others cease to have them avail- able." He foresaw a lessening of en- mity between the rival blocs of West and East. France, he said, hopes it will be achieved "in a peaceful atmosphere, through ev- olution conditioned on the one hand by the aspiration of human nature for liberty, and on the other by the pursuit of progress 1 which demands efficiency." Nation Calm But Leaders Call Soldiers One Town Remains Uncertain in Clean-up JOHANNESBURG (/P) - Huge military, police and civilian re- serve forces mobilized by the South AMrican government ap- peared last night to have stifled the no-work campaign of thous- ands of rebellious Africans. Only in the sealed off African township of Nyanga, near Cape Town, was the situation uncertain and police said they had arrested most of the "agitators, terrorists and gangsters" there without re- sistance yesterday. From Cape Town, Durban and Port Elizabeth came reports that the situation was practically nor- mal or more nearly so than at any time in the past 11 days. In Johannesburg there was no incident to disturb the calm. Workers st'reamed in and out of the city without trouble, Leaders Jailed With all the principal African leaders in Jail and police rounding up lower echelons, it seemed that the longest demonstration in re- cent'years against the govern- ment's apartheid (segregation) policy may be ended. But the government continued to call up its forces. The Wit- wartersand Rifles Infantry Regi- ment has just been mobilized and stationed at the airport near Ger- miston, east of Johannesburg, pre- sumably for movement wherever needed. Last night, the South African Broadcasting Corp. interrupted a play to read out a long list of names of reservists who were ordered to report for duty im- mediately. Troops Cleanup Troops and police staged clean- up raids for arms and agitators today in the settlements of Ny- anga Township, stronghold of the African no-work movement. Nearly 200 men and women were arrested and sacks of weap- ons-including guns, clubs, crow- bars, knives and meat axes-were confiscated in Nyanga East and Nyanga West outside Cape Town, an Atlantic port 900 miles south- west of Johannesburg. A ring of infantrymen with fix- ed bayonets sealed off the settle- ments, the scene of bloody clashes Monday when troops and police struck with clubs, guns and whips in an effort to get the Negroes back on their jobs. Scores were wounded then. Saw No Resistance Col. I, P. Terblanche, deputy commissioner of Cape Town Police said there was no resistance yes- terday. In a drizzling rain, troops patrolled the streets while mili- tary and police squads conducted a house-to-house search. Trucks screened with wire mesh carried the prisoners to cells at a Cape Town police station. Terblanche declared the clean- up was undertaken solely in the interest of Nyanga's law-abiding 1gegroes. R d Asks New Start In Talks By The Associated Press The Soviet Union proposed in Geneva yesterday to wipe the slate clean and take the 10-nation dis- armament conference back to its starting point. Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Valerian A. Zorin claimed such a procedure offered the only escape from the dead end street in which the conference finds itself after almost four weeks of work. He called on delegates to abond-' on their cross purposes debate on the rival Soviet and Western dis- armament plans and negotiate in- stead on the basis of the UN Assembly resolution of last Nov. 20. That resolution, which referred the two plans to this conference, was unanimously approved in the UN. But there is one obvious snag in using it as a negotiating plat- form. The North Atlantic powers and the Communist bloc countries disagree on the document's mean- ing. , Have Little Purpose "As long as that disagreement exists Zorin's proposal would ap- pear to have little purpose., It is like shifting a prize fight from one .arena to another with the same two boxers matched against each other." In the new ring Zorin could con- t'nue repeating his charge that the five Western powers have re- fused to commit themselves to "general and complete disarma- ment." The United States, Brit- ain, France, Italy and Canada deny the validity of that accusa- tion. Zorin spoke for more than an hour in the conference room yes- terday. He put a final seal on Soviet rejection of the Western disarmament plan which largely evolved from proposals originally put forward by British Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd. He said the Western plan did not provide a disarmament system at all and added: "To take this plan as a basis for the negotia- tions of general and complete dis- armament would mean to doom the negotiations in advance to failure." Avoid Slamming Door The Western powers avoided slamming the door on Zorin's pro- posal. US Ambassador Frederick M. Eaton said in a statement to newsmen the United States "re- mains flexible and ready to dis- cuss concrete measures of dis- armament with the Soviets" but will insist that disarmament meas- ures march hand in hand with effective controls. Other members of the western camp expressed a similar view. SENATE ACTS: Moves Toward Rights Bi WASHINGTON (MP)-The Sen- ate brought its Civil Rights Bill, almost to the point of passage ...." yesterday, shutting off all further amendments. An indefinite amount of speech- making remained, however, both r'- by the outnumbered Southern opponents of the bill and by its supporters. Late this afternoon there came << a time when no one had an amendment to offer, and the Sen- ate proceeded with the third read- ing of the bill. This meant no more amend- ments could be offered.f One amendment got through yesterday, after the Senate re- jected 73-18 a proposal to kill the whole voting section of the bill. The amendment, adopted 80-11, was designed to settle fears that in helping Southern Negroes to vote, the bill might descriminate against white voters. Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas, the Senate Democratic leader, gave assurance there would be no roll calls last night. He call- ed for a long session today, how- SENATE LEADERS -- Lyndon Johnson (D-Tex.) and Ever ever, and one tomorrow if neces- Dirksen (R-Illinois) are shepherding the rights bill through sary, in an effort to pass the bill. Senate. Johnson said he knew many senators opposed to the bill, and some of those who favored it, still had speeches they wanted to make, Sen. Hugh Scott (R-Pa) want- ed to know whether cloture-the School of Education arbitrary cutting off of debate- was being considered. Johnson said he didn't think henOrientati n M e t needed to discuss the situation beyond tomorrow. Provisions Major provisions of the Civil Rights Bill now awaiting a final Senate vote would: 1) Make it a federal crime to use threats or force to im- pede the enforcement of any federal court orders, including those issued in school integra- tion disputes. 2) Make it a federal crime to cross state lines in flight from prosecution or punish- ment for bombing any building or structure. 3) Require state and local election officials to preserve for 22 months all election rec- ords, and to make the docu- ments available to the Attorney General for examination on his written demand. 4) Allow federal courts and federal voting referees to reg- ister Negroes to vote in areas where the court finds a pattern of discrimination has denied the applicants the right to have their names entered on the rolls of elegible voters. I I I now:the pec hapes of '60 Note how Jacqueline Subtilizes the tailoring, feminizes, slenderizes the spec to favor your new fluid blousing fashions as well as crisp ones. 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