Ar m " THE MICHIGAN DAILY GE SIX THE TWICHIGAN DAILY s"arAara'R MNIUA.F= L ZIJ AWAL Op AVOU "" r..,.,,, FOL 17=lr 'S I- S Sprung CL I I' I ((Hf S im (N /// STARTS TODAY BOO , ', "'" NOW Y to 2A Off and More Originally Published To Sell from 2.00 to 25.00 And ALL, SALE BOOKS IN FOLLETT'S BASEMENT a $1.00 BOOKS 3. Lillian Roth: BEYOND MY WORTH. The author of I'll Cry Tomorrow tells her story of escape from sin. Illustrated. Pub. at $3.95. $1.00 4. DISASTER AT DUNDEE. By John Prebble. A spectacular job of historical reportage; a vivid account of a major 19th century catas- trophe-the destruction by hurricane winds of the newly built, gigantic Toy Bridge, just as a train of travelers was crossing it; with the prelude to the tragedy, the bitter inquiry that followed and the aftermath that echoes into our own times. Pub. at $4.00. $1.00 5. WINGED PHARAOH. By Joan Grant. "A fine tale of ancient Egypt. . . a very beautiful novel . . . a book of fine idealism, deep com- passion and a spiritual quality pure and bright as flame, a wise, sensitive and gracious example of a type of fiction which is all too rare."-N.Y. Times. Pub. at $3.95. $1.00 6. THE GREEN DRAGOON. By Robert D. Bass. A big dual biography of Bonastre Tarle- ton, British hero of the American Revolution, and Mary Robinson, popular actress, fashion plate of London and mistress to the Prince of Wales, and their flamboyant 15-year love affair. All the great American and British personalities and events of the period from the Revolution to the War of 1812 pass through the pages of this rich, satisfying book. Illustrated. Pub. at $5.75. $1.00 10. TRUMPETS FROM MONTPARNASSE. By Robert Gibbings. Here is the most de- lightful travel book imaginable; leisurely, informed, perceptive, packed with interest, painter's eye--a painter with a vast human curiosity and an Irishman's love of wit and a good story. Illustrated in color and black and white by the author. Pub. at $5.00. .. $1.00 11. LOVE WITH PAPRIKA. By Maria Mol- nor. A true story of love and the enchanted world of pre-war Budapest, and of a proud, fierce spirited people whose independence and doggedness manifests itself still. Pub. at $3.50. $1.00 12. STUDIES IN GENIUS. By Walter G. Bowerman. Do great men determine crucial events of history or do transitional periods bring forth eminent men? A substantial text in sociology, an examination of genius from a psychological and statistical viewpoint. Over 80 tables and charts. Pub. at $4.75. $1.00 13. PREDICTING ADJUSTMENT IN MAR- RIAGE. By Harvey J. Locke. Contributes to an understanding of human adjustment through an analysis of factors associated with mari- tal adjustment and maladjustment. Data col- lected through direct contact and interviews. Profusely illustrated with tables, charts, etc. Pub. at $3.50. $1.00 16. AN INTIMATE JOURNAL OF THE DREYFUS CASE. By Maurice Paleologue. The tense and exciting account of the great French scandal, by the man who lived the Dreyfus case for 6 years as liaison Officer between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the French army-a -rare combination. Pub, at $4.50. $1.00 18. THE BIG THAW. By C. L. Sulzberger. An expert examination of Russia and her satel- lites, by the Foreign Affairs columnist of The New York Times. Pub. at 54.00. $1.00 19. THE CHALLENGE OF MAN'S FUTURE. By Harrison Brown. "We may well be grate- ful to Harrison Brown for this book on the condition of mankind as it appears to on erudite, clear sighted, critically appraising scientist. . . . The latest phase of technical scientific progress, with its fantastic increase of population, has created a situation, fraught with problems of hitherto unknown dimen- sions. . . . This objective book has high value." ALBERT EINSTEIN. Pub. at $3.75. $1.00 26. LEARN YOUR FAVORITE DANCE A Complete Dance Course at Tremendous Savings A complete, step-by-step, home in- struction course that will teach you to dance perfectly and to be the "life of any party." Insteqd of the usual cost of hundreds of dollars, you can learn any of the dances listed below at a tremendous saving. Each course con- sists of: 1. A comprehensive and completely illustrated book with drawings and diagrams of foot patterns and stance. 2. Two Columbia 45 R.P.M. extended play, non breakable records, with music specially recorded as an audio aid by top orchestras like Cugat, Morales, Les Elgart, etc. Pub. at $5.95 each Only $1.00 each FOX TROT MADE EASY MAMBO MADE EASY LINDY MADE EASY (with CHARLESTON) 29. THE IMMORTAL. By Walter Ross. Here, with all its pathos, is described the homo- sexual and heterosexual living of a moving picture idol of the teen-agers, the society in which he traveled, and the heartbreak of his untimely end. Pub. at $3.50. $1.00 30. NO DOGS IN CHINA. By William Kim-. mond. Illustrated. ". . . the broadest, most fact-packed portrait of China to come out of the mainland since the Communists took over in 1949."-Time. Pub. at $4.95. $1.00 31. A WHISPER OF ETERNITY. By A. A. Hoehling. The fascinating mystery of what happened to the most famous war nurse, Edith Cvell. Pub. at $3.95. $1.00 32. Hours and hours of fun and play while learning. Consists of 8 activity and story books in color that will keep the young folks intensely interested and happy. Pub. at $2.00. $1.00 34. RENAISSANCE CAVALIER. By John S. White. The story, background and develop- ment of the aesthetic individualist and the human spirit of the Renaissance period. Pub. at $3.50. $1.00 35. ATOMS AND PEOPLE. By Ralph E. Lapp. A leading atomic scientist reveals the dra- matic post, present and future of the atom-- with emphasis on its future role in peacetime development and its connection with the de- velopment of aircraft and missiles. Pub. at $4.00. $1.00 36. DISCOVERING THE REAL SELF. By E. F. McDaniel. The human mind and emotions, how they function and effect one another. Pub. at $3.75. $1.00 37. TOO MUCH, TOO SOON. By Diana Bar- rymore and Gerold Frank. The uninhibited, uncensored story of the beatiful and talented daughter of John Barrymore who, after sink- ing to the depths of degradation, gathered enough strength to return to normality. 25 fascinating photographs. Pub, at $3.95. $1.00 BOOKS 14a9,.1498 41. DICTIONARY OF FRENCH LITERA- TURE. Edited by Sidney D. Braun. From the languages romanes to Francoise Sagan, this superb handbook achieves a comprehensive view (in English) of all French literature. In- cludes summaries of every important French work, definitions of literary terms, and ar- ticles on such related subjects as Provencal language and literature, the cinema and vaudeville. Illustrated. Pub. at $10.00. $4.98 42. A Disney Sketchbook: HE DREW AS HE PLEASED. By Albert Hurter. 700 inspira- tional drawings created for the Disney Studio in a huge, handsome volume. ". . . a mas- ter creator of fantasy. In his whimsical imag- niation all things were possible. The sketches in the book testify not only to his rare sense of humor but also to his genuine ability as an artist."-Walt Disney. Pub. at $5.00. $1.98 43. MURDER, MAYHEM AND MYSTERY: An Album of American Crime. By Alan Hynd. The most comprehensive collection of true crime stories. 33 of the most baffling and fascinating cases, including The Lindbergh Kidnaping, Loeb and Leopold, New York's Easter Murders, The Lady in the Bath Tub, etc. Huge, handsome, illustarted volume, Pub. at $7.50. $3.98 44. LINCOLN'S COMMANDO: COMMAND- ER WILLIAM B. CUSHING, U.S.N. By Ralph J. Roske and Charles Van Doren. Hailed as a contribution to Civil War literature by re- viewers of both the North and South, here is a most thrilling chapter in The War Between the States, and the story of the man who al- most single handedly sunk the iron clad "Al- bermarle" and was hailed as a hero by the Navy, Congress and the President. Illustrated. n.. . . IC n a C. 9no 47. TRUJILLO: Little Caesar of the Carib- bean. By Dr. German E. Ornes. The famous Dominican exile tells the inside and factual story of the career, personality, and the regime of Generalissimo Trujillo that goes far behind the propaganda that has flooded the American press. Pub. at $5.00. $1.98 48..THE SPIRIT OF '76. Edited by Henry Steele Commager and Richard B. Morris. The thrilling story of the American Revolution as told by the men who fought the battles-both on the land and on the sea. 1,000 eyewitness accounts. Over 1,350 pages. Profusely illus- trated with maps and reproductions. 2 hand- some volumes. Boxed. Pub. at $15.00. $9.98 49. TEN OPERATIC MASTERPIECES. Here is a fabulous opera-lovers' com- panion: a huge, 9" x 12", handsome volume, designed by Merle Armitage, with over 80 decorative drawings by Alberta Sordini. Authoritative descrip- tions of Figaro, Mastersingers, Aida, Carmen, Hoffmann, Boheme, Tosca, Rosenkavolier, Three Oranges, and Wozzek by Olin Downes. New piano arrangements of the important vocal and instrumental passages by Leonard Marker. With a special "Music Locater" to spot passages on L.P. recordings. Makes a beautiful gift. Pub. at $10.00. $4.98 50. TIN LIZZIE: The Story of the Fabulous Model T Ford and the Revolution in Trans- portation. By Philip Van Doren Stern. Here is a story-basic Americana-that changed social concepts throughout the world. Pro- fusely illustrated with photographs, drawings, charts, etc., and beautifully printed through- out in two colors. 7I/" x 101/". Pub, at $3.95. $1.98 51. GEORGE BERNARD SHAW: Man of the Century. By Archibald Henderson. Here is the really complete biography of the greatest playwright of our time, a massive 969-page work that features enough material by Show himself to fill a fair-sized book-a biography filled to the brim with facts and lined through- cut with sudden, penetrating insights into SF iw's many-sided personality. Illustrated. Pub. at $12.00. $4.98 52. BRITISH ESSAYS IN AMERICAN HIS. TORY. Edited by H.C. Allen and C. P. Hill. An achievement in historical writings. 17 of England's greatest historians, legal minds and economists cover the entire field of American history from the makingrof the Constitution to contemporary events. Indexed. Pub. at $6.00. $2.98 53. HARLAN FISKE STONE: PILLAR OF THE LAW. By Alpheus Thomas Mason. This is the first full-length portrait of one of the most important legal figures of the twentieth century. Fully documented and written in a clear, masterful style, it makes clear, for the first time, the inner wrokings of the Supreme Court, and the personal factors that helped to determine judicial decision. Pub. at $8.75. $4.98 54. A TREASURY OF SEA STORIES..By Gor- don C. Aymar. Illustrated by Rockwell Kent. A lusty and exciting group of stories drawn from every period of man's great struggle with the sea from the days of Columbus to World War ll. 33 selections concerned with every great adventurer and representing Con- rad, Melville and Stevenson among other great writers. Pub. at $5.00. $2.98 58. THE NEW WORLD: FIRST PICTURES OF AMERICA. Edited by Stefan Lorant. Five won- derful books in one magnificent volume: JOHN WHITE'S WATER COLORS, made in Virginia in 1585; DE- BRY'S ENGRAVINGS of the Florida Colony; DE BRY'S ENGRAV- INGS of the Virginia Colony; THOMAS HARIOT'S REPORT of the "new found land of Virginia"; and EYEWITNESS ACCOUNTS of LeMoyne, LeChalleux, Barlowe, Lane and John White. Rare, unusual Americana. Beau- tifully bound. 9 1/4" x 12". One of the finest books on American history ever published. An excellent gift. Pub, at $20.00. $6.98 57. THE USE OF HYPNOSIS IN PSYCHO. PATHIA SEXUALIS. By A. von Schrenck-Not- zing, M.D. A fascinating and scientific ex- amination of the use of hypnotism in relation to congenital-and environmental abnormalities and sexual disorders. Pub. at $6.00. $2.98 59. LITERARY REVIEWS AND ESSAYS BY HENRY JAMES on American, English, and French Literature. Edited by Albert Mordell. A collection of more than 60 essays, never before assembled in book form, which prove the noted novelist to have been a penetrating and discriminating critic and, as the editor points out, one with more impact upon Amer- ican literary taste than is generally acknowl- edged. With notes, postscript, and appendix. Pub. at $10.00. $4.98 60. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF GOLF. By Nevin H. Gibson. A detailed history and data book of golf from the 15th century to the present, with official all-time records, PGA and other championships, professional and amateur leaders from 1885, major and semi-major results, immortals of the world and much more. Illustrated with rare prints, action photos and portraits. An ideal gift for every golfer. Pub. at $7.50. $2.98 61. CAMPFIRES AND BATTLEFIELDS (Of the Civil War). By Rossiter John- son. The largest, clearest and most valuable pictorial history of the Civil War published in one volume. Huge format 10%" x 141" in size, re- produced exactly as the sought after and long out of print original edition. There are 1185 illustrations of every possible kind imaginable: Brady pho- tographs, maps, battle scenes, fac- similes, cartoons, songs of the Con- federacy and the Federalist, etc. Every aspect of the Civil War described in clear, concise text--Battles on land and the waters; Foreign Intrigues; Per- sonalities; etc. Excellent source ma- terial. An ideal gift. Pub. at $15.00. Special $9.95 62. JESTING APOSTLE: The Private Life of Bernard Show. By Stephen Winsten. A friend' and neighbor's picture of the "private" Shaw, the practically unknown man smothered by the, over-publicized image created by Show himself and perpetuated by others-authentic and uninhibited revelation of the great per- sonality. 27 illustrations. With notes and in- dex, Pub, at $5.00. $1.49 63. A HISTORY OF EUROPE-FROM THE INVASIONS TO THE XVI CENTURY. By Henri Pirenne. "Incomparably the best text- book on medieval European history in the language."--Eileen Power in The New States- man. (625 pages.) Pub. at $7.50. $3.98 64. THE ILLUSION OF IMMORTALITY. By Corliss Lamont. With an Introduction by John Dewey. The intelligent man's guide to the age-long problem of immortality. "It is an extraordinarily complete and well-informed discussion of the problem of continuing per- sonal life after death . . . and worthy of the serious attention of all thoughtful persons. - John Dewey. Pub, at $3.95. $1.98 65. MAGIC AND RELIGION. By George B. Vetter. A large and completely indexed vol- ume that analyzes every phase of both Magic and Religion: Origins, Psychology, Sex, Wor- ship, Profanity, Animism, Frustration, In- stinct, Emotions, Mysticism, Prayer, Priest- hood, Ethics, etc. Illustrated. Pub, at $6.00. $2.98 66. THE PICTORIAL HISTORY OF PROT- ESTANTISM. Ed. by Vergilius Ferm. The most complete collection ever of etchings, draw- ings, lithographs, maps and photographs de- picting the 500-year history of Protestantism. From Luther and Zwingli to the present day, including the American frontier pastors, in documented text and illustration. 512 pp. 1000 illustrations. Pub, at $10.00. $4.98 71. LAUGHTER IN BED. By Eddie Davis. A clever compendium of comedy and cartoons, plus a collection of quizzes, puzzles and gim- micks that will cheer the sick and the healthy. Pub. at $2.95. $1.49 67. A TREASURY OF TRUE. Edited by Charles N. Barnard (Managing Editor). A huge, rich and robust collection of the best man-stories culled from the pages of the famous magazine. Stories by Paul Gallico, McKinlay Kantor, C. S. Forester, Peter Freuchen, Bob Con- sidine, Budd Schulberg and 25 others. Illustrated throughout. Pub. at $7.50. $2.98 68. PICTORIAL HISTORY OF AMERICAN SHIPS. By John and Alice Durant. Americana at its best! A word-and-picture story of Amer- ican men, their ships and the life aboard ship and ashore. A warm, human story of pioneers, explorers, adventurers, merchants, and sea- dogs as well as an informative and entertain- ing history of sea-faring America. Illustrated (in color and black and white) with over 500 woodcuts, paintings, silhouettes and photo- graphs. Pub. at $10.00. $4.98 69. PICTORIAL HISTORY OF AMERICAN SPORTS. By John Durant and Otto Bettmann. A large, handsome volume giving the com- plete story of sports in America and the place that sports have had in our life from Colonial days to the present.rIllustrated with 434 superb photographs ranging from rare old prints to some of the finest photos ever taken by a news cameraman. Pub. at $10..00. $4.98 70. FAMILIAR QUOTATIONS. By John Bart- lett. A facsimile of the original edition. Of value to every teacher, student, writer, etc. Pub. at $4.75. $2.49 72. BEING AND NOTHINGNESS. By Jean- Paul Sartre. The definitive Sartre. Explains his entire concept of the philosophy of Being. Theories of Human consciousness, and the nature of the world, as well as his views on social relations, freedom, and theories of Existential Psychoanalysis. A MUST for every- one interested in philosophy and psychology. Pub. at $10.00. $3.98 73. TREASURY OF PHILOSOPHY. By Dagobert D. Runes. The selection over the whole span of recorded philosophy, from the 6th century B.C. to the present day. Included of course are the think- ers of the Greek and Roman periods, as well as the outstanding Hebrew scholars, the Church fathers of the Christian era and the whole prodigious line of modern philosophers from the Renaissance to our days. The wisdom of the ages. Almost 1,300 pages. Pub. at $15.00. $5.98 74. THE CHALLENGE OF MODERN ART. By Allen Leepa. Foreword by Sir Herbert Read. A simple, lucid explanation of what modern art is and what it strives for. An in- valuable guide through an exciting but con- fusing maze. New, revised edition, with 237 diagrams and reproductions. Pub. at $7.50, $3.98 75. THE MODERN MOVEMENT IN ART. By R. H. Wilenski. The revised and enlarged 1956 edition of a classic study that shows how modern art rejects the romantic notion of the artist's greater importance than his art and returns to classical ideas. More than 60 reproductions, two plates in color. Pub. at $8.50. $4.98 76. ON CLIMBING. By Charles Evans. An internationally famous mountaineer, a mem- ber of the team that conquered Everest, tells this story and describes in detail methods and instruments that are most successfully used in mountain climbing. Each step illus- trated with photos and drawings. A most valu- able book. Pub, at $5.00. $2.98 77. WHAT MAN MAY BE: The Human Side of Science. By George Russell Harrison. A distinguished scientist's robust and realistic affirmation of man's continuing capacity for growth in the world of today and tomorrow- a world threatened by mechanization, atomic destruction and the loss of religion. Pub. at $4.00. $1.98 78. DECISIVE BATTLES OF THE U.S.A. By Major-General J. F. C. Fuller. A one-volume military history of the United States; a bril- liant analysis of all the great battles-their tactics, stratagems and historical consequences -that have decided the course of our his- tory from the Battle of Trenton to the Meuse- Argonne. 29 maps and battle-plans. Pub. at $6.50. $2.98 79. HISTORY OF THE INQUISITION OF THE MIDDLE AGES. By Henry Charles Lea. The only complete, thorough and scholarly study of the history of the inquisition ever made in any language. Almost 2,000 pages, it covers every aspect including religion, law, superstition, witchcraft, the state -its structure and organization, con- flict between church and state, massa- cres, etc. Available for the first time in many years. Pub, at $25.00. 3 vols., Only $14.98 20. The Slim Gourmet's SOUP COOK BOOK. By Martin Lederman. More than 500 recipes for mixing and garnishing everyday canned soups into personal, exciting and exotic temptations. Slim- ming soups, use of wines, herbs, etc. Charts and illustrations. Pub. at $2.95. $1.00 21. A MAN AGAINST INSANITY. By Paul de Kruif. The renowned author of Microbe Hunters writes the compelling biography of a doctor who won his way back from insanity and now shows others the way back with the use of the new chemicals and a ministry of loving care. Pub, at $3.95. $1.00 22. A BARBARIAN IN INDIA. By Ralf Op- penheim. A vivid travelog depicting every phase of life in India. 21 photos of temples, people, Gods, etc. Pub. at $5.00. $1.00 23. The American Revolution: THE APOSTLE OF LIBERTY. By M. de la Fuye and E. A. Babeau. This excellent and readable biogra- phy of La Fayette, "The best friend of the American Revolution" is a primary source of information, with considerable new material, illuminating the part played by international as well as domestic forces in the struggle against England. Pub, at $5.00. $1.00 WESTERN AMERICANA A. THE DALTON BROTHERS. By An Eyewitness. With an Introduction by Burton Rascoe. A true and authentic account of the astonishing careers of the Daltons, the most cold-blooded robbers in the history of the West. Real Americana. Illustrated. Pub. at $5.00. $1.98 B. THE YOIJNGER BROTHERS. By A. C. Appler. Foreword by Burton Rascoe. The life, character, and daring exploits of the Youngers, the notorious bandits who rode with Jesse James and William Clark Quantrell. Illustrated. Pub. at $3.50. $1.98 C. BEN THOMPSON: MAN WITH A GIN. By Floyd Benjamin Streeter. With an introduction by William F. Kelleher. The life and times of the famous gambler, operator, city marshal, and killer. Illustrated. Pub. at $4.50. $1.98 D. The Complete and Authentic Life of JESSE JAMES. By Carl W. Breihan. With an Introduction by Homer Cray. All the known and veried data about the daring border bandit, his brother Frank, and his notorious companions. Illus- trated. Pub. at $4.50. $1.98 Learn 5 Languages for less than the price of one The New, Easy Phone 3-3371 or Mail Your Order I I I