PANHEL ELECTIONS: CHANGES NEEDED See Page 4 nirn Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom :13 a t tis CLOUDY, WARMER High--50 LOW-25 Mild, southwest winds to raise temperatures. . ..,o.oM( l!A iiFFTN~iCu- T £ APR i 1 fiflnbFI'VE CENIT SIX PAG ANN ARBOR, MIUH UAN, WLUNENUAX, Arimii. ID, JLVDU r a i , 4.1i'J1Iv 1 a L7j"Ik a 93 r t a .- r '-u7"V 1T.. Ion I VOL. L2L&, No. L126 WISCONSIN PRIMARY: Kennedy Wins Battle, State n CI Schools Noosrng Stay Actioi MILWAUKEE (P)-Sen. John F. Kennedy (D-Mass) won the Wis- consin Democratic Presidential primary last night with a majority of the statewide vote and six of 10 congressional districts. Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey (D- Minn) went down to a respectable defeat and he was ready to claim- that actuallyit was something of a victory for an underdog. V i c e President Richard M. Nixon camenin third in the state wide balloting. He had no oppo- sition on the Republican side of the primary and never campaign- ed in the state. Takes Convention Votes At the moment of victory in a crucial election, Kennedy had a claim on 20 of the 30 votes in the Democratic National Convention which were up for grabs. Humph- rey was reaching for the other 10. Confronted with returns show- ing him 20,000 votes behind in the statewide vote, Humphrey said, "Well listen, I still consider this a warmup exercise for me. I do not feel injured, I mean politically injured, by the results. I feel it is a reassuring vote." While Humphrey led up to the half way point in the tallying, Kennedy had begun chipping away his margin long before. Kennedy sprang into the lead with half the precincts reported and then began pulling away. Moves Away With two-thirds of the count, the Massachusetts Senator had things all his own way. He had boosted his statewide spread past 20,000 votes and had a firm hold on six of the 10 congressional districts. That was just what he had said he expected to take. At that point, it looked as if he would have to do without gravy. But he told a nationwide television audience: "I feel good because I believe it was a successful campaign against a worthy opponent. It was a very long and gruelling cam- paign. After tonight I will con- tinue to work on the other pri- " maries." Coor dinatm House Vote WISCONSIN OPPONENTS-Sen. Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota (left) and Sen. John Kennedy of Massachusetts greet each other before voters went to the polls yesterday and gave Kennedy his second primary victory of the campaign. 'U' PUBLICATION: Author Sees Necessity Of Con-Con Amendment "Michigan needs a constitutional amendment which would change the requirement for passage of the revision proposition from a majority voting on the question." Robert Ketchum, the author of a new publication by the Uni- versity's Institute of Public Administration, believes this change is necessary for Michigan to hold a constitutional convention. Force Opposition Moves Ketchum, a student at the Harvard Law School, points out that such an amendment "would force the opposition to come out fighting, 'for it could no longer rely on the Delay Final Statement On Theatre Await Other Offers, To Decide Shortly Announcement of the location of a professional repertory the- ater, which was expected at the beginning of this month, has been postponed until at least April 18-19. The reason for delay is that Minneapolis and Milwaukee, also under consideration 'for location of the theater, have not made presentations of their suggested sites, according to Prof. Wilfred' Kaplan of the mathematics de- partment, spokesman for the theatre steering committee. Await Decision "It is our understanding that Brandeis University (at Waltham, Mass., near Boston) is not delay- ing the decision," he added. "That university has apparently stated its best possible location for the theatre." Producer Tyrone Guthrie, who suffered from a heart attack at Christmas time, came to New York from his home in Ireland last week, Prof. Kaplan related, where he conferred with associ- ates Oliver Rea and Peter Ziesler. Together they dicussed possible theatre locations. Konrad Matthaei, vice chair- man of the Ann Arbor steering committee, presented statements to the three on behalf of differ- ent sites in the Detroit area, Prof. Kaplan continued. They included statements from President Har- tlan Hatcher, the University Re- gents, President Clarence Hill- berry of Wayne State University and Chancellor Durward Varne of Michigan State University Oakland. Include Support A letter from a number of wealthy sponsors in this area de- claring their confidence that th theater could thrive here was als included, Prof. Kaplan said. The move to bring the theate to Ann Arbor began last fall through the initiative of the Dra matic Arts Center, which inquire about the further development o: community theatre through th American Nations Theatre Assn. The proposed theatre would pro duce a variety of shows over a 20 week period. Rea and associates conferre with local officials at that tim and cited the advantages of th Ann Arbor area as 1) its place a the cultural center of southeas Michigan, and 2) a strategic lo- cation which could draw fron over three million people. The other Midwestern sites, Ii Milwaukee and near the Univer sity of Minnesota, were attractiv for similar reasons. Private Institutions Praised DETROIT - University Presi- . dent Harlan Hatcher urged strong support for private colleges and universities, while addressing as United Negro College Fund meet- ing here last night. No one can aenytthe differences between small private colleges and large state universities, President Hatcher said, but he denied these differences "pit them as antago- nists." As all institutions are dedicated to the research for the accurate knowledge of man and the world' in which he lives, anything de- trimental to private colleges is also harmful to the University, he said. Schools Interdependent He pointed out that the well- being of state universities depends in great measure on the condition of small private colleges. Small liberal arts colleges are constantly feeding state universities with stu- dents, and often with new teach- tec-ing techniques. In return, state universities in- fluence small colleges through the experiments, research and teacher training they can undertake. "If education is a two-way street in which ideas travel back and forth between teacher and pupil, then the same is true of the rela- tionship between the public uni- carrying back with them some measure of the breadth and scope of the great public university. "You cannot, I would say, have a great university withouthaving, at the same time top-flight private colleges," he continued. "The converse also is true. We are all breathing the same at- mosphere. As president of a-large state university, I am vitally in- terested in the welfare of small private colleges." President Hatcher reviewed the history of the United College Fund and expressed the belief that the private Negro colleges will con- tinue their "splendid work of the past." These colleges would continue to help their students overcome edu- cational handicaps caused by edu- cational and economic inequalities and continue to give low cost quality education. As integration takes place and Negro students become better pre- pared, the colleges themselves would become improved he said. "They deserve and must have support for the urgently important work they are doing in the com- plex educational processes of our nation. With this support the fu- ture can be a most bright and ex- citing one." PRESIDENT HATCHER , .. lauds private schools HATCHER IN DETROIT: versity and private college," Presi- dent Hatcher said. "Faculty often go back and forth between the colleges. Graduates of small private colleges do their graduate work at the university, bringing with them some of the excitement and personality of their campuses, and they return to teaching jobs in private colleges College Plan Considered In Senate A bill to charter a new Grand Valley College to serve the Grand Rapids area will go before the State Senate for debate and a showdown vote before the session closes. The showdown vote was assured last week when the Senate Edu- cation Committee endorsed the House-approved bill by a close 3-2 vote. The college would be the tenth of the state-supported, four year colleges. Establish Charter Under the terms of the bill, passage would charter the insti- tution at Grand Rapids to serve the eight-county surrounding area, with a population of 75,000. This would be conditional on locally raising one million dollars and developing a site. According to Sen. Perry W. Greene (R - Grand Rapids) the money has already been pledged and two alternate sites are under consideration. He added that the institution could open in three to four years. Some Oppose Sen. Arthur Dehmel (R-Union- ville), Senate Education Com- mittee chairman, and Republican majority leader Sen. Frank Beadle of St. Clair, are opposed to the bill. Dehmel said supporters were "kidding themselves" by saying that it would cost less to educate western Michigan college students at a new school rather than send- ing them away. Other critics of the project claim it will tend to shoot the state higher education bills up an- other $20 million within a few years. Appeal News Suppression WASHINGTON W) - Sigma Delta Chi, professional journal- istic fraternity, complained yes- non-voter to defeat the measure.' Expressing the belief that it was the non-voter who was actually voting against the measure be- cause of the absolute majority requirement, Ketchum says that support from the political parties, "especially the Democratic Party", will be needed for passage. "However, the Democrats are not likely to press for a conven- tion until the method of selecting, convention delegates is revised," he added. Two Changes Seen "Two changes are possible: a constitutional amendment could change the basis of selection from senate districts to house districts; or an amendment could provide for reapportionment of Michigan senatorial districts an a popula- tion basis. If either amendment w e r e adopted, the Democrats probably would favor calling a convention, Ketchum said, because rural areas would not be over-represented. V a r i o u s groups in Michigan took stands on both sides of the 1958 con-con issue, the author explains, but "it is evident that the active campaign against re- vision did not directly defeat it. This defeat rests principally, if not exclusively, with voter apa- thy." Questions Unanswered As the balloting reached the point of decision, there still were no clear cut answers to some out- standing questions-such quest- ions as how Kennedy's Roman Catholic religion or Republican votes in the Democratic primary may have affected the outcome. In any event, Kennedyvcame out of it with another victory pennant to-,hang up alongside the one he collected in the New Hampshire primary last month. For his part, Humphrey said he is going right on into the West Virginia primary, where he will buck Kennedy again on May 10. West Virginia is one of the most Protestant states in the nation, whereas Wisconsin is some 30 per cent Catholic. Late Results MILWAUKEE (P) - Returns from 2,710 of 3,446 precincts In Wisconsin's presidential pri- mary give: Kennedy (D) 318,643 Humphrey (D) 269,913 Nixon (R) 258,827 (Kennedy leading in 6 dis- tricts, Humphrey in 4.) SCIENCES: Tops Nation' The University is a leader in the volume of research in engineering and the physical sciences among the nation's colleges and univer- sitibs, according to two recent re- ports.- The "Engineering Research Re- view for 1959" ranked the Uni- versity first in research volume among 117 engineering colleges and universities, Robert S. Bur- roughs, director of the University Research Institute, said. The Defense Department re- ported that the University was also one of the four top univer- sities in research supported by various Defense Department com- ponents, Burroughs said. "Of the four, the University was alone in not operating for the government a research laboratory not closely integrated with the academic activities of the insti- tution," he reported. Although $22 million was spent on the overall research program last year, "the dollar volume is not as significent as the total num- ber of projects and the support this research program has provided for graduate students," he said. Spengler Views Results Of Population Growth By MICHAEL OLINICK "The most real and imminent result of world population growth by the year 2,000 will be scarcity of raw materials and a lack of non-agricultural lands which may bring pressure for stricter govern- mental regulation of population," Prof. Joseph J. Spengler of Duke University said last night. Addressing his audience on "The Population Problem, Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow," Prof. Spengler, economist and director of graduate studies at Duke, attempted a prediction of future economic conditions after he analyzed the current situation and outlined that of the eighteenth century world. "In the United States alone," he asserted, "acreage equal to about 80 per cent of the present farming lands will be absorbed by non-agricultural uses by 2050." Belief in our present 'living standards will enunciate free space and the open country will be modified or become manifest in stricter state control of birth rates. "We On Budget Due Today Legislature Objects To Presidents' Plan To Name Mediator By THOMAS KABAKER State University and colleg presidents today postponed th naming of a "fact-finder" amids objections from the House of Rep resentatives concerning the ap pointment. The position will be filled "a the earliest possible date," accord ing to Edgar L. Harden, presiden of Northern Michigan College an chairman of the Council of Stat College Presidents. The delay is reported to be due to the pending House vote on th appropriation for higher educa tion which is scheduled for today Expects No Increase University Vice-President an Dean of Faculties Marvin L. Nie huss said yesterday he did nc expect any additions to be mad to the University's budget. The appropriation, as approve by the Senate, stands at $35. million, a figure termed "inade quate" by University Presider Harlan Hatcher. It represents a increase of about $1.5 million ove the present operating figure. Passage of the bill could great) increase the possibility of tuitio increases. Niehuss said yesterday that th+ University had no objections b the state appointing the mediato instead of the appointment con ing from the presidents. He said that according to h understanding of the proposal o several legislators, the state woub appoint an education specialist i collect the figures. Effect Uncertain' It is as yet unknown how muc such a state-appointed office could influence the budget ri quests of the state's schools o affect the universities' and co leges' internal working throug his power over appropriations. Niehuss' statement was base on the assumption that the med ator would not have influence o such matters as curriculum. Rep. Charles A. Boyer (R-Man istee), head of the legislativ study committee on higher educe tion, supported the president plan for the nine institution c ordinator. But the plan w turned down by the House yeste day in an unexpected move an t their action was backed by sever influential senators including Se . Elmer R. Porter (R-BlissfIleld chairman of the Senate Appropr ations Committee. Liberal Democrats Consolidating still have a great deal to learn about the economic and social forces which influence population growth, but I should say that by 2000 we may have a clear cut choice: high personal incomes with large recreational and resi- dential areas or an extremely large population." Prof. Spengler predicted the world census count will jump from its current two and one-half bil- lion to five or seven billion with- in the next forty years. The population of the United States, now at 180 million, will rise to 300 m "llion in the same period and will probably double that figure by 2150. Different Conditions In discussing the present con- ceptions of the population prob- lem and its ramifications, Prof. Spengler cited several major dif- ferences between the twentieth century economy and the condi- tions of 150 years ago. "The greatest change that has occurred is the decline in the im- portance of the land and its or- ganic products. Per capita con- sumption of renewable organic materials has decreased relatively while the utilization of the im- portant non-renewable mineral products has increased by several hundred per cent," Spengler said. EDITOR'S NOTE: The second in a two-part series on the Democratic Midwest Conference, this article will deal with the national issues which the delegates focused on at the three-day meeting. - By KATHLEEN MOORE Fired-up midwestern Democrats forged a stiff civil rights "policy statement" in Detroit last week and prepared to tell Southern party members to back it up or get out of the party. Declaring the "clear respons- ibility of the federal government to secure full civil rights to all Americans," the proposal, if adopted as a platform plank at the national convention, would force the Democrats to campaign for the "full use of the power and prestige of the executive branch of government and of the Cong- ress to uphold" the Supreme ances, security of the person and freedom of assembly. The statement countered a G e o r g i a congressman's threat that Southern Democrats would vote with Northern Republicans to reorganize Congress if Demo- cratic members didn't show them more consideration. Reaction to the threat was strong and liberal during a panel discussion of civil rights problems prior to the approval of the state- ment. Doesn't Mind Walkout "If the South wants to walk out," Rep. John Dingell (Mich.) said, "let them do it. I'll open the door." Rep. James O'Hara (Mich.) was more reserved-"If I thought they might walk out, I would first talk with a number of Southern cong- ressmen the party should keep and nurture. they have free reign to vote for the Republican candidate or not vote at all in the electoral college. Butler indicated that the con- vention's Credentials Committee might meet prior to the conven- tion's opening to challenge any delegation that plans to wait and see who the nominee will be be- fore pledging support to him. Butler's comments and the civil rights proposal reflected the cur- rent of liberal thought that ran through the Conference meeting. Will Be Bloc The proposal, one of six adopted at the meetings, reinforced indi- cations that the Midwest Confer- ence would act as a liberal bloc at July's national convention, in both backing candidates and in- fluencing platform stands. 'The Conference, a formal org- 'anization of party leaders from 14 states, holds 458, or 30.1 per national Peace Agency of "scien- tists, experts and specialists in the problems of disarmament to help develop our programs, guide our policies and service and spark our negotiators." The proposal also included as- sistance to underdeveloped coun- tries, working toward disarma- ment and a domestic transition to a peacetime economy, encourage- ment of foreign trade and "grad- ual acceptance" of Red China as a world power. Warned of. a trend toward "pri- vate opulence and public squalor" by Harvard historian A r t h u r Schlesinger, Jr., and of the need and ability to double our national economic growth rate by econo- mist Leon Keyserling, the Confer- ence drafted a comprehensive proposal for a "federal budget responsive to our needs and en- tirely compatible with our eco- SGC Seeks, Amendments By JEAN SPENCER Student Government Council's three-man committee to draft a proposed anti-discrimination regu- lation will request Council mem- bers to submit in writing their proposed changes in the Haber- Miller motion over the weekend.' The committee, including SGC president John Feldkamp, '61,. In- terfraternity Council'president James Martens, '60, and Al Haber, '60, will make its first report at tonight's SGC meeting. It was formed to crystallize SGC opinion on changes in the motion, Called Satisfactory Feldkamp said the committee thinks the regulation proposed it the motion is satisfactory to thi Council as it stands: "No recog- nized organization may prohibit oz otherwise restrict membership o: membership activities on the basi. of race, color, religion, creed, na- tional origin or ancestry." This regulation would replace the Student Affairs Committee ruling reading, "Recognition wil not be granted a group which pro- hibits membership in the organi- zation because of race, religion o0 color." Violations of the new regula. tion would under the Haber-Millet motion be referred to a commis. sion. Will Study Details FPdkmb said the committe( 4 U L. e a e r r e Waste of Time' Porter has led legislative o: sition to the presidents' p] calling the school-appointedz diator "a waste of time." He the universities and colleges c never agree on the powers of co-ordinator, and since his d sions would not be binding on schools, he would end up be "just another lobbyist." "This man would not be a : byist," Harden replied ypster( "We want the kind of person I can assemble data meaningfu the Legislature, to the colle universities and to the public. Rep. James F. Warner (R-Y lanti) attacked the idea of coordinator. "When nine institutions pie coordinator and one of ti thinks he is favoring one in tution, he's all done. He must hired and be responsible to outside agency. He should be ployed by the Legislature." The Senate wrote a provi into the higher appropriations last month saying "no positia chancellor or coordinator of h er education be established." .. ..{ .. , . . .~