SIT-INS REACH POINT OF NO RETURN See Page 4 Y Silt 43&U Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom :43a4btty PARTLY CLOUDY High-45 LOW-32 Cool with a chance of showers in the late afternoon. FIVE CENTS VOL. LXX. No. 125 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 1960 FIVE CENTS SIX PAC _ State Colleges To Hire Mediato To Halt Quarrels over Money -Daily-Jerome Starr ELECTION NIGHT TENSION -- Republican Russell J. Burns, retiring from the City Council after serving eight years, confers with local GOP chairman Gilbert E. Bursley as returns showed a solid Republican victory. GOP Wins All Seats 'In City Council Vote The Republican Party scored a stunning victory in Ann Arbor elections yesterday, taking all five open seats on the City Council. In gaining 11-0 control of the Council, Republicans defeated three Democratic incumbents and gained 57 per cent of the total vote. Winning two-year terms were Gayle B. Flannery over incumbent Richard Dennard in the first ward; Dr. John W. Dowson over in- cumbent Lloyd M. Ives, second ward; Robert E. Meader over Robert G. Faber, third award; Wendell E. Hulcher over incumbent A. Nelson Dingle, fourth ward; John R. Laird over Ralph L. Steffek, fifth ward. Total Vo - ., The voter total-10,195-was 3,000 less than last year's vote in a spirited mayoral contest, but about 3,000 more than that of the 1958 Results Totals in yesterday's election: First Ward - Gayle D. Flan-j nery (R), 735; Richard Den- nard (D), 596. Second Ward-John W. Dow- son (R), 932; Lloyd M. Ives (D), $77. Third Ward - Robert E. Meader (R), 1,442; Robert G. Faber (D), 1,023. Fourth Ward - Wendell E. Hulcher (R), 1,297; A. Nelson Dingle (D), 878. Fifth Ward - John R. Laird (R), 1,374; Ralph L. Steffek (D), 1,041. i i I i i . Consumers Anticipate Good Buyi*ng By NAN MARKEL More consumers feel they will be "better off" a year from now than they have at any time during the past few years. "Now it has become evident that the recovery of consumer sentiment (from the 1959 reces- sion) was only temporarily inter- rupted by the steel strike," a re- cent survey finds. This survey is the 16th annual Index of Consumer Attitudes and Inclinations to Buy compiled by the University's Survey Research Center. The report notes, "at sev- eral crucial times during the past few years changes in consumer sentiment have provided advance indications of changes in expendi- tures for durable consumer goods." Time To Buy A majority of people surveyed say this is a good time to buy houses, automobiles and large household goods. Most favorable are opinions about household ap- pliances - people explain their opinion by pointing to the stable prices. The number of people intending' to buy a new car in the next 12 months is about 20 per cent high- er than a year ago, and a sub- stantial number of these prospec- tive buyers intend to purchase compact cars. "The availability of compact cars has reduced misgivings about high prices on the part of many automobile buyers;" the survey .election-year campaign. Demo- cratic fortunes have not been as low since 1956-57, when Republi- cans held all but one Council seat. "We acknowledge the impressiveI victory of the Republican Party and wish to pay tribute to the voters for their remarkable turn- out," Democratic City Chairman Weston Vivian announced follow- ing the counting of ballots last night. No Representation "To cope with the temporary problem of no representation on the Council," Vivian said, his party will set in motion two plans "to assure its supporters and the citizens of Ann Arbor in general the benefits of a two-party sys- tem." First, the party will create a city committee to be "concerned exclusively with the operation of city government, particularly with the public functions of the mayor and council. The committee will act as a channel of communica- tion between the Democratic Party and the large number of citizens who feel unrepresented." The party will also begin regu- lar publication of a paper, "The Ann Arbor Democrat," dedicated to constructive criticism and pub- lic discussion of city affairs, Viv- ian said. Victory Statement Gilbert E. Bursley, local GOP chairman, issued the following victory statement: "Thanks to a wonderful team of dedicated Republicans we won all five Council seats. But our job is really just beginning. Ours is the entire responsibility of gov- erning Ann Arbor for the next year. We must therefore be es- pecially responsible to the needs and desires of all citizens, irre- spective of party affiliation." Democratic Candidates Tell Views (EDITOR'S NOTE: The Demo- cratic Midwest Conference in De- troit last weekend focused on two aspects of the coming presidential election-possible Democratic can- didates and the issues which will be emphasized in the campaign. This, the first of two articles, will deal with the candidates.) By KATHLEEN MOORE Potential presidential candidates sparked proceedings of the Demo- cratic Midwest Conference last week as about 225 party members gathered in Detroit to work on platform issues and stands for the November national election. Amid discussions of the confer- ence theme, "Goals for America," presidential hopefuls publicly aired their views and privately vied for promises of convention votes from delegates of the 14 states repre- sented. Candidates Appear All of the four avowed candi- dates made their appearances - Sens. Stuart Symington (Mo.), Wayne Morse (Ore.), John Ken- nedy (Mass.) and Hubert Humph- rey (Minn.). Not yet in the race, Sen. Lyndon Johnson (Tex.) de- clined to attend. Symington, first of the hopefuls to appear softpedaled his defense views and told pressmen he will campaign on "how we will get a just and lasting peace and how we can get the maximum out of our economy.- Symington insisted on the need for a strong leader in the White House in 1960. "The man who speaks with the greatest authority in the world today is Khrushchev and I'm tired of it.. . . I want the people to know what our President thinks of things." While no one could doubt that Symington was going to be fight- ing for the Democratic nomina- tion from now till July, newsmen questioned the seriou.rness of Morse's intentions. He replied, "I'm in to win" and expects to go to the convention with around 100 votes backing him up. Competition for Kennedy Entered in the Oregon primary race, Morse is also in the Mary- land one - to give Kennedy a little competition. The competition Kennedy was metting in Wisconsin seemed to be wearing on the candidate as he flew into Detroit for Saturday's banquet and Sunday's UAW rally on care for the aged. Speaking to 3,500 Democrats at the wind - up banquet, Kennedy emphasized the need to face "new problems, new challenges, new dangers" in the coming years. Among the ones he cited were solv- ing the farm problem, creating adequate inspection and control systems to end the arms race and meeting the Soviet challenge in economic competition. While Kennedy sought to con- solidate support among Midwest delegates, Humphrey continued campaigning in Wisconsin till the last minute in an attempt to best his opponent in today's primary. By KENNETH McELDOWNEY Myra Goines, '61, was elected president of the Assembly yester- day. Jo Sawyer, '62, was elected first vice-president. Other officers will be appointed. Miss Goines said, her main em- phasis would be on "consolidating the present position of the As- sembly." "This year," she said, "great gains have been made in the areas of upper-class housing, fall freshman orientation, and the associate membersaprogram." Consolidates She said that if they would go hodge-podge into other fields, the gains already made would probably be lost. "First we must carry out the present program successfully and then work from there. "While Little House in Mary Markley will remain upperclass this coming year, it will be re- placed by either Betsy Barbour or Helen Newberry the year after. If the need is great enough the other one will also be switched to upper- class housing. "We want to be able to provide upperclass housing for all women who want it. If we don't, some of the girls who didn't make it will feel left out." Orientation "The Assembly finally got a voice in orientation," she said. "Now we must try to make it more beneficial to the incoming fresh- man. Under the present plan there will be no conflict between house mixers and: mass Union dances during orientation. Miss Goines replaced Joan Co- miano, '61, while Miss Sawyer has taken over the duties of Constance' Kreger, '60. Ford Donation Brings Fund To 1 Million A $250,000 contribution from the Ford Motor Company Fund has raised to a total of $1,604,000 money gathered in the campaign to finance the University's Me- morial-Phoenix Project over the next five years. The gift is the second sizeable Ford grant to the Phoenix Pro- ject, which was established in 1948 to conduct research on the peace- ful uses of atomic energy. Ford's first grant contributed $1 million for construction at the University of the largest college-owned nu- clear research reactor in the world. University President Harlan Hatcher said the latest gift will be used to establish three fellowships in nuclear energy, to be awarded annually to students about to be- gin doctoral research in areas significant to the Phoenix Pro- ject's objectives. It will also be used to create a program in direct conversion of nuclear energy to other forms, particularly electrical energy, and for exploratory work on other ideas, regardless of the field. ASSEMBLY ASSOCIATION: Goines, Sawyer Win Election Presidents Councl To Select Candidate Decision Opposes 'Chancellor' Move Advocated by Some Legislators By THOMAS KABAKER The Council of State College Presidents of the state's nine colleges and universities will hire a mediator and"fact- finder" to end open quarreling over money spent for higher education it was announced yesterday. University Prsident Harlan Hatcher said yesterday no decision had been reached as to who will fill the $25,000 a year post, but that there were "three or four" being con- sidered for the position "all of whom would be capable." President Hatcher said he did not know when the de- cision would be made, but some Lansing sources predict an announcement today w h e n the university presidents con- tinue their meeting in East Lansing.:. -Daily-James udi NEW OFFICERS-Myra Goines (right) was yesterday elected president of Assembly for the coming year. Jo Sawyer was elected first vice-president. Miss Goines replaces Joan Comiano, while Miss Sawyer was elected to the post now held by Constance Kreger. Today's Priniary Election To Clinmax W~isconsin Race MILWAUKEE P)-Senators aspiring to the presidency sparred furiously down to the finish line yesterday in a blazing election eve finale to Wisconsin's Democratic primary campaign. Today the people pass judgment at the ballot boxes on their efforts. More than a million Wisconsin residents will vote between 7 a.m. (CST) when the first polls open and 8 p.m., when the last close. Thirty convention votes are at stake in both Democratic and Republican primaries, with a 31st Democratic vote already alloted to the national committee mem- M SOj bers. Spn. John F. Kennedy of Mas- sachusetts hit something of aC headline jackpot on the test issueg' Eisenhower to continue the Ad- If the appropriation proposed ministration policy should he be- come the next chief executive. by the State Senate Finance Com- Supporters of Sen. Hubert M. mittee for Michigan State Uni- Humphrey tried hard to recoup. versity Oakland is approved, only It is Kennedy against Humphrey half as many freshmen as ex-' in the first full-scale political pected will be able to enroll, the battle of a political year. It is a vital contest that could crumble MSUO Chancellor said recently. or solidify the chances of either Pointing out that the Senate to pick off the Democratic presi- committee cut all requests by us- dential nomination at the party ing a formula based on only one- convention in Los Angeles next half the expected enrollment in- July. crease, Chancellor Durward B. Varner said that this would cut *a * the entering freshman class from ignoretW ins 700 to 800 down to about 350. The newly-built school had only 'Best AcVtress' 570 in its first class last fall, and the new class of 350, together By The Associated Press with the expected returnees would lev-tescoi.r soto a Combat Move The Council's decision is ex- pected to combat a move by sev- eral state legislators to establish a chancellor of the super-govern- ing body for the nine state schools. Sen. Elmer R. Porter (R-Bliss- field) ridiculed the presidents' idea as being "useless". For the past ten years, Porter has been backing the chancellor system of controlling state colleges and uni- versities. "He'll end up being a lobbyist, I'm sure of that," he said. Porter pointed out that he did not think the state's schools could get to- gether to select one mediator or decide on his duties. "I think the events of the last ten days will show that the schools cannot work together." Disagree on Method The "events" refer to a squabble between University Vice-president and Dean of Faculties Marvin L. Niehuss and Wayne State Uni- versity President Clarence B. Hill- berry over appropriations. Hillberry has claimed that WaynerState has been "short changed" in the Senate - passed appropriations bill, and asked a distribution based on the number of students in each school. Nie- huss objected to Hillberry's claims, saying they were based on "self- calculated comparisons." "Any attempts to make appro- priations on the basis suggested by Wayne State would result in the unwarranted leveling off of all the state's institutions to a common level of mediocrity," Nie- huss declared. Answers Charge In a joint statement later re- leased by the two institutions said "neither Wayne nor the Univer- sity seeks to increase appropria- tions at the expense of the other." It also noted that "it would be unfortunate if the recently pub- licized differences of opinion re- garding methods of presentation of the needs of Wayne State and the University were permitted to obscure the basic agreement be- tween them that both institutions need substantially larged appro- priations than are provided in the bill now before the legislature." PROF. ANDRE TUNO , ". .cites changing powers Discusses French Law Although President Charles de Gaulle's Fifth Republic generally represents an increase of execu- tive power, the new French con- stitution does provide for judicial review of legislative action, Prof. Andre Tunc of the University of Paris law school said yesterday. The most salient provision of the 1958 constitution was that matters previously left to the legis- lative were assumed by the execu-. tive branch, although Prof. Tune mentioned that this new division of powers has proved disconcert- ing to many people. He said that for many years, France has had a court which re- views the constitutionality of ad- ministrative action, and that the new constitution has created a special court for the review of legislation. No Review Neither France's Third nor its Fourth Republic had provision for any effective judicial review of legislation. The new constitution provides that the French Parliament may enact "frame legislation" which sets up broad measures and leaves the specifics to administrative regulation, Prof. Tunc explained. Organized largely to pass on the constitutionality of new legisla- tion, the Constitutional Council consists of nine appointed mem- bers plus the former presidents of France. The Motion Picture Academy of Arts and Sciences upset the pre- dictions in one of the five top awards categories last night - Si- mone Signoret was named Best Actress for "Room at the Top." Other awards included: Charl- ton Heston, "Ben Hur," Best Ac- tor; Hugh Griffith, "Ben Hur," Best Supporting Actor; Shelley Winters, "The Diary of Anne Frank," Best Supporting Actress. leave- the school 350 short of ca- pacity, Varner said. "We will convert some of our empty classrooms to faculty offi- ces," Varner said, "but would still have five or six unused class- rooms." Varner said that MSUO would plead with the House committee which now has the Senate recom- mendations to increase MSUO's funds. 'WAY OF THE WORLD': Playbill To Present Congreve' s - Ir . T .f By STEPHANIE ROUMELL Congreve's "Way of the World" is considered by many to be the peak of Restoration play writing in verbal skill, wit, turns of phrases, and for its sophisticated comment on life, Prof. William Halstead of the speech department said yesterday. Prof. Halstead is directing the playbill production of this Res- toration comedy of high manners opening at 8 p.m. tomorrow at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre and running through Saturday. "Restoration drama was written under the influence of France. Restoration refers to the return of monarchy in England after the Commonwealth," he explained. estortion jramaImportant Duty eSLIO1I LF 1411a "Its most important duty is act- ing on the constitutionality of new legislative bills," he said. "Organic sion of his wife's fortune and is using blackmail to try to get the laws cannot be signed by the Pres- fortune of her cousin, Millamant. Millamant's money would come to ident unless found constitutional Mrs. Fainall if Millamant should marry without the approval of her by the Council, and it acts on or- LadyWdinary laws under certain other aunt, LayWlshfort. prescribed conditions." On the other side of the intrigue is an attempt by Mirabell to The Council is supreme and its get the consent of Lady Wishfort to marry Millamant. decisions cannot be appealed. "In acting and directing we are trying to give the impression of Council judgements are binding the highly mannered style of the period," Prof. Halstead said. "So on all branches of the French gov- we are using a great deal of action, both in movement about the ernment, as well as the courts, he stage and in the gestures of the actors." explained. "The actors are trying to underline the balanced, complex sen- "Of -course, the merits of - .,A +, ,a,-maf, aw n t nf t j np T w~'rp France's new governmental dis- ,-~ ~u-~ -~ 4:.jt4