Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. " Phone NO 2-3241 - .- 'hen Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. Y, MARCH 25, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: JEAN SPENCER Publish or Perish: Up to the Departments "I Dunno-He's Supposed To'Keep Away Evil Spirits Or Something -- 4 MT . . ,. t e C- t A DOZEN-ODD administrators and faculty members recently expressed themselves on the subject of whether publication is a neces- sary prerequisite to promotion in the Univer- sity. Their reactions were varied. Some said yes, generally, "but not here." Some said this University represents an ideal balance of teaching and publication. And one said the whole idea was a spook. But most of them did admit that the problem exists, even if not in their own departments. And this would lead one to the conclusion that if publish or perish is in fact a spook then it's a ghost that walks abroad. But the question still remains, is it a ghost that ought to be laid to rest? TO DECIDE whether the University's ad- mitted emphasis on publication and re- search is justified one first must decide what is the function of the university and its fac- ulty. Most people have quite definite ideas on this, but unfortunately there is no general agreement here either. There are always those who maintain that the first and most important purpose of a university faculty is the dissemination of knowledge-that the accumulated wisdom of the ages should be funneled from the pro- fessors, whose job is to teach, to the students, who are in a University to learn. People who hold this position point out that the parents of today's college students are not shelling out untold thousands of dollars in order to support little men in white lab coats in their path of scientific discovery, or hoary scholars who spend their days digging around libraries. They are paying tuition in order that their children might be taught. On the othre hand, there are those who maintain that research is the job of the University's faculty-mainly because if the Universities don't do research, then who's left? IF, AS IS more likely, the true purpose of a university faculty is to fulfill both func- tions, then in what amounts should they be combined? If research is the primary purpose, then the emphasis here is right where it should be, on publication and research. But it would be difficult to try to support the view that research is more than half of the University's function- and that therefore publication and research should be stressed any more than good teaching. Many of the persons interviewed expressed the view that teaching and publications-re- search should go hand in hand, that the ideal faculty member must possess both these abili- ties. But ideal faculty members are more or less rare, and it's a bit much to expect a pro- fessor to be all things. One professor estimated that these ideal combinations exist in only 10 or 15 per cent of the faculty population; this leaves the other 85 to 90 per cent of fac- ulty members as mainly teaching or research oriented. It also, by the testimony of many, leaves quite a few teaching professors who get lost in the'shuffle when promotions are made. And this admittedly happens more often to teaching professors than to those who pub- lish and do research. THE PROBLEM that has to be solved; if teaching is to get the emphasis it de- serves, is that of the cleavage between the administration's good intentions and what actually happens when administration policy is disregarded at the department level-as it too often is. Official university policy shows that the administration is concerned with giving equal weight to all kinds of contributions by the faculty. So at least it can be said that there is an ideal, even if this ideal so often breaks down in practice. The administration is aware of this break- down, and would like to correct it. The depart- ments are also undoubtedly aware of it, and any action depends largely on them. When they can reconcile adherence to official Uni- versity policy with retention of their right to recommend whichever professors they wish for promotion on whatever criteria they choose, the problem will be well on the way to solution. -ANITA PETROSHUS EXTRA SERIES: Lamoureux Orchestra Performance Brilliant rIS LAST WEEK before vaction has been especially blessed mu- sically in Ann Arbor. The choral groups under Mr. Klein sang beau- tifully Tuesday, Alice Ehlers provided us with her immense artistry and fine performance Wednesday (may I disagree entirely with the review?) and finally the Lamoureux Orchestra performed brilliantly on Thursday, The French orchestral sound is quite different from that to which American ears are most accustomed. However, it is a sound which this w.,~ 00 f --E ~ 'C writer found appealing. Under the orchestra played a program of all French music with clarity and elegance. The program opened with a lovely presentation of Gounod's Second Symphony. Being overly familiar with this composer's most famous work, Faust, I was unpre- pared for the charm of, the sym- phony. THE OTHER unfamiliar work on the program was Messiaen's "Hymne pour grand orchestre." The program notes, largely derived from contributions by the com- poser, reflected the contemporary composers' usual preoccupation with pretentious and ridiculous explanations of their music. I must confess that I frequently heard what I thought might turn into the beginnings of various popular songs as well as some of the spooky music from late-late shows on TV in the "Hymne." The first half of the program closed with the ideal performance of Ravel's second "Daphnis et Chloe" Suite. It was a revelation to hear this work performed with transcendent clarity and elegance. THE SECOND half of the pro- gram consisted of Berlioz' "Sym- phonie Fantastique." The first movement, while presented with the brilliance and clarity which had come to be expected, seemed at first to lack warmth and body of tone. However, as the work pro- gressed and Mr. Markevitch's over- all plan of the work unfolded, this first movement fell into place. The numerous woodwind solos sprin- kled through the work were ex- quisitely played. Igor Markevitch is a vigorous, athletic conductor, given to pan- tomimic displays (who needs to see the "Daphnis et Chloe" danced after this?). Despite this, perhaps aided by it, he builds his per- formances on clear and revealing lines. The coupling of this or- chestra and this conductor have produced splendid results. I hope to hear them again soon. -Robert Jobe STUDENT GOVERNMENT: Shatters Inaccurate Myth Dropping NDEA a Disservice SEVERAL of the "better" United States col- leges and universities have recently dropped out of the federal government's program pro- viding long-term loans to students under the National Defense Education Act. These colleges have heard both praise and criticism, including University Assistant Dean of Men John E. Bingley's accusation that they are "doing their students a disservice," applied to their actions. Bingley certainly seems to have hit at the heart of the matter: these col- leges and universities are doing their students a disservice. In dropping out of the program, the schools are depriving needy students of possible aid. This could hardly be called a service, no matter what grounds the particular school finds to justify its action. The basic cause of the dropouts Is the inclu- sion of a loyalty oath and disclaimer affidavit in the NDEA. Some schools oppose only the affidavit on the grounds that the loyalty oath is enough and that the affidavit is an abridge- ment of rights. Others maintain that both provisions are ob- noxious, some holding that students, being the only group forced to make such statements to receive government money ,are prejudged, and others saying that the oath and affidavit are both contrary to the freedoms of speech and belief in academic freedom. THESE VIEWS have been debated thoroughly at most colleges and universities involved with the program, and it seems impossible to arrive at a final view of the "rightness" of any particular stand. However, there are some things that may be pointed out regardless of the rightness or wrongness of the stands, of their ethics or their morality. In refusing to allow students to accept loans, the universities are taking the position of a parent telling its children, the students, "I don't think you should eat those nice goodies, so I'm not going to let you have them." It would certainly seem that students have reached an age where they could expect this attitude to have disappeared and one letting them judge things for themselves to have tak- en its place. But apparently these universities disagree. At some schools polls of the students were taken and indicated that the majority were in favor of having the school drop the program, But even at these schools, it must be remem- bered that it is only a minority of the students who need or would use an NDEA loan, and it is possibly this minority that favored retaining them. This woild indicate that such students have certainly been treated rather shabbily at best. IF A UNIVERSITY felt that it was morally bound to drop the program, no matter what consequences this might have on its students, there would still seem to have been a better course. Such a school might, as some schools did, make an announcement that it Would drop the program after the next session of Congress if nothing was done to remove the offending, section. This would at least give time for something to be done about the oath and affidavit, letting the school issue firth protest while keeping the program. And any school concerned with the welfare of its students should certainly want something constructive done, rather than mere- ly wanting to remove the program from the campus. -ROBERT FARRELL By JEAN SPENCER Daily Staff Writer STUDENT Government Council effectively shattered any basis for the standing myth which shrouds it in the minds of the stu- dent body: an image of SGC as a hag-ridden, sick old man. In itself, this isn't news - the Council does it with clocklike regu- larity. But an image is hard td kill. What the Council did Wednes- day was to dispatch a crowded agenda in a well-administrated, efficient meeting. Members de- bated intelligently, procedure moved rapidly and significant business was handled responsibly. * * THIS HAPPENS several times a month. Unfortunately there is no reason to expect the student body SGC represents to take a vital interest in the constructive work the Council is doing: they don't care. Why should the students con- sistantly ignore the positive func- tioning of student government, re- fuse to accept the privilege and obligation of voting for its mem- bers, and fail to be informed and express opinions on the issues it considers? "The Sigma Kappa case proved SGC hasn't any power," This puerile statement shows shocking lack of information and miscon- ception. IN THE FIRST place, it is un- true. After the decision, the Re- gents authorized changes in the SGC plan puttingtmore "power" in the hands of the Council by shifting the balance of power with- in the review board. The original SGC decision has been supported by several individual Regents and the University Faculty Senate. Its implication5 were shown to be fa- vorable, not damning. In the second place, the state- ment is of questionablenimpor- tance. As SGC president John Feldkamp told the Council in his fifth anniversary speech, the stu- dent affairs committee of the Fac- ulty Senateh anadministration group) which SGC replaced was reversed twice. One reversal in three and a half years may or may not be a good record. Five times a stay of ac- tion was placed on the Council by the Board in Review. Four times out of five the Council's decision was upheld. * * * IN THE THIRD place, "power" is a curious criterion on which to evaluate a representative student government. SGC, as Feldkanip recently pointed out, is among the strongest student governments in the country. But strength is only one aspect of SGC's function, and govt its relative importance is small compared with that of representa- tion. Success in the area of student government cannot be equated with power, The Council is a striking example of what happens when such a body has power but fails in its representational func- tion. The student body has a valid complaint-something is rotten in Student Government Council. It concerns the loss of meaning of the word "student", however-not "government". If the spirit of student government has been ab- rogated by the constituency, cor- reotion must come from this group. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: rDiscuss Mine. Ehiers Review direction of Igor Markevitch, the COMPROMISE: Symington A nnounces Candidacyv By JAMES SEDER Daily Staff Writer HE ANNOUNCEMENT by Sen. Stuart Symington that he is formally in the race for the Demo- cratic Presidential race completely reverses his previous campaign tactics. 1 Symington had clearly been in the race since last summer. Sym- ington booster clubs have been set up. Former President Harry Tru- man has been more or less openly pushing the Symington campaign, Symington l4as been traveling around the country talking to the men who will control major'dele- gations to the Democratic nomi- nating convention. Furthermore Symington has been methodically building a rec- ord to run on. In addition to main- taining his position as leading Democratic defense spokesman, he has broadened his activities and entered into the farm controversy. SYMINGTON'S campaign was based on the premise that neither of the two announced candidates, Sen. Hubert Humphrey and Sen. John Kennedy would come to the convention with enough strength to win the nomination. This would create a deadlock. Into this situa- tion would step the forces of Sym- ington projecting ,their candidate as a compromise. It appeared that the Symington campaign was coming along rather well. He was building up a fine image and he seemed to be gain- ing increasing consideration as a, deadlock breaker. This means that his sudden strategy reversal must be based on the fear that the convention will not be deadlocked. Symington apparently is afraid that Kennedy bandwagon is developing. Humphrey is apparently afraid of the same thing. Humphrey willl; face Kennedy in an April 5 pri- mary contest in Wisconsin. Both candidates have been campaign- ing hard. But both were attack- ing each other with reasonable moderation. * * * IN RECENT WEEKS the various political polls seem to indicate that Kennedy's popularity in Wis- consin is rising steadily. Like Sym- ington, Humphrey has changed his tactics. His speeches have be- come increasingly bitter. They have reached the point where the two self-appointed referees, Gov. Gaylord Nelson and Sen. William Proxmire have publically warned Humphrey to tone his campaign down. In short Humphrey is act- ing desperate. The Kennedy "bandwagon" is based on rather tenuous evidence. Kennedy did extremelyiwell in the New Hampshire primary. He polled 43,000 votes in a small, predomi- nately Republican state. But New Hampshire is in Kennedy's back- yard where he ought to do well. NEVERTHELESS a bandwagon seems to be forming for Kennedy and both Humphrey and Syming- ton are disturbed. If they do not stop it soon organized labor and many Democratic leaders will be jumping on and the momentum will be irristable. Symington will have to move fast or his formal entrance into the campaign will have been fu- tile. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is ani official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1960 VOL. LXX, NO. 132 General ANotices Bicycle Control Program-All bicycles impounded prior to Jan. 1, 1960 will be sold at auction on Sat, April 9. Any- one wishing to reclaim one in this group must do so before the begin- ning of SpringhVacatiot, (March 26). Persons who have lost bicycles dur- To the Editor: DEAR Mme. Ehlers; While the faculty of the School of Music cannot assume responsibility for discourtesy, lack of judgment, and bad taste on the part of its students, I do wish to apologize, in the name of our entire faculty group, for Karen McCann's review of your concert, that appeared in the columns of The Daily yesterday morning. The immaturity and arrogance of this undergraduate is too obvi- ous to need comment. I do wish you to know, however, that your many seminars and recitals here have contributed magnificently to our musical life, and that we hope you will continue to honor us with your visits. Your fine musicianship, your service and dedication to 18th century music in particular, are matters'of which our entire fac- ulty group is gratefully aware. * * * YOUR RECITAL of Wednesday evening was appreciated and re- spected by every discerning per- son present. We are especially grateful that you-played the con- cert, despite great personal dis- tress. -Louise Cuyler Professor of Music Inhuman .. . To the Editor: AMONG ALL heartless music reviews, Karen McCann's re- view of the concert of Alice Eh- lers deserves first prize. Knowing that Mine. Ehlers suf- fered from a severe flu, one can only admire her courage in per- forming as she did. The review is simply inhuman. -Ida R. Kaplan, '45 Qualification . * , To the Editor: SHOULD like to submit a letter of qualification regarding my review of March 24 (Alice Ehlers, Harpsichordist) before an all-out attack is declared. I have received many favorable comments and many unfavorable comments from eminent faculty members question not only my opinion by but my right to derive such a "scathing" account. I realize quite fully that I was neither -tactful nor subtle in my approach to Mme. Ehlers' per- formance. I also realize that I am far from an authority on the instrument and the technique of playing it. Likewise, this fact can- not be avoided: the reviews which appear in The Daily are one per- son's opinion. These opinions do not reflect the populace 100 per cent; disagreements are inevit- able. One persons has as much right to declare "It was bad," as another has to say "It was good." I expect (and have already re- ceived) great contradiction con- cerning this account. However, both my opinion and my right to such a judgement are my own whether or not I have the unquestionable authority (and I have already admitted that I am neither a harpsichordist for a musicologist), * * * MME. EHLERS is no longer' young and she has peen quite ill. These are without a doubt the reasons for the lacking perform- ance. Once upon a time she was an active performer andplayed with great inspiration. However, she is now enjoying a well-earned reputation as a teacher and is no longer at the age where perform- ing is one of her outstanding disy- tinctions. Therefore, I do not feel that I was being "rude" in judging the performance on the basis of what it was worth Wednesday night. If the faculty of the School of Music (and anyone else) wishes to dispute my judgement, they have as much right to do so as I had in forming it, I wrote concerning exactly what I heard. If a critic is expected to judge the artist on the basis of reputation, idiosyncracies in liv- ing habits, personal relationships, ,and countless other items far re- moved from the performance, then I failed miserably. If it is wrong to judge a per- formance on the basis of the per- formance, then, too, I have proved myself undeniably rude to Mme. Ehlers. * * * I AM DEEPLY apologetic to those of you who attended the performance and disagreed vehc- mently (as many obviously did; with the account because I could not consult each of you for your comments, gather them all to- gether, and write one gigantic review signed "The Audience." -Karen McCann, '61SM A Price.., To the Editor: LET US HOPE that there are still people who can think of better criteria for judging others than by the clothing on their backs. Re the quotation from Kate M'ueller's article mentioned by Mrs. Dorothy E. Legg in yester- day's Daily: If woman's dress is her "price tag," what about those of us who can't be bought! - Newman, '61 Irish Nationality . To the Editor:. WITH reference to Mr. O'Day's letters an interesting situa- tion seems to be developing with respect to Irish nationality. It appears that Irish patriots like Swift, Wolfe Tone, Emmett and Parnell are not really Irish- men. While sixth or seventh gen- eration Americans can be proud! of their American ancestry it seems that nineteenth and twen- tieth generation Irish are not really Irish at all. We are fast reaching the stage where the only true Irish are born outside the country and. remain in self-imposed exile. One won- ders if perhaps Mr. O'Day is not a Humpty-Dumpty Irishman. -Robert M. Farr, Grad. INTERPRETING THE NEWS: SInp Mov in Paris By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst FRANCE HAS PAID too high -a price for her entente with West Germany to let Nikita Khrushchev talk her out of it. The Soviet Premier has made a bold frontal attack. The Germans are a menace, he tells de Gaulle. A Franco-Soviet axis, not a Franco- German axis, is his recipe for peace in Europe. But for 12 years, since France agreed to the establishment of an' autonomous West Ger- many, the policy in Paris has not been to at- tempt alliances by which Germany could be beaten in another war, but to entertwine the info -n-c a f1® 111 nn . ti - +1 + Vt.. _-"_ tion of her interests in the Saar, removing one of the great sore spots in Franco-German rela- tions and putting the German international- ists, led by Konrad Adenauer, in a firm political position at Bonn. OBSERVERS HAVE BEEN somewhat sur- prised that de Gaulle, the great nationalist, should have adopted so wholeheartedly this policy of his predecessor governments. Espe- cially since, immediately after the war, one of his first major actions was to establish an entente with Russia cross the prostrate body of Germany. Despite origina French fears noeir th er-