Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG.* ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 flen opinions Are Free Truth will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. NESDAY, MARCH 23, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS KABAKER Upperelass Housing: An Approach To Quad Problems "You Think That Equality Stuff Is Likely To' Spread Up North Here?" aa AI.. 14 t t t --- JA s 1X1 Sing with Enthusiasm AS LONG AS the old School of Music continues to turn out as many young artists as it has and is, who needs a new one? Last night at Hill Auditorium, a group of the present artists appeared in concert. Although the audience was small, the choirs sang; they sang ,with enthusiasm; they sang with great admiration for their conductor. Maynard Klein deserves .that praise which may better be left un- spoken; simply because words are inadequate as expression of grati- tude, veneration and laud. THE PROGRAM was inspired, with the exception of -the Pergolesi "Stabat Mater." The women's choir just did not come through on this HILL AUDITORIl ?ROGRESS is being made, but it's slow. In spite of the announcement that an upper- lass and freshman men's housing plan will not e ready to go into operation next fall, it is en- ouraging that consideration is really being iven to the problem of the quads. For one of tie most pressing defficulties with the men's esidence halls is the dearth of activities of aterest to upperclassmen. This results directly from the general resi- ence halls situation. While the interests of hie student change between his freshman and enior years, the residence halls programs gen- rally don't By the time a student becomes a unior or senior he discovers that few or no, rograms are aimed at him. For many upper- lassmen, the only time the residence halls eem to take notice is when they yell at the ntics of the "immature little freshmen." Two years ago, an attempt was made to emedy this situation, by establishing graduate nd transfer student houses in the residence alls. An attempt to provide for upperclass ousung was turned down, prima>rily because of a lack of planning. Finally two weeks ago, the Board of Governors of the Residence Halls approved upperclass and freshman housing for men. WHILE the shortage of time has prevented the plan from going into operation in the fall, the added delay may be of value. The ex- tra year's wait will allow the coordination of all interested parties in working out a suc- cessful plan. Problems involved in deciding which specific residence halls to convert to upperclass houses and in resettling several hundred men must be resolved slowly and with due consideration if the projected pro- gram is to be a success. Experiments such as upperclass and fresh- man housing for men are badly needed to_ cut down the number of freshman who find the quads unsatisfactory after only one year of residence. A turnover rate of over 50 per cent in the residence halls indicates that something basic must be wrong there. Upper- class and freshman housing maybe one pos- sible approach to the problem. -KENNETH McELDOWNEY Ga 46o " LJa +S4*,i.4&'a S *L "co. .IV , I-- - Is Nixon Becoming a Liberal? IT IS BECOMING increasingly apparent that "Modern Republicanism" is neither a mean- ingless campaign slogan nor a phenomena based solely on President Eisenhower's personal popularity. In fact, Modern Republicanism ii here to stay. The old-line Republicans would have none of the progressive line advocated and followed by New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller. There wasn't much difference between him and a Democrat, they reasoned; and they stopped his bid for the Republican presidential nomi- nation cold. This left them with a rock-ribbed, fighting conservative, Vice-President Richard Nixon. But recently Republican conservatives have been having second thoughts. Not about Nixon, they're committed to him. The problem is that Nixon is beginning to sound like a liberal. THE NEW HAMPSHIRE was the most obvi- ous example of the new Nixon. New Hampshire Republican Governor Wesley Powell attacked Senator John Kennedy for ".being soft on Communism." This is a good tactic for bringing out the vote in a rural, conservative area and it was sound New Hamp- 'shire politics. A tough campaigner like Nixon should have appreciated this strategem. However, Nixon-the new Nixon-didn't. He quickly repudiated Gov. Powell's charge and came to Sen. Kennedy's defense. Many Repub- licans were alarmed. Was Nixon going soft on Democrats? Another example of the new Nixon was the recent steel dispute. Nixon stepped in and stopped the dispute. This was good politics. But from the conservative point of view, the wrong group-labor-won the strike. This was doubly alarming to the conserva- tives because it follows a precedent established by Treasury Secretary George Humphrey in the 1957 steel dispute. Humphrey convinced the industry that they had to give in to labor or the 1958 election would be disastrous. This is the type of treatment the conserva- tives might expect from the Democrats, but hardly from Republicans. As bad as these things were, they were better than a Democrat or Rockefeller. BUT THE Associated Press reported recently that Nixon has been "urging House Repub- licans to liberalize the party's record by sup- porting bills for school construction and medi- cal aid for the elderly.". The Associated Press also reports how the conservatives feel about this. "They (Repub- lican Conservatives) fear that the Vice-Presi- dent is abandoning them and intends to adopt a liberal label as the party's Presidential candi- date." In short, Nixon has become a Modern Re- publican. FROM NIXON'S point of view there is one important reason for being a conservative. A conservative would inspire many more cam- paign contributions from wealthy industrialists than a liberal candidate. But there is a more important reason for him becoming a liberal Republican. Conservativism appeals to too few people to elect him president and Nixon wants to be president. Therefore Nixon seems to be turning into a Rockefeller-type liberal and Modern Republi- canism seems to be here to say. -JAMES SEDER MICHIGAN'S CONSTITUTION: An Outdated Relic of the Past? By LINDA REISTMAN Daily Staff Writer "MICHIGAN'S first Constitution of 1835 was undoubtedly its best," Prof. Daniel McHargue of the Political Science Department said recently. "It was short, flexi- ble, and did not hamper the gov- ernor or legislature." In the 51 years of its existence, however, the fundamental the document has been form of compli- AX LERNER: The Non-Violent Sitdowns NEW DELHI- Sometimes in world history there is a local or national struggle which also has meaning for the larger world scene. This happened, when Gandhi led the movement for Indian independence and developed a tech- nique and philosophy of global scope. Is it happening again in the struggle of the Ameri- can Negro for complete equality? I wrote an earlier column in which I traced ' the link between Gandhi's salt tax march to the sea and the lunch-counter sitdowns of Negro students in Virginia and the Carolinas. The link, of course, is stubborn principled non- violent resistance to local law and custom, by an appeal to moral law. The column evoked some letters from read- ers raising far-reaching questions which prod me to write this sequel. (NE QUESTION is about the prior claim of Thoreau's "Essay on Civil Disobedience" as the Bible of non-violent resistance. Everyone knows, of course, of Gandhi's indebtedness to both Tolstoy and Thoreau. But neither the American nor the Russian had to confront an Army and police-force, nor hold together 300 million diverse people in a struggle for freedom. The question is not whether Gandhi was an original social thinker, but whether he was the first to pull together into a pattern the various strands of disobedience, passive resist- ance, non-violence, truth-force, and the scrup- ulous concern about the means of pursuit of the end. I think he was. BUT RIGHT NOW I am more concerned with the future freedom and equality of the . American Negro than I am with Gandhi, who. did his work well and is dead. There is a double struggle being waged for the equal rights of the Negro. One is for his political rights, and its arena is in the Senate and the courts. The recent round-the-clock Battle of the Filibuster was only a phase of that struggle. The second is the struggle for the American Negro's social rights - housing, schooling, travel, eating, and all the other things that make up a person's daily life. The current emphasis, by both the liberal Democrats and Republicans, seems to be once more on voting rather than on these aspects of daily life. It looks as if everyone were anxious to get away from the controversial and dangerous question of common schools for White and Nefiro alike to the safer question of equal rights in the ballot-box. If I am right it means that the struggle for equal social rights has grown too hot, and even some Negro leaders would prefer the smoother road of voting rights. Or perhaps they believe that once every Negro has the vote the rest will follow. THERE IS a good deal in the latter view. Yet there is more in a life than voting, and more even than the economic right to equal job access. There is also the right to an equal chance to make a life. The fight for common schools has been carried on largely in the courts, and has been a slow and painful experi- ence. Now the fight for common public eating facilities is being waged more directly, through the non-violent but stubborn sitdowns. It is a largely spontaneous struggle. I see it as an effort on the part of obscure young Negroes to shape a non-verbal symbolic langu- age by which they can reach the conscience of DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin Is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michitan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1960 VOL. LXX, NO. 130 General Notices Bicycle Control Program-All bicycles impounded prior to Jan. 1, 1960 will be sold at auction on Sat., April 9. Any- one wishing to reclaim one in this group must do so before the begin- ning of Spring vacation (March 26). Persons who have lost bicycles dur- ing the past two years are urged to check the impounded bicycles as many of these either have no license or one that has been defaced. The Bicycle Storage Garages, located on the south side of East Washington St. between Fletcher and Forest,. are open Mon., Tues., and Thur., between 5 and 6 p.m. and Sat. from 10 a,. to noon. For further information regard- ing the Bicycle Control Program, call Ext. 3146. Bicycles must be stored at the owners' place of residence during vacation. Campus racks will be cleaned out dur- ing the Spring Varation. May we also remind all bicycle owners that, to comply with City and University regu- lations and to protect your property. you must register your bicycle at the City Hall and attacli the 1960 license. Regents' Meeting: Fri., April 22. Com- munications for consideration at this meeting must be in the President's hands not later than April 12. Flease submit nineteen copies of all com- mun ications. International Student and Family Ex- change. Open Thursday mornings each week, 9:30-11 a the Madelon Pound House (basement), 1024 Hill St. Iopcoats and sweaters for men and women. Infants equipment and cloth- ing and children's clothing. These are available for all Foreign Students and Families needing the above items. Graduate Stidents in Linguistics: The preliminary examninations for thde doctorate wil be given on Friday anid Saturday, May 13 and 14. Students In- tending to tatke the examinations must notify Prof. Marckwardt by no later than Fri., April 8. students advised to submit 'selective Service College Qualificat ionTest ai- plications now. Applications for the April 28, 1960 administration of the College Qualification Test are now available at Selective Service System Local Board No. 85, 103 EWat Liberty, Ann Arbor, The student should fill out his application and mail it to Select- ive Service Examining Section, Educa- !tional TIesting Service, P1.O. Box 586, Princeton, N.J. Applications for the April 28 test must be postmarked no later than midnight, April 7, 1960. June teacher's certificate candidates: All requirements for the teacher's cr- tificate must be completed by May 2nd. cated by the passage of 66 new amendments and an innumerable number of legislative acts which are necessary to clarify them. However, age is of little conse- qence once the fundamentaL law of the State has lost touch with the changing conditions of a com- plex urban and rural population, he continued. * * * THIS FAILURE to adjust to modern governmental thinking and operation is particularly evi- dent in four phases of the present Constitution: Executive organiza- tion, legislative power and organi- zation, judicial organization, and home rule.. 1. Executive organization. As Chief Executive of the State, the Constitution bestows important re- sponsibilities upon the Governor, Yet, because much of the authori- ty to enforce these responsibilities is given to elected officials, the Governor is denied the necessary power to fulfill them. With the Governor sharing his authority with an elected Secretary of State, Attorney General, Treasurer, Au- ditor, and Superintendent of Pub- lic Instruction, partisan s p 1 i t s within the executive branch are sure to develop. This dispersal of administrative power does not make for smooth cooperation or harmonious rela- tionship within the administrative branch, Prof. McHargue said, "The only way to remedy this situation would be to give the Governor broader powers of ap- pointment, possibly based on the form of the presidential cabinet in our national government." * * * LEGISLATIVE provisions in the past years have, created 120 ad- ministrative agencies in the exe- cutive branch, making it unweildy, unamanageable, and needlessly ex- pensive to operate. pensive to operate. "A strengthen- ing of appointive power and broader centralization of depart- ments would obliviate this situa- tion," McHargue added. Added to his weakness in se- lecting 'co-workers in his adminis- tration, the governor's two-year tearm denies him sufficient time to put his administration into ef- fect. A fou -year term would be more conducive for putting long- range state programs into full op- eration. 2. Legislative power and organi- zation. Two glaring problems hi- der the legislature in areas of finance and apportionment. 2erhaps the greatest single cause of Michigan's strangled financial situation is due to the legislature's lack of fiscal flexi- bility," Lewis Christman, state senator of the 2nd district said recently. With two cents out of every three cents of the state sales tax being earmarked for schools as provided in the Constitution, the Legislature has actual discretion with only 20 per cent of the tax money. Because of this situation, the state has been forced to adopt many unneessary taxes which are often unsuitable for the purpose to ecompensate for the revenu As stated in Article X, Section 4 of the State Constitution, "The legislature may by law impose specific taxes, which shall be uni- form upon the classes upon which they operate." This clause some- times referred to as the "uniform- ity clause," may prevent the use of a progressive tax, based on the individual ability to pay, in Michi- gan. The fact that all taxation must be carried out on an equal per- centage basis, and the vagueness in explaining the clause, has been a definite handicap in the solution of the State's present tax crisis. * * * ANOTHER tremendous area for reorganization is the legislature's present system of representation, The 'Senate is designed to repre- sent diffreent areas rather than population distribution, The sena- torial districts are frozen, with no provision for redistricting every ten years based on national cen- sus. The present extremes in popula- tion representation are 12-1, with the number destined to increase to 25-1 by 1970. This situation would be tolerable if the lower house were equally represented on the basis of population, but it, too, is not. There has been an increas- ing amount of interest shown in the establishment of a unicameral legislature. However, it seems that an equitable solution could be arranged which would be less radi- cal and still preserve representa- tion by areas of interest. 3. Judicial operation, Although the procedure is basically sound in Michigan courts, very little of it is defined in the State Constitu- tion. The details of judicial or- ganization and procedure are left up to the Courts and the Legisla- ture. * * * PROVISIONS for four Courts are made under the Constitution- the Supreme Court, the Circuit and Probate Courts, the Justice of the Peace, and any other Courts that the Legislature may establish by two-thirds majority vote of its members. With court dockets over- crowded and behind in trial sched- tiles, the creation of an appellate court or Court of Appeal would be of great advantage. A paradoxical situation results from the fact that all candidates running for Supreme Court, al- Plough running on non-partisan tickets, must be nominated by partisan conventions. "Students of political science feel that of all means of judicial selection, popu- lar election is the least desirable method," Prof. McHargue saic 4. Municipal Home Rule. Much of the authority for home rule comes from the Legislature. As expressed in Article VIII, Section 17 of the Constitution, "The legis- lature may by general law confer upon organized townships such powers of a local, legislative and administrative character, not in- consistent with the provisions of this constitution, as it may deem proper." Home rule provisions should be enumerated in the Con- stitution, eliminating reliance on the legislature in this area. section of the program; there was just no excitement, However, it was an excellent means of dis- playing several of the truly fine voices on this campus, and many other campuses, I am sure. Everyone knows of Janet Ast, Judith Haumann, and Muriel Greenspon. These voices have been around for a few years and seem to grow larger in every perform- ance. But next year, I am sure that Karen Klipec and Elizabeth Bowman will be the "big sounds" Mary Ellen Henkel is not to be neglected. She has one of the "guttiest" tones I have heard and her sense of interpretation is commendable. * * THE SECOND half of the pro- gram without a doubt outshone the first portion. Perhaps it was because the Michigan Singers sang their hearts out' and let ev- eryone know that they meant it' Cantata No. 150 was exquisite, or better, since it was Bach, magni- ficent. The choir seeied to soar over the heads of the entire audience, and the balance between sections was ideal. The trio brought an- other new face (and voice) to the concertgoers that of Walker Wyatt whose baritone is pure and com- pletely unadulterated. For the most part, the string ensemble played quite well, but in several spots, they approached the point of running away with the conductor as well as the choir. The ensemble between choir and or- chestra, however, was generally excellent. THE HIGHLIGHT of the en- tire program was the closing mo- tet, "Spem in alium nunquam habui" by the Wagner of early England, Thomas Tallis. The choir arranged themselves i n t o s i x groups across the stage and the effect was that of a gigantic stereophonic production. This was the Ann Arbor pr- mier of this work, and was re- markably well done. The program was another ex- ample of the ends from the means achieved by the students in Music School. They really do work, you know, and this is what they have to show for it-music, a love of- music, and the genuine joy of let- ting others know just how much they do love it. -Karen lcCann LETTERS to the EDITOR Apologies . . To the Editor: MY apologies to Judith Doner! How was she to know her interviewee, Robert Farr, was not an Irishman at all, but quite ob- viously an Anglo-Scot Orange, thus no real authority on the true attitudes of the Irish. I ant certainly upset at his obvious attempt to classify the Irish Catholic as a primitive bar- barian, or in his words: "the American Indian." Ireland tolerates the non-Irish Orange because there's nothing else she can do with them. After all the English sent them to Ire- land because they weren't wanted in England. So far no one else has spoken up for them. -Alan E. O'Day, '61 Simple . To the Editor: MR. O'DAY'S solution to the Irish problem is clear, logical, and above all, simple. Two world wars have given us enough ex- perience in the separation of un- desirables from a population, and in the resettlement of those who becoie displaced. After coping with destitute millions of Asians and Europeans, we should have no difficulty with a million or so Ulstermen. They would not even be destitute, since they would take with them about half of the wealth of the country. Our parents would have done well to use this solution; but their ignorance can be excused, since they did not have the clear ex- amples of its success that we have in the recent history of the Ger- man empire, Had they only removed long ago the Anglo-Scots-Irish, we would have been spared the false patriotism and anti-Irish scurrili- ties of Swift, Emmet, William Russell, W. B. Yeats and Parnell-- to name only the most egregious of the pro-English traitors. CHESSMAN: Leaningf .tooFatr L0ackwatrd By MIKE TOQMIN LIKEPEOPLE, nations also wish tobe popular, and compromises are sometimes necessary to achieve this end. But perhaps our leaders are leaning nver backwards. a little- too far in their attempt to main- tain amicable relations with other countries. For it appears that the courts of the United States can - now be overruled by a force' caed foreign pressure. The recent reprieve that Cal- foria's Governor Brown granted to Caryl Chessman, the convicted sex kidnapper, is an excellent case in point. Normally a reprieve for Mr. Chessman would not be very earth shaking. He has had eight In the last twelve years, so we are somewhat conditioned to them by now, DURING Chessman's twelve year battle with the courts he has used every gimmick in the book. All have failed. Two day before his last reprieve was granted, the California Supereme Court refused to reverse the lower court's decis- ion; and the U.S. Supreme Court turned down his appeal on the the saine day. Chessman's latest argument con- tends that he has suffered enough during his long wait on the door- step of death, and that this con- stitutes unusual and cruel pun- ishment-forbidden by the Consti- tution. He seems to forget that his twelve year period of "suffer- ing" is nobody's fault but his own. If he had accepted the court's verdict in, 1948, he would not have "suffered" by remaining alive for such a lengthy period. GOVERNOR Brown revealed that his decision to stay the execution was influenced by our federal gov- ernment. The American Embassy in Uruguay had reported wide- spread disapproval of Chessman's fate, and State Department of- ficials became worried lest hos- tile demonstrations occur during President Eisenhower's South Am- erican tour. And thus a man who was sentenced to die back In 1948, became an international issue. But more important than Chess- man's guilt or innocence is the disgraceful spectacle of the United States flaunting its entire legal system in fear of arousing foreign indignation. The logic used by the State Department is very con- fusing, for it is hard to see why foreign criticism should overrule our own laws. It is"obvious that our domestic policies cannot please the people of every country, so perhaps it might a better idea to please our- selves. If other nations wish to criticize us they are free to do so, but we are certainly under no ob- ligation to adhert to their protests. ~ * a FURTHERMORE, since when does the State Department have the right to influence a governor's decision? The Constitution is quite explicit in reserving the police powers to the individual states, and the federal government has no business entering, into this do- main. Of course, there are those who would argue that the Consti- tution is outmoded and vague in its delegation of powers. This may be true, but then it seems that the best solution would be to 'amend it, rather than per- the powers of the states. mit federal agencies to usurp the powers of the states. Some may believe that the real issue of the Chessman Case' is the question of capital punishment. It is possible that execution is not the best solution to the prob- lem, but this is not important in this particular instance. Whatever our opinions may be in regard to capital punishment; the only ones that really matter are the feelings of the people of California. The question rests entirely in their hands, and if the people of that state object to capital pun- ishment, then they, and only they, have the right to abolish it. * * * THE REAL tragedy of the Chessman reprieve lies in the weakness of our State Depart-