RESIDENCE HALLS: SOMETHING WRONG? flee Page 4t Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom 4jjatj. CLOUDY, SNOW High--34 Low-24 Increasing cloudiness, light snow flurries. VOL. LXX, No. 122 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1960 FIVE CENTS SIX I _ __ Expect Reaction to Rio" As 67 Die in South Afric 4~ -Daily-David Giltrow GOP CONTENDERS--Rep. George Sallade and Sen. Edward Hutchinson face each other as they will undoubtedly face each other in the fall primary for the Republican Lieutenant-Governor nomination. The candidates spoke before the University Young Republicans Club meeting last night, engaging in a lively and heated debate which showed that both men were ready for the campaign battle. Can didates vidence Ri fts I By PHILIP SHERMAN Rep. George Sallade (R - Ann Arbor) and Sen. Edward Hutchin- son (R-Fennvile) last night seized on the issue of local election of mine inspectors in the Upper Pen- Binleyalls , Lan Drops DiSService Schools dropping the National Defense Education Act loan pro- gram due to the loyalty require- met are "doing their :students a disservice," Assistant Dean of Men John Bingley said recently. Despite any undesirability of the affidavit, he continued, dropping the loans is not justified because the schools may have difficulty1 replacing money available through the NDEA program. '- Bingley noted, however, that the affidavit requirement was a "hang- over from the McCarthy era," and probably will not help to control Communism. He said he agrees with Univer- sity President Harlan Hatcher's statement that the loyalty oath problem should be approached through an organization such as the American Assodiation of Uni- versities, rather than the actions of the individual institutions. The recent publicity given the loyalty oath may be sufficient to cause the affidavit's repeal. A bill for this purpose was killed in Con- gress last summer. The University loaned about $300.000 in NDEA funds to 386 students between July 1 and Oct. 31. Ten per cent of this money came from the University and the rest from the federal government. Under the program, qualified students may borrow as much as $1,000 a year for up to five years. The loyalty oath which must be signed by any student receiving NDEA funds reads: "I do solemnly swear that I do not believe in and am not a member and do not support any organization that be- lieves in or teaches, the overthrow of the United States government by force or violence or by illegal or unconstitutional methods." Airways Head Holds Parley With Airlines WASHINGTON (MP - Govern- ment officials conferred yesterday with makers and users of Electra turboprop airliners-the type that crashed last week in Indiana-but reported no conclusions. E. R. Quesada, Chairman of the Federal Aviation Agency, an- nounced only that the meeting "will assist us materially in de- veloping an appropriate action." There was no indication of whether or when any action would be taken. Quesada, whose agency two days ago imposed speed limits on Elec- tras, had called the meeting. It was attended by about 60 repre- sentatives of the FFA, Civil Aero- nautics Board, National Aeronau- insula to demonstrate their es- sential political differences. The two candidates for the GOP nomination for Lieutenant-Gov- ernor met in a debate sponsored by the University Young Republi- cans Club. Hutchinson brought up the in- spectors' issue first, and charged Sallade's vote for switching their appointment from local elections to state labor department action meant Sallade was for centraliza- tion of government. He feels a strong local governmental system is necessary and desirable. Sallade replied he hated "to think that the future of local gov- ernment in Michigan depends on mine inspectors." But he attacked Hutchinson "for approaching any governmental question with the amount of inflexibility" that his dictum about local government strength implies. Need Rigorous Inspection Sallade said the particular meas- ure was prompted by need for more rigorous inspection than locally- elected officials could provide. He added that a similar move was made when locally elected coro- ners were replaced with medical examiners. He added that Republicans' posi- tions on such issues, in addition to larger ones such as taxation and constitutional reform, "demon- strate what the party hasn't had and what it must have if it is to survive." Sallade and Hutchinson also clashed on the issue of state ex- penditures. Hutchinson claimed "George is pretty much of a spender," and countered his view with a belief "that government has to live with- in its income . , . that there will be a day of reckoning." Pay-as-You-Go Basis Hutchinson thinks the state should operate on a pay-as-you- go basis. Since it is impossible to project more than a few years ahead, budget programs should beI aimed to balance within the limit- ed period. Hutchinson is willing to see in- creases in state expenditures, but adds the increases must be no larger than increases in the state's economy. He favors a sales tax boost which if not a "cure-all" will "enable us to get along for a few years." Sallade said he is for a vote on the sales tax boost, and considers it a "noteworthy personal triumph that my colleague Senator from Rennville admits that a sales tax is not final." He attacked Hutchinson's posi- tion on higher education appro- priations. He questioned Hutchin- son's negative vote on the recent $15 million capital outlay pro- grams which give buildings to the state's major universities. Runoff Set For Todayv Joint Judiciary Council will hold the new elections for literary col- lege senior class president and vice-president today in front of the Undergraduate Library and Mason Hall. Those running for president are Richard A. Gavril, Michael J. Gil- man, Donald G. Linker, Richard E Meyer and Robert J. Vollen, Joint Judic Chairman Michael Sklar, '60, said. The candidates for vice-presi- dent are Ronald M. Greenberg, Lawrence May and Robert A. Wood. Only literary college second- semester juniors, first-semester seniors, and other 1961 graduates may vote in the election, Sklar said. Irregularities in voters' qualifi- cations were the reason the Joint Judic called the new election to replace that held last Wednesday. Bretton Says Riots Related To Picketing Protests Expected In Other Cities Soon By SANDRA JOHNSON "Just as the Negroes in the southern United States have cho- sen to concentrate their protests on discrimination at lunch count- ers, the natives of South Africa are attacking the pass system." After making this statement yes- terday, Prof. Bretton of the politi- cal science departmentwent on to explain, "Both groups were at- tempting to stage peaceful demon- strations, but those in Africa be- came uncontrolled." For the past two days rioting has broken out near Johannesburg in South Africa, as a result of the African Congress-sponsored cam- paign against passes. Tells of Passes According to Prof. Bretton, "These passes are a sort of identi- fication paper that must be carried by all black or "native" Africans. They may be compared to the yel- low stars that the Nazis forced the Jews to wear during their regime in Germany." "Not only Negroes, but any per- sons who are considered undesir- able by the government and who can be proved to have any Negro ancestors may be required to carry these passes," Prof. Bretton point- ed out. "The primary purpose of these passes," Bretton explained, "is to facilitate the control of the white minority over the black majority, Police Measure "Although the pass system is a police measure, the bearers of these passes are required to show them when they apply for jobs, and when they want to be ad- mitted to various restricted areas. "The native Africans, repre- sented by the African Congress, among others, are protesting that passes are undignified. "Protests such as these must be expected to occur in all cities. of South Africa, not just Johan- nesburg and Sharpesburg. The vast recesses and slums of the cities are perfect breeding grounds for 'subversive' organizations of this type. Control Difficult "The difficulty of effective police control in these areas is another essential factor," he said. "So far it is only in these 'dark corners' of the nation," Prof. Bret- ton added, "that 'subversive' or- ganizations have had enough free- dom to gain strength; their senti- ments however are shared by all oppressed Africans." MUELLER, SLAUGHTER ALSO NAMED:' Trost Elected JFC President By VANCE INGALLS At last night's Fraternity Presi- dent's Assembly, Jon Trost, '61,a Sigma Chi, was elected Interfra- ,ternity Council President, succeed-k ing James Martens, '60BAd. Howard Mueller, '61E, Phi Gam- ma Delta, took the post of Execu- tive Vice-President with no op-M position, since W-a 11 a c e Sagen- dorph, '61, nominated for presi- dent ,elected not to run for an alternate post. The other new officers are:1 Gary Slaughter, '61,Sigma Alpha! Epsilon, Administrative Vice-j President; John Richards, '61BAd, Sigma Phi, Secretary; Charles: Matthews, '61, Phi Kappa Psi, Treasurer. Widesprear Discuss Bias Debate at the meeting centered around the nominees' positions in regard to the Miller-Haber reso- lution before Student Government Council. Since the resolution deals with the problem of discrimina- tion in student organizations, the fraternity presidents urged the candidates to make their feelings clear concerning the proposal. "The intent of the proposal is basically good, Trost commented. "The procedure used, in particu- lar the proposed affidavit, still needs work," he added, "and I feel IFC should work cordially with SGC on the matter." Trost empha- sized the need of "mutual concern and co-operation" between the bodies, "in its entire scope and im- plications." "A number of the newly-elected SGC members are affiliated with fraternities," Trost c o n t I n u e d, "but their positions on the propo- sal will not necessarily reflect this." Needs Recognition Noting that IFC would have to recognize that SGC does have the jurisdiction and prerogative to bring the issue to a head, Trost said pressure through IFC and representatives at fraternity na- tional conventions would be used to bring about the necessary changes to settle the issue of dis- crimination. Citing the problem of rush as the second major problem to come before IFC in the near future, Trost felt improvements were necessary in the program, but that a workable solution had yet to come before IFC. Trost indicated that co-opera- tion between the rush chairman, committee chairman, and Fratern- ity Presidents Assembly c o u I d would be "easiest to carry out," bring about a program which and yet "the best and most real- istic" they could get. Destruction -Daily-Henry Yee IFC LEADERS-John Trost, center, was elected Interfraternity Council President by the Council last night. His two top assist- ants, Howard Mueller and Gary Slaughter, were tapped for the positions of Executive and Administrative Vice-Presidents, respec- tively. UNAUTHORIZED FLIGHTS: U.S. Pro~bes Charges' Of Cuban Air Violations a IMPORTANT MEXICAN DISCOVERIES: 'U' Student Explores Mayan Civilization WASHINGTON (M)- A United States spokesman said yesterday a government - wide investigation is being made into the operations over Cuba of two American pilots. In Havana, government radio stations said the incident gave fresh evidence of aggression from To Conduct SGC Ballot By CAROLINE DOW John Feldkamp, '61, Student Government Council president, has been re-nominated for the Council presidency for tonight's election of SGC officers. Council members will choose four new officers from among the elected members of the body: president, executive and adminis- trative vice-presidents and treas- urer. Feldkamp's is the only nomi- nation yet turned in, but nomina- tions are open until the election. Motions concerning discrimina- tion picketing support and con- sideration of the University's pres- ent alcohol regulations are also on the agenda. To Present Motions Al Haber, '60, will present two motions proposing that SGC give its official support and endorse- ment to the direct non-violent ac- tion taken against The Cousins Shop on State Street and the local branches of the S. S. Kresge and F. W. Woolworth chains. The Ann Arbor Human Rela- tions Commission stated in a re- cent report filed with the City Council that The Cousins Shop had refused to serve a Negro cus- tomer. The Kresge and Woolworth national chaiins have stated that they will continue segregated poli- cies in the South in accordance with local custom. SGC consideration of present drinking regulations with the pos- sibility of seeking a relaxation of prezant rules will be suggested by Boren Chertkov, '60. A three-member committee will ho rhnU.V, 4to ra O~ flt n-igrrimi_. 14 By JOHN ROBERTS In the jungles of South Mexico and Yucatan are found the ruins of a once-flourishing civilization. The Maya Indians, unique among the early empires as the only only to take root in such diverse surroundings, developed their sci- ences of astronomy and mathematics to a remarkable degree, and alone among primitive peoples seem to have recognized the antiquity of the universe. But this civilization has long since vanished, leaving a wealth of unanswered questions. What are the meanings of the wierd hiero- glyphs found on Mayan temples? Was this civilization the cradle of the human race, the Garden of Eden? And finally, what factors brought about the decline of this people, causing them to melt back into the jungle with scarcely a trace? Studies Mayas A contribution toward the better understanding of these problems may have been made by a University student late last year. John Milton, '6lNR, spent last semester studying the Mayas at Mexico City College. Together with a companion from the University of Oregon, they launched an expedition into the jungle; the result of this "ama- teur" exploration was discovery of some of the most important relics to come to light in recent years. Chief among the ruins was one large temple. the first ever discovered with murals on the outside walls. Normally, Milton ex- plains, the heavy rainfall of the region destroys exposed artwork, and in fact only one other mural-found on the interior of a temple south of his find-has survived. Commenting on the alleged grotesqueness of Mayan painting, the United States against the re- gime of Prime Minister Fidel Castro. Cuban officials said the two Americans, Howard Louis Rund- quist of Miami and William J. Shergales of West Hollywood, Fla., were captured while they were trying to remove a Cuban war criminal to refuge in the United States. Cuban Army gun- fire forced down their small plane. Details Not Known State Department Press Officer Lincoln White told a news con- ference yesterday afternoon "we do notsas yet have full details of the case." "The United States Government is pushing an inquiry to collect all the facts," he said, adding that it is a "government-wide investiga- tionJ' Officials said that if the investi- gation showed the accusations against the aircraft and the two Americans were correct, an apol- ogy from the United States to Cuba would be forthcoming. Both the Immigration Service and the Federal Aviation Agency said they are attempting to find out if Rundquist filed any kind of fitght plan anywhere in Florida before taking off for Cuba, as present regulations require. Neutrality Plan In a broad plan for maintaining this country's neutrality in rela- tion to Cuba, Attorney General William P. Rogers last November announced that the Immigration Service had assigned more than 100 inspectors to Florida's almost 200 air fields in an effort to pre- vent unauthorized flights from the United States to Cuba "by persons whose departure would be pre- Judicial to the interests" of this country. As a result, all non-scheduled flights from Florida in the direc- tion of Cuba require specific ap- proval by Immigration Commis- sioner Joseph M. Swing. FAA Regulations As a part of this program, FAA issued regulations requiring any- one intending to operate a civil aircraft into or over Cuba to file at least one hour before departure a written flight plan, detailing Pass System Said To Spark Uprising In Johannesburg JOHANNESBURG, .P)-Th( ands of Negroes were expecte( refuse to go to their jobs to in the aftermath of two day rioting against South Afri white supremacy laws. Hundreds of nonwhites "mi plain they were ready to m into police stations and be rested for not possessing pa they are required to carry and night. d Worldwide criticism of deaths of 67 Negroes killed by lice bullets in the riots sp the government to review the plosive crisis. Official reports set the numl of wounded in the riots at But unofficial tabulations the figures for dead and woun somewhat higher. White authorities blamed A can nationalist agitators for f ning what had been planned peaceful demonstration aga' the pass laws into violent orders. But the government said i considering forming a comms to investigate the u n d e r lyl causes of unrest among the tion's black population- In yesterday's rioting, Negi burned buildings near Cape To then stoned firemen who fou the fiamesr police fired on na for the second day in a row. Thousands of police enfo an uneasy truce on the Ne quarter of Sharpeville in the4 mining district south of Joham burg. Sharpeville was the scen Monday's major riot where least 50 Negroes died. In Cape Town, three wh nurses said they were attac near Langa by a mob of Negi during Monday night's riot The rioters stoned their auto1 bile and tried to drag them o The crew of a passing fire tr rescued the women and took t to a hospital for treatment minor injuries. The new outbreaks centE around the black settlement Langa outside Cape Town, wi at least six Negroes were ki Monday. During the night 'the blacki Langa set fire to at least e buildings including churches, library, a recreation hall, a ception center, an office bu ing and Negro settlement wc shops. Street-lights were smasi The battle between the p and the mobs was waged by light of the fires and the perc beams of armored car sear lights. The rioters first stoned the f men, who retreated and retur later under police escort to e tine fighting the blazes. U.S. Protests Police Tactics In South ArM WASHINGTON (JP)-The Un States yesterday condemned lent measures used by police, South Africa against Negro xx protesting South African w supremacy laws. The action, an admitted hni vention in the domestic affair another country. seemed cei to be strongly resented by South African government. It thus could complicate ter tive plans by the United Sti to fire an intercontinental mh from Cape Canaveral, Fla., c the South Atlantis to a tal area in the southern India et Since the missile would fly , South African territory, the SI Department said yesterday So fit,,.; ..:: , .t. .%t ?;f.>...... ....,..t +,+ .r.;',i..l' ,.''.' .. .3.. ... .,_. .. r 'r.' '^.'';if.,.