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February 05, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-02-05

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom





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Offers Land
)r Theatre Site
egents Uncommitted to Financial
Ronsorship of Group's Activities
Regents offered University land as a site for a new pro-
theatre here at their Jan. 22 meeting.
resolution expressing their approval of the national reportory
iroposed by producers Tyrone Guthrie and Oliver Rae, they
operation and necessary land providing that adequate funds
ecured from other sources to cover the estimated $2 million
and $300,000 annual operating costs.
resolution does not commit the University to financial spon-
r underwriting responsibilities in any way, but merely makes
available if Guthrie chooses Ann Arbor, one of three cities
d, as a site. Guthrie will announce his decision by the end



E Stirn1





March. The announcement was
ostponed because of a heart at-
ck recently suffered by Guthrie.
Rumors that the University of
innesota, also in the running,
ad offered him five acres of hill-
p land as part of plans for a
ew art center were recently dis-
redited by Minnesota officials,
nd Rae maintains that no pre-
ninary decision has been hade.
There is some possibility that
e University will tie in the new
eatre with plans for a North
ampus cultural center of its own,
long-standing project, but no
nfirmation of this is yet avail-

.. . not a candidate

I for contempt

Is' Fight


indler Davis, former Uni-
nath instructor, recently
an invitation to speak be-
mathematics colloquium
his six-month jail term
=npt of Congress, begun
k, interferes.
gh he regrets missing the
o meet with his old col-
the 33-year-old mathe-
has no qualms about the,
rm nor any regrets about
is which led to it.
six-year court fight for
to hold and express his
political convictions of-
aided in temporary defeat
morning as he surren-
federal officials in Grand
4 Before Committee
Davis, then a University
, was called before the
Un-American Activities
e in 1954, he refused to
ny questions alluding to
ical affiliations on the
hat they interfered with
Amendment rights to
h, press and association.
eged communist was sub-
dismissed by the Uini-
idicted for contempt of
fined and sentenced to
is of prison. Each in his"
s of appeals to the ver-
refused, the term of his
was set last month, and
an cancelling his plans
issions of his court battle
iverlty dismissal still
vls, who now holds an
position on "Mathemat-
ubt of Respectability,
h there has "never been
t of my respectability"
i colleagues in the math
, Davis admitted he has;
en able to find any job
rsity community as good
" he held here,
his voice slightly, he
t the University commit-
dismissed him in 1954
ve realistically assumed
were expelling me from
mic profession."
e DAVIS, page 8

Regents Vote
All of the Regents voted for the
proposal except Regent Frederick
C. Matthael of Ann Arbor who ab-
stained. Matthaei's son, Konrad,
is chairman of the theatre's spon-
sors committee and is currently
engaged in raising contributions to}
cover building costs from Detroit
President Harlan Hatcher called
the proposal "a guiding statement
for further negotiations if they
come up. We have high respect
for Guthrie in his professional
capacity," he commented.
Hatcher said that the University
has a "fine record" in drama and
theatre, and that "discussion of
the new theatre has gone far
enough that we ought to share it."
'Willing To Support'
"We are willing within the levels
of our resources and abilities to
support the theatre;" Regent Eu-
gene B. Power of Ann Arbor said.
The Regents "recognized that
such a development would enrich
the cultural resources of the Uni-
versity community, the city of Ann
Arbor and southeastern Michigan.
It would also contribute to' the
educational objectives of the Uni-
versity in drama and related fields.
"This action will put us on rec-
ord as wanting to do our part,"
Regent Donald Thurber of Detroit
University graduate students in
spee and drama may be able to
work with Guthrie and his cast
under the repertory setup.
Commend Action
The temporary steering com-
mittee for a repertory theatre,
headed by Prof. Wilfred Kaplan
of the mathematics department,
commended the Regents for their
action on Jan. 25.
In a message to the Regents,
they expressed "great apprecia-
tion" for the statement concerning
the new theatre, and called it "a
big step forward in our plans for
locating the theatre in Ann Arbor.

Any. Office
George Romney ended his short
flirtation with the state Republi-
can party last Saturday, when he
said he would not run for any
office this year.
He will still work for his Citi-
zens for Michigan reform move-
The American Motors Corp.
head had been mentioned as a
candidate for governor, United
States Senator and even Vice-
He said he had been tentatively
approached about the Senatorial
See Related Stories, page 10
nomination by state Republican
leaders, whom he declined to
Speaking in Ann Arbor last
Thursday, the day a Detroit news-
paper alleged he was interested in
the Vice-Presidency, and "noth-
ing less," Romney commented,
"Next thing, there will be a head-
line, 'DeGaulle Resigns in France,
Romney after Job'."
Romney said his goal in politi-
cal life is "at least one political
party more dedicated to the prin-
ciples of human liberty and Amer-
icanism than to winning the next
election, regardless of cost in po-
litical expediency.
Romney had indicated possible
interest in running for Senate un-
der the GOP banner when early
last week "totally unexpected
events disclosed the possibility of
achieving the object of one party
in Michigan freer from minority
But in his Ann Arbor address,
Romney established four obliga-
tions he had to meet before he
would even consider candidacy.
1) When Republican leaders ap-
proached him about the Senate,
Romney told them he would' do
nothing "to jeopardize the sue-
cess of Citizens for Michigan."
2) Romney said he still had re-
sponsibilities to American Motors.
3) He said he was determined
"not to take part in a political
program involving obligations to
minority groups." -
See ROMNEY, page 8

J-Hop Sales
Lag Behmd
The future of J-Hop is still very
much in doubt.
As of yesterday, only about 500
tickets to this years dance had
been sold. Under the J-Hop budget
presented to Student Government
Council, a total of 600 tickets
would have to be sold in order not
to suffer another loss. Six hundred
couples is the capacity of the
Michigan League Ballroom.
Last night Alex Fisher, '61, gen-
eral chairman, said that though
600 couples was originally the
breakeven point this is no longer
the case. He said that all the
committees were under their bud-
get and so savings would be made
here. He also pointed out that
money will be coming from the
Johnny Mathis concert and from
the dance booklet. Fisher added
that there would not be a large
loss and there might be a good
However, one member of the
central committee said that she
did not expect the dance would be
continued if 600 tickets were not
sold. This same attitude was
brought out by members of the
Council during discussion of this
year's budget. They seemed to feel
that if J-Hop suffered another
drop of student interest and thus
was unable to make expenses, this
year's J-Hop would be the last.
In the past SGC has made up any
deficit incurred by J-Hop.
In the middle of January, Fisher
announced that 350 tickets had
been sold and that they did not
e'xpect any difficulty in selling the
remaining tickets. Last year when
the dance was also held in the
League only 566 couples attended
but he expected an increase this
year which, however, seems not to
be realized.
The decrease in popularity be-
gan after 1955. In that year 1350
tickets were sold. The total fell
each year until last year only 566
couples attended.
After the loss of $500 in 1958,
the dance was shifted from the,
I14 Building to the League to save
money. Over the last few years
many innovations have been used
in hopes of saving the big dance.
First the dance was shifted from
its middle of the week spot to the
weekend and in recent years other
ways have been used to draw stu-
dents to the dying dance. This
-year a concert by Johnny Mathis
tonight was added to add interest
to the J-Hop weekend.
The J-Hop will be held tomor-
row night in the League from 9:30
to 2 a.m. Tickets are still on sale
in Rm. 2503 of the Student Activi-
ties Bldg.

REGISTRATION 1960-Rough estimates of the students who have already gone through registration
place University enrollment for the spring semester at more than ;5,000. Exact figures will be available
after registration, but no appreciable increase over last semester's total is expected. Transfer students,
both graduate and undergraduate, number approximately 1,000.
University To Lose Department. Chief

Rise in
Not Ex
I ' - _ _ I _ _-

Prof. Leo Goldberg, chairman
of the astronomy department and
top space scientist, announced
Tuesday he will leave the Univer-
His confirmation came in the
wake of a warning from Gov. G.
Mennen Williams last week that:
"The University of Michigan is
about to lose one of its outstand-
ing scientists because there is no
What's Inside
Today's Daily
Coming cultural events--
Program Notes V. 2

money available for needed re-
search too'ls."
It is said Prof. Goldberg will go
to Harvard, where an $80 million
program to expand its facilities
(particularly scientific equipment)
is underway,
Expect Liller's Resignation
University officials assume Prof.
William Liller of the astronomy
department will go with Prof.
The space scientist's resigna-
tion could be blamed primarily on
frustrations from lack of office
space for the department and lim-
ited research facilities, officials
agreed. Astronomers function in
an observatory which is so crowd-
ed some desks must be placed in
the halls.
Although Prof. Goldberg re-
fused to say exactly why he is
leaving, he issued the following
Would Sharpen Dissension
"In view of statements already
made in the press, it is clear that
if I were to make public my rea-
sons for leaving the University of
Michigan the result would be to
sharpen further the political dis-
sension that has already caused
so much damage to the University
of Michigan and to the state,
"This wouldnot be constructive
and I would not do it. Certainly
the inability of the state to pro-
vide badly needed facilities has
frustrated what appears to be an
exceptional opportunity for the

University to achieve top rank in
"The people of the state of
Michigan must be made to realize
that the University of Michigan
is one of their great resources for
the future and that it must be
supported as a matter of highest
Need Sustained Support
"This support has got to be on
a sustained and regular basis. You
cannot leave the University in a
sort of state of suspended anima-
tion for a few years and expect
to find it is still a great Univer-
sity when you come back. A posi-
tive demonstration by the people
of Michigan of the value they
place on their University would do
far more good at this time than
all of the debates in the world'
about why, faculty members re-
State legislators who have
charge of appropriations say they
weren't told just how badly the
University needs astronomy facil-
See 'U', page 8

will pr(

Michigan's constitutional w
convention p. 3
Al Young reviews the new
Kerouac book p. 4
Sports news pp.-6, 7
ROTC problems at other
colleges p. 8
Citizens for Michigan p. 10
Sports news pp. 2, 3, 4, 5
NDEA Affidavit controversy
p. 7
Anti-Semitism at other
colleges p. 8
Administrative Dean Robert
Williams' explores the
"Current Challenge to
Higher Education" p. 9

By CAl
Total Uni
credit progra
more than2
officials yeste
,Edward G
of registrati
not anticipa
increase." ove
of 25,125, wh
registered in
programs tot
"There see
crease year
can't predict
the present i

mately equal- distribution bete
undergraduate and graduate-
fessional students.
Intra-University transfers :
one unit to another are stil
on atthe rate of almost 200a
Byron Groesbeck, assistant d
for of admission, reported.
The record spring enrollr
was set in 1958, with 26,023
dests enrolled in credit progr
Temporary Housing
Mark Noffsinger, resident
visor of South Quadrangle,
that all entering students:
been accommodated and no
is now in temporary housing
Temporary quarters, set ui
South Quad's ninth floor ac(
modated a total of 12 stud
No more than five were' ho
there at any one time in the
week, he said.
John Hale, assistant dea
men, said that the number of
dents living in the quads is '
haps a few less than before
Women Accommodated
Assistant Dean of Women
B. Fuller reported all erit
women students have also
accommodated. There are a
vacancies left in the womens
mitories, she added.
Student Government Coun
Sigma Kappa committee vo
last night 4-1 to recommi
that SGC consider whether
not Sigma Kappa sorori'ty
Inow in violation of Univer
Daily Offers
For Studentls




'U' Dedicates Facilities for Mental Health Research'

The $1.5 million Mental Health Research Institute building was1
formally dedicated Friday as the newest addition to the growing
campus and the University Medical Center.
The Institute was first established in temporary quarters four
years ago. Its purpose, which will be greatly facilitated by the new
structure, is a concerted attack on the basic problems in mental
health. This serious problem has been estimated to cause a loss to
the American people of $3 billion and 325,000 man-hours.
The three floors of the building, across from the Kresge Re-
search Center, house various electronic devices to test brain functions
and stress reactions of both animal and human subjects.
List Facilities
In the building are a sanitary and well-equipped animal operat-
ing room, a room containing complex electronic equipment for brain
studies of animals is shielded entirely with copper, and another room
used for studying stress reactions is surrounded by one-way windows'
which allow scientists to observe subjects without being seen. This
is one of the facilities which the Air Force will use in testing for its
space flight program.
Laboratories for testing drugs used by mental patients and a
large bio-chemistry laboratory equipped with walk-in hot and cold
rooms are some of the other research faculties of the Institute's new

Voice Ideas
In the chaos of Orientation
groups, indoctrinational lectures
and movies, and the ultimate con-
trivance, mixers and planned
Coke dates," the freshmen have
maintained minds and reactions
of their own.
I came to Michigan because it
has a really academic atmos-
phere," one serious-faced fresh-
man said earnestly. "It's not as
social as some, other schools."
This girl, a math major from
Chicago, expressed a few non-
academic views; she wants to join
the 'Ensian staff, and work on
"I think orientation is dumb,"
she exploded, -"They don't do any-
thing at all. The things we did for
four days we could have done on
our own in two."
A boy in her orientation group
wasn't so sure. "I think it's a good
idea, except that when they are.
organizing it they should let us-
know what they are trying to ac-
complish with each thing."
This freshman, also from Chi-
cago, is a prospective journalism
Their first reactions to the size
and complications'°of the Univer-
sity were individual, and yet typi-
cally freshman. "When you first
come you feel lost," the girl said,
"but even after you've been here

The time is ripe for
talent to make themse
The flexible news ar
ing columns of The
Daily are the place ti
rise to campus not
Introductory meetin
held during the er
school with sessions
Feb. 10 and Thursday
7:30 p.m. and Friday,
4:15 p.m. All Ineetir
held in the Student 1
Editorial staff trair
given a chance to inte
national students9 a
their writing technique



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