Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Publish or Perish: A iscussion Opinions Are Free .h Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staf writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. DAY, MARCH 20, -960 NIGHT EDITOR: KENNETH McELDOWNEY AS I SEE TBy THOMAS TURNER PIRESIDENT Dwight D. Eisenhower's proposal for a new immigration law is sound, though t does not fully carry out its implicit philos- >phy. The President (by inference) attacked the ,wo fundamental aspects of the existing Mc- Darran-Walter Act: the low number of immi- grants allowed into the United States each rear, and still more significant, the inequitable 'national origins" basis for determining ad- nissions quotas. Were Eisenhower's proposal enacted, the umber of immigrantion quota-spaces per rear would be doubled, from 154,000 to 308,000. [he new total would be fixed at one-sixth of me per cent of the United States population, sing the census of 1960 rather than that of L920 as does the McCarran-Walter Act. The date of the census employed is not mportant. What is, is the recognition that nany people throughout the world need a :bance at A better way of life, and that the United States ought to assume a greater share >f. the responsibility for giving them this :hance than it has done in the past. EISENHOWER would discard the notion of basing immigration quotas on the racial ind ethnic composition of the population in .920, and would substitute a new base, the iumber of immigrants actually accepted from ach area between 1924 and 1959. The United States would thus accept immi- rants in terms of what might be called "dem- nstrated need" for immigration. Britain and her neighbors of Northwestern Europe, which perennially fail to fill their guotas, would be allotted a smaller share of he immigration total. More immigrants would e admitted from Italy and other South Euro- ean countries which have perenially over- ibscribed their quotas. 'INCE THE proportion of persons desiring Immigration to those able to do so will no loubt continue to increase in the more popu- ots areas of the world, the immigration system nust be flexible. risenhower's proposal meets his need in three ways. 4irst, unused quotas would be distributed imong nations with oversubscribed quotas. Second, the current restrictive limit on Iuotas within the "Asiatic-Pacific triangle" would be removed, Third, "many thousands of peoples who are efugees without a country as a result of poli- ical upheavals and their flight from persecu- ion" would be allowed to enter. L IN ALL, the President's proposal would have the United States set a modest limit i Immigration-a number of immigrants it eels it can absorb each year without undue rain-then apply that quota as best it can W world needs, with certain restrictions. The >nly question left unanswered is "Why not ninimize these restrictions?" Sen. John Kennedy posed that question, in ffeet, when he suggested some months ago hat immigration quotas be based on world >opulation-distribution. He would incorporate Cwo of the same provisions for flexibility as Oisenhower suggests. These are transferability f unused quotas and special provisions for 'efugees. The Kennedy proposal goes farthest oward meeting the obligation of the United States to do the most it can for the peoples if the world, helping those who want the help. INCE THIS obligation seems a simple enough concept to grasp, one might think a new mmigration law would win easy Congressional pproval. Watchdog Francis Walter, co-author if McCarran-Walter, has served notice that his is not the ease. At risk of seeming to set up a straw man, herefore, it might be wise to examine a defense i the current law. The conservative newsletter 'Human Events" published such an article in ts February 11 issue. Written by President vllton M. Lory of the American Coalition of patriotic Societies (sic), it was entitled "Immi- pration: 1960 Issue - The Walter-McCarran Pct is Again Being Attacked." Lory begins by impugning the motives of hose who disagree with him (as did Walter in ommenting on Eisenhower's speech): "It's an election year, and office-hungry poll- Icians ... are redoubling their attack on the Valter-McCarran Act, willing to sacrifice our Editorial Staff THOMAS TURNER. Editor 'HILIP POWER ERRO BERT JUNKER ditorial Director City Editor O HARDEE ................. Contributing Editor IM BENAGH. . ....... ........ Sports Editor ETER DAWSON ..,....... Associate City Editor HARLES KOZOLL ........ .. Personnel Director JOAN KAATZ...... Magazine Editor ARTON HUTHWAITE .. Associate Editorial Director RED KATZ ............Associate Sports Editor AVE LYON............Associate Snorts Editor carefully-wrought immigration system for an- other term in office, regardless of .the conse- quences fot the Nation. They are being joined in the efforts by the Communists (who have their own ends in mind), by professional "lib- erals" and spokesmen for minority ethnic blocs, and by a large number of misguided citizens who are unaware of the actual provisions of the Act and of the dangers threatening if any of a host of amendments, currently hanging fire, are adopted." Lory defends the Act as "misunderstood," pointing out that before 1952 "a confusing welter of complicated and conflicting statutes, passed at various times, comprised the immi- gration 'policy' of the United States." Majorities in both houses of Congress fa- vored the Act, he notes, as did the State De- partment, Justice Department, Central Intelli- gence Agency, and "organizations of citizens of Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Filipino de- scent-surprising supporters of a law so often branded 'racist'." He refutes the "racist" charge by noting that the McCarran-Walter Act "removed the racial barriers of previous immigration law, deter- mining quotas for all nations, European and Asiatic, on the same basis ... Y THIS TIME one reading the article will be wondering whether Lory is ever going to get around to discussing what's good about the Act, instead of why it seemed good at the time of enactment and who supported it at that time. This he finally does, in a way, by discussing the national origin basis for quotas, which is "the heart of our immigration policy." He explains the present system, and shows how the Kennedy plan and other proposed in Congress differ from it. The others are in most respects similar to that of Eisenhower or of Kennedy. They all seek to alter the national, origins system. "These and similar proposals," Lory writes, "would not only increase immigration, but they would change its character radically, since between 1920 and 1950 (several of the proposals he mentions would substitute the 1950 census for that of 1920) great numbers of non-quota immigrants came in under refu- gee and other special acts. The refugees are largely from Eastern and Southern Europe, so opponents of the proposed amendments are frequently branded as 'bigots'." 'WHAT'S WRONG with Eastern and South- ern Europeans?" one is tempted to ask. Lory has an answer. Most of these immgirants reside In large metropolitan areas, where they form voting blocs. Large influxes of new immigrants would swell these blocs, adding to the power of the bosses who would trade votes for new immigra- tion-quota favors, and . . Thus, the conservative would abandon the whole idea because it's more risky. Or at any rate, he would use non-riskiness as an impor- tant criterion for quotas. British immigrants are hardly likely to form a "bloc" these days, nor are Belgians. (But they're not too likely to want to come, either, and in the meantime there are people whom this country could help.) Lory raises another such objection, citing the problem of detecting Communists among the refugees admitted. Again, he argues not to the philosophical justification of the McCarran- Walter Act, but to dangers in changing it. H E NEVER comes closer to this central point. The final section of his article is devoted to miscellaneous arguments against increasing the quota. The United States herself is getting crowded, while Australia, the Dutch end of New Guinea, and large portions of Africa and South America need more people.. For the United States to weaken herself by taking too many immigrants would be to let down the Western defenses which depend on her strength. Nor could even a doubled quota substantially ease the world's population problem, because that problem is such a monumental one. He never asks himself why the United Sattes should not do as much as it can to help. "Unless the United States simply admits everyone who want to come, there is no feasible method of admitting more immigrants that would do anything except multiply our own problems," he reasons, THE QUESTION of the inequity of the pres- ent national origins quota system cannot be answered by defenders of the McCarran- Walter Act, it can only be circled. But to get new immigration law (such as that suggested by the President, or by Sen. Kennedy), will require a substantial demonstration of concern by the voters. Mail to Congress will certainly help. Ne Rooks at the Library (Continued from Page 1) MEMBERS of the faculty as well as of the Administra- tion have some definite ideas about publish or perish. "The English department fol- lows the declared policy of the Iteira rycolel literary college," Prof. Arthur M. Eastman explained. "We live by it quite well, but some other de- partments don't. "Publication versus teaching is a confused effort to establish gen- eral rather than personal princi- ples. I believe in the British tra- dition of 'muddling through' in respect to people, and- in dealing with them individually. The esti- mate of a man's worth is the cen- tral concern. Publication gives you one kind of very special evidence of a man's worth," Prof. Eastman said, "but only one kind." Is there a pressure to "publish or else?" "Publication lets the world know you," Prof. Eastman said. "It's a quiet form of advancing onto stage center, and the Uni- versity gets embarrassed about those who don't walk out onto stage center." * * * PROF. MARVIN Felheim, also of the English department, thinks "there is a necessity for profes- sional attitudes on the part of teachers bothtoward scholarship and teaching. "As I see it, we give -lip service to good teaching and don't really pay enough attention to it," he said. "It's a curious thing, but most college teachers are not pro- fessionally involved enough--they don't inform themselves sufficient- ly well about the nature of the profession. Most people here don't bother or care. We say we're in- terested in teaching, but do noth- ing real about it." Prof. Felheim also commented on the third area considered be- sides teaching and research for promotion. "It's called euphemis- tically 'service'," he said, "but I would call it politics - making oneself indispensable around the University in several ways." Prof. Singer agreed with this. "Although one of the University's major virtues is a well-balanced approach to teaching and re- search, administrative activities sometimes get greater weight than teaching and research. "ONE OF our biggest diseases today is that we're over-adminis- tered," Prof. Singer contended. REASEARCH AND PUBLICATION: DOES THE YOUNG SCIENTIST NEED THEM FOR PROMOTION? "We're too formalized. There's a lot of make-work, more than we need even for the size of this place." Prof. Helen Peak of the psychol- ogy department, a member of the Senate Advisory Committee's sub- committee on the improvement of emphasis on administrative activ- instruction; also stressed the great ities. "Many of us are not regarded as administrators, but are doing administrative work," she said. "There are so many pressures to make speeches, be consultants, and the like, that I think it quite odd that publication has been asked to bear the brunt. .* * * "SOME OF the problem is in the size of the University," Prof. Peak maintained. "Everything you do takes more time. So many dif- ferent departments are involved that it's difficult to communicate with all' the people you need to see. So much time is spent not even in meetings - but getting start once you do, that the there, and waiting for things to amount of lost motion is depreks- ing." Commenting specifically on pub- lish or perish, she said that "This ignores the possible intrinsic in- terest in research. The statement is made as though publication is the main competitor of teaching, and has no value in itself except for promotion. There may be good professional reasons for research." "It's true," she said, "that teaching has too little time spent on it, but everything we do has. too little time spent on it." ** * "THIS PROBLEM of publish or perish is more acute at large uni- versities, such as Michigan," Prof. Norman E. Kemp of the zoology department declared. "In the small college there is not such a great pressure to publish, "The Administration here very definitely takes into account one's efforts in teaching," he said. "But I don't think they reward good teaching as much as they do good research." Teaching and research are not opposed activities at all, Prof. Kemp said. "But a professor wants to do well in both, and has to choose. The basic thing is to do a job that will satisfy our consciences, and there is also enough showman, in us to want to do something that will be recognized by our col- leagues. "A good researcher may also be competent in teaching," Prof. Kemp noted, "but he often doesn't take as much time to prepare as he might. It all boils down to content in the course. Most of them could be outstanding teach- ers, if they made the effort. "BUT I think it's always true that the ones most active in re- search are the ones first pro- moted," he commented. "A person with a good research record is wanted by other Universities. To keep him, they have to promote him. If a professor does a good job in teaching he will be pro- moted, in time, but teaching won't lead to advancement so rapidly. "My feeling is that this dispar- ity between the reward for teach- ing and that for research may be LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Writers Discuss Irish, Picketing To the Editor: M R. O'DAY in his letter of 18th March stated that The Daily article on St. Patrick's Day "left an erroneous impression of the situation in Ireland." May I hasten to correct the even more "errone- ous impression" created by Mr. O'Day's letter? Mr. O'Day states that "The first error is the impression that some Irish are Orange." The Irish na- tional flag is green, white and orange (or would Mr. O'Day pre- fer to say gold?). Green symbolizes the nationalist element and orange the Protestant element in Irish life united by the. white of Chris- tianity. Why is there orange in the national flag if there are no Prot- estant Irish? The Bunreacht nah Eireann (the Constitution of Eire) recognizes Protestant Irish. To quote a former Southern Irish senator "Under the existing Con- stitution of Eire Protestants have full civic and national rights, as Irishmen and as Protestants. Any assertion that they would be bet- ter Irishmen if they changed their religion must be refuted" (W. B. Stanford). MANY OF THE nationalist leaders have been Protestant - Wolfe Tone, Thomas Davis and Eire's first President under the new Constitution - Douglas Hyde. While Shaw, Sheridan and Gold- smith may be regarded as Anglo- Irish does Mr. O'Day deny Irish ancestry to Sean O'Casey and W. B. Yeats (to name but two) on the grounds that they were Prot- estant? Two other famous Irish- men - Dean Swift and Bishop Berkely - were both Protestant ecclesiastics, If all that is truly Irish is Ro- SORBONNE: Girls Experience Student Life man Catholic could Mr. O'Day ex- plain some of the following facts? That the only two Cathedrals in Dublin are Episcopal, not Roman Catholic. That St. Patrick's grave is also in Episcopal territory. That the Protestants, but not the Ro- man Catholics, hold a pilgrimage on St. Patrick's Day. Mr. O'Day's suggestion that the non-Catholic (i.e. non-Irish in his terminology) should leave Ireland is as sensible as suggesting that America should be given back to the Indians. -Robert M. Farr, Grad. icketi.. To the Editor: Y WOULD LIKE to correct and clarify several statements which your staff member Henry Lee at- tributed to me in his news story of Friday covering a talk to the Political Issues Club and in his editorial of Saturday, "Sit-Ins and Pickets: Con." .. 1) CORE Method and Strategy:. Mr. Lee quotes me as saying all efforts toward integration must be made on the basis of passive re- sistance. I did not say this, nor do I believe that they should. There is definitely a place for direct ac- tion of the sort used by CORE (Congress of Racial Equality), but I am quite aware that not all phases of the complex.problem of discrimination in this country can be solved by any one technique. I am also aware that not all in- dividuals who are concerned and want to do something have the same talents and resources: some work more effectively through one approach; others, through an- other. We discussed this at some length during the question period -after Mr. Lee left to turn in his story, I believe. I would like to stress the fact that the CORE approach is not limited to the sit-ins, standing lines, pickets and boycotts which Mr. Lee emphasized. These tech- niques are last resort measures when efforts at persuasion and negotiation fail to produce results. CORE does use them, but only after testing situations personally, discussing the issue with the man- agement, and seeking change through non - pressure methods. Management is always told before a CORE group begins to use direct action. 1"nI W n*_i. tiy ^"v a+Amn group distributed leaflets inform- ing Negroes of recently passed anti-discrimination laws in hous- ing. * * * 2) CORE'S Role in the Sit-Ins: Mr. Lee's editorial suggests CORE started the recent sit - ins in Greensboro, N.C. Students who initiated the sit-ins had received CORE literature describing ac- tion technfiues, but they them- selves began the local protest which has spread over the South. After the sit-in in Greensboro began, assistance from the na- tional office was requested and granted. On the national level, CORE personnel have conferred- with officials of Woolworth and Kress. 3) NAACP and Direct Action: Mr. Lee also quotes me incorrectly as stating that the NAACP is now "favoring the methods of or- ganizations like CORE." He him- self thinks, "The NAACP has made a mistake by preferring passive resistance to educational means." I would like to clarify the NAACP's position, as I understand it. Thursday night I noted that Thurgood Marshall,. Chief Legal Counsel, NAACP, has said on sev- eral occasions that the drive should now be on community organiza- tion, recognizing the fact that the fight for integration cannot be won in the courts alone. I indicated the NAACP realizes legal victories are fruitless, unless individuals and groups in the com- munity cooperate to change prac- tices after the law is changed. Mr. Marshall is defending some of the students involved in the North Carolina sit-ins and NAACP branches in the South are sup- porting arrested students. It is inaccurate to say the. NAACP is giving preference to direct action' techniques, however. While the NAACP has done some educational work, it has never been an "edu- cational" organization. 4) Repressive Laws: Mr. Lee quoted me correctly as saying that historically segregation laws have been passed as issues come up, and for this reason tend to be spotty, not covering many areas which are segregated by custom. I also said that new laws will probably be passed in the deeper South, as they were in response, to the Su- more acute in the sciences," Prof. Kemp -said. "I'm not sure." Outside of the literary college the publish or perish issue doesn't seem to be any issue at all. IN ENGINEERING school, for example, "We have the relaxed view that individual achievements count for more, than an organized formula," Prof. John C. Kohl ex- plained. "Departments are the core here, too, and though there Is some variation within them, to my knowledge, no real pressure to publish is exerted. The first requi- site is a good job of teaching." This might seem paradoxical since, accordin gto Prof. Kohl, the opportunity for publication In trade and technical journals in the engineering field' is probably much greater than in most other areas. "But there are so many opportunities for engineers dustry that a person drawn to a teaching post must really enjoy It and be good at it," he said. * * * ONE DOES not necessarily per- ish for lack of publication 'in the education school either, it would seem. "There is no particular tech- nique and no set policy In promo- tion in 'the education school," Prof. Byron O. Hughes said. "Pro, motion is determined in a broad, not rigorously specified way, which combines boldness with a reason-' able amount of democratic dislo- cation. "Research work in education is probably one of the least of the school's responsibilities" he said. Speaking of the University in gen- eral, Prof. Hughes said, "As for management of people for ad- vancemient,. few universities 4d much better than werdo-If they do, the only reason Is that they have more cash. "In order to advance in the Uni- versity," he said, "you have to do a reasonably important part of the University's work." Here he ventured that possibly the most important job of the English de- partment, for example, is to teach people to write, commenting that it would be nice to to'have to teach doctoral candidates this be- more proceeding any further. "AS FAR as I know, if you look at the list of full professors, a very large number who've moved up to the top academically in the University have done it each in a different way," he said. "There are 10,000 different ways to do it, and all you have- to do is not spread yourself too thin." "Teaching is probably the most important of the several factors taken into account for education school promotion," Prof. Algo D. Henderson agreed. Prof. Hender. son found, though, when he was dean of a liberal arts college, that "those who have the combination were by far the best faculty. They kept creatively at work, and this made them outstanding men." But he also estimated that only the" ten or fifteen percent at the top were this ideal combination. AND SO where does all this dis- cussion leave the question that started it? Must a teacher publish or perish? As President Hatcher said, the picture is indeed com- plex. The question is considerably complicated by the fact that there is a distinction between publica- tion and scholarship, and that neither publication nor scholar- ship is a necessary corollary of good teaching. "Some people who don't pub- lish are in a real sense of the word very fine scholars," President Hatcher said, illustrating this n-nint "m hp--. r.oarin d ,titv as By HARVEY MOLOTCHI Special to The Daily PARIS-After tiring of the daily routine of classes, TGIFs and sorority meetings, Carol Ference, '61, and Mary Worthing, '61, are now leading a more adventuresome life as students at the Sorbonne in Paris. The girls are living with a French family in the exciting Lat- in Quarter of the city. "The Latin Quarter houses the rebels of Paris," Miss Ference explained. "It may not be typical of France, but its extremely fascinating." Both girls are enrolled in the same courses at the university: classical art, contemporary French literature, civilization, grammar and phonetics. "All courses are taught in French and after having only two years of French at Michigan, the lan- guage barrier was a real problem," Miss Worthing said. "But now the work is much easier and not really any more difficult than the work at Michigan." / 4* * on a day-to-day basis. There are only suggested reading lists which are lengthy and quite comprehen- sive. Most of the French students seldom come to class and learn the entire course through these readings." * * * "IT'S BEEN VERY difficult for us. to meet the French students," Miss Ference explained. They are extremely serious and remain aloof from Americans and even from each other. "I think they're over-burdened with the problems of their coun- try. Even their entertainment is politically or at least philosophi- cally oriented." The efficiency of the, students as an organized political body amazed Miss Ference. "The stu- dents are constantly waging walk- out strikes against the govern- ment. Recently they even waged a strike for the government. ** * "GENERALLY, the students dis- like Americans," Miss Worthing added. "They seem to consider them shallow and superficial; they rr r}- rrra.n~rr7 A a. t e., a ,t