Publish or By ANITA PETROSHUS Publish or perish? "It's a spook!" Dean Roger W. Heyns of the literary college declared. "Everything being equal, the man who publishes is the man who rises more quickly," Assistant Dean of the literary college James H. Robertson said. "The debate is somewhat irrelevant and sterile," Prof. J. David Singer, of the political science department, said. "A good teacher who really contributes to an individual's growth must also be a serious and energetic scholar." Does the faculty member who produces a goodly amount of publication in scholarly and scientific journals have an edge on the man who's "just a teacher" when promotion time comes around, or doesn't he? Official university policy on promotion, at least in the lit- erary college, is that "chairman are enjoined to give careful at- tention to all phases of the candidate's service to the College and the University," all phases meaning teaching, research and. service. The candidate must show "a superior ability in at least one phase of his activities and have made substantial contribu- tions in the other phases." "Published and other creative work," along with "scholarly ability and attainments," comes under the heading of research qualifications. This then is the theory behind literary college promotions. It sounds fine, theoretically. But does it apply in practice? Perish: A-Fo "The total picture is complex," University President Harlan Hatcher said. "As a firm matter of policy, we do value teaching in highest terms. The University has always had the reputation of being a great teaching faculty. We emphasize this to the deans regularly as the budget period approaches. "Now," he said, "let's get practical. At the department level they tend to be quite jealous of the number and quality of pub- lications. They lay great deal of store by this standard." Needs Publications "There is a reluctance to recommend a young chemist, for example, for a professorship if he has not acquired a reputa- tion demonstrated by his publications," he said. "Occasionally a person who does no research can go forward. But he's likely not to go all the way, and advancement is likely to be very reluctant on the part of all departments." President .Hatcher maintained, however, that those at the administrative level put pressure on the departments to give heavy weight to teaching ability when evaluating faculty mem- bers for promotion. Pressure to publish does not always need to come from the department chairmen, in Robertson's opinion. "Most of our fac- ulty have things they want to say," he said. He also pointed out that although all recommendations for promotion originates in the department, the Dean and Executive Committee of the Literary College also scrutinize the list of those not recommended. If there is a question about a faculty member culty not being recommended, the department is asked why he is no, scheduled for advancement. If publish or perish does have a basis, Vice-President and Dean of Faculties Marvin Niehuss said, it is because "both good teachers and good researchers are hard to find. One of the great difficulties is the measurement of good teaching. Tangibles Emphasized "Research and publication are relied upon and mentioned more often because they are tangible," he said. "If we could bi certain we have an excellent teacher we'd be sure to push hin on as fast as anyone else. "In actual application," Niehuss said, "there are not many places where you have to choose. It's not true that teachers can' research or researchers can't teach. The same qualities are 'neces- sary for both." Heyns stressed the need for scholars, but pointed out tha publication does not necessarily Indicate a person's scholarli ness. "Publication is only a very rough index of whether a per son is capable of good sound research," he said. In any discussion of publish or perish and its validity, de- partmental balance is important, also, Robertson declared. "At a particular time," he said, "you may find a depart- ment placing special emphasis on scholarly work because of a particular need in the department at that time. The ebb and flow of personnel through retirements, leaves and resignations creates imbalance that needs correcting. See PUBLISH, Page 4 Myth -Daily-David Giltrow RESEARCH-WHAT PART DOES IT PLAY IN PROMOTIONS? EIMMIGRATION LAW INADEQUATE see Page 4 i5 r Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom 74Ia itj PARTLY CLOUDY Iligh-35-38 Low-ZO Little change in temperature. VOL. LXX, No. 120 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 1960 FIVE CENTS EIGHT PA Michigan Economy1 By NAN MARKEL What's ahead for Michigan? Look at it now-its unemployment was higher than the national rate in the 1958 recession, its state government is in financial diffi- culties, its "climate for business" has been publicized as poor . . Out of these considerations a book was born analyzing the state's assets and liabilities and peering into its future. "Harold Taylor and I were talking one night about the criticalj issues which now face Michigan," Prof. William Haber of the economics department told a news conference Friday. "We decided an analysis was needed, written by people not involved in a labor- management, Republican-Democrat fight." Write on Michigan Economy The book is "The Michigan Economy, Its Potentials and Its Problems." Just released, it was written by Prof. Haber and Director Harold Taylor and Eugene McKean of the Upjohn Institute for Employment Research. Michigan needs to provide a total of 3.8 million more jobs by 1970, the economists say. To do this, businesses must be attracted to Michigan, and industries in the state must grow. However, "We have been our own worst enemies," Prof. Haber We have assets we don't advertise that give us advantages over other states. But we continually emphasize what's wrong with Michi- gan. If anybody got up on a platform and emphasized what's right with Michigan they would be laughed at." He indicated the University is one most important asset. "We have a beginning right here of one very important element of growth-the research industries," he pointed out. "After all, what has happened around the Massachusetts and California Institutes of Technology could be duplicated here-we have only begun to scratch the surface." "The University is an educational institution but it also is a re- search institution, and its people have a lot to do with providing aids to industry. Institute Created to Aid Industry For example, the Legislature did not create the Institute of Science and Technology just to advance pure knowledge, but also to assist Michigan industry and attract new industry to the state. The experts found the two most important criteria used to decide where a factory will be located are "'wage cost differentials" and comparative transportation costs. "In comparison all other factors-including taxes-are not im- portant," they said. Still, they urged development of an equitable tax program for Michigan business, asking "top priority handling on a 'thoughtful, non-partisan'" basis by the state's civic and political leaders. Though taxes are not a major factor in plant location decisions, it seems the total tax load on Michigan business firms is higher than in competing states. (Prof. Harvey Brazer of the economics depart- ment writes in a section of the chapter: "There is reason to believe that taxes paid by business firms in Michigan are in fact higher than they are in Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. .") How does Michigan compare to Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Ken- tucky in those big two-areas-wage costs and freight costs? "From the favorable point of view, the availability in Michigan of an experienced, relatively stable,' generally well-educated labor force, possessing a variety of skills, will continue to be an advantage for the state," it is reported. "On the other hand Michigan's generally high wage structure, the higher costs here of unemployment compensation, and Michigan's image as a 'union-dominated' state could deter manufacturers, especially those from outside the state, from carrying on operations in Michigan." As for freight costs, the book declared, "not enough is known about Michigan's transportation position to provide an over-all evalu- ation Both advantages and disadvantges can be noted." A study is suggested, according to plans of the Fantus Service detailed in the appendix. Other avenues for research are also sug- gested; the authors point out the book is more an exploratory study than anything else. Point Out Lines of Advance Its "exploration" has pointed out several lines for advance, which Upjohn Institute Director Taylor listed at Friday's news conference. These are: 1) Improve Michigan's reputation-"the bad reputation of a state is much like the reputation of a person: a bad reputation is easily acquired, but it is overcome with some difficulty." 2) Step up promotion of industrial development--"I have a feel- ing the Governor and others view the state's present department of economic development with mixed feelings." I Q k ... .. e a.,afivn+ Tinehivan4 + tannmotA~tinnnoblem. Chris Iman To Give U Senate Seat By PHILIP SHERMAN Sen. Lewis C. Christman (R-Ann Arbor) will call it quits after a, local and state political career of over 20 years. He will "leave it to the younger fellows" after serving five terms in the House and three in the Senate. Christman took to the occasion to give a veiled slap to one of his local colleagues, Rep. George Sal- lade (R-Ann Arbor), who is bid- ding for the GOP nomination for Lieutenant Governor. The 72- year-old Christman will support Sallade's opponent, Sen. Edward Hutchinson (R-Fennville). Want Conservative "I want a.eservative, consUV. tutional Republican, which is what Hutchinson is," he said. On the basis of his recent voting record,t Christman says, Sallade does not fill the bill. Sallade called Christman's move "the best break my campaign has had locally to date, and I don't think the statement needs any elaboration." Christman will remain neutral in the probable gubernatorial race between Sen. Carlton H. Morris (R-Kalamazoo) and Paul D. Bag- Students Picket With Passive. Stores. Here Demonstratio 4 4T Protestors May ReceiveI SGC Support Council To Consider Endorsement Plans By JEAN SPENCER Student Government Council will consider two motions Wednesday which if passed will give support to student demonstrations against local stores. Al Haber, '60, Council member who will introduce the motions, said they "recognize the fact that beliefs in opposition to descrimi- nation are meaningless unless car- ried into action." The first motion asks that SGC give official support and endorse- ment to the "direct non-violent action" being taken against The Cousins Shop." File Report The City Council has filed a report from the Human Relations Commission which charges Mrs. Jenny Cousins, proprietor of the Cousins Shop, with discrimination against a Negro customer and re- fusal to cooperate with the com- mission. The motion calls for the Council to encourage students to express their opposition by (a) talking to the proprietress of the shop indi- vidually, (b) supporting and par- ticipating in picketing, and (c) withdrawing their patronage from the shop and encouraging others to do so. The motion includes a state- ment that SGC feels this policy of protest and economic boycott should be maintained until the shop indicates a change in policy. Test Cases Haber said a number of test cases run last week demonstrated that continued action is necessary. Economic pressure on the store as a means of encouraging a policy change will also demonstrate unity among the people of the Univer- sity community with the general movement for racial equality, he said. Haber's second motion calls for similar support and endorsement for demonstrations against the local branches of Woolworth and Kresge retail chain stores. The motion asks student ex- pression of opposition to these policies by (a) writing to the national office, (b) talking to the manager of the local outlet to encourage him to put pressure on the national, (c) supporting and participating in picketing, and (d) withdrawing their patronage from the store. Maintain Boycott The second motion calls for this -s u-n- - rtrrn~lrt i -a in n- }.. r', < Ia. . . '>5 GroupPlans Continuation Duringl Week Fifty Stage Protests On Second Saturday Against Alleged Bias By THOMAS HAYDEN Students yesterday picketed loca stores for the second consecutive Saturday and prepared for a pos sible week-long demonstration in front of The Cousins Shop begin ning tomorrow. About 50 demonstrators -- hal as many as last week-partici pated in the non-violent picketinj of F. W. Woolworth's and Th Cousins Shop. The Cousins Shop has been ac cused of discrimination agains a Negro shopper by the Human Relations Commission in a repor filed with the City Council. Boycotted in South Many southern members o Woolworth's national chain ar currently being boycotted to alleged anti-Negro acts. This week the national chain announced ii would continue segregation or pos sibly close its lunch counters unti Southern public opinion agreed t a change. The local demonstrations are in tended "to impress upon the popu lation the seriousness of the prob lem," group spokesman John Leg gett, Grad., said. "We want t mobilize public sentiment." Picketing of The Cousins Sho resumes tomorrow, Leggett said to stress its importance as a loci issue. He explained not enougl personnel are available to picke Woolworth's or S. S. Kresge-th Ann. Arbor stores whose nationa chains are involved in disputes i the South.' Picketing Stopped The group picketed Kresge' along with The Cousins Shop an Woolworth's last week, but du partly to misunderstandings di not picket Kresge's this weel Leggett said. "We knew Woolworth's had an nounced this week they would no change their national policies a abiding by local customs. But wi did not know until later tha Kresge's had taken the same stand. In addition, we didn't kno if enough people would appear i picket both Kresge's stores as we as Woolworth's and Cousins." Leggett said he "anticipates some difficulties in carrying out th picketing during this school week since students have primary obl: gations to studying." Picketing .wl begin at 1 p.m. tomorrow. SAsk Directory -Daily--David Glltr< Tom Patterson, Union President. LEWIS C. CHRISTMAN -. . to step down well. He praised both men and said the "conservative-progressive" issue that is being raised will be clearly defined by primary time. He would support either candi- date in the November election. Increase Expenditures Christman thinks the biggest trend in the future will be further increases in state expenditures to provide for growing population. "I think we've gone ahead about as fast as we could in view of the amount of revenue," he said. Now the big problem is to re- vamp the financial structure of the state. Christman expects a solution next year, and predicts it will take the form of a flat rate income tax. - Ann Arbor Councilman Russell J. Burns, who has been mentioned By PETER STUART The intent young man with closely-cropped hair who had been listening quietly to the discussion with his chair bal- anced back against the wall, dropped the chair onto its four legs and leaned forward across the end of the long table, un- consciously fingering his ma- hogany gavel.' "We must remember that the Michigan Union, just like every other students organization on this campus, is fulfilling a spe- cific role," he told those lining either side of the table, "Because the purpose of each group is simply to do certain things for the students, there is no reason why they should constantly compete with one another. Union-Leader "Let's make the Union the leader in ending this senseless- and disastrous-battle of ac- tivities." It was a little speech the Union's executive council had heard it nresident. ThomasG . tions on the campus fight among themselves." Activities Have Place Tom concedes that this Uni- versity will never be one in which extra - curricular activ- ities are highly emphasized, but he is convinced each existing activity has its place and always will. "The missing element in most campus organizations is per- haps the most important: per- spective. "They should re - evaluate themselves in terms of what they can best do for the stu- dent and how they fit into the whole pattern of student ac- tivities. When this is done, the various groups will see they, must cooperate with each other and the student will find he is being better served." Problem in Perspective The main problemTom says, is to communicate the idea of perspective to the rank and file workers of organizations. They are often so indoctrinated with the idealism of their respective the students, through services which better fulfill their needs and wants. Projects Expanded "We tried to learn which pro- jects. are most appreciated by students, and consequently ex- panded ones, like Airflight to Europe and the Creative Arts Festival. At the same time, we promoted and improved our most widely used facilities, such as meeting rooms and the ball- room." In addition, under Tom's direction the Union has acted as pioneer in an intensified effort to work with its fellow.organi- zations instead of ignoring or even competing against them. Many of the Union's intentional gestures of good will were taken with something less than ap- preciation, but Tom feels worth- while progress was made. Such setting of policy and decision-making has been for him the most valuable asset of the Union job. "I say that only in retrospect," he explains, "for at first the responsibility was -0 ,_vbl sr R -irYa _ __ a sr a :j5 *j C.} Cs54 IN ! -- - 4