"You Must Learn To Help Yourself"
Seventieth Year
hen Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"
editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
A Pathetic Tragedy
"A WOMAN, Like Satan"/ marks Brigette Bardot's latest cinematic
exposure to Ann Arbor. It further marks my first exposure to Miss
Bardot (and don't think I'm not' blushing). I must confess to having
awaited the film with a certain degree of skepticism-created, no doubt,
by adverse somments concerning her earlier work.
With this picture, however, Miss Bardot bids fair to establish an
acting tradition uniquely her own. The film itself is a masterful synthe-
sis of some of the greatest themes of western civilization, and runs the
gamut of living experience from sex to free love. Blending such diverse,
complex ingredients as the themes of "Don Juan" and "Carmen" (and
there seem to be further alusions to "Macbeth," "Tristan," and the Book
AY. MARCH 19, 1960
Paul Bagwell Will Rogers
Versus the Academy
IAUL BAGWEML may be very much the poli-
tician, but he is also very much the profes-
ir. At least this is the strongest impression he
ave during his recent visit to the campus for
speech to the Young Republicans..
Especially in answering questions, Bagwell
'nds to list a long number of facts, even quote
few "sources," and from these facts, derives
is answer. And on the basis of the facts he
Nooses to give, of course, the answer must
Another aspect of the scholastic Bagwell is
is dislike for the terms "conservative" and
.iberal." He refuses to use them to label polh-
clans, for they tend to stratify thinking and
e far too general to be accurate. A candidate
ke "Young Turk" George Wahr Sallade, who
a practicing politician, never hesitates to
se labels; most good politicians do use them.
ut not Bagwell, at least not yet.
S A GOOD academic, Bagwell also empha-
sizes issues, seemingly without too much of a
ght touch. His humor is unfortunately heavy-
anded. This may cost him something. At least
candidate who is willing to Joke about his
pponents has never been hurt, and Bagwell,
oes not appear as if he is going to be able to
oke. Like Vice-President Nixon, he will be a
arling of old ladies; but he may not appeal
> the less seriously inclined voters who de-
ermine election results.
But Bagwell's political experience in the
Est few years has not been lost on him; though
e may be a bit stiff-backed, he is also a poli-
cian. He made a special effort to direct praise
o Ann Arbor Mayor Cecil 0. Creal who was
a the audience. "Cec," as Ann Arborites and
agwell, among others call him, will no doubt
e an important man to be on good terms with
' Bagwell choses to run.
However Bagwell's propensity for verbiage
may hurt him politically, no matter how many
mayors he knows. Hubert Humphrey talks a
lot too, but not in the same way. Granted Bag-
well has quotes from Plato, Aristotle, John
Stuart Mill and Walter Bagehot no doubt
aimed at the University audience, still an over-
dose of this tendency could bear bad results
in an election campaign. Americans have gen-
erally preferred the wisdom of Will Rogers to
that of Plato's Academy.
BE THIS AS IT may, Bagwell personally also
has a great many political plusses. He is a
big, handsome man, notwithstanding the dam-
age done to him by an early bout with polio.
Bagwell, apparently, has never exploited the
"sympathy vote" his condition might have
earned him, and for this he must be compli-
mented. In politics, personality is one thing,
false emotionalism another.
He speaks loudly and clearly, and has the firm
handshake every good politician must have. And
if he is not particularly jocular, neither is he
bombastic or outspoken. He gives the impres-
sion of unimpeachable integrity when he
speaks; he really believes it.
On the basis of much conjecture, shallow
knowledge and other suspect grounds, this
writer predicts Paul Bagwell will run for gov-
Bagwell was talking like a candidate when
he was in Ann Arbor. He admitted he "loves"
politics, and men who love politics rarely stay
out of the political arena for long. And there
is the additional political challenge of Carl-
ton Morris, who could move the Republican
party away from the position Bagwell is push-
ing for.
Bagwell will make a good Republican candi-
date, for he represents well the rising elements
of the party. And notwithstanding some draw-
backs, he has the ability to take the GOP into
the statehouse, if Republican forces rally to
his standard.
A ;
r 4, f
Defend Education School
College and Voting Apathy.
To the Editor:
HAVE never heard the profes-
sors in the School of Education
called "jerks" and "dopes," and I
do not doubt that most of them
are unquestionably sincere about
the kind of work they are doing.
However, there does seem to be
considerable discussion both on
campus and off concerning the ef-
ficacy of courses in professional
pedagogy. The complaint of some
students encumbered with a host
of courses in methods, educational
psychology, and philosophy of ed-
ucation is that their time could
be better used to broaden their
knowledge of the subjects they
expect to teach .
The student is scornful of the
instructor who often replies "I
don't know."
Perhaps Mr. Thomas should
withhold further judgment of the
School of Education until his
opinions mature with greater
knowledge and some actual ex-
-Byron Smith, '61
Satirical .*
To the Editor:
IN REPLY to Ronald 0. Thomas'
satirical letter of March 15, I
would like to take exception to
his statement that the majority
of students have little respect for
'HOULD THE COLLEGE community be a
crossection of national attitudes? Since the
niversity draws its students through a large
eographical distribution, it seems reasonable
hat the Ann Arbor community does reflect na-
onal attitudes.
At a recent round table discussion, Profs.
rarren E. Miller and Donald E. Stokes, of
ae political science department referred to
study which discusses the high degree of
oter apathy in Congressional elections. They
iscovered that only one-fourth of those who
oted In 1958 had either heard or read about
10 candidates. The other three-fourths were
tmost entirely uninformed through any media
bout the candidates in question.
This uninformed group of voters based their
ecisions on "party labels" and comments like,
Ee is a good man. He is sincere." Such voters
ere guided usually without any concrete basis.
PHE SAME THING is happening at the Uni-
versity today. Most students are largely un-
ware of the accomplishments of campus ac-
vities. They do not care enough to find out
ow these activities affect them. In campus
ections, students know relatively little about
he candidates that they vote for, and therefore
ase their vote on all too irrelevent factors.
The correlation between national politics and
ampus politics is more direct than one might
pink. If students do possess little interest in
onditions, that directly concern them here,
hy should they be interested in the national
political scene, which has even less immediate
effect upon them?
The University is an institution of higher
education. As such an institution, the Uni-
versity must seek to evoke curiosity and the
desire to learn in the student. Statistics show
that the degree of political awareness increases
as the degree of education increases. There-
fore, one would reason that the University
should be a place of high political awareness
and interest.
BUT THE STUDENTS at. the University do
not even seem to care about those things
that affect them directly. They tend to criticize
unthinkingly, organizations and activities that
really deserve praise. If students do not put
forth an effort to understand these groups, then
the groups will never be able to gather any
support, and thus do something to aid the stu-
dents themselves.
The same situation is true on the national
level, although slightly more complex. Voters
must seek means of seeing through "party
labels" and other irrelevent factors, if they are
to be satisfied with their legislators and legis-
lative policy.
One would hope that students would take
advantage of the vast diversity at the Uni-
versity, and let college be both a stimilus and a
sounding-board for their views. In this way,
student apathy can be reduced, and the chances
that this apathy may take national forms
later, will be nil.
Twisted American
View of France
Special to The Daily
PARIS -- "A GREAT misunderstanding exists today between France
and the United States," Prof. Jean Baptiste Duroselle, Director of
the Center for the Study of International Relations of the University of
Paris, commented recently.
First, France's internal policy is not understood by Americans who
misjudge the role of Communists in the country, he said. Over 20 per
SFilibuster and Snafu
['HE TIME cannot now be far off'
leaders in both parties and in bot
f Congress must bring the civil rig
'oversy to a decision and a conclu
libuster in the Senate and the snaf
ouse are causing a degeneration of th
he moderates are being pushed asid
xtremists, rational men by the fana
If this goes on, the consequencesr
e tragic. For if it turns out that Co
npotent, is unable to make any su
nd significant move to protect the
onal rights of the Negroes in the S
hall see an increasing mass moveme
We are already seeing the beginning
Surely, it must be our intention toe
he problem of race relations through
tical process, through the courts, an
ducation of public opinion. Surely, it
ur hope that the problem of race rela
ot be turned on to the streets and be
y scuffling mobs. Yet if Congress
when the spectacular demonstration that it is impotent
h Houses to do anything about the grievances of the Ne-
;hts con- groes, we shall be lucky if the worst that follows
sion. The is only passive resistance.
fu in the For let us remember that passive resistance
re debate, does not work passively everywhere. It worked
le by the well in India. But passive resistance is not
tics. easily compatible with the violence and the
may well impatience which lie so close to the surface ia
ngress is American life.
titu- IN ORDER to bring the matter to a decision,
cons, we after a serious, not an artificial debate, the
nt of re- Democrats and the Republicans ought to do
what Sen. Lyndon Johnson has wanted to do,
from the beginning. They should agree on a
s of uh bill which deals solely, but sincerely and effec-
tively, with the right to vote. To be sure, there
deal with are other civil rights beside the right to vote
h the PO- but there is none so fundamental or so im-
id by the portant or so clearly beyond open challenge.
t must be The Northern Senators and Congressmen
tions will have, it seems to me, greatly underrated the
trampled historic significance of a bill which is designed
makes a to bring about the enfranchisement of qualified
Negroes. To my thinking the effort to do this
cent of the electorate is Com-
munist but the Party is not able
to secure any significant power in
the national government.
Most important, the political
scientist continued, French Com-
munists vote Communist strictly
for economic and social reasons
but not for political reasons. When
polled, two-thirds of the Com-
munists stated that they favored
France's alliance with the West.
Secondly, France is in the mid-
dle of a great economic boom. The
gross National product has been
expanding at a rate of 10 per cent
each year and the average stand-
ard of living is expected to double
in the next 15 years.
"But this economic miracle rests
on a fragile foundation, he added.
"Inflation could easily ruin France
in world trade and cause immedi-
ate collapse.
"Thirdly, the decolonization pol-
icy is not understood. France has
realized too late that it is not pro-
fitable to maintain colonies against
their will. Thus the self-deter-
mination policy of de Gaulle.
"The Algerian crisis developed
because de Gaulle applied this
general policy to Algeria, the pro-
fessor explained. "The European
minority in Algeria had dictated
policy to the Fourth Republic and
revolted when they couldn't dic-
tate to the Fifth Republic."
* * *
BUT MOST important, France
is a staunch ally of the West and
has been since 1947. France is an
"inconvenient" ally because she
wants to be recognized as a power
of individual might.
De Gaulle is exercising a policy
of greatness; this is needed to
rally the nation around him, the
political scientist declared.
The French also fear that as
soon as the United States becomes
adequately protected by ICBM's,
missile bases on foreign soil will
be evacuated. Thus France will
lose bargaining power with the
United States; the NATO alliance
will be weakened; and France will
have to stand alone.
Thus the development of the
first French atomic bomb.
"Americans object to de Gaulle's
stand against European integra-
tion. They do not realize the
strength of French nationalism
and that it dictates all French
"This is regarded as an irra-
tional policy by some Americans,
but to the French, individual and
sovereign nations is the only cor-
rect order in Europe."
De Gaulle is trying to lead
France into greatness as an in-
dividual nation. He is not striving
for a dictatorship; he is a friend
of democracy, continued Prof.
He established one in France
during '48 and another in '58.
France is fortunate to have this
strong leader, he concluded.
Education School. He. offers no
specific evidence to support this
First, I would like to point out
that, from my personal observa-
tion, the majority of students hold
no views, whatever, regarding Ed-
ucation School. The majority are
spared from any personal contact
with this school.
While we who have taken edu-
cation courses may find it tempt-
ing to generalize in respect to the
qualifications of the faculty, I
think most of us possess the in-
tegrity to resist this temptation.
It is true that the education
degree is a shortcut to the prestige
and status adhering to the pos-
session of a doctorate and the
achievement of professorial rank
that follows, but this does not
prove that none of the professors
in education school could have
qualified for the more respected
degree, if they had cared to submit
to the rigors leading to the Ph.D.,
in fact, a few have the academic
, * *
IN AT LEAST one course I have
taken in the education school, I
found the teaching ability and the
sbholarship of the professor to be
equal to that of any of the people
I have studied with in the Literary
To be sure, there are what
Thomas terms "jerks" and "dopes"
present there too, people so inse-
cure emotionally that they must
be assured that their students
accept their educationist dogma
unconditionally and from whom
the threat in a student's laugh at
the wrong time elicits grim re-
But these, I have found, to be
in the minority.
Personally, while I think Mr..
Thomas chose a clever way to
express his views, I feel that he
was unfair in treating education
professors as a group rather than
specifying that his condemnation
was based on personal contact
with a few of these men.
-Robert J. Ort, Grad.
To the Editor:
"WOULD like to agree entirely
with the letter of Dr. E. Frank-
lin Hall, printed Thursday in re-
gard to student dress. He made
some very fine, objective, disin-
terested, scholarly points, and I
am sure my Grandfather would
have agreed with him also.
Grandpa was my first teacher
of life and mankind. He often
stressed the importance of the
Second Great Natural Law of the
Universe (Section D. part 4)
"Judge all men by the way they
dress and comb their hair (or
beard) ."
--Stephen Ruebelman, 61
of Ecclesiastes) director Duvivier
has concocted a singularly mov-
ing, monolithic picture.
THE ACTING is incredible; the
photography highly colorful. Al-
though it remains virtually impos-
sible to provide even a brief
synopsis of the plot's essentially
tragic structure, the following re-
marks may prove beneficial to
prospective viewers.
Superficially, the film depicts the
unrequited love of Don Mateo for
Eva Marchand (Miss Bardot). And
a pathetic tale it is. The former
is a wealthy Spanish aristocrat,
while the latter, an aspiring cafe
dancer, is of humble, not to men-
tion dishonored, origin.
Caught between lust and guilt
(he is married to a cripple) Don
Mateo unsuccessfully attempts, at
every turn, to seduce the gay, fun-
loving, flippant, teasing, Carmen-
esque Eva
Finally, during the pathetic
climax, the jealous Mateo is driven
to interrupt Eva's sensuous dance.
There follows a chase through the
cafe in which, at every chance, he
slaps Eva's powdered jowls. In
turn, Mateo receives a brutal beat-
ing from hands of an unsympa-
thetic, sadistic sailor.
* * *
THUS IT IS that Mateo ex-
periences the catharsis essential to
good tragedy while Miss Bardot's
sudden self-fulfillment manifests
itself in compassion and forgive-
To the serious-minded viewer
the story obviously deals, sym-
bolically, with the Spanish revolu-
tion, the bombing of Madrid, and
Franco's fascistic rise to power.
(At the end, the key may be seen
to symbolize the key to power. The
stairway obviously represents the
path to power, while Miss Bardot
stands for the Spanish people --
but not for long. The unseen hotel
room symbolizes the prostration
of free political thought.)
Or does the film simply mean to
say that free love is often expen-
sive? That's the wonderful thing
about art. It lends itself to so many
interpretations. This picture must
be seen to be believed.
-J. L. Forsht
THE HOUNDS of spring are on
winter's traces, and perhaps the
best thing to say is Thank God.
Winter has its inherent hazards,
as we are reminded every time
we get another blizzard during
this notable spring season.
Margaret Mead assures us that
the Samoans have a much more
secure society, and much better
adjusted individuals than we do,
or will ever have. She seems to
attribute this to their sexual
mores, but there are certainly bet-
ter explanations. They don't have
Have you ever leaped a puddle
of brown slush, aiming for the
clear sidewalk on the other side,
only to realize in mid-leap that
the clear ground on the other side
is ice?
Or, on the other hand, have you
ever stepped on that solid ice
sheet, and found yourself going
right on through it?
OR HAVE yu ever been faced
with that most traumatic of all
experiences, the giant snow brush
bearing down on you in the middle
of the night, headlights gleaming
and that strange, horrible whirr-
ing in the background. The Abom-
inable Snowman concept is a
horror, but what do you do with
an abominable snow machine?
There is something heart-warm-
ing about the lawn mowers that
buzz across the campus all spring.
They make you think of vacation,
of ball games, of fun. But the only
thing a snow machine makes you
think of is returning to the womb.
The only thing to keep you going
t- -ough these last miserable days
which make up the dregs of win-
ter is the thought that spring
will come, will come, will come,. ..
-Faith Weinstein
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
city of Michigan for which Tie
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day pireceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXX, NO. 122
General Notices
Bicycle Control Progra--All bicycles
impounded prior to Jan. 1, 1960 will
be sold at auction on Sat., April 9. Any r
one wishing to reclaim one in thi
group must do so before the begin
ning of Spring Vacation. (March 26).
Persons who have lost bicycles dur-
ing the past two years are urged to
check the impounded bicycles as many
of these either have no license or one
that has been defaced.
The Bicycle Storage Garages. located
on the south side of ast Washington,
St. between Fletcher and Forest, are'
open Mon., Tues., and Thur., between
and 6 p.m. and Sat. from 10 a.m. to
nooil. For further information regard-
ing the Bicycle Control Program, call
Ext. 3146.
Bicycles must be stored at the owners'
place of residence during vacation,
Campus racks will be cleaned out dur-
ing the spring Vacation. May we also
remind all bicycle ownersthat, to
comply with City and University regu-
lations and to protect your property,
you must register your bicycle at the
City Hall and attach the 1960 license.
Extra ushers are urgently needed for
the Platform Series Lecture in 11ill
Aud. Sat. Mar. 19 by the KoreanAm-
bassador to the United Nations. 'If you
can usher please report at the east
door of Hill Aud. at 7:30 p.m. Sat., Mr.
19. All regular Lecture Series ushers
please note. This is the sixth and last,
lecture in this series this year. Please
be there.
Overseas Teaching - A representative
will be at the Bureau of Appointments
on Thurs., Mach 24 and Fri., March
25 to interview teachers for theAmeri-
can College for Girls, Roberts College
and Roberts Academy in Istanbul, Ttir-
key. There are vacancies in Chemistry,
Advanced General Science, English, Mu-
sic. (Choral with Organ), humanities,
Art and Psychology. Some of these
are high school level. For additional
information and appointments on-
tact Mrs. Flynn, Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Ad. Building. NO 3-1511,
Ext. 489.
Tickets now on sale by mail order
for forthcoming Playbill productions,
'presented by the Department of Speech.
William Congreve's "The Way of the
World," to be presented April 6-9 (Wed.-
Set.): $1.50. 1.10. 750.
Ketti Frings' adaptation of the Thom-
as Wolfe novel, "Look Homeward, An-
gel," to be presented (if available) April
27-30 (Wed.-Sat.). $1.50, 1.10, 75c.
The Premiere Performance of an
original play, to be presented Fri. and
Sat., May 13 and 14. 75c.
To order tickets, send heck, payable
to Play Production, with self-addressed
stamped envelope and first, seond, and
third preferences of performance, to
PLAYBILL, Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
tre, Ann Arbor.
For further information, NO 3-1511,
ext. 3383 or ext. 3048.
Student Recital Postponed: The piano
recital originally scheduled by Ruth
Biggerstaff. for Mon, March,21, has
been postponed until Sat., April 9, at
4:15 p.m.
Student Recital: Nelita Ann True will
present a piano recital in Aud. A, on
Sun., March 20 at 8:30 p.m., in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree Master of Music. Miss True has
chosen for- her program compositions
by Bach, Beethoven, Bassett and Rtavel,
and the recital will be open to the
general public.
Student Recital: Greta Dinsmore will
present a recital in partial fulfillment
of the requirenents for the degree
Master of Music in Aud. A, on .Sun.,
March 20 at 4:15 p.m. She will per-
form compositions by Bach-Samaroff,
Schubert, Brahms, Prokoleff and De-
bussy, and her recital will be open to
the public.
Miss Carmela M. Barbuto, Recruiting
and Training Assistant, The New York
Public Library, will speak on recent
developments at that Library on Mon.,
March 21. at 11:00 a.m., in the Multi-
Purpose Room of the Undergraduate
Library. She will also be interviewing
on Monday and Tuesday for positions
on the New York Public Library staff.
Placement Notices
Sat., March 19, from 9-12: Mr. Jack
Parsons, Camp Sherwood, Boyne City,
Mich., will interview married couples,
and for positions of nurse and sailing
Mon., March 21st at 4 p.m.' Girl
Scouts of the U.S.A., Chicago, Ill., Miss
Charlotte Erb, Personnel Advisor, will
be at the Summer Placement Service to
talk to girls interested in' Girl Scout
Camping. If you are interested in being
a counselor, come in and see'Miss Erb.
Tues., March 22 and Thurs., March 24
from 1 to 5: Jackson Cnty. Girl Scouts,
Camp '0 the'Hills at Wampler's Lake,
Mich., will interview for Program Direc-
tor, Unit Leaders, Waterfront Director,
Nurse, Business Manager, Handyman
and Kitchen Helpeds
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