Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MIcH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "Tomorrow Morning, Sunny - Praise Fidel - With Rain In Afternoon - Damn Those Americans -" Men Opinions Are Free Truth WWI. Prevall I JUNIO f GIRLS' PLAY: Noble Tradition Nobly Performed ONE MICHIGAN tradition which has outlived its masculine counter- part, the Union Opera is Junior Girls' Play-and judging from last night's performance, it is likely to continue for at least a few more years. This is not to say'that it was a superlative production-it wasn't; but given the limitations of an all-female cast and crew of the Class of '61, ''What Can You Lose?" comes out with plus-marks in most places. Some of the more obviously good aspects of the musical comedy were (what else!) the music, one or two of the characters, and the small band which provided accompaniment and background music. A BRIEF PLOT resume herein follows: wealthy dowager Mrs. Rock- amorgen decides to shelter a destitute teenager to gain an additional :4 itorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. Y, MARCH 18, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: KATHLEEN MOORE The Cult of the Personal Problem Overcomes All I HATE PSYCH, I just hate it," the girl said to her companion as they walked through engine arch. "I keep telling myself, it's nyth, like the myth of the Cave, but it sn't do me much good. I know I hate it for ely psychological reasons." he heydey of Freudian self-concern was posed to have been in the mid 20's, but you id never knout that from the extent of the sonal Problem Cuit on campus today. The cern for self has overcome everything but traditional concern for scotch. ersonal relationships have a new dimension , with the addition of the third, interested y. "He broke up with me at the end of the . mer," one . girl was heard to say. "My chiatrist will never forgive him." EANWHILE, the psych courses are filled to the hilt, and do-it-yourself analysis has >me so much a national game that the nt-garde no longer practice it. One course, ie Deviant Individual," has influenced the lent mind so intensely that local psycholo- s report that a good percentage of their ients have taken it the semester before. Low SGC RECORD LOW VOTE in the all-campus Student Government Council elections this eek was unfortunately no more than a dis- ppointing field of candidates deserved. In an effort to attract interested candidates, he Council cut expenses and relaxed require- ients for candidacy. All of those who ran howed interest and willingness to work on. udent government in varying degrees. But in qualification for leadership, the field as striking in its mediocrity. Experience in dministration elected five or six candidates, uIt experience is neither a fixed nor an. in- illible index of value for Council members. However, the leadership or administrative unction of SGC won't be affected significantly y the election. The Council will continue to alendar events, to recognize organizations, to gulate activities. T IS THE representational aspect of SGC that will suffer the setback-and this is the :e function of a student government that istifies it as a student group rather than a niversity administrative committee. It's a truism that SGC members should present the student body, and that more is nplied than mere proportional representa- on. The SGC member should not be an em- odiment of some few aspects of the typical niversity student. He should reflect a broad wige of ideas and interests which he can pply to an equally wide range of situations It has reached the point where it is im- possible to go into Health Service for a pill to cure a common cold without being search- ingly questioned as to your grade point, social life, and general state of mind. IT IS HIGHLY POSSIBLE that this growing concern with personal problems is at the root of the so-called "student apathy." If you conceive of your mind as a delicate instrument, liable to be' disturbed, if not destroyed, by the slightest blow, it' becomes necessary to live a careful, even a padded existence to prevent any possible damage. Obviously, this precludes any participation in any student activities.' If this trend continues campus life will be- come a curious business. People will travel in their own little personal boxes, containing themselves, and their problems, chasing each other around and around, like Proust in his cork-lined room. And when this happens there will no longer be any need for a student to find a solution to the general problems of SGC, The Daily or the University. As a matter of fact, he will probably be out individually solving his own. -FAITH WEINSTEIN Turnout he will encounter in government. If he can bring experience to the governing body, it is a corollary advantage. T HE COUNCIL needs members who can take a rational, objective interest in the goals and problems of student government on this campus. The ideal SOC member must also be willing and able to spend time to facilitate the working of the internal committee ma- chinery of the Council's administrative wing. He should be neither a mouse nor a demagogue in debate. He should profit from his mistakes without becoming overprotective toward his successes. One of the two retiring Council members possessed many of these qualities. While his means and manner have at times stimulated argument and disagreement, his motives have been consistently worthy of respect. He has not regarded his Council membership as a personal ornament or a tool. If the new members develop flexibility in implementing some of the ideas and ideals they presented in their campaigns, they scan. be of service to the Council and to the student body as a whole. All six have demonstrated potential or actual ability to do this-failure on their part to expand their capabilities will be a more indicative symptom of sickness in student government than a low vote. -JEAN SPENCER LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: SGC Elections Disappointing, tax exemption. However, said teen- ager brings along the rest' of the inmates from the destitute-teen- ager-boarding home, much to Mrs, Rockamorgen's dismay.' As you may have already guessed, the plot is nothing so much as a thread - and a very bare one - on which to string the musical numbers. During the course of their stay at the Rocka- morgen manse, the almost-delin- quents attempt to' improve their manners, etc., and the climax of the story comes at a grand charity ball - I won't spoil it by telling who discovers who is a long-lost granddaughter of whom.t THE PRODUCTION got off to a fairly slow start, but picked up in the second scene with a musical dance number entitled "Quest Blues," composed by Anne Wells and choreographed by Margaret. Hayes. The two other dance num- bers -- "Maids' March" and "Bed- room-Ballroom Waltz" were also the work of Miss Wells, and were uniformly quite good; the quality of the choreography, however, was a little spasmodic, and reached a peak In the last dance number, beautiful in. its simplicity. * * * ' THE PLOT, such as it is, de- pends entirely on stock characters; and with such stereotyping, it is probably best that the actresses played their parts to the hilt. Some of them managed to shine above the others-Sonya, played by Judy Weinberger, looked every inch the "mad Russian;" Freyda Schultz, as Mrs. Rockamorgen, started off a little shaky but finished in grand style; and Thisbe, played by Eve-, lyn Cohler, finds true spiritual communication with the Bard of Avon - her part was probably the easiest to write, since it is almost entirely Shakespearean quotations. Brenda Fink composed music for all vocal numbers, and script writer-lyricist Sue Huggard did a, better-than-average job on some numbers: "Green and Gold Pa- triotic March," "Think for Your- self." The play tends to fall 'down in the last scene -- it's such a typical happy ending that it almost makes one leave before the finale. Sorority pins gleamed and spar- kled last night as Panhel beauties ttirned out to support their sis- ters, and while tonight's audience might not be as glitteringly be- jeweled, the performance is cer- tain to be an enjoyable way to spend the evening. -Selma Sawaya AT THE MICHIGAN: COMPLETE with some brilliant political thrusts delivered with deadly acuracy, and a' marvelous' performance in the Alec Guinness vein, by Peter Sellers, "The Mouse That Roared" should be the per- feet bonanza for those in search of a literate, top drawer diverti- sement. Screenwriters Roger MacDoug . all and Stanley Mann have fash- ioned their well-turned piece on the premise that there is nothin'g more profitable in the world today than for' a small country to de- clare war on the always benevo lent United States and lose. With this very rational premise, the Duchy of Grand Fenwik calmly proceeds to invade New York. PRIME MINISTER Peter Sel- lars (a thoroughly practical chap) .is given the "carry on" 'sign by Grand Duchess Peter Sellars (a shade irrational but every bit a queenly madam) to enlist Amy Field Marshall Peter. Sellars (wholly irrational and impracti- cal but befitting a Hollywood hero) to ledd the attack, Field Marshall Sellars is first quite hesitant to go (after all he is also a forest watchma and the mating season is coming up) but after some logical reasoning where force is equated with right, the spectacular twenty man march begins. The Grand Army of Grand Fenwick leaves in a blaze of glory and bravely sets off to -be con- quered. BUT THROUGH SOME mishap Grand Fenwick wins ' the war (New York is underground in an Air Raid Test) and makes off with the Q Bomb (it takes an H bomb just to explode it). It is at this point that -the merriment reaches its, highpoint. ** * * . THE PACING of the film by director Jack Arnold is just a' shade short of perfection, and there is an absolutely hilarious scenedwhen the supposedly con- quered army returns the victors of the world. . If there is anything at all to quibble about, iti is the' wholly unanimated acting form of Jean Seeberg but fortunately she is almost wholly relegated to the background. On one occasion hlow- ever she actually does burst forth a genuine emotion. But this is only a minor crit- -cism of this delightful entry, but it is just totally inconceivable how "Mouse" cannot help but make everyone roar. -Marc Alan Zagoren D AI L- OFFICIAL BULLETIN AX LERNER: Asia and the Summit EW DELHI-The Asian political climate has been considerably changed by Khrushchev's arnstorming trip to India, Burma, Indonesia, nd Afghanistan .The biggest change is the greement of Chou En-Lai and Nehru to meet t Delhi in the third week of April about their >undary war. I don't say that Khrushchev thieved this: I do say that his trip had some- ing to do with it. The insiders here insist hat when Deputy Prime Minister Kozlov was ere with Voroshilov, he suggested that an zvitation to Chou would not be rejected. The ming makes sense of this. As Khrushchev got farther East from Delhi, e grew brasher, noisier, more swaggering. In idonesia, as in Calcutta, surrounded by a ,rgely Communist climate, he really let himself, o. So did Indonesia's chief and dictator, ukarno. I wish I had tagged along on that leg f the journey. It would have been an unfor- ettable experience to see these two political ams, ranking up on top among the world's emagogues, vie with each other for the spot- ght and upstage each other like W. C. Fields nid John Barrymore on the same movie-set. Sukarno, confronted with the man who has patent on summits, slipped into one of his ivorite themes: the need for Asian representa- on at the summit. Khrushchev, who likes to perate in a cozy small group of leaders pack- ig real power, was stumped by the vision of swarming summit, crowded as a UN lobby, LTHOUGH Khrushchev's anxiety about In- donesia was presumably the quarrel over e Chinese who Djakarta is expelling, he was ore interested in spreading friendship for ussia than for China. Russia and China have rough agreement about spheres of Communist ifluence in Asia. Afghanistan, India, and epal, Tor example, fall in Russia's sphere, hile Southeast Asia falls in China's. But there still a struggle between them for Indonesia. ha hiinvc ,aannn+ 1ank nni nn + h4 rh, c4h _ confident about his own personal glamor gains, Sukarno dissolved the Indonesian Parliament as soon as his guest left. He is now absolute ruler of the third most important country in Asia, using his peculiar version of a "guided democracy" to shore up Indonesia against a Communist takeover. As for Khrushchev, he swept through Asia much as a woman about to give a party sweeps through the lobby of a fashionable first-night performance, handing out invitations to Mos- cow to everyone who was anyone, Right and Left-including the military strong men of Burma and Indonesia, General -Ne Win and General Nasution. W HEN HE GOT BACK to Moscow, Khrush- chev made a speech saying that his talks with Nehru in Calcutta on his way back had been serious and important. No one here doubts it. It is hard to believe that their talks were about disarmament. More likely, Khrushchev gave Nehru some advice about how to handle the summit talks he will have with Chou En- lai at New Delhi. Nehru has again a tough problem of strategy Doubtless both the Russians and the Chinese want him to agree to hand over the territory the Chinese have taken in Ladakh, including the important supply road they have built across Aksai-Chin, in return for Chinese recog- nition of the MacMahon Line on the North- eastern Forntier. But this would raise an outcry in India. Nehru will, I think, again manage to mane.u- ver his way out of his difficulties with his poli- tical Opposition in India. Whether he does it by braving their wrath and appealing to the nation in the name of peace, or by agreeing to a boundary commission which will blunt the direct confronting of the Ladakh issue, remains to be seen. My guess is it will be the latter, Mtr AT TQ vtrtr+na nmf K hr rhhav' arĀ±na To The Editor: LAST NIGHT as I watched the ballot counting for the SAC election, I thought I could hear- since I was not disturbed by the murmurred of vast crowds-the crumbling of an institution. SGC is sick; one Board member said, "I give SGC two years; I'm not going to run again." SOC has made mistakes; its election polic- ies are too idealistic and too self- effacing to arouse the 'necessary involvement and interest. But it was not SGC that I saw collaps- ing; it was American democracy, * * * IF TODAY'S University student is tomorrow's leader of public opinion, we need to fear two basic attitudes. One is our attitude to- ward power. The Michigan stu- dent body seems only to respect absolute power. There is little realization among the students that nobody at this University has much real prower, that even such successful manipulators as Dean Bacon have to use pressure rather than administrative flat. Our famed "student apathy" emerges primarily from dispairing of having absolute power. This attitude toward power turns into respect for totalitarian government. SECOND is the attitude toward "involvement." The capable stu- dent refuses his responsibilities in SOC because he does not want to be connected with what others consider to be "mickie-mouse" and "ego involvement" activities. Only those individuals who have a point of view to sell are willing to pay the price. This results in a steady lowering attempt The Daily made to and the steady Increase in the amount of self-interest and big- otry promoted by the governing body. When the capable abdicate the way is open for the totalitarian. If SCC' dies, "Do not send to know for whom the bell tolls . .." -Duane P. Larychester Disappointing. To the Editor: THE RECENT action by Joint Judiciary against Bret Bissell in light of this candidate's en- thusiasm and sincerity seems par- 'ticularly disappointing. Continuously your paper carries articles lamenting the condition of present Student Government at the University. In view of this, it is remarkable to find one candidate who has and does sincerely work to revive Stu- dent Government at the Uriiver- city. Mr. Bissell's actions with regard to the discrimination issue have been highly commendable. He has organized many worthwhile efforts to bring this issue to the attention n^ anatheti . strdents anrd has WORLD WAR I: From Main Street to Reality Saint Patricks . To the Editor: UNFORTUNATELY the small attempt the DAILY ,made to honor Saint Patrick's Day, inter- esting as it was, left an erroneous impression of the situation in Ire- land. Judith Doner's article began by stating "each Saint Patrick's Day finds a stronger trickle of orange infiltrating the permeable green ranks of the marchingIrish," The first error is the impression that some Irish are Orange. There are no Irish Orange! The Protes- tant majority of the North is not historically Irish but Anglo-Scot. These , are people who were brought in by the imperialist English to subdue the Irish. As transplanted English outcasts, they do not belong in Ireland, cannot claim Irish heritage; and the sooner they leave the better. THE FIERCE LAMBS by A. A. Hoehling; Little, Brown and Company, Boston; 1960, 210 pp., $3.95 T HE YEAR 1917 dawned omin- ously on 4 rich and self-confi- dent "United States. It was to be a year of decision for the sleeping colossus of the New World. The outbreak of the Great War in 1914 had shocked the majority of Americans with its poisonous gas, trench combat and "illegal" submarine warfare. America looked on with growing Indignation but rejected the pleas of Great Britain and trance to send American troops into the Allied trenches. The United States' brief en- tanglement with the Old World power of Spain during 1898 had been followed by a period of iso- lationism. The imperialism of the Spanish-American War was on the wane but it left in its wake a spirit of American selfrightous- ness and bloated self-confidence. Hadn't the United States car- ried the blazing banner of free- dom to the Carribean and soundly whipped the Evil Monster Spain? NOW AGAIN the "trumpet of freedom" was urgently being sounded . . . this time by the Old World democracies. America in the early part of 1917 was quickly "metamorphizing into an omnipotent 'Jack,' eager to climb the European beanstalk and slay the bad giant-a twentieth-cen- tury giant who wore a spiked hel- met, bellowed 'Achtung!' and goose-stepped." A. A. Hoehling, journalist and free-lance magazine writer, has attempted to capture this fanati- cally patriotic atmosphere that was to break the hard, shell of, American isolationism and send the doughboy "over there." The Fierce Lambs is the story of the first four Americans to die in the Great Conflict. Hoeling uses the four as focal points for view- ing the. tide of American senti- ment that swept the United States into war, the angry realization that victory didn't always belong to the "good guys," and the re- action at the War's end when the United States climbed back into its shell of isolationism. Hoehling begins his chronicle during January, 1917 amidst paci- fist and anti-pacifist demonstra- tions, mysterious fires and explo- sions at plants manufacturing munitions for the Allies and ur- gent prayers for world peace. In a factual and documentary style, Hoehling tells the story of four Americans who, in a matter of a' few months, would be proclaimed national heroes. ALTHOUGH The Fierce Lambs tends to become overly sentiment- al in parts, almost nearing the tear-jerking stage, it offers a fact- ual and lucid insight into the mind of an innocent and naive America that was about to step THE BUfJK of your article dis- cussed the Catholic - Protestant problem. The only real problem is caused by the presence of an imported non-Irish, thus non- Catholic, population that has no historical claim to remain on Irish soil. Why any man living in Ireland and claiming to be an Irishman would not choose to be Irish Cath- olic is a mystery? It's rather like an Arab living in Israel. The practical solution to the problem is for the non-Irish to leave. The real Irish in Ireland never hesitate to wear the green, kiss the Blarney Stone and to follow the wise leadership of the Church. No real Irishman would be caught'- dead in Orange on Saint Patrick's Day, in Ireland or anywhere else. -Alan E. O'Day '61 The Daily Official Bulletin Is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Rpm 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p,m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday - Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1960 VOL. LXX, NO. 1g6 General Notices Bicycle Control Program-All bicycles impounded prior to JaA. 1, 1960 will one wishing to reclaim' one i this be sold at auction on Sat., April 9. Any- group must do so before the begin- niing of Spring vacation (March 26). Persons who have lost bicycles dur- ing the past two years are urged to check the impounded bicycles as many of- these either have no license or one that has been defaced. The Bicycle Storage Garages, located on the south side of East Washington St. between Fletcher and Forest, are open Mon., Tues., and Thur., between 3 and 6 p.m. and Sat. from 10 a.m. to noon. For further information regard- ing the Bicycle Control Program, call Ext. 3146. Bivycles must be stored at the owners place of residence during vacation, Campus racks will be cleaned out dur-. ing the Spring vacation. May we also remind all bicycle owners that, to comply with City and University regu- lations and to protect your property, you must register your bicycle at the City Hall and attach the 1960 license. Preliminary examinations in English will be given in Rm. 2601 Haven Hall on the following dates: Tues., March 29, 2-5 p.m., English Literature from 1550 to 1660; Sat.. April 2, 9-12 a.m., Y:.V YM. M''M'M. YM v '.Y : '.. yfM w Mq4 NONNMOBQ.? nw.}{yy y}ywr.Y. .wO .v... x. AIGII'IiY NM'11AS494 WM WO