See Page 4
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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom
D43a ti4
Windy with snow flurries mixed
with rain in late evening.
M, No. 3
OP Race May'
lecome eated
Sallade, Beadle May Make Bids
For Party Lieut.-Governor's Slot
A hot race may be shaping up for the Republican nomination for
Rep. George Sallade (R-Ann Arbor) and Sen. Frank D. Beadle
-St. Clair), both mentioned as possibilities, have promised to make
ouncements of intentions in the near future.
Sallade said he would reveal Sunday whether he would run for the
ise seat for Ann Arbor; if he decides not to seek this, he will run
a high state office.
Sallade says chances of his not running at all are "Zero."
Beadle, who only promised announcement in the "near future,"
I he "preferred" not to run, but he was not ruling out all possi-
ossibilities. He said, "I still have
to be convinced," adding if he
thought he could help his party
and state, he might run.
He listed last week possible neg-
ative factors inhhis decison:
1) He said he was not an avid
campaigner, "And you don't do
well unless you do that."
2) If elected, Beadle thinks he
might play a lesser role in the
Senate than he feels able to play
.. . to announce plans
Back No Otes
On State Tax'
Special to The Daily
LANSING - A plan to increase
the financial flexibility of the state
treasury may be introduced in the
Legislature soon.
Sen. Frank D. Beadle (R-St.
Clair) said he was considering in-
troducing legislation to permit the
treasury to issue short-term tax
anticipation notes.
The notes, backed up by tax re-
ceipts, would be valid for no long-
er than a year.
The problem, 'State Treasurer
Sanford A. Brown explained, is
that the treasury gets about one-
half its receipts in the last third
of the year.
Gain Savings
Brown said use of the notes
would allow the treasury to keep
The savings gained by this from
vendors' cash discounts alone,
which could be taken advantage
of if there was always money in
the treasury, would easily meet
the costs of the notes, he ampli-
Brown pointed out contractors
working on state projects receive
interest if their progressive pay-
ment contracts are left in arrears.
The cash from tax anticipation
notes would obviate this cost.
In addition, deferring vendors'
payments is now costing the state
about $5 thousand a week.
Must Be Paid
The notes, Brown continued,
would have to be paid off by the
end of each fiscal year, so no
long-term debt would be created.
Brown stressed long-term notes
should still be voted by the people,
but supported the short-term
notes as giving needed flexibility
to the treasury.
He called for a minimum auth-
orization of $50 million.
Sen. Beadle disagreed, saying
he approved of notes, "but not to
$50 or $100 million." The notes
would allow the treasury to get
over "humps," he said.
Brown said there is "consider-
able interest" in the proposal in
both houses of the Legislature.
J-Hop Might
Show Profit
Whether J-Hop managed to pay
its own way this year is still not
Points Out
3) And finally, Beadle pointed
out he "might be too liberal for
the conservatives and too conserv-
ative for the liberals."
On the other hand, observers
say Beadle is "certain" to run if
Sallade does.
Beadle is pictured as a keyfigure,
in a new move for party unity, in
which Senators will meet with
Paul Bagwell and others, and is
said to have gained respect from
both parties by his actions during
the cash crisis.
Charges Politicians
Sallade said "in this particular
year, my type of candidate would
have to win, if he were going to
win at all." He charged the public
is "fed up with the extreme parti-
san viewpoint of the Lansing pro-
fessional politicians."
Sallade plans to continue to dis-
charge as best he can his legisla-
tive responsibilities and "then
campaign all over the state every
minute I can," if he decides to
seek a state-wide office.
Sallade, who expects "tremen-
dous opposition," said the "fight
will be uphill all the way, regard-
less of what office I may seek."
To Be Underdog
He said he would be the "under-
dog" until the Aug. 2 primary-
which determines nominations for
governor, lieut. - governor, and
United States Senator - or the
August Republican convention -
where lesser state-wide candidates
are to be selected.
Sallade would not confirm he
would run for lieut.-governor, but
all speculation to date has tied his
name to this post.
Sallade said if he lost in his
possible bid for statewide office, he
would not "regard the defeat as
my exit from politics."
To Complete
"I will complete requirements
for a law degree at the University
and come back more qualified."
Beadle, who is considered a
"regular" Republican, refused com-
ment on "maverick" Sallade's
candidacy. If he wants to run,
it's his privilege."
The Sigma Kappa Study Com-
mittee will ask Student Govern-
ment Council to state it feels pre-
vious SGC decisions on the sta-
tus of Sigma Kappa sorority "are
not to be considered binding by
the present Council."
Such a statement would make
possible a new consideration of
whether the ' sorority is now in
violation of University regula-
tions. The sorority's actions would
be sole criteria for the new de-
The committee's report, to be
presented to SGC tomorrow, sum-
marizes the various viewpoints on
Sigma Kappa and includes de-
bate, pro and con, which took
place within the committee.
Cites New Plan
It also cites the new SGC Plan,
the new regulations booklet and
the recent Regent's Bylaw on dis-
crimination as relevant to a new
consideration of the Sigma Kappa
SGC president John Feldkamp,
'61, who chaired the committee.
stressed the committee's feeling
the Council would be acting in
good faith in bringing up Sigma
Kappa again, in view of these de-
The committee report says SGC
cannot ignore the alleged viola-
tion; "However, we would be even
more irresponsible If we entered
this case with any previous action
binding us."
Won't Imply Violation
The motion to adopt the com-
mittee's recommendation, if
passed, would not imply that Sig-
ma Kappa necessarily be found in
violation of University regulations
under the 1949 ruling, Feldkamp
He mentioned the alternate
possibility that the ruling be
changed. The 1949 regulation says
only that orgnaizations seeking
SGC recognition since that time
may not prohibit membership be-
cause of race, religion or color.
If the recommendation is
adopted, he added, past debate
would be used as a guide in the
case, but not considered binding.
from 1948 to 1955.
Prof. Bogue
Dies Friday
Prof. Jesse P. Bogue of the edu-
cation school died Friday night at
University Hospital following a
long illness.
Prof. Bogue, 70 years old and a
visiting professor of higher educa-
tion, was executive director of the
American Association of Junior
Colleges from 1946 until coming
to the University. He continued to
serve as consultant to the Associ-
ation and the University on junior
college organization until the time
of his death.
His book, "The Community Col-
lege," published in 1949, was con-
sidered the classic work in this
field. He was editor of the Ameri-
can Junior College publication,
May Bring
Dean of Women Deborah Bacon
indicated yesterday that it is prob-
able that men will be allowed in
the new University apartments to
be created for women next fall.
At present, men are not allowed
in the women's rooms in any Uni-
versity housing, although the 155
undergraduate girls in off-campus
apartments can have men in.
In connection with this, Assem-
bly President Joan Comiano, '61,
noted that this is a new type of
housing for the University and
that making regulations for it will
take special consideration.
Set Rules
Miss Comiano said that the
method of determining specific
regulations would be like that used
for Mary Markley when it was new
-that a committee of the selected
residents would meet this semester
to form the rules in cooperation
with Assembly and Women's Judi-
The new type of housing whose
proposed creation precipitated
these comments is University
apartments for undergraduate sin-
gle women.
In a recent announcement, the
Office of the Dean of Women re-
ported that, beginning next fall,
75 spaces in 23 apartments in
Cambridge Hall, University Ter-
race, would become available to
undergraduate women.
Dormitories Lost
The cause of this step was the
loss of Fletcher Hall, which re-
verts to men's housing next fall,
and the possible temporary loss of
West Couzens for renovation.
Exact statistics were not avail-
able on the number of women that
these losses would affect, but the
Dean's office announced that there
were approximately 70 students in
Fletcher Hall who would normally
have returned there next year.
Miss Bacon said that this type
of University housing was intended
to give aid to those women who
were in genuine financial need,
and that the cost would compare
favorably with both other Univer-
sity housing and off - campus
Won't Need Permission
The new system would not in-
volve obtaining "apartment per-
mission" from the committee for
off-campus housing, and should
have no effect on the situation
regarding outside apartments for
women, Miss Bacon continued.
It would include the same regu-
lations as to hours as other un-
dergraduate housing.
Re iration
Down 1,500
From Fall
Groesbeck Claims
Totals Do Not Show
Declining Trend
ALL BEETHOVEN-The first concert of the 67th annual May Festival will consist of only the work of
Beethoven, The Philadelphia Orchestra will be directed by Eugene Ormandy for this concert. Among
the guest soloists In the series are: Leontyne Price (left), soprano; Rudolf Serkin (center), pianist;
Frances Bible (right), mezzo soprano; and many others.
Music Festival OpensMay5
The 67th annual May Festival
will open on May 5 with an all-
Beethoven first concert.I
Eugene Ormnandy will conductf
the Philadelphia Orchestra, which
has been featured at the festival
for .the past 25 years.
Soloist will be Rudolf Serkin
playing the "Emperor" Concerto,
I ~
Daily Offers
New Escape
If the mental discipline of the,
classroom and the physical re-
strictions of dormitory living have
hedged you in, then the Michi-
gan Daily's three diverse units
will provide you with a means to
escape from the campus authority.
Intellectual stimulation, mental
and literary rewards are availableI
to those who choose the editorial
staff of Ann Arbor's only morn-
ing newspaper. Members of this
group also gain valuable insights
into campus, local, state, national
and international events.
For the materialists seeking to
move up on the economic ladder,
the business staff of The Daily
provides on-the-job training in
standard and sub-standard adver-
tising methods.
The student who expresses him-
self through pictures will be pro-
vided with professional training,
professional equipment and pro-
fessional guidance in this graphic
art. Monetary remuneration is an
added inducement to members of
this department of the paper.
Those interested in any of these
three groups are invited to attend
the introductory meetings to be
held tomorrow and Thursday
night at 7:30 p.m. and Friday aft-
ernoon at 4:15 p.m. in the Student
Publications Building.
the Overture to "Leonore" No. 3,
and the Seventh Symphony.
To Feature Segovia
Thor Johnson will conduct, and
Andres Segovia will be the guest
guitarist on May 6. He will play
"Concerto" by Castelnuovo-Tedes-
co and "Fantasia" by Rodrigo..
The University Choral Union
will sing a tribute to the late
Villa-Lobos. Carlos Chavez' Cor-
rido de "El Sol,' Randall Thomp-
son's "Alleluia," and Stravinsky's'
"Symphonie de Psaumes" will also
be performed.
The next day's concerts will
celebrate the 25th anniversary of
the orchestra's participation in
the festival, highlighting some of
the particular virtuosi. The after-
noon concert conductor will be
William Smith, who will lead Ber-
lioz' Overture "Le Corsaire," "Con-
certo for Flute and Harp" by Mo-
zart, Ibert's "Divertissement," and
Strauss' "Till Eulenspiegel."
Kincaid To Solo
William Kincaid will make his
last solo appearance before re-
tirement in the Mozart piece, and
other soloists include Marilyn
Costello, harpist, and various ones
in the "Variaciones Concertantes,"
by the Argentine composer, Albert
Saturday evening Eugene Or-
mandy will direct the Shostako-
vich recently - prerilered "Cello
Concerto," Brahms' "Violin Con-
certo," and Sibelius, "Seventh
Symphony." ;Performing artists,
are LorneyMunroe, principal cellist,
and Anshel Brusilow, the new
On Sunday afternoon, May 8, a
quartet of soloists and the Uni-
versity Choral Union will present
Verdi's "Manzoni" Requiem.
Announce Requiem Singers
Leontyne Price, soprano, Albert
da Costa, tenor, and Kim Borg,
bass, all from the Metropolitan
Opera, will sing. The fourth solo-
ist is Frances Bible, mezzo-so-
prano of the San Francisco and'
New York Opera Companies, and
the conductor is Thor Johnson.
Lisa Della Casa, Metropolitan
Opera and Vienna State Opera
prima donna, will make her debut
at the final concert on Sunday
evening with two groups of arias.
Also featured on the program is
the local premiere of 'Symphony
No. 2" by Ross Lee Finney, head
of the Composition Department of
the University School of Music.
Closing the sixth program will be
Strauss' "Der Rosenkavalier"
Season tickets may be purchased
at the University Musical Society
offices in Burton Memorial Tower.
Total University enrollment has
maintained its status quo for the
spring semester.
Edward G. Groesbeck, director
of registration and records, said
yesterday total enrollnent in resi-
dence credit programs and exten-
sion services will be about 25,880,
representing a -drop of less than
100 from last spring's figures.
Enrollment dropped almost 1500
from the fall semester's total of
27,342, however. Groesbeck was
alarmed by the figure and said it
was not indicative of any declining
'U' Growing
"The University is gradually
growing but our facilities, being
what they are, necessarily limit
the number of students who can
be accommodated within the
framework of our resources," he
After the first day of classes,
21,561 students had registered for
residence credit programs and 800
were still completing late registra-
The University's Flint College
enrolled 448 and Dearborn Center
grew from last fall's 33 to a record
54, bringing total residence credit
enrollment to 22,863. Last year's-
figure was 2,7
Extension Total
Groesbeck predicted approxi-
mately 3,000 students will register
for the University's eight exten-
sion centers scattered about the
Final figures will be available
after registration has been com-
pleted at the centers, he said.
The enrollment change from the
fall semester occurred mainly in
the residence credit program be-
cause of the large numbers of
students-almost 2,000-who drop
out, "for one reason or another,"'
during the year, and to the "natu-
rally small" number of 1,000 mid-
year transfers in undergraduate,
graduate and graduate-profession-
al programs, Groesbeck continued.
He listed, in addition, a large
mide-year graduating class as a
contributing factor.
179 Freshmen
The entering freshman class
numbers only 179, which Groes-
beck described as not unusual.
He said that last semester estab-
lished a record with the "largest
number of resident credit students
the University's ever had."
Total enrollment was record-
breaking in the fall of 1958 with
28,106 students enrolled in resi-
dence and extension programs.
Groesbeck said that the differ-
ences are less signifieant than they
might appear because students
transfer from residence to exten-
sion programs frequently.
The picture remains stable as
long as there is no radical change
in the over-all figures, he added.
MSU Senate
Votes To End
demic Senate at Michigan State
University today voted to abolish
compulsory military training
(ROTC) by the fall of 1961.
However, the resolution passed
by the Senate stipulates that a
one-term course in military affairs
be added to the MSU curriculum.
A final decision on the ROTC
question must be made by the
MSU Board of Trustees, presum-
ably at its meeting Thursday.
The Senate vote was 400-248.
Compulsory ROTC has been re-
uired for 43 years for all able-
n.Ail nnn .. pzMrn .. c4'iAAjivt+ *4~
Women's Rush To Start with Counseling
Women's Rush starts tomorr
Counselor meetings at the League
"I think that the best advice
relax and have fun," Alveris Bonn
This weekend Rush will starti
girls with an initial round of mixers
will pay a forty minute call to eve
Start Sec
Monday afternoon women wi
which they will accept eight for t
and five invitations are in order f
Saturday, February 20.
Rushees will visit three housesi
Friday nights women will attend f
After the last party on Friday
for as many as five sororities.
Sunday, a little over three w(
receive an invitation to pledge on
campus. All in all they will have
Political IsuesClub Sat
Activities After Year's Rest
Organizational measures taken last Friday by the Political Issues
Club will enable the club to petition Student Government Council for
recognition tomorrow, Al Haber, '60, a member, announced.
A constitution was adopted and a membership list compiled after
a period of a year in which the club was "defunct," chairman Bretton
Bissell, '61, said Friday.
Recognition by SGC will enable the PIC to implement its plans to
bring to the University campus a conference on Human Rights in the
" North sponsored by the Students
for a Democratic Society, the na-
tional organization with which
' the PIC is affiliated.
Bel t u s Without S*C recognition for
the PIC, Council President John
Feldkamp, '61, said, the race rela-
INE DOW tions conference would be con-
sidered an outside project and as
ow with two nights of Rushee- such not permitted by the Uni-
versity to take place on campus.
to girls who are Rushing is to Publicity is already being cir-
ell, '60M, Panhel Rush Chairman, culated for the conference.
Haber commented that plans
in earnest for approximately 1,500 for an organizational meeting like
. Twenty-four name-tagged groups the one Friday were underway
;ry oroityhous oncamus. when he was taken ill, In Novem-
ry sorority house on campus. ber, while acting club chairman.
cond Set Since then the local club's affairs
11 pick up their invitations from have been at a standstill, Haber
he second set. Wool dresses, heels added.
for the third set which will begin Discuss Problems
A representative of the national
in the fourth set. On Thursday and organization has come to Ann Ar-
inal desserts at two houses. bor to work with the PIC recently
they will fill out preference cards on the conferenc , which is
planned to take place here Apr.
leks after Rush began, they will 28 to May 1. Problems of race and'
ek f tertwents-twoegoroteswonintergroup relations in the North
e of the twenty-to Sororities on will be discussed.
had one free and three semi-free Features of the conference will
include clinical discussion wit