/ "Wake Me When You Get It Worked Out, Son" seventietbYear EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OP STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PutLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 When Opinions Are Free Tuth win Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. URSDAY, MARCH 17, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS HAYDEN Lack of Understanding Ruins Total IQC Consensus ]LT . 7' EVALUATION: Ann Arbor Picketers Accomplish Goals By JAMES SEDER Daily Staff Writer A FEW DAYS have passed and it is now time to objectively evaluate last Saturday's picketing. To people completely unsophisticated in human relations work, the picketing probably did not look too spec- tacular. However, the picketing turned out successfully. A large part of the credit belongs to John Leggett, a graduate student, who took the responsibility of running the demonstration. The picketers were careful to conform to all relevant laws and city ordi- nances and were careful to allay fears that there would beany-violence. A CONSIDEARABLE part of students in the residence halls can be classified as either student leaders or apathetic students. When the topic to be considered in house council meetings are routine in nature, the general mass of students sit back and give their leaders free rein. But when an issue of more than pass- ing Interest arises, the students feel they can no longer trust their elected officials but strike off in their own opposite direction. The problem lies in the differing ideas held by both groups toward residence halls and their government. The majority of students think of the residence halls as merely a tem- porary home to be endured until they are able to move into apartments or fraternities. Such students are only interested in a place to eat and sleep, and if they dislike the libraries, a place to study. For them residence hall gov- ernment is a meaningless idea. Luckily this group is not all-inclusive. A nucleaus of students is interested in more than a sleeping and eating existance in the quads. These few, either because of high school acti- vities or a desire to have some say in the body which controls their residences, take an active part in the operation of the quadrangles. This was quite clearly illustrated in the case of the recently ratified Inter-Quadrangle Coun- cil constitution. Before its consideration, both the masses and their student leaders were in agreement that the old Inter-House Council was deficient. None of the apathetic students seemed bothered enough to think about a solution. JQUT AFTER the leaders had worked out structural revisions the masses suddenly came alive and took an active interest in resi- dence hall government. Being unfortunately misinformed and unexperienced they proved to be more a handicap than an aide in the re- vision process. Instead of being concerned with broad, generally workable concepts, they worked to iron out every minor detail to their own satisfaction. Concern with minor details rath- er than with main points is a fairly common feature among poor uninformed critics. When, Disarmament a THE NEW disarmament plan being presented by the Western powers at the Geneva Con- ference represents a noble attempt to solve perhaps our most pressing international prob- lem. However, a realistic look at the plan casts doubt that it will ever be agreed upon by the big powers. The central feature of the Western plan is that it calls for the establishment of an inter- national disarmament organization to guide and control the gradual "three-step disarma- ment of the nations. In the first step, the new organizations would begin preliminary studies of complex disarma- ment problems. Next there would ensue inter- national control over a gradually increasing variety of weapons. Finally, in the third step, International control over everything from mili- tary vehicles cruising outer space to hand grenades would be instituted. VI'HE ESSENTIAL difference between this plan and the plan which Khrushchev presented to the United Nations last year is that the West's proposal places great emphasis upon gradual disarmament and upon "fool-proof" detection systems. Khrushchev's plan calls for total disarmamenit during a four-year period, without any provision for controls to detect violators. The East's proposal has greater immediate propaganda value than the West's. Khrush- chev's more hasty, sweeping plan of quick total disarmament gives the impression of a great crusader for peace, even though his plan represents no tangible step forward without control provisions. But the West's more gradual careful approach to the problem could leave many of the peoples of the world with an im- for example, critics not qualified to criticize the fundamental points in a poem, attempt to do so, they find fault with the rhythm or rhyme scheme. And so it went with the masses in the quads. Typical of such objections is the one raised by Scott house of South Quadrangle. Scott dis- liked the provision allowing IQC to levy dues; therefore Scott at first rejected the constitu- tion and then approved it yesterday. Dues in residence hall government were not just recently invented, as was thought by Scott house, but have been imposed for years. When a student signs his room and board contract he also agrees to pay dues. When IHC was in existence it regularly charged dues. However, Scott originally rejected the entire IQC consti- tution primarily on grounds of dues which would total 20 cents a man. SUCH AN objection shows a lack of investi- gation into dues, but this is only the sec- ondary point. More important is that few con- cerned seem to understand the purpose of a constitution. Normally objections to a consti- tution are based on differing political view- points and not on technical details. A consti- tution is only intended to set up a common area of agreement on which a government can be founded. No constitution was ever meant to solve all problems of government as it stands. THE PRESIDIUM of house presidents, in gen- eral understood the basic purpose of a consti- tution. They approved the IQC constitution unanimously. The constitution was ratified and IQC has come into existence. However, isolated elements of dissent have eliminated the common ground necessary for a sound government. Any future disagreements will be intensified by this original lack of consensus when the or- ganization was founded. The masses won't care, apathy is creeping in again. -KENNETH McELDOWNEY nd Propaganda pression of relative apathy on our part toward disarmament. , The West's plan, even if accepted, could very possibly never get beyond the "first step." The greatest problem in the disarmament question, and, of course, the main reason for the West's opposition to Khrushchev's proposal is that there just doesn't seem to exist yet any "fool- proof" way of detecting violators. But there is no indication that establishing an interna- tional organization could hasten the develop- ment of practical control devices anyway. And, until such a device is invented, no formal in- ternational disarmament organization will have much meaning. T REMAINS therefore quite possible that the rest of the world may regard the West's plan as a type of stall because it does not really solve the very "control problem" ob- jected to in Khrushchev's plan. The people of the world will not get much satisfaction from hearin gthat efforts are being made to solve the problems of disarmament. But a high- sounding, specious pledge for all-out disarma- ment in four year, such as Khrushchev is making, does at first sound quite attractive. What the controversy boils down to then is that Khrushchev is saying he wants total disarmament immediately, while the West is calling for greater caution and care in eventu- ally achieving the same ultimate goal. The East's proposal might seem to us, empty and meaningless. The West's is certainly much more sound. But, regardless, it is not likely that the Western plan will be accepted very warmly, and the propaganda effect of the Reds' request for immediate total disarmament may prove to be significant. -SHERMAN SILBER .± x b r= s . < '" .-; r : . N ' -, r 3" . . ,{ca, ".. ST. PATRICK'S DAY: Tension Grows in Ireland In fact, Leggett even drew up a detailed instruction sheet, which was given to each picketer. The group had no platform and no arbitrary objectives. Some merely wanted to ;demonstrate their sympathy with the objectives of the Southern Negro sit-down strikers. Some favored complete ec-cnomic boycott. Perhaps most were scattered between these extremes. Leggett acted wisely in refusing to specify exactly what the group objective in this area was. * * C LEGGETT emphasized a differ- ent and more important aspect of the group's aims. They wished to call attention to several facts: 1) The Ann Arbor Human Rela- tions Board had charged that the Cousins Shop practiced discrimi- nation and that they said that an; pressure to force the store to reverse its policy would have to come from the University and Ann Arbor communities. 2) There were people in Ann Arbor who wished to do everything possible for the Negro college stu- dents in their fight against dis- crimination. 3) There were people on campus prepared to organize and join in actions to improve the Ann Arbor inter-racial scene and further- more these people could be counted on to act in an intelligent, orderly and disciplined manner. THE GROUP was successful in accomplishing these objectives. And although a large share of the credit belongs to Leggett, many others also deserve credit. These people include those that helped organize the demonstra- tion, the people who actually took part in the demonstration, and those people within the University and the local community who aided or at least sympathized with the picketing. There was one somewhat ironic twist to the situation. Robert Maten ,who is the manager of a dime store adjacent to the campus, has been one of the most active members of the Ann Arbor com- munity in the Human Realtiorns area. Yet, his store was one of the stores which was picketed. MATEN'S good-natured accept- ance of the situation was not only additional evidence of his sin- cerity, but also symbolizes the attitude of much of the University and Ann Arbor communities atti- tude. The picketers, the University and local community should be very proud of last Saturday. New Books at Library Wallace, Irving - The Fabu- lous Showman: The Life and Times of P. T. Barnum; NY, Al- fred A. Knopf, 1959. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the dlay preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 190 VOL. LXX, NO. 125 General Notices Bicycle Control Program-All bicycles impounded prior to Jan. 1, 1960,will one' wishing to reclaim one in 'this be sold at auction on Sat., April 9. Any. group must do so before the begin- rling of Spring Vacation (March 28). Persons who have lost bicycles dur- ing the past two years are urged to check the impounded bicycles as many of these either have no license or one that has been defaced. The Bicycle Storage Garages, Ilcated on the south side of East Washington St. between Fletcher and Forest, are open Mon., Tues., and Thur., between S and 6 p.m. and Sat. from 10 a.m. to noon. For further information regard- ing the Bicycle Control Program, call Ext. 3146. Bicycles must be stored at the owners place of residence during vacation. Campus racks will be cleaned out dur- ing the Spring Vacation. May we also remind all bicycle owners that, to comply with City and University regu- lations and to protect your property, you must register your bicycle at the City Hall and attach the 1960i clense. Burton Holmes Travelogue: Rbert Mallett will narrate the film "Italy- Roundabout Rome" on Thurs., March. 17 at 8:30 p.m. in Hill And. Today at 4:10 p.m. the Department of Speech will present Christopher Fry's "A Phoenix Too Frequent" in True- blood Aud., Frieze Bldg. No admission will be charged. Lectures Lecture: Dr. vernon Ingram, Prof. of Biology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will speak on "The Genetic Control of Protein Specificity" oa Thurs., March 17 at 4 p.m., Third Level Amphitheater, Med. Scl. Bldg. Lecture: Prof. Harry G. Johnson, Uni- versity of Chicago, will speak on "The Political Economy of Opulence" on Thurs., March 17 at 8 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. Prof. Howard Emmons, of Harvard University, will speak at a combined seminar with Aeronautical Engineering Mechanical Engrg., Physics, Math., and Engineering Mechanics on "High Temperature Gas Dynamics," Thurs., March 17, at 4:00 p.m. in Room 311 West Engineering. Refreshments will be served in the Faculty Lounge, 214 West Engineering, at 3:30 p.m. Lecture by Prof. Martin Malta of thi University of California, Berkeley. on "The Origins of the Russian Intelli- gentsia" on Thurs., 17 March at 4:10 p.m. in Aud. 8. Guest Lecturer-Milton Babbitt will lecture on the topic "Electronic Music -How and Why" in Aud. A on Thurs., March 17. at 4:13 p.m. Open to the general public. (Continued on Page 5) By JUDITH DONER Daily Staff Writer E ACH successive Saint Patrick's Day finds a stronger trickle of orange infiltrating the permeable green ranks of the marching Irish. This is the outward symbol of the tension in Ireland, a tension which grows stronger as time goes on. Robert (Robin) Farr, Grad., is sure that it is the inextricable mixture of politics and religion inl Ireland, which renders his home "a land of bitter conflict." Although the North of Ireland is predominantly Protestant, Farr emphasizes that the proportion of Roman Catholics there is about 34 per cent and is steadily in- creasing. Yet the northern govern- ment remains strongly Unionist, wishing to maintain its link with Britain. The South is much more pre- dominantly Catholic than the North is Protestant. Protestants comprise only five per cent of Eire's population. Farr says that the Ihoman Catholic Church can and does dominate politically with very little opposition. * a - ACTUALLY, Farr points out, a better association between Pro- testants and Catholics exists m the South than in the North. He suggests this is because the balance of power is so much more precarious in the North. Not only is the Catholic popula- tion increasing more rapidly than the Protestant one, but in at 'east two of the six Northern countries, Catholic nationalist majorities ex- ist. Many rural areas also have Catholic majorities. The Church's control of such matters as censorship, marriage laws and birth in the South con- firms the Northern Protestant's fear of what would happen in a united Ireland. According to Farr, "the Protes- tant majority in Ulster would be come a minority in a united Ire- land'.' * * * MOST ULSTER Unionists are members of the Orange Order, which has as its aim "to protect the Protestant cause in the North." The Order takes its name from William of Orange, who defeated the Catholics in the bat- tle of the Boyne in 1690. Officially the Orange Order is a purely "religious" organization, but its political implications are all too apparent, is Farr's wry comment. Aggressive speeches by special Orange Order members meet with the approval of the majority in Northern Ireland. "In certain areas," Farr recalls, "it is quite fashionable to condemn the irre- sponsibility of Catholics for hav- ing large families which the wel- fare state must support." The increased number of Cath- olics is also cited as a cause of * the high rate of unemployment in Ulster. "These 'explanations' tend to be accepted and approved by many of the Protestant majority," the young man says with a trace of sadness. WHAT IT comes down to. Farr ernestly declares, is that "religion is regarded almost as a racial thing in Ireland." It tends to be very like the Negro-White conflict in the United States, but in actu- ality it is more all-encompassing t_^n that. "The most spectacular expres- sions of the conflicts are those which occur along the border," the young Irishman declares. Armed raiders from the South cross the border in attempts to destroy government property - anything from police barracks and customs houses to electricity gen- erator: and railway lines. In answer to the very obvious question of "Who carried out these raids?" Farr lists the Irish Re- publican Army, the Sein Fein and other militantly nationalist groups. "In the official pronouncements of the Southern government, these are all unofficial and illegal or- i nizations," he acknowledgce. "Nevertheless, they train taeir soldiers openly In the hills hecar the border and in theWicklow mountains to the south of Dublin." * * * THESE NATIONALIST groups aim at a "united Ireland," Farr continues,. And you don't have to look very far to see where their financial support is based. Irish immigrants in the United States don't remember their na- tionality only on Saint Patrick's Day. A good many send rather large sums of money to their homeland-and most have immi- Lrated from Southern Ireland. In short, it is Farr's opinion, that "if you were to get an op- timistic impression of the Irish situation, you would be taking an ostrich's point of view." In order that a nation unite, there must be a culture behind it --a tradition, he asserts. "This would seem to be the Southern Irish culture, being that it so much the richer." Although a Northern Irishman might admit to this, he would point directly to the constitution. "There would have to be things written into it that would properly protect a Protestant minority." "Personally, I don't think a union will come within my life- time, although I would like to see it," Farr reveals. "Both sides are pretty firmly entrenched." "Both unionism and nationalism are rationally defensible policies, but mixed up with Protestants and Catholicism-with religion-- they form an unholy alliance." LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Refugees from Beatnik Cave To the Editor: ALTHOUGH I have only been a student here for a semester and a half, I would like to com- ment on the dress and appearance 0t many of the student: I have observed. Generally speaking, their ap- pearance is excellent, and most of the students appear clean and wholesome and are inspiring to behold. However, at the risk of being misinterpreted as discrimi- natory, I would like to center my comments on the "circus freak" group of American students I have seen scattered throughout the campus. * a *r THESE are the bearded, long- haired, sloppy, unsanitary looking students who appear to be refu- gees from some beatnik cave. Although I have had my share of laughs and at times sincere amusement at their eccentric ap- pearance, I must admit that they are rather disgusting, and I can't help but wonder that they are wasting their parents' hard-earned money by even being in a Univer- sity. How fortunate that students on the college level must resort to such slovenly methods to get at- tention and to get the satisfaction of "feeling different." * * * I WONDER just what kind of future citizens they will mnake if they are unwilling or too lazy to attempt to present a clean (how- ever modest) appearance at this early stage of their lives. I refer to the males and the females (unbearded ones). I am practical enough to ap- prove of jeans, shorts, etc. and am all for the comfort of the indi- vidual, but at the risk of losing some of the atmosphere of the campus and at the risk of curbing some of the freedom of dress, I wonder if such indiscretion in ap- pearance is a good influence on the modern youth of today. For the first semester it was a riot, but now it is getting rather boring. -E. Franklin Hal, M.D. Graduate student School of Public Health INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Alternative to Strikes? There's a Bit of the Irish in All of Us . Associated Press News Analyst By J. M. ROBERTS rHE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES are so accustomed to conducing their affairs hirough committees that few of the umpteen- tiousand panels always at work ever create pore than a small ripple. However, one went quietly to work in New ork recently on an agenda which, if success- ully -carried to a conclusion, could create a ave in American economic history. It is headed by Dr. George W. Taylor, who resided over President Eisenhower's board of iquiry into last year's steel strike. It includes epresentatives of the Kaiser steel corporation rid the TTnite Steelworkers of America. economic progress can be shared equitably between stockholders, workers and the public. Its object is to end strikes: A human relations research committee of similar components from the rest of the steel industry, studying similar problems, will soon go to work. THE GOAL will be approached through a maze of problems, each of which is almost as complicated as the major theme. Some of them are: Better communication between labor and management so that workers may know as much about their businesses as members of the board. tlr .+n aura rt - -o"AM. 1110 na '" - acm -