T H E M I C H I G A N D A I LYT st U' Fraternities, Colonies Pledge 407 Rushees s S eatuun~unin,,,.o.,.'A .... The University's 42 undergradu- ate social fraternities and colo- t nies pledged 407 men during the 4 spring rush period. . Their names follow: ACACIA . Robert Stanton Bristol, '63; Doug- - las Joseph Carlisle, '63; Malcolm e Danforth, '61SM; Gayle Helf, '62SM; Willard Byron Pearson, . '62SM; Leslie Smith, '63. ALPHA DELTA PHI Hal M. Briggs Jr., '63E; Jacob O. Funkhouser Jr., '62; John Edward j Kolesar, '63; Jerry Roger Long, s '63; William Ronald MacKay, '63; . G. Brook Stanford III, '63. ALPHA EPSILON PI Joseph Allen, '63; Peter Henry Balbert,''63; Michael Jerald Ein- : bund, '63; Stanley Robert Gelman, '63E; Samuel Edward Hartman, '63E; Leonard Allen Kersch, '63E; Sander Lehrer, '63E; Elihu Mi- chael Okin, '63; Warren Jeffrey Perlove, '63; Barry Allen Rosen- feld, '63; Isaac Schulz, '63E; Law- rence Charles Silton, '64E; Arthur Robert Solomon, '64E. ALPHA KAPPA LAMBDA Victor Michael Powers, '62E; Perry Willmann Remaklus, '61BAd. ALPHA SIGMA PHI Kenneth Eugene Baker, '62E; Warren Downe Devine Jr., '63E: Wallace Howard Glendening, '62; John C. Marsh, '62; Robert C. Ruhl, '63E; James Edward Wasco, '62. ALPHA TAU OMEGA Michael William Aderhold, '63; Nelson Fredrick Enns, '63; An- thony John Garcia, '63; Donald Raymond Marble, '61; Mitchell Naum Phillips, '63; Thomas Hamp- ton Story, '63; Paul William Swan- son, '63. BETA THETA PI Frederick Miles Balfour, '63; Thomas Alvin Brown, '63; Charles James Buckley, '62; Frederick Dibbert, '63; Michael Paul Hanov, '63; Frank Michael Maloney, '62; Michael James May, '62; Donald Charles Swift, '64A&D; Philip Hain Turnock, 'Q3E. CHI PHI Lemuel Calvert Curlin, '63; David Norcross Keyser, '63; Fred rick Gerald, Tremblay, '63; Richard l Clark Weirmiller, '63. CHI PSI Michael Edward Brady, 163:.Wil-! liam John Burchfield, '63E; Gerald William Edson, '63; Edgar Lee Evans, '63E; Jay Wetzel Hall, '63E; John Alton Jeffries, '62E; Roger G. Ostrander, '63; Robert Thomas! Rowney, '63; David Jon Welch, '63E; James Alton White, '62E. DELTA CHI Lee Brian Brandt, '63; Steven Patrick Henry, '63; James Mike Kennedy, '63; Newton Lee Wes-, ley, '63E. DELTA KAPPA EPSILON Lynn Michael Bartlett, '63; Ray- mond O'Neil Golden. 6E di Henry Smith, '63E; James Jerome Trussel, '63. DELTA UPSILON Michael Francis Baad, '63; Rob- ert McKendrie Brimacombe, '63; James William Currie, '63Ph.; Richard Alan Earle, '63E; Richard Craig G'Sell, '63E; Frederick How- ell Herrmann, '64A&D; Gary Richard Joachim, '62E; Richard Lowell King, '64E; Gary William Kurz, '63E; Edward Hugo Wahl, '63E; Brent Montrose Whipple, '64. KAPPA SIGMA William Allen Blum, '63; Earl Francis Boxell, '62E; David Henry Buchanan, '62; William Leonard Butterfield, '63; Harvey Kenneth Dohn, '64E; John Elfred Hawley, '63E; Calvin B. Howell, '62; Jan Edward Hulett, '63E; David Carl Janetzke, '63E; James Clifton Johnson, '63; James Michael King, '63E: John Thomas Lee, '62; Phil- lip Allen Nyhuis, '63; Rudolf Fran- cis Seichter, '63; John Lewis Skill- man, '62E; Kenneth Victor Vis- conti, '63E. , LAMBDA CHI ALPHA Charles Francis Aquino, '63E; James Anthony Canfield, '63; Pe- ter Richard Chisena Jr., '63; Dan- iel James Ellis, '62; John HowardI Emmert, '63; Thomas Butler Flat- land, '63; Robert Edward Gilbert, '63; Daniel Lorne Heeke, '62; Rod- erick Kent Johnson, '63; Stephen Deane Loftus, '62; Jordan Davis Luttrell, '63; William Bernard Ma- takas, '62; Charles Donald 0'- Connell, '63E; John Edwind Reis- ing, '63; Robert Terry Sack, '63; William Paul Selmeier, ; '63E James Gardner Stebbins, '62E; William Paul Sutter, '63; Dennis Fullard Turner, '63; Charles Phil- lips Whittemore, '63. PHI DELTA THETA John Ellis Atchison, '63; David Irving Brazier, '63E; Clifton Alvord Cobb, '63; Philip Charles Craig, '63; Bruce Joseph Ford, '63E; Dav- id John Glinka, '63; Ralph How- ard Griesser, '63Ed.; David Jo- seph Hood, '63Ed.; William Hooth, '63; Rodney Linder, '63Ed.; John Ernest Lucadam, '63Ed.; Joseph Louis Nameth, '63Ed.; Edmond. Timothy Ray, 63E; Don Milo Sim- mones, 62E; John Robert Sparks, 63E; David Moses Tear, '62Ed.; Bruce Hevron Thompson, '62; Al- bert Elil Vossldr,' 62; James Rufus Waterson, 63E; Gerald Richard Weiss, '63E. PHI EPSILON PI Richard Joel Baron, '63; Marvin Brown, '63; Jerome Cohen, '63E; Gary Kukes, '63; Lawrence Rob- ert Meyer, '63; David M. Schwartz,f '62; Steven Joel Takiff, '63; Gerald Phillips Tishler, '63; Malvin J. Warwick, '63; Thomas Richard Wechter, '63; Richard Wexler, '63; Robert Leslie Winer, '63. FRATERNITY PLEDGE ...last lap Joseph, 'ยง3; Peter Koffman, '63; Samual Marwit, '63; John Shur- man, '63; David Tatel, '63E. PHI SIGMA KAPPA John Clarence Duffendack, '63E; Robert Frederick Garrels, '62; Stephen Arthur Hemenway, 62E; Stephen Alan Johnson, 62NR; Richard William Thies, '63; Ron- ald Kieth Bargason, 63; Stephen Leon Waskih, '63. PI LAMBDA PHI Charles F. Gottlieb, '63; An- thony F. Japha, '63E; Sheldon Howard Roodman, '63; Terry A. Mossman, '63; Fred Gilbert Sam- son, '63; Harvey Jay Matlof, '63; Lloyd J. Benjamin, '63; Allan H. Perlman, '63E; Roger Abady Gold- stein, '63; James Steven Greene, '63; Mark Perlow, '63. PSI UPSILON Albert O'Beirne Andrews Jr., '62; Thomas Peter Krakker Jr., '62; David Caldwell Leedy, 63; George Alwin Roberts, '63; Kirk Slaser, '63A&D. SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON Charles Lee Barnell, '63; Richard Miller Biondi, '62; Donald Ray- mond Brinkman, ' 63E; Milton Robert Chandler, '63; Charles William Collins, '63E; Stanley Cullen Cox, '63; William Ashland Freehan, '63; Gary David Giller,! '63E; George Lee Ginger, '63Ed.; Anthony Francis Ippolito, '63; Jo- seph Carmack Jones, '63Ed.; Don- ald Edward Kleckner, '63; James Kellogg Mathie, '63E; John Ken- neth McGonigal, '63; Douglas Ed- ward Merrill, '63; Hal C. Ran- som, '63; Wesley John Roberts, '63E; Jack Arthur Strobel, '63; Charles Wilde Thomson, '63; James A. Ward, 63Ed.; Donald Gordon Wright, 62E. SIGMA ALPHA MU Charles Lee Abraham, '63; James M. Amend, '64E; Jack Lewis Ber- man, '64; Mark E. Erenburg, '64; Jerry Henry Frankel,.'63; Martin Herbert Gurvey, '63; Richard G. George Hubert, '63; Vance Gilbert PHI GAMMA DELTA Just, '64; Philip M. Kayman, '64; Ingalls, '63: Peter Macintyre Litch- bert Harold Acker, '63; Ronald James Lee Rigelhaupt, '64; Day- field, '63; Fredrick Guy Neff, '63; Joseph Bolt, '63; Michael Keith id R. Schenk, '64. Burns, '62; Robert Edward Clark, SIGMA cH Robert Marion Noah, '63E; Osorn '63E; George Thomas Cole, '63; David Lee Bos, '63, Paul Doug- shall Shell, '63; Henry Mar- Sheela Baughn Davis, '64A&D; las Cooper, '63; John Henry Du- Delta Sigma Phi Jerry Whitcomb Gerich, '63E; mont, '63; William George Earle, Frederick James Cosway. '6lEd.: Michael James Healy, '63; Charles '62E; James Ellis Griffin, '63; Joel Stanley Demski, '62E; David Arthur Judge, 62; George Ale- James Clifford Keen, '63E; Steph- Scott Ellinwood, '63 A&D; Richard sander Reilly Jr., '62; Gerald Er- en Duane Thrasher, '63; John Leal Fisher, '64 A&D; Gordon nest Ridley, '62; Alan Judson Eddy Uley, Jr., 63E. George Loveland Jr., '63 E; Fred- Stenger, '62; Gabriel Wexler Vic- SIGMA NU erick James Malecki, '63; William tor, '63. Herbert ruce Baker, '63; Charles Otto Muenchinger, '63E; Drew Ed- i PHI KAPPA PSI David Colson, '63; Ronald Dean mund Novak, '63E; Ralph Erich Lous Charles Fulgoni, '63; Drews, '63; Robert Larry Filar, Reins, '62E; Ken Kessler Robinson, Charles McCann Harrison, '63; '63E; Vladimis John Gaiar, '63; .' Frederic William Heller, '63; Wil- '63E. Ralph William Hansteen, '63; DELTA TAU DELTA ham Raymond Koraleski, '63E; Robin Humphery, '63; Don Wur- Lars Robert Anderson, '63; David Robert Powell Polleys, '63E; James ster Lage, '63; Henry Arthur Nal- Walter Croysdale, '63; Donald Joseph Reilly, '63. banian, '63;.Herbert Nicholas Nigg, Deorge Dimcheff, ' 62; William PHI KAPPA TAU '63; Stuart Ford Patch, '62E; Ewing Gleasan, '63; Daniel Sew- Lee Andrew Black, '63; Leslie Al- Charles Holmes Shaw, 64. ald Glennie, '63; Bruce Melville an Brill, '63; William Davis Hall,x SIGMA PHI Groom, '63; Stuart Robert Main, '63; Thomas Nicholas Kotsis, '63; Robert William Bednas, '63; Ste- '63E; Daniel W. Reese, '62E; Ste- Carl Leroy Pierson, 63. phan Millard Brickley, '63; Rob- ven Robert Schoener, '62; Wayne PHI KAPPA SIGMA ert Earl Davis, '63; Joseph Ed- ... Alex Ellsworth Finkbenier, '63Ph; ward Diachun, '63; James Barth- Richard Lane Maire, '62E; Alfred olomew Gaffney, '63; James Glen Walter Morse, '63; Rex Montgom- Haidt, '63E; Joseph Stanley No- OM INEE ery Williams, '63. vak, '63; Xhafer Orhan, '63; Dav- ' PHI SIGMA DELTA id Paul Schaupner, '63; William Steven Engelberg, '63; Lyle Felsen- Richard Schutze, '63. thal, '63E; Henry Futterman, '63; SIGMA PHI EPSILON " Aaron Grossman, '63; Barry S. Fernando Augusto Batlle, 63A&D; "'THE MOUSE THAT ROARED' IS OUR N T T FU NTUR- FOR THE FUNENIEST PICTUREOFTHE - Cook, N. Y World-Telegram "A hilarious movie! Peter Sellers is the funniest actor England has se'at to America since Alec Guinness!" -Life Magazine "Wild fun, in terms of social burlesque and sheer iviack Jnnett farce... it has a clear Guinness comic quality!" -Crowther.Y Times "Starting with the title, everything about 'The Mouse That Roared' is hugely amusing! Ingeniously off-beat comedy, with delightfully daffy incidents, gags and chases. An elegant spoof!" -Peswick, N.YM Journal-American DIAL NO 8-6416 ENDING TONIGHT "THE DEVIL STRIKES AT NIGHT" * STARTING FRIDAY r IN HER HANDS MEN WERE PUPPETS- , r-Zunser, Cue Magazine ighter!" - Cameron, M Y. Daily News - ilbert, N. Y. Mirror "Downright hilarious!" -Saturday Review PETER SELLERS AS THE ROYAL FAMILY OF THE DUCHY OF GRAND FENWICK I TODAY at the LA . asEIU A LI i A ff J* N8 2AftA L II 2 ~ E UIE I I i II 1 ''' [ A A I 11 <<...