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March 15, 1960 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-03-15

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Kill Two Amendments

Five Nations
Ask Gradual
Calls for Three Steps
To Eliminate Military
Except Internal Police
GENEVA ( - Five Western
wers unveiled yesterday a dra-
tic disarmament plan to create
i international group so power-
ul it eventually could veto a na-
on's nilitary budget.
In three gradual stages, the
rid would disarm until each
tion had only enough armed
orce to maintain internal order.
weapons of mass destruction
uld be junked. Space would be
red to military missiles.
In the second stage, another
armament conference would be
Ied to Include Red China and
other nations with strong mil-
forces. They would be In-
ted to join the movement to-
rd world disarmament.
The Western plan, carrying the
ames of the United States, Brit-
in France, Italy and Canada,
be introduced promptly in
he East-West arms conference
pening today in the Palace of
Set Up Inunediately
Its central feature calls for es-
bishment of an international
-amaent organization which
oud be set up almost immed-
tely to begin preliminary studies
f complex disarmament prob-
If the Western plan wins the
fproval of the Communist pow-
these studies would lead on
p-by-step to international con-
1 over the world's weapons in-
hiding everything from military
hiles cruising outer space to
nd grenades.
An American source empha-
that the final stage of the
ian -- with its arrangements for
control .- would only come
to force after the preliminary
hases had beenachieved. From
einning end the emphasis
d be placed on fool-proof
Turn in Uniforms
If the Western plan ultimately
adopted and if the carefully
lanned reductions are carried
tmost of the soldiers, sailors
d airmen in the world would
urn in their uniforms. Those re-
aining in service would be used
nly to preserve internal security.
ientists would halt weapons re-
arch and direct their knowledge
nly to projects of peace.
Western officials formally
nded over their plan to the five
ommunist delegations at a pre-
nference meeting last night.
The five Communist-bloc na-
ions, the Soviet Union, Poland,
o m a n i a, Czechoslovakia and
garia have ready a rival plan
ed on Premier Nikita B.
shchev's proposals for total
orld disarmament.
Red China is not represent-
at Geneva but both sides agree
orid disarmament plans must
ventually bring in Communist
3hina. -





Professors View Conference


. delays Paris visit

Name New
Tour Dates
PARIS WA')-- The French and
Soviet governments yesterday set
new dates -- March 23-April 3 --
f or a shortened visit to :France by
Premiere Nikita S. Khrushchev.
The announcement followed re-
assuring reports from Soviet am-
bassador Serge Vinogradov of
progress by the 65-year-old Soviet
Premier in his bout with the flu,
French officials said.
It cut short vague speculation
that Khrushchev might be sicker
than admitted or suffering a dip-
lomatic illness. French officials
and most of the press discounted
from the start that he was using
a dodge to call off the trip or
force any drastic revision of
.Khrushchev originally had
planned to arrive in Paris today
for a 14-day swing around the
country and talks with President
Charles de Gaulle before the East-
West summit in may. The new
schedule cuts two days off the
Sunday, with some welcoming
flags already flying, Moscow an-
nounced that Khrushchev was
down with a case of "khrip"
(grippe), and that it would be im-
possible for him to keep the Trues-
day date. He returned March 8
from, an exhausting 25-day expe-
dition to India, Burma, Indonesia
and Afghanistan. He apparently
fell victim about Friday to the
same bug that has afflicted thou-
sands of other Muscovites.
As usual Moscow was giving no
details on his sickness or where
he was being treated, but he was
believed to be at his home outside
the city.
Under the new arrangements,
Khrushchev will end his visit only
two days before de Gaulle is off
for London for talks with the
The shortened and revised
schedule, necessitated by Khrush-
chev's illness and de Gaulle's
plans, made hash of careful min-
ute-by-minute plans drawn by
the French.

Two University experts on dis-
armament yesterday appraised the
West's new disarmament plan, and
added views on the Geneva con-
ference in general.
They were guarded about
chances for the conference's suc-
cess, and Prof. Singer suggested
weaknesses in the Western plan.
"It's useful that the West has
gotten together a reasonably co-
herent proposal, but the trouble
is it seems to have made no serious
effort to meet the previous objec-
tions of the Soviets," Prof. J.
David Singer of tie political sci-
ence department argued.
The Russians object to Western
insistence on "foolproof inspection
and control prior to arms reduc-
Instead, Prof. Singer said, "the
West sought to settle for a control
system which will have a high
probel'1ity of deterring any at-
tempt at evasion."
"The United States is quite ab-
surd in demanding a system which
will identify and detect every sin-
gle underground test down to the
five kiloton level.
"A system requiring so many
inspection sites, such freedom of
access, so many people running
around just becomes impractical."
Prof. Singer suggests an ade-
quate system would be one that
only "makes the chances of being
caught high enough so tests won't
be made. "Resulting world opinion
would be an effective check.
"The Russians don't want the
East-West struggle to break into
the military arena . . . they're
playing for the grandstands.
"Instead of trust and confidence,
let's assume they're reasonably
sane and intelligent. Though our
goals are in sharp conflict, they
are not going to go out and com-
mit national suicide.
"Trust is almost irrelevant in
disarmament negotiations."
Prof. Singer said it will be two
weeks before indications of the
conference's course will be appar-
ent; Prof. Inis L. Claude of the
political science department went
He said he was pessimistic about
definite accomplishments by the


conference. "There is no evidence Prof. Claude added. "The big fel-
we're close to a breakthrough. lows are not well equipped for the
"In general I'm quite skeptical technical problems as the tech-
of direct disarmament negotia- nicians."
tions," he said, "though they are "It's encouraging both leader-
worth while trying. It's pretty ships are now aware of the tre-
hard to get excited about particu- mendous danger in the present
lar conferences." deterrance relation," Prof. Singer
United States officials in Geneva, added. But the tragedy is that
the Associated Press reported, are "they are not willing to take other
figuring it will be several weeks kinds of risks to mitigate these
before the West definitely knows dangers."
whether there is a real chance for Actually, "the real problem is
an agreement with the Commun- not ironclad inspection but en-
ists. forcement, what happens if eva-
American negotiators have been sion is attempted."
told to plan on staying in Geneva Prof. Singer suggests use of the
for at least a year. British plan for transferring nu-
The officials said no dramatic clear weapons to an international
agreement will be reached quickly, stockpile, with an international
but expressed confidence the police force to maintain and oper-
Western proposals offer a basis for ate it. It would require an inter-
talks. national agency with legal and
Washington experts scoffed at political power to use the military
Soviet Premier Khrushchev's pro- power.
posal for a complete world-wide The West's plan takes the first
disarmament in four years. Much step toward this, so the problem
of the Khrushchev plan is a re- is "whether the West would go
hash of previous proposals, and further or if the Russians will
four years is too short a time to buy it."
expedite an agreement. Prof. Singer is "not at all op-
They admitted'the Western pro- timistic" about chances for such
posal is also something of a re- a plan.
hash, but argued the over-all ar- He added that United States
rangement is different and simpler manpower cuts, offered in the
to negotiate on;. they emphasize package to be presented today,
the new package's lack of political "must be viewed in the same con-
conditions. text as Soviet unilateral reduc-
The problem, Prof. Claude said, tions.
is that neither side trusts each "For both sides it makes sense
other. The United States has come to cut ground forces, since their
around to the position agreements strategies are clearly ones of mass-
must be subjected to checks, and iye deterrance.
the Soviet Union is suspicious of "Neither is giving up much; not
its real intent. There is no reason only that, the cuts are no contri-
to suppose they are not sincere. bution to international disarma-
Disarmament questions may ment agreements. They were going
come up at the Summit meeting, to make them anyway," and are
but "I suspect lower level negoti- using them for maximum propa-
ations are more appropriate," ganda effect.
uny £ritiian1ODU019
Second Front Page
Sunday, March 13, 19601 page 3

House, in its first major actions
on the civil rights bill yesterday
killed two proposals by President
Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Knocked out on points of order
raised by Southerners were:
1) A proposed amendment to
set up a 15-member Presidential
commission with the aim of as-
suring Negroes employment rights
on jobs under government con-
2) Another amendment that
would have authorized federal
grants and technical assistance
to communities or states trying
to desegregate their schools.
Meanwhile, in the Senate, the
Administration took a setback on
a vote of 85-1 to make the bomb-
ing penalties in the civil rights
bill apply to every type of bomb-
ing or arson.
The first House decisions were
not clearcut divisions on civil
rights legislation itself.
Rep. Emanuel Celler (D-N.Y.)
offered the government jobs
amendment and Rep. Howard W.
Smith (D-Va.) immediately ob-
jected that it was alien to the bill.
The presiding officer, Rep.
Francis E. Walter (D-Pa.), sus-
tained Smith's point of order,
agreeing that it was out of order.
Then Celler appealed the ruling
and the House upheld Walter
The House traditionally sus-
tains its presiding officer. Celler's
appeal was the first of its kind in
On the second amendment re-
jection, the one dealing with fed-
eral aid for desegregating areas,
again the point was made, and
Rivalry Keen
To Withdraw,
From State
LANSING (M--A move to split
Michigan into two states and to
provide "two nice seats in the
United States Senate" is before
the state legislature.
A resolution offered Friday by
Rep. George Montgomery, a De-
troit Democrat, would make
Wayne (Detroit) County a sep-
arate state and give it the name
of Michigan.
The rest of the state, under
Montgomery's bill, would become
"Water Wonderland."
Rep. Louis Mezzano, a Democrat
from Michigan's Upper Peninsula,
took exception to Montgomery's
plan, saying that "the Upper
Peninsula shuld get first crack at
leaving," because "we've been try-
ing to for 50 years."

Dirksen protested that was go-
ing far beyond the realm of civil
rights. He said the Justice De-
partment said it didn't want the
Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz.)
author of the amendment, said
Congress- should recognize that a
'man has a civil right to be secure
on his own property.
Another point at issue Is
whether the House should retain
a provision authorizing fines and
prison terms for those who use
force or threats to defeat school
desegregation orders.
Last Friday the Senate threw
the provision out, after first
broadening it to apply the penal-
ties to cases involving all sorts
-of court orders, not just school
Atty. .Gen. William P. Rogers
has taken the stand that the pro-
vision is vitally needed to carry
out school orders "without mob
violence and without the necessity
of using federal troops."
A foremost northern advocate
of civil rights legislation, Sen.
Kenneth B. Keating (R-N.Y.),
conceded that "we have lost
ground in the early skirmishes."
Those who want a far-reaching
new law have some reason for pesa
simism, he told the Senate, but
their losses may be made up "if
we redouble our efforts."

... delays rights bill
sustained that the amendment
was out of order.
There wasn't even any try on
the second time to overrule the
In both cases, it was held that
the amendments were not pertin-.
ent to the main purpose of the
bill - basically the assurance of
voting rights.
The House turned next to the
key proposal for a system of ref-
erees to be appointed by federal
courts to help Southern Negroes
vote in areas where they say they
are barred, by local officials.
There was a possibility the
Senate might later throw out the
whole section on bombings.
In a similar situation last week,
the Senate voted to make resist-
ance to every sort of federal court
order - not just orders on school
segregation -- subject to criminal
Organized labor objected to this
and the Senate ditched the whole
The bill as it stands would pro-
vide penalties of up to five years
in prison and a $5,000 fine for
crossing a state or national bor-
der in an effort to escape punish-
ment for bombing or burning
"any building, structure, facility
or vehicle."
in the modern manner
State St. at North U.


-- ----------------a-a-------------------- ---------



A Campus-to-Career Case History


11 I1(I.. WI

9Iswda/&,un 4?
' - -

Field assignments, plus theoretical lab work (above), keep Larry Carmody's engineering career stimulating.
If your future Is engineering, put
yourself in Larry Carmody's shoes
I I1
Lawrence M. Carmody formed some firm ing more advanced training, he:
convictions about his future engineering " designed mobile radio systems
career while a senior at Illinois Institute " did path studies of radio circuit routes
* of Technology.
of"Iewantedgto do significant work," he " worked on a special air-to-ground com-
!I wanted tod sgfiatwrh munications project for an airline
r says, "and have a variety of assignments . .
that would broaden me and keep my job * did field work for a new, transistorized
* interesting. I wanted to make good use walkie-talkie system developed by Bell
of my schooling and express my own Laboratories.
I ideas. And, like anyone with ambition, Today, Larry is gaining further valuable
i I wanted all the responsibility I could experience by planning and designing
handle and real opportunities to keep statewide long-distance facilities involv-
moving ahead." ing microwave, carrier, and cable sys-
Larry ot his B.S.E.E. degree in June, tems-projecting circuit needs as far
1955, and went with Illinois Bell Tele. ahead as 20 years. His recommendations
* phone Company in Chicago. He first often represent hundreds of thousands of
Sworked in the Radio and Special Services dollars in equipment and facilities. I
r Group of the Transmission Engineering "Telephone company engineering is
Division. There, in addition to receiv- 'tops' in my book," says Larry.
1 r
I Like to he in Larry's shoes? Many young college men are pursuing N
1 ,,bEIW :bwhUetKUUIPI

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