SAC PLATFORMS ABILITY TESTS see Pace 4 Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom DrnIAtl FAIR, COLD Hlgh-30 Mostly fair, continued cold. A-N---LISU1L, MIUIUL*AIN , .._ __,..._iIIi,~b ,,.e.. . UW.4N'J MIMI MILT. Vb A 1' VOL. LX .No. 114 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 1960 FaVE CENTS TEN PA i I I I Yr11 N F1 OR HIGHER T XES FOR COLLEGE GRO T By NAN MARKEL Most families in Michigan think that higher taxes alone- with no raises in tuition-should take care of expansion at the state's colleges and universities. Forty to fifty per cent of adults sampled in an unpublished survey made for the Council of State College Presidents hold this point of view. Only one in four advocates a combination of higher taxes and raised tuition. Another one-fourth thinks this money should come from users of colleges-students and their families. This is a part of "The Public's Picture of Higher Education in the State of Michigan" presented in a preliminary report from the University's Survey Research Center. The state college presi- dents group commissioned the report because, as the study points out: :With prospects of further growth, facilities and faculties will have to be expanded, and financing for this expansion must be secured. ",.. .Faced with such problems and pressures, it becomes necessary for officials in educational institutions to understand the viewpoints of the public, and for the public to understand the actions, policies and needs of these institutions." Questions to the sample of 950 adults (scientifically chosen to represent the total adult population in the state) ranged from "In what ways do you think some young people are not as good after going to college?" to "If tax money from the state is used in research, what sorts of research do you think should be done with the money?" Some answers were surprising. For instance, estimates of cost for a year at college ranged from less than $400 up to $5,000. Twenty-two per cent guessed it would cost less than $1,200. The middle estimate is about $1,580. People in the state "overwhelmingly" think the University is the best school in the state. "As many rank this university first (51 per cent) as give primary rank to all other colleges and uni- versities combined," it was reported. But no such majority expects to send its children to the Uni- versity, In fact, a greater number say their children might go to Michigan State University than to Ann Arbor. (The social scientists who headed the survey - Stephen What Do You Think? Ask yourself what you think are people's attitudes on the following questions. Then see the survey report on "The Public's Picture of Higher Education in the State of Michigan" for what people actually think. What do most people see asthe greatest advantage of a college education? On what bases do people tend to evaluate colleges and universities? Are these the same criteria parents use in deciding where their own children are going to go? Withey, Jack McLeod and James Swinehart of the Survey Re- search Center-point out that this finding might not hold if the study were done again. It is 25 per cent of only 212 people who expect to send children to MSU, a number so small that it is not statistically reliable. But another survey would not be likely to find a reversal in favor of the University, they said.) Only nine per cent of those naming a college where their child might go chose schools in other states. Looking at the possible disadvantages in a college education, about one out of every four people thinks some boys or girls who go to college might turn out to be snobbish or egotistical. Look at Disadvantages About half as many think students learn to "expect too much, something for nothing," or frown on personal habits learned, like smoking or manner of dress. Very few people object to colleges for teaching immoral be- havior, or "breakdown of thinking about right and wrong," or upsetting faith in God so students don't go to church, or turning students "pink or red." About half the adults in Michigan can think of no way a college education ;ould change a person "for the worse." "The values of society and the economy have moved to the point where adults in Michigan are overwhelmingly in favor of a college education for their children if they can manage it," the survey reports. "Among all adults in Michigan, about 95 per cent believe that, any boy who has the ability to use college training should cer- tainly obtain it. "Today there is reason to believe that virtually everyone thinks a college education is desirable if - one's children are to get a favorable share of society's benefits." What about college training for girls? Almost as many think it is a good idea for girls as for boys. Most of those that do gay it makes it easier for a girl to get a job. Only about one out of every four people speaks of college training as helping a girl become a better wife and mother. The "payoff" in getting a college education, for both boys and girls, is that it makes it easier to get a better Job, the great ma- jority believes. They do not emphasize "the values and heritage of society" or cultural values of a general education. They say instead the advantage is that college graduates get: better jobs, have greater job security, and receive higher salaries than people who do not go to college. Reputation Important When people in Michigan think about where to send their children to college-and about one family in three is currently pretty certain about the decision!-they say they like a school with a good reputation and one that is close to home. Many choose because of "affiliation of the college with a pre- ferred group, such as religious denomination." People favor a college close to home over one at a distance by a ratio of about 11 to 4. They favor attendance within the state rather than going to schools outside Michigan by about 9 to 1. Although cost is not mentioned much, the survey report notes "it is likely that this factor lurks behind some original screening See REPORT, Page 2 . I ..._ ........................... Student Protest Quiet Group Pickets Loca Demonstrators Anti-Negro Bias Retail Stores Acts Follow Report To City by Committee By THOMAS HAYDEN Nearly 100 students, both Negro and white, passively picketed four Ann Arbor stores yesterday. No violence was reported as the demonstrators marched from 1 to 5 p.m. before The Cousins Shop, F. W. Woolworth's, and two S. S. Kresge stores. The Cousins Shop has been ac- cused of racial discrimination in a report of the Ann Arbor Human. Relations Commission to the City Council. The other stores are members of national chains which allegedly discriminate in some southern states. Spokesman 'Pleased' John Leggett, Grad., spokesman for the demonstrators, said he was "pleased" with the picketing, particularly with the number of persons who joined the effort. The picketers were not members of a single organization. "But I would hope some type of organi- zation might develop out of this," Leggett said. At least one store manager said Saturday business was not im- paired by the picketing. Both whites and Negroes crossed picket lines to shop in the stores. Leggett said the demonstrations did not urge economic boycotts, but rather "a psychological boy- cott-a boycott of their minds." Tell Wish Picketers in front of the Cousins Shop explained on placards their "wish to dramatize" the Human Relation Commission's report and "bring this matter before the pub- lic." They requested the Human Re- lations Commission and the City Council to "act with haste to im- plement the findings of the Com- mission." A sign before the Kresge store read, "this protest is not directed against this particular store but against the policies of the Kresge chain." Another noted "southern Negro students have been engaging in sit-down demonstrations to end these practices. In solidarity with their struggles, we picket today." The picketing may be continued next week, Leggett said, if the group feels such action will be useful. Ike. Adenauer Cold War Meetngs To Begin GENEVA (M)-Delegates of the North Atlantic Treaty powers and the Soviet Bloc assembled in Ge- neva yesterday for a 10-nation disarmament conference opening Tuesday. The two blocs brought rival plan to disarm the world that probably will be debated for months. The Western plan, hammered out in difficult bargaining in Washington and Paris, was given final approval by the North At- lantic Council earlier yesterday in the French capital. The plan agreed upon by the United States, Britain, France, Canada and Italy, the five West- ern representatives to the disarm- ament talks, calls for these three main stages: List Stages 1) Creation of an international disarmament agency to centralize all records of arms and troops possessed by all nations. 2) Agreement of all nations in- volved to stop making nuclear weapons. Fissionable material on hand would be converted to "atoms for peace" programs. Un- officially, it was reported that as part of this stage the United States will cut its armed forces to 2,100,000 men if the Soviet Union agrees to do the same. 3) Agreement to end production of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles for military use. Eventu- ally, the armies of -all nations would be cut to the lowest level needed for security. Describes Plan Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Valerian Zorin, arriving earlier in the day as the head of the Soviet Bloc, announced the rival plan will be based on Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev's program for world' disarmament. Khrushchev unfolded his plan last September in a speech before the United Nations. It calls for total abolition of national military forces and war staffs over a four- year period. 4 SELECT CANDIDATES-Students will go to the polls Tuesday and Wednesday to vote for SOC candidates, senior class officers, student representatives to the Board in Control of Athletics, Board in Control of Student Publications, and Union Board of Directors. Two candidates for SGC have said they will refuse to be seated if fewer than 5,000 vote in this election. SGC Candidates EXpress Vews PICKET STORES-Groups of students and Ann Arbor citizens picketed three local stores yesterday to protest alleged discrimination either by the Ann Arbor stores or chain members in the South. There was no disturbance during the demonstration, though both Negro and white shoppers Ignored the picket lines. At least one store manager said business had not fallen off during yesterday's picketing. IN FLORIDA, NEW JERSEY: Discrimination Prtlests Increase By JEAN SPENCER Proposing changes, taking stands, voicing opinions, 12 candi- dates for Student Government Council spent their evenings this week at open houses in various living units. Brereton Bissell, '61, and Paul Heil, '61, have announced that they will not take their seats if elected unless at least 5,000 stu- dents vote in the election Tuesday and Wednesday. , "Student government fails when 18 students make decisions on problems like discrimination and University regulations in the lethargic and apathetic atmos- phere which now surrounds SGC," Bissell said in a mimeographed "letter" which he distributed at The Daily open house Tuesday, Student Apathy In order to fight "student apathy," Bissell says, he is willing to place his Council membership in jeopardy to encourage a large vote. "Oceans of apathy are engulfing the campus," Heil said Tuesday. He related how Bissell had helped him realize the serious nature of this problem, and convinced him to join his stand against it. Bissell and Heil have challenged c By The Associated Press Princeton University students from the south attacked a group' of anti - segregationist student' pickets yesterday, throwing snow- balls and a few punches and rip- ping the pickets' signs: The pickets, a group of white Princeton undergraduates, were parading in front of an F. W. Woolworth store in protest against segregated lunch counters in the 5 - and - 10 chain's southern branches. Police said the attack on the pickets was led by members of the Colonial Club, a university eating club consisting primarily of Southern students, and supported by local high school students. Police quickly broke up the melee without making any arrests. There were no serious injuries. Meanwhile, tear gas was used to break upa Negro student march in Tallahassee, Fla., yes- terday after a dramatic face-to- face meeting between groups of parading Negroes and white people almost touched off a race riot. Florida's Gov. Leroy Collins in- structed officials of the Negro Florida A. & M. University at Tallahassee to confine students students refused to turn back and the officers set off some tear gas bombs. The Negroes then with- drew and returned to the campus. The incident occurred after a near-riot followed sitdown dem- onstrations in two Tallahassee stores. About 35 white people led by' Homer Barrs, executive director of the Florida White Citzens Coun- cil, intercepted some 100 Negroes maching toward the F. W. Wool- worth store. Barrs held up a three- foot club and told the Negroes "you aren't going any further." the other candidates to make the same statement. Cutting Chance Don Corriere, '61, replied to the challenge, saying he agrees apathy is a problem. "But it seems to me you're-cutting off your one chance to do something effective about it," he added. The communication problem which produces apathy 'may pro- duce a student body that doesn't include 5,000 informed voters, he said. He feels that Bissell's and Heil's stand "doesn't solve the communication problem." Fred Riecker, '63, added on the same subject, "You can't educate 5,000 people in a week." Use 'Tact' SGC should "use tact" in work- ing with the administration, Per Hanson, '62, asserted, particularly with regard to the discrimination issue. "Sigma Kappa proved SGC is a creature of the University," he added, "the Council lost out in the long run. This time they're organ- izing better, going more slowly. SGC should be a creature of the University, so that "unreasonable action" can't take place. James Hadley, '61, thinks SGC should calendar events for other student organization, but should leave final approval up to the individual organizations. "The question should be decided be- tween organizations whether they can give up the right to decide what they want to do." Denies Authority SGC President John Feldkamp, '61, asserted that SGC does in fact have the authority to deny approval of events. "As long as the Council works in its defined area of responsibility, concrete achievement is possible," he said, adding that the alleged quarrel with the administration "doesn't exist." In a discussion of what the Uni- versity should do about cheating, Arthur Rosenbaum, '62, said he thinks the administration should institute a "get tough" policy in lieu of an honors system, at least at first. by Bob Molay, '62. Trained per- sonnel in the social sciences should conduct research on such trends in the environment as profanity, water fights and disorganized be- havior, he said. M. A. Hyder Shah's platform proposes among other things to help increase American students' understanding of international af- fairs, stressing the importance of developing a broad "world out- look" among themselves. Activities should be extracurric- ular, Roger Seasonwein, '61, said. Students should consider them in the context of the educational community and participate in them for individual benefit, he said. "When the individual parti- cipates in activities to benefit other organizations, it's gone too far," he said. Joint Judiciary Cites Problem In LSA Voting Joint Judiciary Council has is- sued the following statement of policy regarding Senior Class elec- tions "The new photostated identifi- cation cards now being issued by the University fail to indicate the class standing of those to whom the cards are issued. Because class standing is crucial in determining eligibility for voting in Senior Class elections, measures are being taken to insure that those voting for Senior Class officers are prop- erly qualified. "The Joint Judiciary Council, in order to insure the fairness of these elections and prevent the irregularities that might surround them as a result of the new identi- fication cards, has authorized all poll workers to make a list of those people who present the new cards when voting for Senior Class officers. This list will be checked by the Council and persons found to have 300,000 MILES nUT: Pioneer V SilSnigSrnSgas -I WASHINGTON OP)-Pioneer V sent back strong radio signals yesterday, indicating a top flight performance as it jabbed steadily through the sea of space. Scientists predicted the beachball-size sphere would be 292,080 miles from the earth by midnight last night, clipping along at 6,219 miles per hour. As expected, the Earth's magnetic attraction still was slowing the sphere's speed. Its velocity was 24,869 miles per hour Friday morning when it kicked free of the rocket that had lofted it from Cape Canaveral, Fla. Information being relayed back from the newest United States space probe was being accumulated in tape form to be analyzed later by scientists. A spokesman for the National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion said space experts had not set a definite time for the start of their study on Pioneer V's relays. In the past, such information was 9.2 MILLION MILES July t April 30 51.75 ++++++rriIOR0IT OF MttON 4 MILES EART I Venus At -- ~Tme Of auc Nearest VenusJulyy199 Orbito LAUNCH " . ORBIT Of July 19 " Bober 29