SIT-INS AND PICKETING: TWO VIEWS See Page 4 Y Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom Datit CONTINUED CLOUDY Ilow--1 Possibilty of snow flurries this afternoon. FIVE CENTS VOL. LXX, No. 113 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 1960 FIVE CENTS SIX ____________________________________________________________ S i i U.S. Launching Succeeds: Pioneer Shot Circeles Sun * * * * * * Satellite Measures Space Distances By MICHAEL BURNS The new satellite imay help as- tronomers to solve an important and pressing problem: exactly how far from the earth are the other planets of the solar system? Present figures are only esti- mates, and may be off by as much as tens of thousands of miles. In the past, these disparities were not as important as they are to- day, when man should be able in the not too distant future to send explorers to the other planets. If a rocket were aimed at a dis- tant planet and the planet was not exactly at that distance the results would be critical. Astronomers do know how far' the distance is in terms of as- tronomical units, equivalent to the distance between the earth and the sun, but no one knows exactly how far an astronomical unit is in miles." Aceurately Measured The Pioneer V rocket is equipped so that its speed and distance can be accurately measured and thus can make the astronomical yard- stick more precise in terms of miles. Other results of the new satel- lite's trip may answer questions which scientists have about the radiation in outer space, which Prof. Lawrence H. Aller of the as- tronomy department suggests are the basic problem which the satel- lite could answer. He said the two types of radia- tion problems were those of x-ray and gamma rays and of, the im- portant high energy particles. Not Notified He explained observatories and astronomers are not notified in advance of the mechanisms and the tests of the satellites until West's Plan sets Arms Reductions PARIS P)-The Western pack- age plan for disarmament, agreed on Thursday by experts of five free world countries, provides for three separate phases in reducing world military forces, informed sources said yesterday. The new proposals, in line with French reservations regarding earlier plans worked up by Brit- ain and the United States, make provisions for the quicker elim- ination of nuclear weapons stock- piles, the informants said. They gave this outline: In the first phase of the plan, an internatlonal disarmament agency would be created to cen- tralize all records on armaments and troops maintained by all na- tions. Limits Foreseen Limits are envisioned for Soviet and American armed forces only. But all states would contribute prescribed quantities of arms to an international munitions depot. All plans for launching satel- lites into space would be required to be filed in advance with the agency. In the second phase, all the contracting nations would stop producing materials for nuclear weapons. They also would con- vert such materials already on hand for use in "Atoms for Peace" programs. Controls Established Controls would be established to guarantee observance of those measures. United States and So- viet manpower would be reduced to 2.1 million men each. Firing of space vehicles able to carry mass destruction weapons would be prohibited. Eventually, in the third phase, any production of any nuclear weapon or ballistic missile with a military use would be ended and armies of all countries would be, cut to the lowest levels that would still guarantee internal security. Yield To French Western experts were reported to have yielded to French de- mands claiming top priority for nuclear disarmament. Representatives of the United States, France, Britain, Canada and Italy meet again today for talks on a common position that the West will put before the Com- munist bloc Tuesday at Geneva after the satellites have been suc- cessfully launched, and thus he could not say definitely what ex- periments were being made with the artificial planet. Previous experimentation by means of rockets has measured the particle density and magnet- ic fields in the space between the earth and the moon. The tests will concentrate on this measure- ment farther out in space, he speculated. "This is fundamental," Prof. Aller said and the equipment is certain to contain particle radia- tion counters for this purpose. Although the total weight of satellites launched by the United States has been considerably less than those of the Soviet Union, the bulk of the scientific data has been gathered by the United States, he said. The United States has been very successful with the smaller satellites and has obtained "the most results per pound," Prof. Al- ler emphasized. He admitted that the Russians were ahead of the United States in photography' of the moon and exploration of that type but that the latter' was not significantly behind in other fields of satellite- gathered information. Before Friday's launching of the United States' satellite, both the Americans and the Russians had each previously sent one similar sphere into orbit about the Sun. However, the Soviets held a 240- to-one advantage in poundage. Russia's man-made planetoid, Lunik I or "Mechta," was also the first to go into orbit, its launching date being January 2, 1959. In- cluding the 795 pounds of instru- ments, Mechta's weight totals 3,238 pounds. Once every 15 months it completes one trip of its solar orbit. March 3, 1959, was the launch- ing date of America's Pioneer IV, a 13.4 pound miniature size satellite. Launched aboard a Juno II rocket, it came within 37,300 mles of the moon on its way to a solar orbit which passes between the earth and Mars. Until Friday's successful ven- ture, all other attempts by the United States to put another satellite into orbit about the Sun had failed. Experts See Radio Contact With Planet WASHINGTON (P) - American space scientists said they expect to be able to maintain radio contact with the new space probe for four or five months and possibly re- establish contact some time in 1963. The 1963 date is the time when the probe might again approach within 46 to 50 million miles of the earth, the planned range of the transmitter. Thor-Ale Rocket Fires Solar Sphere New 'Planet' Reports On Radioactive Areas In Solar System WASHINGTON (M)-The United States-scoring a big point in the space contest with Russia-yester- day shot a beachball-size sphere- load of instruments into an orbit calculated to carry it closer to the sun than man ever has probed before. The 94.8-pound space probe, given the name Pioneer V. sped aloft just after 8 a.m. from Cape Canaveral, Fla., in the nose of a powerful Thor-Able rocket whose three stages fired, one after an- other, with clocklike precision. The scientists said they expect to be able to keep radio contact with Pioneer V for four or five months, and possibly make new contact some time in 1963. According to calculations in the first hours of what may be a never-ending voyage, Pioneer is Rights Act Just Fails In House LANSING M) - The civil rights issue, hottest of the 1960 session, erupted inconclusively again yes- terday in the Legislature. Another session was set for Tuesday just before the House ad- journed for the weekend. Backers of broadened coverage of civil rights statutes, particularly as to housing, narrowly failed to carry off an unusual parliamen- tary procedure that last suc- ceeded in 1955. With Rep. George W. Sallade (R-Ann Arbor) taking the lead, they moved to take the so-called "Whinery rights bill" away from the State Affairs Committee that has blocked it for weeks. Receives 53 Votes The motion received 53 votes, three short of the 56 needed. Four Republcans joined 49 Democrats in supporting it. One absent Demo- crat didn't vote, and three voted, against the issue. Just before the roll call started,. Michigan's only Negro senator as- sailed police chief Paul Taylor of Lansing for actions in connection with a demonstration staged by supporters of the controversial legislation on the Capitol steps last Wednesday. Meanwhile, Rep. Lloyd Gibbs (R-Portland), State Affairs Com- mittee chairman, mysteriously dis- appeared for 24 hours, all but dooming the Whinery bills and two stronger Democratic meas- ures. Police Assemble Sen. Basil W. Brown (D-De- troit) said that at Taylor's re- quest state police assembled eight squad cars, equipped with riot equipment, in the basement of the city building across from the Capi- tol grounds. Brown called Taylor's move "il. advised, ill-conceived and with- out proper foundation in law or moral principle," Brown said Taylor's enlistment of state troopers attempted to at- tach a stigma to the demonstrators and their desires. Pivotal Bill The pivotal bill, authored by Rep. Thomas J. Whinery (R- Grand Rapids), would replace the existing state Fair Employment Practices Commission with a hu- man rights commission. Its authority would extend, not alone to hiring as now, but to prevention of discrimination for; reasons" of race, color or religion in the areas of education and public accommodations. Especially, it would be author- ized to act in transactions involv- ing "publicly assisted" housing, that is slum clearance and urban renewal projects-but not private housing. To Canvass Rep. Joseph J. Kowalski of De- troit, Democratic floor leader, said defecters within Democratic ranks would be canvassed over the week- end to see if their support could be enlisted in a second attempt to pry the Whinery bill loose and get it to the floor for debate. If enough would pledge sup- port for the move, notice will be filed tomorrow night and a second fight on the issue will be staged Tuesday, Kowalski said. Even if it succeeded then, House rules would have to be suspended -with two-thirds favorable vote- before the bill could be pushed to a passage roll call in advance of Wednesday's deadline for passage of bills in the house of introduc- tion. SIZE DOES'T MATTER-The learning situation for these stu- dents in a class of 30 is no better than if the classroom contained 300, according to the Trump educational theory, 'which bases its evidence upon achievement test scores alone. Lehmnann Calls Trump Plan For Education Iadequate Senate Cuts Section One Progam Southern Member~s Strip Civil Rights WASHINGTON (P)-The Senate blasted a whole section out of the Eisenhower Administration's civil rights program yesterday after Southern members helped set it up for the kill. By a 49-35 vote the Senate stripped the 7-point Administra- tion bill of its first section, an outgrowth of the Little Rock dis= orders of 1957. It "then recessed until tomorrow, when the battle will be resumed. Section I of the bill sponsored by Republican leader Everett M. Dirksen of Illinois would have made,.it a federal crime to inter- fere with feleral court orders in school desegregation cases. It was knocked out of motion by Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore.) after it had been broadened to include labor case injunctions and all other federal court orders, Climax Debate The voting climaxed a day- long debate on the move by Sen. Frank s J. Lausche (D-Ohio) tc widen the proivision over the strenuous objections of Dirksen. Southern opponents of civil rights legislation, who protested 'that Section I was aimed solely at their section of the country supported the Lausche amendment and it carried on a 65-19 roll cal vote. Sen. Joseph S. Clark (D-Pa.) denounced the amendment off the floor as an "anti-labor move.' He told a reporter it was an at- tempt to "clutter up" the schoo integration section. Lausche contended the first part of the Administration, bill tended to divide the country. Indefensible Weakness "It has the indefensible weak- ness of speaking to the people in one section of the country, of telling,them we are going to make special laws for them,' he said. A supporter o ,t edminist tion program, Sen. Kenneth B Keating (R-N.Y.), said that "i1 the same one-two punch can be applied to the rest of the pro- visions of the Administration bill we will end up with nothing' at all." Peek Foresees By FAITH WEINSTEIN ' 46 The Trump system of secondary education cannot adequately solve the problems of modern high school teaching by simply includ- ing a program of independent study, Prof. Charles F. Lehmann of the education school said recently.t This system of education, which bases its program on a college- type class set-up, was the subject of a confererxce for educators and architects held at the architec- EP. ROBERT GRIFFIN . will not run Rep. Griff in1*1 Declines Bid WASHINGTON (/')-Rep. Rob- ert P. Griffin (R-Mich.) said yes- terday he has decided against run- ning for the Senate. Griffin said he made a formal announcement of his intention to run for reelection to the House at a testimonial. dinner in Traverse City. last night. Griffin said in a statement he was gratified that many persons had urged him to run for the seat of Sen. Patrick McNamara (D- Mich) and added: "After giving the matter care- ful consideration, I',have decided against entering a primary con-] test that could seriously divide the Republican Party at a time when unity is so essential." Rep. Alvin M. Bentley (R-Mich.) announced his candidacy for the Senate earlier this year. Arthur S. Flemming, secretary of health, education and welfare, was principal speaker at last night's dinner in Traverse City, Griffin's hometown. At Grand Rapids, Bentley said he thought Griffin's decision wise. "I appreciate Bob's motives in his withdrawal and I am happy to see he plans to continue what I feel is developing into an outstanding political career," Bentley com- mented. Reese Enters Election Race THOR-ABEL. ... orbits satellite traveling in a somewhat elliptical orbit that would bring it within 74,700,000 miles of the sun, about five months from now. That would be about 17 million miles closer to the sun than either Russia's 1%-ton Mechta or this country's 13-pound Pioneer IV were able to achieve after their launching early in 1959. The new Pioneer's farthest distance from the sun is expected to reach 93 million miles. That is the same as the Earth's distance. After the launch NASA officials said it never was intended to come closer than four million miles from Venus' orbit. Even then, Pioneer's path was about three million miles off the mark. It will take 311 days-about 10 months-for Pioneer V to com- plete one circuit about the sun, the scientists said. Their advance thinking had been in terms of a somewhat narrower orbit taking 295 days. It is moving counter- clockwise to the sun-in the same direction as ,the Earth. ture and design college during the past semester. According to Trump, who is a professor of education at the Uni- versity of Illinois, this system was developed to give the high school student more educational self-re- liance through the maintenance of three separate, but integrated learning environments. These are: the large lecture, taking up 40 per cent of* the students' time; the small class discussion, 20 per cent of the students' time; and inde- pendent research, done by the in- dividual student,. also 40 per cent of the time. Stresses Independent Study "The thing that makes me most uncomfortable about the Trump system," Prof. Lehmann said, "is that it presumes that all kids in high school can spend time profit- ably in independent study. The most capable could, perhaps, but certainly not all of them.'" The high school today has be- come the common school, he sug-' gested. Over 60 per cent of the pupils graduate at present, and; the number is rising. "Only a rel- atively small proportion go on to college. A generous estimate would be 30 per cent of those who graduate" Because it serves a majority of the population, the good high school has to suit the needs of all its pupils, not just the select few who willgo on to college. Conant Favors Comprehensive "I think this is why Conant came to the conclusion that the comprehensive high school, offer- ing different programs, is the best. "The Trump system does not cover all students, it doesn't even apply to all the able students. Many kids need stimulation of teachers and fellows to produce." Prof. Lehmann thought that the architects at the conference tended to be more sympathetic to the system than the educators. "The architecture school is run on a lecture-independent study basis, and they feel that it is ade- quate for them. They don't con- sider the inappropriateness of the plan for all students." :Based on Achievement Tests Although the Trump report was written under circumstances of 'limited research and question- able sources," Prof. Lehmann thought that it was probably based on achievement test evi- dence. The problem with achievement tests is that they do not cover all aspects of learning. "What achievement tests tend to show is equivalence. That is, the bright kid will do just as well in a class of 300 as in a class of 30. "The tests are inadequate, of course; they also prove that a bright kid w'ill do as well with a poor teacher as with a good one. They can't measure the intan- Dorm food GotoJOY , By SUSAN HERSHBERO Complaints about dorm food? See the environmental health de- partment of Health Service, "Part of our job is routine in- spections of the food served in residence halls, the hospital, the League and the Union," depart- ment director William Joy said. "We also hold yearly meetings for the dieticians, to discuss differ- ent aspects of food handling and serving.,, EFor this year's meeting, Joy and a fellow amateur photog- rapher collaborated in a film which tells the story of food handling. It starts at food service and shows the various operations which the foodstuffs undergo un- til they are finally prepared and served. Oversee Food In addition to overseeing food service work, the department also checks the concessions at the football stadium and refresh- ments at such events as Michi- gras. Another major concern of the environmental health department is safety. Checking the floats in the Michigras parade "to make sure no one gets cut with whirling knives," and running flame tests on the booths are only part of the job. The department is a member of the new University-Safety Committee, and is vitally con- cerned with lab safety. Run Tests By now, the Safety Committee has established about 50 depart- mental safety committees. The environmental health department is running tests for mercury va- por, and it is conducting a sur- vey on the safety of such build- ings as West Physics Bldg. Some of the scientific interests of the department include setting up standardized chemical labels, storage and disposal of chemical wastes, and educating Univer- sity employees in general safety procedure. However, Joy said, "We do not want to get Into safety on an academic level, such as a part of a course." The department also checks the University swimming pools once a week and experiments with dif- ferent types of chlorination, 'so "the girls won't have to complain about the effects of. the chlorine on their skin," Joy added. Ben-Gurion Referee Bill By Next We By PHILIP SHERMAN N I TELEVISION-GREAT DANGER: Mass Culture Called Threat to Humanity Congress will ,pass "some sor of a - bill providing for federa referees appointed by distric courts," by the end of next 'week Prof. George Peek of the politica science department predicted las night.' The House will act Monday o Tuesday, and the Senate shout follow suit by the end of th week. There could be difficultle however, Prof. Peek added, if th Senate does Lot accept the Hous bill, since a House-Senate confer ence proposal would have to g through the House Rules Con mittee. The Southerners are- makir their fight for their constituent Prof. Peek continued. They do ni want the clauses .endorsing t Supreme Court school segregatic decision as "law of the land," no use of federal funds for scho aid in districts where de-segrega tion is taking place. Oppose Parts Opposing these "obnoxious parts, the Southerners realize th referee plan will take a long tin to implemhent, so they will consent However, as Negroes graduall gain the vote, they may fort urban Southern Congressmen become more liberal; the Negroe will be at the bottom of th economic scale and demand mo: liberal legislation. Politically, the dispute Will hel Vice-President Richard M. Nixo: though- it will not be as helpf to GOP members of the House. Appears Sincere Nixon appears to be sincer Prof. Peek said, and he has a goo political issue; however, the GC alliance with Southern conservi tives in the House has cause them to soft-pedal rights issue and voters may remember this. Democratic leader Sen. Lyndo By HENRY LEE4 "Mass culture which is created by mass communication, is a direct and serious danger to humanity and threatens to extinguish our sensi- bility," Prof. Bernard Rosenberg of the City College' of New York said last night. "It induces the belief that effortlessness is the best way of life," he said. Prof. Rosenberg continued, it is impossible to have esthetic appreciation, love, religious experience, or experiences of any kind without effort. Speaking to the Democratic Socialist's Club, he said, "By culture, I do not mean the anthropological definition but the common defini- tion. I mean the fine arts and the realm of formal knowledge." Criticizing mass communication, Prof. Rosenberg said, "Next to the atomic bomb, television is the most serious danger to mankind because it produces radio-active poison and cultural fallout," "No other form of communication has penetrated more levels of