a Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBoR, MICH. 9 Phone NO 2-3241 Then Opinions Are Free Truth win reval Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. Y, MARCH 9, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: NAN MARKEL ~_ _. .. Post-Season Athletic Ban A Rash Mistake BIG TEN faculty representatives, act- ing on a proposal by the athletic directors, made a rash decision when they voted for a ban on all post-season competition other than Olympic trials -- and the decision may cause much harm. It's because of that possible harm - which has become evident immediately in recruiting high school athletes - that the faculty rep- resentatives should have done more discussing about the problems involved and less voting on the ban. Before getting into th reasoning against the representatives' action, it should be noted that probably none or just a few of them ex- pect the ban to be accepted by their individ- Ual institutions. Michigan's representative, Prof. Marcus Plant, from the Law School, who apparently voted for the ban, has said that he can't see how it will go through and that he felt the whole value in the action was to stir up the question for review at the respective campuses. Another aspect is that, despite most pub- licity to the contrary, there is little reason to believe that athletic directors and faculty rep- resentatives voted for the ban as a display of bitterness over the failure of the Rose Bowl to get approval. Neither athletic directors nor faculty men gave any hint of this when con- tacted; most of them can be believed In spite of speculations by trouble-stirring newspaper- BUT THE fact that the athletic directors and faculty men made their decision in good faith does not mean they did the right thing. This follows for two major reasons - the re- cruiting angle and the lack of thought given the motion. The effect on recruiting should be consid- ered because the coaches, who are especially concerned with proselyting high school ath- letes, now are directly under control of the athletic directors. And these athletic directors have endangered their coaches at the critical time when they do their recruiting of high school athletes. (It should be noted here that Michigan athletic director H. 0. Crisler is in- nocent in the matter, as he was chairman of the session and thus not a voting member of the directors' group. It's also fortunate that his own personal stand is consistent with ear- lier reasoning: He was for post-season football competition before the bowl ban and still is; and he is still for post-season competition in other sports, too.) But after the vote in Columbus Saturday, the Big Ten athletic directors are on record as being against competition beyond the Big Ten season. But the recruiting season lasts from now until May. And the other confer- ences and schools which compete with Big Ten recruiters will take advantage of the vote as they try to sell high school graduating athletes on their schools. And it is exactly during this time of the year - March until the official in- stitutional vote is taken in May - that Big Ten schools are on record as banning post- season competition for the future. Faculty representatives also should have given more thought to the coaches of their schools. Prof. Plant has said recruiting wasn't even discussed at the meeting. But coaches ARE members of the faculties at schools, and should deserve at least some consideration. INTERPRETING THE NEWS Castro anc By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst LOOEING at it one way, the mouthings of Fidel Castro and his Cuban revolutionaries represent a tribute to the character of the United States. Castro is in deep trouble. Fighting to retain the popularity accrued from the success of his revolution against a bloody dictatorship, he has shed much blood. Political immaturity in his regime has pre- vented establishment of the democratic insti- tutions he promised. THE IDEA behind the faculty representa- tives' vote was to bring the whole question back to the campuses, so why couldn't they have brought it back as a discussion piece and not as a piece of already passed legislation? In general, passing legislation is always more harmful when there is no doubt that the decision was HURRIED and NOT THOUGHT OUT BEFOREHAND. The Columbus decision was made entirely within a period of five hours or less. The mat- ter had never been discussed at a previous Big Ten meeting, Assistant Commissioner Bill Reed admitted and others agreed. For example, neither Reed nor Prof. Plant knew what was meant by the clause ". . . except in Olympic tryouts" which was added to the ban. Nothing was discussed about how the Olympic program is conducted. Yet, it is a fact that (with the exception of rowing at Wisconsin, which no one thought of anyway) in no Olympic com- petition does a Big Ten athlete represent his school. So why add such a clause? It's a Con- ference rule already that an athlete cannot represent his school after its sports season is over anyway (and the sports seasons end now with the NCAA meet). Thus, why worry about a "problem" that is taken care of under an- other rule? E OLYMPIC exception leads to a question of the whole legislation on post-season competition. If the time which should go to education is going to post-season sports, why should time devoted to Olympic competition be made an exception? Overall, more time is wasted by Olympic competition than in NCAA or Amateur Athletic Union meets. But there seems to be an air of purity attached to the Olympics. Actually, the Games are run no better than NCAA meets. FINALLY, there is the problem that, if ath- letic directors voted for the ban, it appears that they are against post-season competition. The only hope now is that the faculties con- sider all aspects of the problem, which they probably will. But what will happen if the tables are turned and faculties decide that they must vote out all sports to be consistent with their previous ban on post-season foot- ball? If the faculties voted out the Rose Bowl for being too commercial, they should also vote out the NCAA baseball tournament which is run in conjunction with the Omaha Chamber of Commerce. The NCAA hockey tourney made a lot of money for a certain hotel in Colorado Springs - its sponsor for years. If they retain the ban on just football, the faculties are admitting they discriminated against one sport and not others. If the time longer period and consume more practice time element is considered, many sports run over a than football does - even with the Rose Bowl included. For instance, the competitive season of track is seven school months and the other two are spent in preparation. It doesn't appear that much thought was given to the many problems involved in the post-season competition decision, even though officials are thinking more about it now. How- ever, it seems that men should think first and pass rules later, especially when doing this would be to the benefit of ALL. -JIM BENAGH Sports Editor America subsidiary, announced that it was closing down because of export restrictions and inability to raise money for its development program. Other American concerns are trying to res- cue as much of their billion-dollar investments as they can before expropriatalon, which they expect. Some have already lost heavily, along with domestic interests. All private invest- ments in Cuba, foreign and domestic, either have been hung up or stand waiting at the gallows, OTHER Latin American countries are suc- cessfully resisting Castro's efforts to make his revolution a great area-wide upheaval. Most of them are way ahead of Cuba in the anti-dictatorship movement. Castro needs a whipping boy. Since there is always some resentment against the United States among Latin Americans, whether it be latent or active, he seeks to play upon it. He can do so in relative safety. There is no slightest danger that the United States will do to Cuba what Soviet Russian did to Hun- gary. ri ERE is pressure on the United States to apply sanctions, by cutting either the quota or the price paid for Cuba's sugar. Some other Latin-American countries, like Brazil with her vast undeveloped sugar capacity, would like to cut into the market. Some Americans are TpHE QUESTION In the Midwest air is how long the Big Ten can hold together its many factions. But before any conclusion is drawn from a squabble here and a controversy there, all the factors should be weighed. And when they are, the pros always tend to outweigh the cons in a group that has stayed together for a half-century. The cons include age-old issues, like the supposed "power strug- gle" between athletic directors and faculty representatives, and the question of de-emphasis, which can be thrown to the wayside. After all, these have been problems for at least the last 20 years and the schools sacrificed these stands to remain in the Conference. Thesame holds true for the defferences in size of schools and the differences in academic classification - two things which have a direct bearing on the quantity and quality of the athletic teams. * * * * THE ABILITY of the Conference to cope with problems was recent- ly shown when one of the most heated problems the Big Ten has ever had - the banning of post-season football - officially came to an end. Michigan, Michigan State and Iowa were very strong advo- cates of the Rose Bowl and they are still in the Big Ten today. The newest problem - a post-season ban of all sports - seems like it would mean teams would drop out. But two of the athletic di- rectors, who have the best all-round sports programs and would suffer most, have taken a different view. Michigan's H. 0. Crisler, emphasizing that he was giving his per- sonal opinion and not speaking for the school, said that even the all- sports ban probably would not break up the Conference. He said that he personally wouldn't be in favor of pulling out of the league be- cause enough good would be left to outweigh the bad. His stand is for post-season competition - as it always has been. And Biggie Munn, Michigan State's athletic chief, said the post- season program in all sports should be consistent with the ban in football. State and Michigan have the winningest all-sports programs in the Big Ten and would be hit hardest by the all-sports ban. ANOTHER CON is the fact that some schools - especially Wiscon- sin, Purdue and Northwestern - have a very poor all-around sports programs and don't come close to meeting championship caliber ex- cept in football, basketball, and baseball (and occasionally one or two other sports.) For example, Wisconsin was eighth in swimming, ninth in tennis and didn't score in gym, wrestling or track in the most recent Conference meets. Northwestern and Purdue don't have gym teams and joined Wisconsin in the lower three positions in most of the other sports. That just begins to show that the Conference is held together mainly by an adhesive called football. There are other important fac- tors like geography and all-sports scheduling and the fact that all but one school (Northwestern) are the best state schools in the mid- west. But football dollars keep the all-sports programs going, keep, alumni ininterest intact, and pay for physical education. CRISLER said if the Conference ever did break up it would be because of something like the compulsory schedule which has been passed for football. Every team has to play every other team once a year. This plan goes into effect next spring when a minimum of seven games will be scheduled - with the plan of working up to the full round-robin by 1969. "This is what split the Pacific Coast up," said Crisler. "It's incon- sistent with the original intent of the Conference. Never in its first 50 years was the Conference thought of as a scheduling league." But the way things stand now, Big Ten solidarity is not in as much jeopardy as people would like to think. Crisler wasn't the only one to emphasize this. Michigan Faculty Representative, Marcus Plant of the law school, made that clear. There really wasn't any other athletic director or faculty representa- tive at the columbus meetings who suggested a break-up either. History has seen only on two schools ever drop out and one of those is back in. That's Michigan. gDAILY OFFICIAL BULLETINI I A -Daily-Jim Benagh THOUGHT OF THE DAY-Big Ten Commissioner Kenneth L. "Tug" Wilson Is probably thinking it over, just like everyone else who still has interest in the Conference: How.many more trophies will Big Ten athletes have a chance to compete for? BIG TEN COMPETITION: Yes, but Possibly, No By TOM WITECKI Daily Staff Writer DID THE BIG TEN really ban all post-season competition at its meeting in Columbus last weekend? This is a question that can be answered with both a Yes and a No. Yes-A majority of the Big Ten faculty representatives did ap- prove a recommendation from the athletic directors saying: "seasons in all sports, unless otherwise limited in these regulations and except for Olympic trials, shall close with the Conference cham- pionship meet in each sport." No-This ruling has 55 days before it ran go into effect and the way things look now it never will. This two-faced answer is quite permissible because of what is known in "Conference language" as the White Resolution. * * * THE NOW infamous resolution was originally passed back in 1901, to give the individual institutions a stronger control over what went on at Conference meetings. The resolution states that any ruling passed under the White Resolution must wait 60 days be- fore going into effect. During this CONFERENCE VOTE: If Ruling Upheld, May Murder Athletics By DAVE ANDREW S Daily staff Writer THE BIG TEN, even if they suc- ceeded in accomplishing noth- ing else by passing a tentative ban on post-season athletic competi- tion, did succeed in irritating some Michigan coaches to the point of revolt. Although the general consensus of opinion voiced by the coaches seems to lead to the conclusion that the rule will never be upheld at the Conference meeting in May, they feel that if passed would "murder" athletics here at Michi- gan. Al Renfrew, Wolverine hockey mentor, said "We shoot for the NCAA every year; if the rule is passed it would affect everything." Michigan swimming coach Gus Stager, whose Wolverines are pres- ently preparing for this year's NCAA meet, said "The NCAA is our ultimate goal and while the Big Ten meet is wonderful to win, it is secondary to the NCAA finals." * * * DON CANHAM, the Wolverine's young track coach, echoed their words when he said, "It's not consistent with a good athletic program when our athletes can't compete against the best in the country, it wouldn't be good for Michigan." These three coaches would be the ones most affected by the new rule, as their sports are the ones where the NCAA meet means the most. The problem of top competition for coaches' athletes would be greatly multiplied, and recruiting good athletes would be almost im- possible if the law were retained. Canham said that he has prob- lems already with the recruiting implications of the new rule. Can- ham said yesterday "Already this morning I had a call from an eastern high school coach who said he had a boy who wanted to come to Michigan, but wouldn't if the post-season ban went through. "When you have a good team it's tough to get good athletes, and now this thing makes it even worse." MICHIGAN golf coach Bert Katzenmeyer possibly summed up the whole situation in a few words when he said, "The whole thing is too 'iffy'; we'll worry about it when it's final." But can Michigan afford to worry about it then? With three Big Ten championship teams this winter, the Michigan Athletic De- partment cannot afford to let down. If it waits until the prob- lem is finally decided, most of the top athletes will be already en- rolled somewhere else-,somewhere where schools can offer the lure of competition against the coun- try's best. time an objection by any one of the 10 member institutions will automatically force another vote at the next Conference meeting. A valid objection is considered to be a letter from the athletic ruling council at the objecting university. At Michigan, the ruling council is the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics. There have been several objec- tions to this resolution over the years and one is that faculty rep- resentatives can actually pass a regulation without having any serious intention of letting it go into effect. This seems to have been the case with the present post-season controversy. AFTER RECEIVING the athletic directors' recommendation to ban all post-season competition (and what prompted this no one really knows) several of the faculty rep- resentatives felt that this should be brought back to the individual schools for discussion. In order to do this, the repre- sentatives first had to vote to put the issue under the White Resolu- tion-a simple 6-4 majority is needed. Then they had to vote in favor of the ban so that it could be brought back to the individual schools of discussion. It was this vote that launched the avalanche of protest. For although several of the representatives were not sure where they stood on the bill, their vote of yes to promote more dis- cussion actually put the bill into effect. * * * THERE IS LITTLE doubt that before too long an objection will be raised, and under the terms of the White Resolution, a re-vote will be taken at the May meet- ings. And chances are that the ban on post-season competition will be revoked, but the damage will have already been done. In the two-month interim, the Big Ten's recruiting will be seri- ously handicapped and, once more, its athletic prestige will have suf- fered. What the Big Ten needs is a resolution that will allow discus- sion on the individual campus level without forcing its faculty representatives to commit them- selves on a damaging pre-mature vote. The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1960 VOL. LXX, No. 118 General Notices Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: The freshman five- week progress reports will be due Fri., March 11, in the Faculty Counselors Office for Freshmen and Sophomores, 1213 Angell Hall. Delta Delta Delta announces its an- nual scholarship competition March 7 through March 1. Two scholarships of $125 are offered for the benefit of any deserving woman student, independent or affilaited, who shows evidence of scholastic capability, superior citizen- ship, and who has financial need. Ap- plication forms may be obtained at the office of the Dean of Women. These should be completed and, with the three specified letters of recommenda- tion, returned to the Dean's Office. Residence Hall Scholarship: Women students wishing to apply for a Resi- denceHall Scholarship for the academ- ic year 1960-61 for Betsy Barbour House may do so through the Office of the Dean of Women. Applications must be returned complete, by Mon., March 14. Students already living in this resi- dence hall and those wishing to live there next fall may apply. Qualifica- tions will be considered on the basis of academic standing (minimum 2.5 cumulative average), need, and con- tribution to group living. University of Michigan Graduate Screening Examinations in French and German: All graduate students desir- ing to fulfill their foreign language re- quirement by passing the written ex- amination given by Prof. Lewis (for- merly given by Prof. Hootkins), must first pass an objective screening exam- ination, The objective examinations will be given four times each semester (i.e., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec., Feb., March, April, and May) once duringthe Sum- mer Session, in July. Students who fail the objective examination may re- peat it but not at consecutive admin- istrations of the test (e.g., Sept. and Oct.) except when the two administra- tions are separated by more than 35 days. (e.g., Dec. and Feb.) The next administration of the ob- jective examinations in French and German will be on Thurs.. March 17 in Scholarships, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Applications for scholarships for the academic year 1960- 61 are now available in Rm. 1220 Angel! Hall. All applications must be returned to tmat office by March 15, 1960. Appli- cants must have had at least one se- mester of residence in this College. Travelogue. Andre de Ia Varre, pho- tographer, will narrate Its film "Eu- rope in your own car" on Thurs., March 10 at 8:30 p.m., Hill And. March 10, 11, 12-Gilbert and Sulli- van Society presents "lolanthe" 8:30 P.M. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Mati- nee: March 12, 1:30 P.M Tomorrow at 4:10 P.M. the Dept. of Speech will present FRATRICIDE PUN- ISHED in Trueblood And. FRATRI- CIDE PUNISHED is an anonymous, pirated edition of HAMLET which was played on the continent, during the 17th Century, by English players who could not get work in England. No ad- mission will be charged. Residence Hall Scholarship: women students wishing to apply for a Resi- dence Hall Scholarship for the academic year 1960-61 for Helen Newberry House may do so through the Office of the Dean of Women. Applications must be returned complete, by Mon., March 14. Students already living in this residence hall and those wishing to live there next fall may apply. Qualifications will be considered on the basis of academic standing (minimum 2.5 cumulative average), need, and contribution to group living, Recitals Faculty Recital: Miss Frances Greer, soprano, will be heard in a recital with Eugene Bossart, painist, and assisted by the Stanley Quartet, in the Rack- ham Lecture. Hall Wed., March 9 at 8:30 p.m. Miss Greer will perform song cycles by Barber, Ginastera, Chausson and Ravel. Lectures Lecture: "Arab Unity: A Force for Peace" will be discussed by Dr: Fayes A. Sayegh, former director of the Arab States Delegation, on Wed., March 9 at 8:30 p.m. in Aud. A. Lecture: Prof. Herman Zanstra, Uni- versity of Amsterdam, will speak on "The Philosophical Foundations of Knowledge" on Wed., March 9 at 4 p.m. in Rm. 33, Angell Hall. Lecture: Dr. Philip Siekevitz, The Rockefeller Institute, New York, will speak on "The Relation of Cell Struc- ture to Metabolic Activity" on Thurs., March 10 at 4 pm. Third Level Amphi- ECONOMIC immE administrative a asociates militate ninlmum success f graml. The handwriting clearer than on A private mining conc to T THOMAS PHILIP POWER iditorial Director CUART'LSir w.t . aturity and a shortage of ability among his youthfula strongly against even a or his nationalization pro- on the wall was never Aonday, when the largest tern in Cuba, an American itorial Staff *TURNER, Editor HOBERT JUNKER City Editor Persnnel Director Michigan's 'Bowl' Hopes Appear Permanently Flushed lmfwci