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March 09, 1960 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-03-09

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Wp,3fr~i~n Tu11Atom Bomb,~



'U.S.-Latin America

Second Front Page
Wednesday, March 9, 1960

Page 3

Leaders Predict Failure
Of Senate Cloture Plan

WASHINGTON W)-Thirty-one
senators petitioned yesterday for a
gag on the civil rights filibuster,
but party leaders rejected the pro-
posal and predicted its defeat.
Moreover, Sen, Lyndon B. John-
son of Texas, the Senate Demo-
cratic leader, called for an end
to around-the-clock Senate ses-
The day and night meetings
have turned out to be more of a
strain on advocates of civil rights
legislation than on the 18 South-
erners organized to filibuster
against it.
The Senate agreed that when
it recessed last night - whatever
the hour - it would be until 10:30
a.m. today.
Engineers Petition
Sen. Paul Douglas (D-Ill.) was
the main engineer of the petition
to shut off debate by cloture,
which requires a two-thirds mar-
gin of those voting to become ef-
He led a bipartisan body of 23
Democrats and 8 Republicans into
signing a cloture petition. Sixteen
would have been enough to permit
it to be filed.
Johnson said he had not been
asked to sign the petition, and
would not have signed if he had
been asked.
"I do not expect to vote for clo-
ture at this time," he said, and in-
vited Republicans as well as Dem-
ocrats to support him on the issue.
He also said he hoped it would be
possible to fix in advance an exact
time for the vote.
Dirksen Against Plan
Republican leader Everett M.
Dirksen, of Illinois, also said he
was against cloture at this time.
He said he would vote for it after
. .. a rare double bill tomor-
row and Friday. Kontiki, as
readers of Thor Heyerdahl's
best-seller know, is the account
of a 4,300 mile trip by raft
across the Pacific to substanti-
ate the author's theory that the
South Sea Islands were actual-
ly peopled by emigrants from
Peru, rather than the common-
ly accepted theory of Asiatic
migration. Whatever the merits
of his argument, and he dra-.
matically demonstrated its pos-
sibility, Heyerdahl is a modern
hero of epic proportions. The
experiences of himself and his
five companions on the balsa
raft is captured by the camera
with unstudied fidelity. Heyer-
dahl narrates his commentary
with modesty, straightforward.
ness and an engaging sense of
The second feature, The Ti-
tan, tells the story of Michel-
angelo without the use of a
single actor. Filmed in Florence
and Rome between 1938 and
1940 by the Swiss producer
Curt Oertel, the film was or-
iginally much longer and rath-
er diffuse. After World War II
Robert Flaherty saw it and was
so struck by the beauty of the
photography that he sponsored
the film, after editing it and
supplying an English narra-
tion, spoken by Frederick
The film is a moving tribute
to the art of the Florentine
master and an impressive tour
de force in cinema art as well.
s * *
Saturday and Sunday, March
12 and 13, On the Waterfront.
Based on actual newspaper ac-

counts of waterfront corrup-
tion, Budd Schulberg's power-
ful story is transformed into a
moving social document under
the terse direction of Elia Ka-
zan. Filmed on location at the
Hoboken waterfront in 1954,
this picture won 7 Academy
It is a brilliantly-acted mov-
ie. Brando's sensitive perform-
ance as the ex-pugilist errand
boy for a crooked union leader
is matched by the ruthless ren-
dering of Lee J. Cobb's dock
boss. Karl Malden as the priest
who must decide whether to
minister to the minds as well
as the souls of his flock is un-
forgettable in his vividly etched
role. Eva Marie Saint, in her
film debut. helps makes con-

further efforts to reach agreement
on what he called a moderate,
reasonable bill.
Johnson said he was interested
in working out a civil rights bill
"that will meet the views of 67
members," the number needed to
invoke cloture.
Douglas, whose main lieutenant
in the petition maneuver was Sen.
Jacob K. Javits (R-N.Y.), has been
demanding strong new laws to
give the federal government new
authority to help Southern Ne-
groes who report their rights are
Johnson told the Senate he
hoped members who want civil
rights legislation would not sup-
port the cloture move, because, he
said, he believed its effect would
be to perpetuate the issue instead
of solving it.
He said there many far reach-
ing amendments are pending and
"I hope Senators on both sides
will support me in letting the
votes determine the issue."
West Reports
On Disarming
PARIS (A)) - Western experts
were reported to have made some
progress yesterday toward a co-
ordinated disarmament plan for
presentation to the Soviet bloc
next week.
"We expect some important de-
cisions tomorrow," said a source
who sat in on the five-power
Western talks.
The United States, Britain,
France, Canada and Italy are
making a -final effort here to es-
tablish a unified position for the
10-naion, East-West disarmament
parley opening in Geneva next
Monday. There has been a gap in
thinking between the French and
the others.
The experts ordered their aides
to put Western draft proposals on
paper for the start of another
session at 11 a.m. today.
The schedule calls for presenta-
tion of the plan to the permanent
council of the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization (NATO) to-
Details were kept secret. But
there was an indication from con-
ference sources that some middle
ground had been found between
the French position and that sup-
ported by the United States and
the other delegations.

Indian Says
NEW DELHI (P) - Communist
China plans to join the nuclear
club this month by exploding a
small atomic bomb with Soviet
help, a member of Parliament said
Raghuvira, who claims to have
'wide contacts In China, said the
date for the test is March 28.
He told Parliament the explo-
sion would be set off near Urum-
chi, the capital of Communist
China's far western province of
Sinkiang. Western scientists have
reported that atomic research is
under way in that area, and an
atomic explosion would come as
no great surprise to them.
Progress Believed
Raghuvira said he believed Red
China is making more rapid pro-
gress in nuclear work than France.
He added that he was sure China
"already has some kinds of atomic
"The Chinese are just learn-
ers," Raghuvira told a newsman
after his statement in Parliament.
"Russia is giving them a small
atomic bomb of Hiroshima size."
Raghuvira added that the Chi-
nese bomb would actually be about
70 to 80 per cent Russian.
No Confirmation
He said his information came to
him "through a whole chain of
people" and not from official
sources. There was no confirma-
tion elsewhere.
He is head of the International
Academy of Indian Culture. His
academy conducts literary re-
search on Tibet, Mongolia, China
and other countries.
An atomic bomb for Communist
China would bring new complica-
tions to East-West disarmament
negotiations. United States offi-
cials concede that any agreement
with the Russians to ban nuclear
tests under international control
would have to involve Peiping in
some way.
Ever since France exploded its
atomic device in the Sahara last
month to join the United States,
Britain and the Soviet Union as
an atomic power, speculation has
increased that Moscow would at-
tempt to redress the East-West
balance by giving Peiping an
atomic bomb.
Involves Peiping
Some Western officials, how-
ever, say the Russians do not want
to increase the power of their
Chinese allies further.
Peiping already has a strong
and often independent voice with-
in the Communist bloc. At present
it is said to be cool to Soviet Pre-
mier Nikita Khrushchev's pro-
fessed policy of seeking better
relations with the West.
Some United States scientists
had suggested Communist China
might celebrate the 10th anni-
versary of its revolution by setting
off an atomic bomb last Oct. 1.
This never came off, but several
days before that a United tates
scientist who played a leading
role in creating America's first
atomic bombs told a newsman: "It
wouldn't surprise me if China
now could make a small number
of crude bombs."


Gives Report
To Country
In Broadcast
Ike Notes Friendship,
But Sees Problems
WASHINGTON (P) -President
Dwight D. Eisenhower last night
pronounced United States rela-
tions with the nations of Latin
America at an all-time high.
Yet he called for "an even firm-
er partnership."
In a report to the nation carried
by radio and television, Eisen-
hower said there are notable, but
very few, exceptions to the friend-
ly feelings between this country
and its neighbors to the south. He
made no direct reference to the
deteriorating Cuban-United States
The chief executive was report-
ing on the goodwill journey to
Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Uru-
guay from which he returned only
MondAy. He said the 15,500-mile
tour was "a most instructive and
rewarding experience."
Finds Respect
Eisenhower said that on his
trip he had found "a vast reser-
voir of respect, admiration and
affection for the United States
of America."
But if the nations of Latin
America were expecting any con-
crete plans for assistance or speci-
fic offers of United States help
now that Eisenhower has seen
their immense problems first
hand, the speech was a disap-
pointment. Eisenhower renewed
offers he made many times on his
tour to hold out the hand of this
country in cooperation. But he
spelled out no wealth of details.
Eisenhower was warmly re-
ceived by tremendous crowds in
all the four countries he visited-
Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Uru-
guay. And he said tonight his first
words must be a heartfelt expres-
sion of gratitude for the friendly
receptions wherever he went.
Demonstrations 'Minor'
"Millions endured hot summer
sun-and occasionally rain-to let
us know of the enthusiastic good-
will they have for the government
and people of the United States,"
the President said.
"In the nations of Latin Ameri-
ca I visited-indeed, in all of the
18 countries I have visited on my
trips of recent months-there is a
vast reservoir of respect, admira-
tion and affection for the United
States of America.
"The expressions of this attitude
by peoples and their leaders were
so enthusiastic and so often re-
peated as to admit no possibility
of mistake."
Referring to demonstrations in
which police used tear gas and
fire hoses in Montevideo, Eisen-
hower said the exceptions made
headlines. But he dismissed them
as minor incidents, lost in the
massed welcome.
Problems Still Exist
Still, the chief executive came
back repeating what he said be-
fore he left on his four-nation
swing-that problems and serious
misunderstandings still exist in
the relations of the United States
and its neighbors to the South.
He repeated an assurance that
this country stands firmly by its
commitment under the Rio Treaty
of 1947 to regard an attack on one
American republic as an attack on
Many persons, Eisenhower said,
fail to realize that the United
States is committed just as firmly
as the other American republics

to the principles of the 1947 pact.



Students Arrested in Negro Protest



DISPERSE!-Sheriff's deputies on horseback disperse a crowd during the outbreak
at the demonstration Sunday in Montgomery, Ala.

By The Asso iated Press
Police broke up a Negro protest
demonstration at Alabama State
College in Montgomery yesterday
and hauled 30 students and a fac-
ulty member off to jail.
Two other Negroes were taken
into custody at the jail while try-
ing to get in to see the students
under arrest.
It was the second time in three
days that officers stopped Negroes
from demonstrating publicly
against the recent expulsion of
nine students who took part in
earlier anti-segregation activities.
But it was the first time any
were arrested.
NSA Supports
(The National Student Associa-
tion has expressed its disapproval
of lunch-counter discrimination
and its support of student demon-
strations against such discrimina-
A scheduled Negro mass meet-
ing at the state capitol Sunday
almost touched off a racial clash,
but an estimated 500 city, county
and state officers broke it up and
drove off a jeering crowd of some
5,000 white persons.
The students were arrested as
they massed on the college campus
where about 1,000 men and women
had voted to boycott the school
Students at Tuskegee Institute,
40 miles away, stayed from class
in undetermined numbers in a
sympathy protest. Some carried
placards around the campus pro-
claiming their demand for equal
Other Incidents
In addition, the first Negro anti-
segregation demonstrations were
reported in the South's two largest
cities, Atlanta and New Orleans,
yesterday as a Houston, Tex., Ne-
gro told police that while youths
cut KKK signs on his skin.
These and other incidents sent
tensions mounting higher in the
South. Negro sitdowns protesting
segregated lunch counter arrange-
ments already have occurred in
eight Southern states. In New
York three stores were picketed
in support of the Southern Negro
Scratch Initials
Felton Turner, a 27-year-old
unemployed Houston Negro, told
police the white youths scratched
two sets of KKK initials-symbol
of the Ku Klux Klan-on his
chest and abdomen after hanging
him by the heels and beating him
with chains.
Turner told police one youth
said they were hired to do the
job because of notice Texas South-
ern University Negro students
have received over sitdowns at
four lunch counters in Houston.
Turner was treated at a hospital
and released.
Governor Protests
Bennett Tuck, the store's gen-
eral superintendent, said the group
turned quietly away Monday was
accompanied by a white Atlanta
University student identified as

David Vineyard of Springfield, Ill.
The university is predominantly
Georgia's Gov. Ernest Vandiver
promptly issued a statement in
which he said he has "repeatedly
expressed warning about the ac-
tivities of outside agitators in our
At New Orleans more than 200
students at the predominantly
Negro Dillard University paraded
in front of the college in the first
demonstration of its kind in the
city. Another 200 students watched
along with motorcycle policemen
and plain clothesmen in unmarked
police cars. No violence was re-

08 1a

Prof. CHARLES L. STEVENSON, Dept. of Philosophy



First session in the series of 9 on



Assoc. Prof. GEORGE A PEEk, Jr., Political Science

,r,, «"
" ' #s
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,, ,a


You sew it

prettie r

-No Appointments Needed-.
near Michigan Theatre

1. Breakfast-table
eye catcher
T.Usma a cousin
13. She sounds anti
14. Mental process
15. Naturally he's
16. What to buy
Koals by
17. Gush, in a
18. Buys a car
19. Shrunken con-
30. Caniff's Canyon
24. Raison d'-
26. Latin wife
27. Mr. K's team
28. It's nothing
29. Man with a
burning desire
$1. A Kool -so
83. what Diamond
Jim turned on
in his sink?
$6. Snake that's
almost a dance
41. Lacks a code
48. Full of fun
44. Names (Latin)
45. Hand on hip,
elbow out

5. What 2 Down
may be (pl.)
6. Half a pack of
7. It's curvacious
8. "Take me to
your _"
9. Trim
10. Thin Man's dog
11. What Menthol
Magic is
12. Blyth, Arbor.
21. As they say to
N. Africa:
44....,anyone? "
22. Start of exis-
23. .-face (re-
versal of opin-
24. Period in
25. Difficult to dig
80. Swimming
82. Willie's shib-
boleth "
83. Temple
84. What Latin
lovers like
:. " up to the
Menthol Magic
of Kools





little bal oxford
acquires a nay fines.s. .
in luscious Satin Suede,
soft as a !uies'

3rd Floor, Michigan Union


" Green
" Tobacco


46. Builds 87. Tel-
47. Time for a 8. Little Miriam
change 89. Little Barbara
DOWN 40. Plant that tra a" g
2. a anCockney greet.
8. Leaves unpro. 2 . Vegas
tested 43. Storage place
L. Roman road for cookies...


for Second Semester

m \ 1~~



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