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March 08, 1960 - Image 1

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Y r e

Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Continued cold, with chance
of snow or snow flurries.

VOL. LXX, No. 109






Fail To
To End


-Daily-Lawrence Vanice
LABOR LEADER-State AFL-CIO leader August (Gus) Seholle met with the Young Democrats Club
in the Union last night. He forcefully attacked industry's role in state politics.
Scholle- Politics a Morass


Alternately thundering and
reasoning, state AFL-CIO leader
August (Gus) Scholle made one
point clear last night: "There is
a morass of filth in the political
situation today."
Scholle believes present politics
have "slowly eroded" from the
principles of the Revolution and
Civil War.
"I'm one of the fools who read
American history and believed
Specifically, he sees an alliance
of big business in the state which
guns for control to gain various
economic advantages. "They will
destroy the free enterprise sys-
tem unless they can rid them-
selves of greed and avarice"
Scholle countered industry's al-
leged view, paraphrasing Lincoln
to the effect that government of
and for the people must also be
by the people.
He is willing to "negotiate" on
secondary issues, but on basic
principles there is no compromise.
Ever widening education is
probably the answer to the prob-
lem, which is a big reason why
No Govern or,
State AFL-CIO President Aug-
ust ('Gus') Scholle again refused
to endorse a Democratic guber-
natorial candidate last night.
He asserted that neither Lt.
Gov. John B. -wainson nor Secy.
of State James M. Hare are 'un-
If the labor group does endorse
either man, it will probably be
decidedĀ° at the May meeting of
the Executive Council.
Scholle said past policy has
been to endorse satisfactory In-
cumbents who are seeking re-
election. If Gov. G. Mennen Wil-
liams decides to oppose Sen. Pat-
rick V. McNamara for the Sena-
torial nomination, "it will put us
in a real dilemma," he added.
Williams, whom Scholle later
praised as "one of the most
wholesome things we've had in
the state," is worthy of support
for national office.
Scholle predicted the constitu-
tibnal convention plans would
fall: the resolutions will not pass
the legislature and the Junior
Chamber of Commerce and
League of Women Voters will not
get enough signatures for their
He said the delay of a Demo-
cratic decision on the unicameral
legislature was "wise." His pend-
ing court suit on representation
may be successful and change the
situation before the April party
Scholle said he opposed tuition
boosts for the state universities.
"If they had put my objections to
it in the papers it would have
been a dead duck."
He supported appropriations
for university research to main-
tain the state's competitive posi-
tion during a period of increas-
ing industrial automation.
Colleges will have to be expand-
ed too, since there will be few
jobs for the average individual
- #^ 4'ka ht.~ 4nro _

Scholle backs public education
He charged Ford Motor Cor-
poration in conjunction with lo-
cal political leader and a Detroit
newspaper attempted' to control
Detroit at one time, forcing Gen-
eral Motors to work politically in
outstate areas. "It's no accident
the General Motors plants are
not in Wayne County."
He cited the alleged recent in-
fighting between Arthur Summer-
field and Henry Ford, in which
]Ford supposedly saved Paul Bag-
well's political life to be an ex-
tension of industry economic de-
General Motors had Charlie
Wilson as Secretary of Defense.
which Ford did not like "since
they knew how lucrative tax
monies can be."
Ford wants its own "bird dog"
in the department, Scholle as-
serted, and by attempting to con-
trol the state GOP they increase
their chances to do so.
Also, industry in general wants
to control state government "to
keep taxes on the little man."
The situation reminded Scholle
of the Scottish undertaker who
married a midwife: "He got you
coming and going."
He bases his assertions on
sources within industry and Re-
publican circles who leak infor-
mation to him as the only way to
opposed the leaders.
"And I use it with a ven-
He admitted the same situation
exists within parts of the Demo-
cratic party, especially in the
Scholle said this minority con-
trol should be abolished, for it

will lead to tyranny; it is inimical
to the American ideas as Scholle
understands them.
He cited the oft-quoted figures
a b o u t under-representation of
southeastern Michigan counties
in the Legislature, and their re-
sultant under-representation un-
der the proposed Junior Chamber
of Commerce-League of Women
Voters constitutional convention
"Why not save money and have
the Legislature adjourn and meet
in Ford Auditorium for the con-
vention?" he asked .
Scholle criticized the "con-con"
plan sponsors because they have,
with a sigle exception, failed to
propose concrete a steps a con-
vention might take.
Student Government Council
invites and encourages inter-
ested parties to express their
views on all proposals pertain-
ing to revision of regulations
regarding non - discriminatory,
membership selection in stu-
dent organizations.
The Council recognizes the
concern of individuals and or-
ganizations alike in achieving
a just and equitable solution in
this area.
Copies of proposals under
consideration by the Council
may be obtained from Mrs.
Ruth Callahan, 2011 Student
Activities Building.
John Feldkamp
President, Student
Government Council

Nixon Denies
Aide's Attack
On Kennedy
Vice-President Richard M. Nix-
on's New Hampshire campaign
chief yesterday accused Sen. Johni
F. Kennedy (D-Mass.) of being1
soft on Communism, but Nixon1
swiftly disowned the charges.
Gov. Wesley Powell made the
statement in, a news confer-I
ence on the eve of New Hamp-I
shire's first-in-the-nation presi-
dential primary, in which both
Kennedy and Nixon are entered.
Kennedy called on Nixon to re-
pudiate Powell's accusation that
the Senator had shown "softness
toward Communism," shortly
after it was levelled.
In reply, Herbert Klein, Nixon's
press representative, issued a
statement in Washington saying'
"The Vice-President has known
and worked with Sen. Kennedy
since they served together on the
House Labor Committee in 1947."
Leading Candidate
"While they have differences
on some issues," the statement
added, "they ha-ve always been in
complete agreement in their un-
alterable opposition to Commun-
ism at home and abroad."
Kennedy is regarded as a lead-
ing candidate for the Democratic
presidential nomination. Nixon is
unopposed in New Hampshire's
GOP preference poll.
Powell's news conference was
held at Concord where he dis-
tributed a prepared statement in
which he said Kennedy's Senate
record "has demonstrated soft-
ness toward Communism which
the people of our state would not
want to see exhibited in the
White House.
'A Smear'
Kennedy called Powell's state-
ment, "a smear," and said he was
confident that the governor
would be repudiated by Nixon and
the voters.
Powell, mentioned as a possible
GOP vice-presidential candidate,
fired back a second statement in
which he said Kennedy has
"straddled the fence on the Com-
munist issue."
Advised of Nixon's statement,
Powell promptly sent a telegram
to the Vice-President reiterating
his attack on Kennedy..
Governor's Telegram
The governor's telegram was
as a citizen, Republican, and as
governor and I reiterate it now.
"If you were urged to issue such
a statement as is now attributed
to you, then those responsible for
the unfortunate advice should
have familiarized you with the
unrelenting attack Kennedy has
been making in this state upon
our Republican president and
this Republican governor."
He said that Kennedy has been
"hammering upon the foreign re-
lations and defense record of Mr.
Eisenhower, and a barefaced claim
that our Republican Administra-
tion represents 'seven grey years'
of weakness and disarmament."

NEW YORK - Never before1
have so many Americans covetedi
a college degree-and never be-
fore has the competition been
stiffer, according to Time maga-
"By all the evidence Americans1
will soon consider at least twos
years of college a socio-economic
necessity . . . This June the na-
tion's high schools will graduate1
1,803,000 students.
"In 1964, according to the U.S.
Office of Education, the crop will
billow to 2,309,000. The prediction
To Remain
By The Associated Press
More than half the Negro stu-
dents 'at Alabama State College
indicated Monday they intend to
stay in school despite a strike
threat protesting expulsion of nine
campus leaders for participation
in an anti-segregation demonstra-
A Negro student was convicted
of loitering in Columbia, S.C., after
police arrested him near a drive-
in restaurant the day after a racial
incident, and in Sanford, Fla.,
Negro high school pupils made an
unsuccessful attempt to obtain
use of a civic center.
Otherwise the situation appeared
quiet in the seven Southern states
where Negroes are campaigning
for equal eating facilities at tradi-
tionally segregated lunch counters.
In Montgomery, H. Councill
Trenholm, president of Alabama
State, said about 1,200 of the 2,300
students who attended classes last
See Related Story, Page 3
week turned in pre-registration
papers for the new quarter at'the
state-supported college.
But he said effectiveness of the
promised mass walkout probably
will not be known until the middle
of the week.
Only a few Negroes showed up
to seek voter registration when the
County Board of Registrars met
in Montgomery.
Montgomery police reported a
glass window in the Dexter Ave.
Baptist Church bulletin board was
smashed during the night. The
church was the scene of a Negro
meeting Sunday in support of the
Alabama State students who were
expelled and the promise of a boy-
At Columbia, Arnold M. Smith,
23 years old, a Negro student from
Allen University, was convicted on
a loitering charge and fined $10.50
in recorder's court.
Police Sgt. R. S. Younginer testi-
fled Smith was one of a band of
about 30 Negroes dispersed near
a drive-in restaurant for white
people early Sunday. The drive-in
was the scene of a racial clash

Americans Vie for Degrees

by 1970, college enrollment wil
nearly double to roughly 6,400.-
000, and it may go as high as
Last week, as the annual wait-
ing season began, Princeton re-
ported a 20 per cent rise in appli-,
catios for next fall. Yale will cull
1,000 freshmen from 4,800 fee-
paid applications. Harvard has
5,000 applicants, a record boost of
900 over last year. Yet freshman
classes remain the same size,'
Time reports.
In the past five years, Ivy
League colleges have been able
to raise their admission stadards
50 per cent, due to brighter and
brighter applicants.
Admit Half
Last year two-thirds of Prince-
ton's applicants were deemed cap-
able of Princeton work. But only
one-third could be admitted.
At the same time, old Ivy mores
have vanished. Not long ago, An-'
dover sent 75 per cent of its boys
to Harvard, Yale and Princeton;
last year it squeezed in only 43
per cent and sent the rest to 44
other colleges across the country.
In the circumstances, according
to Time, real planning (and sav-
ing) for college is essential. Gone{
are the days when an Ivy League
dean could mutter: "If the check
is good and the body is warm, he's
Today's aspiring freshman is
weighed and tested for academic
content, percentiled for promise
by electronic gadgets, harried by
word that average admission
standards will soon rise. Much
worse, his cost for four years at a
residential college may soon double
to $16,000 or more.
In his panic to get into college
-and in his wild search for a
scholarship-his mind boggles; 60
per cent of those who do become
freshmen drop out of college.'
These chose the wrong school
-for them--and have to start all
over again. The cost to everyone
is incalculable.
Some educators feel that par-
ents should start thinking about
the problem during the child's
early years-the earlier the bet-;
ter. Today, formal college prepa-
ration should begin by twelve at
the latest.
A college-capable child should
begin focusing on his goal in the
eighth grade. This is none too
soon to visit campuses and to
glance at application blanks.
Start Early
An eighth grader should start
at once on the "solids" (English,
history, math, science, foreign
language), and especially on Eng-
lish composition.
English is the key to college
work; by 1970 an estimated one-
fourth of applicants may be re-
jected because they get so little of
it. This is why the most important
college board exam today is the
verbal aptitude test.
While enrollments are on the
rise, there is still room at many
colleges-at least until 1964-and
no one should assume there will
be no room after that, Time said.
New dormitories are rising, new

Lack Votes
For Cloture .
In Filibuster
Nixon Favors Stop;
Poll Shows Shortage
Of Republican Powet
by vice-President Richard Mk. Nix
on, Republicans trid but falec
last night to rally enough stregtl
to cut off the Senate's filibuster.
What Republican leader Everet
M. Dirksen of Illinois called si
inconclusive poll of GOP mem-
bers sustained the contention o
Senate Democratic leader Lyndo
B. Johnson of Texas that there i
no possibility of limiting debat
As the Senate went into its ge-
and week of practically nonstoj
session Johnson called for an air.
clearing vote.
May Call Ro
There were signs that senator
soon may halt their talk loni
enough to permit a roll call on a
amendment proposed by one o
their number, Sen. Sam J. Ervi,
Ervin is seeking to reduce th
criminal penalties provided in th
Eisenhower administration's civi
rights bill for obstructing or try
ing to obstruct by force or threat
the carrying out of court order
in school desegregation cases.
Dirksen said there was some Re
publican support for the Ervi
proposal. It would bring this provi
sion of the administration's pack
age more nearly in line with wha
the House may approve when I
takes up the civil rights matte
later in the week,
Lambastes Package
Sen. John L, McClellan (D
Ark.) capped a speech lambastin
the administration's civil right
bill package by introducing a serie
of seven amendments designed t
strike out all of its seven section
He chose this one-by-one meth
od, he said, to meet the comple:
parliamentary procedures whic
will come into play if the Senat
does vote a cloture time limit o
Holding aloft a big bundle 4
documents, McClellan said it con
tained 124 civil rights proposal
introduced by various senators ad
vocating such legislation. He sai
it weighed about eight pounds an
represented "the greatest master
piece of confounded confusion
ever presented to a Congress.
Proposals Conflict
He said many of the proposal
were in conflict with each othE
and were themselves full of con
tradictions and confusion."
With the cots set up. for fitt
sleep by civil rights advocates i
a round-the-clock sessions, Nixo
moved in to try to jog his GO
colleagues into action.
The partially filled galleriE
buzzed with curiosity as he turn
over his presiding officer's cha
to a substitute and signalled 6
fluential Republicans to gath
around him at the rear of t
almost deserted chamber.
Ringed about Nixon, Drls
and Sens. Kenneth B. Keating (
P.), Leverett Saltonstan (R
Mass.), and John Sherman CoopE
(R-Ky.) talked over strategy. Tb
upshot was Dirksen's attempt I
poll the Republicans.
Since two-thirds of those pre
ent and voting must approve a de
bate limitation, Dirksen coul
offer only a share of the neede
total in any event.
Dean Bin gley
To Lead .Tal

On Literature
Assistant Dean of Men John I
Bingley will lead a seminar c
Utopian Literature in the Hono:
Lounge or the Undergraduate L
brary at 4 p.m. today.
Bingley will consider this lite:
ature primarily from the vie
point of, it as social protest, h
announced earlier. The primai
reading for the seminar wa

Technwcal Students Have
ef Motive for Stud
Many who enter engineering and science today have a "self"
motive, Prof. Lee E. Danielson of the business administration school
said recently.
Prof. Danielson, author of "The Characteristics of Engineers and
Scientists," just published by the University Bureau of Industrial
Relations, said that "their (the researchers) primary satisfaction
may be gaining personal advancement and recognition." Discussing
changes in the characteristics ofW
these professionals, Prof. Daniel- SGC Q E T O
son said: V UJ IWJ I .i
"Many follow engineering pro-
grams only so that they will be
they actively seek to move out of C o u n cil
the technical areas and into more
lucrative ones such as manage-
ment and sales."
"Similarly," Prof. Danielson
said, "many are attracted to the
sciences because of the prestige
lure, rather. than a devotion to
fundamental knowledge.'
Part of the responsibility for
the current emphasis given sal-
aries by scientists and engineers
must be taken by the companies
and their management, Prof. Dan-
ielson said.
Company, advertising and re-
cruiter's sales taks frequently em-
phasize the financial advantages
of positions, such as starting sal-
aries and fringe benefits.
Management must make a
greater effort to explain the rea-
soning behind its salary schedules
to professional employes, improve'

... a chance for admission
forms of education are on the
Actually, the country's 1,900
colleges and universities had room
last fall for perhaps 10 per cent
more freshmen than the 20,000
they took.
What the Ivy League pileup
means is that there are simply
not enough big-name colleges to
go around -for those who seek
big-name colleges.
To colleges just below the big-
name level, this fact brings joy.
They get the good students that
favored campuses cannot handle,
and so raise their standards. In
turn, lesser colleges must improve
or perish. None of this, Time con-
cludes, is likely to hurt American
higher education - or students
who really want some.{


aples Student Opinion on Many Issues

"We've had fantastic returns already," Student Government
Council Administrative Vice-President Nancy Adams, '60, said, point-
ing to a heap of questionnaires distributed this week by SGC.
Exery sixth person listed in the Student Directory has received
one of the questionnaires, intended to sample student opinion on
topics ranging from discrimination to quad food.
From the tabulated opinions, SGC hopes to determine student
needs and direction for student action. Opinions will be passed on to
the proper committee or organization..
Machine Will Tabulate
The IBM machine on North Campus will tabulate the growing,
pile of opinions. The council estimates that it will take a student
five minutes to read the possible answers, check the blanks, and drop
it in the mailbox.;
The entire range of policy possiblities on discrimination is listed4
under one question, while in the same amount of time, a student can
indicate his wish for eradication of the University physical education
Opinions on spring registration for fall semester, group vacation

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