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March 05, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-03-05

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Cloudy with cold wind
from the northwest.


VOLXXNo. 107









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Co lieges

Porter Sees Raises
Less than Requested
Legislature To Cut Williams' Plan;
'U' Faculty Salary Hike in Doubt
State spending for higher education, including capital outlay, will
meet only very basic needs, Sen. Elmer R. Porter (R-Blissfield), Chair-
man of the Senate Appropriations Committee, said yesterday.
However, Michigan schools will receive more than last year, he


predicted, although the appropriations may be far less than sought.
"We gave schools fun(is for a nine per cent salary increase last
year because civil service hikes were similar. However that is not the
case this year and I doubt if the Senate will allot as much for salary
increases as the institutions want," Porter said. The House could still
propose an increase in the Uni-
Set versity's budget, but the Senate
would haveto approve any such
iligha measure before it became law.,
University President Harlan
Hatcher said salary increases for
For 'U Post the faculty were the University's
top priority and that any increase
Prof. John Higham, described as the University receives over the
"one of the leading intellectual minimum for operating the school
historians in his age bracket," will would go toward faculty increases
soon join the history department. bee entioned as robablesouas
An Ae an e the University not receive enough
torian, he. will add a new field to from the state to increase facul-
the history department. "This is ty salaries nine per cent.
an area of American history which
we have never taught," Prof. Wil- Need Data
liam B. Willcox, the department's "I feel very keenly on keeping
acting chairman, pointed out. "It the costs of education as modest
will be closely related to the a 'wecan," President Hatcher
American Studies program." said. "We will need data before
Prof. Higham's appointment will we can decide whether it will be
start as of next fall, with a year's necessary to raise tuition." Such
leave of absence which will allow data will not be available until
him to work at the Center for the Legislature finally passes on
Humanities at Princeton. He will the University's appropriation.
satteaching, as a full professor, President HatchetZ said the Uni-
sn th fart of 1961.'versity "ought to be spending $6
The historian, who is in his to $8 million to get its capital
early forties, previously taught at outlay program on its way." He
Rutgers University. He has won said the second section of the
the American Historical. Societies fluids engineering laboratory, the
Dunning Prize for his book physics and astronomy buildings
"Strangers in the Land," a study and a new school of music were
of immigration in America. ready to be started as soon as the
University receives money for
their construction.
NSA Initiates Jtcined
Legislators earlier answered
a Gov. G. Mennen Williams' plea
Dem onstration for a $150 million building auth-
ority with a proposal for a $10
to $20 million capital outlay pro-
gram. "I don't see now how we
can find even $10 million," Por-
NEW YORK (AP, UPS)-A large ter said yesterday.
demonstration of student concern "I said at the very beginning
will be staged today by the Metro- that the schools would have to
politan New York Region of the justify every extra cent request-
National Student Association in ed," Porter said. "I am not sure
Washington Square. now they have justified increases
Sympathy demonstrations on a in many places."
smaller scale are being urged for The capital outlay program is
all NSA member campuses in an scheduled for joint review by the
attempt to focus nationwide at- Senate group and the House Ways
tention on the student protest of and Means Committee following
the recent arrest of nearly 100 Monday night's session.
NS v hillp T enn RtnUVan

GERLACH WINS DIVING-Michigan's Joe Gerlach performs brilliantly (left) to win the one-meter diving in the Big Ten swimming
meet last night, and accepts his first-place medal (center above. To left of Gerlach is OSU's Sam Hall, who won second place, while

the three to Gerlach's right are Michigan's Bob Webster, Ernie Meissner and Ron Jaco, who took third,
points to the Wolverine cause.
Swimmers Lead Indiana by 16

Michigan, anything but spectac-
ular throughout the dual meet
season, came to life last night
scoring four firsts, three seconds,
and three third places to take a
commanding 93-77 lead over fav-
ored Indiana at the halfway point
of the Big Ten Swimming Cham-
pionships at Varsity Pool.
Michigan State leads Ohio State,
18-17, in the battle for third place
with Iowa 8, Minnesota 4, and
Wisconsin 1, following in that
At .this point Michigan is 13
paints ahead of its pace last year
when they scored an all-time rec-
ord of 148 points.
The Wolverines, trailing the
Hoosiers 22-16 at the beginning of
the day's activties, and expected
to fall further behind in the six
swimming finals, outscored the
visitors 61-55 to equalize the
swimming point totals, 77-all.
Michigan went into the lead by
adding 16 points in one-meter
diving in which Indiana was not
Finals Tonight
The last six finals will be run off
tonight with the first event sched-
uled for 8 p.m.
Winners for the Wolverines were
Joe Gerlach, one-meter diving;
Ron Clark, 100-yard backstroke;
Frank Legacki, 50-yard freestyle,
and the 400-yard freestyle relay,

team of Jim Kerr, Andy Morrow,
Carl Woolley, and Legacki.
The Hoosiers countered with
victories in the 200-yard butterfly,
Mike Troy; 200-yard backstroke,
Frank McKinney; and 220-yard
freestyle, Pete Sintz, but they were
unable to'match the overall power
of the Wolverines.
Michigan finished the night with
sixteen point winners while Indi-
-ana placed 12.
Indiana Padded Lead
Indiana started the evening by
adding seven points to its first
day's lead in the 200-yard butter-
fr, but then Michigan stunned its
foes when Legacki, Woolley, Kerr
and Floden finished first, second,
Other Sports
Special to The Daily
jumped off to an early lead in
the Big Ten gymnastics meet
here last night, while Michigan'
is fated to battle it out for a
possible fourth place finish.
(See Story, Page 6)
* * *
Michigan's hockey team
dropped a hard-fought game
to North Dakota here last
night, 4-2.
(See Story, Page 6)

third and fifth respectively in the
50-yard freestyle.
The nineteen points scored by
the Wolverines in this event cata-
paulted them into the lead for - e
first time, 39-37.
Indiana, as anticipated, came
back to outscore Michigan 19-14
In the next two events, the' 200-
yard backstroke and 220-yard
freestyle, to go ahead for the last
time, 67-63.
However, Michigan's divers, per-
form ingabove average while Ohio
State's favored twosome of Sam
Hall and Tom Gompf committed
costly miscues, added sixteen
points to the Maize and Blue total,
giving them a 79-67 edge.i
'M' Ties Record
The Wolverines then ended their
spectacular team performance by
tying the Big Ten record in the
400-yard freestyle relay, as they
defeated the second-place Hoosiers
by nearly ten yards in establishing
the half-way mark score of 93-77.
The Michigan individual vic-
tories were all of the spectacular
variety, with Legacki's victory in
the 50, which triggered the Michi-
gan onslaught, and Gerlach's vic-
tory over Hall in the diving event,
being the most impressive.
Legacki, off the startin; biocks
quickly, moved slightly ahead of
his three teammates in the first 25
yards, but making an excellent
turn he came up nearly a yard
See 'M', Page 5

fourth and fifth to add valuable
Grab Lead
Special to The Daily
COLUMBUS -- Michigan's
powerful track team posted al-
most twice as many qualifiers as
its closest rival Iowa here last
night and seemed well on the way
to its second straight Big Ten
Coming through with several
surprising performances, the Wol-
verines had 14 qualifiers in the
preliminaries at French Field
House. Iowa had 9; Illinois only
7; Indiana and Minnesota 6; OSU
and MSU 4; Northwestern 2; and
Purdue and Wisconsin managed
just one each.
In the evening's only. finals,
Michigan broad jumper Les Bird
running with an injured and
heavily taped leg, came through
with what could only be called a
heroic performance to finish
After two easy warm-up jumps,
Bird evidently decided to go all
out before his injured left leg
went out from under him. He
raced down the narrow runway
and leaped 23'5%", an extraor-
dinary jump considering the cir-
cumstances. But as Bird limped
out of the pit, it was evident that
See McRAE, Page 6

Rose Bowl Alsc
Falls at Meetin,
Motion To Eliminate Post-Seas
Competition Referred for 60 D
Daily sports Editor
special to The Daily
COLUMBUS - Big Ten faculty representatives vote
any type of Rose Bowl competition for its members here
terday, and then added a stunning knockout punch by
Jawing post-season competition in any Conference spo:
The resolution on post-season competition surpri
was proposed by athletic directors. It means that at]
cannot represent their -
schools once the Big Ten sea-
son is completed, except in ;r
Olympic trials.
Have 60 Days
Thus, if the right faculty reac-
tion is not taken within the next
80 days, the Big Ten will not be w '
allowed tohcompete in National
Collegiate championship meets.
This includes NCAA basketballrM
and hockey as well as the seven
individual sports in which Michi-
igan competes. }4.
Athletic directors initiated their
proposal in yesterday's afternoon
meeting. Their movement, Assist-
.and Big Ten Commissioner Wil-
iam Reed announced, seemed to
be based on two things.
First is a concern for certain
aspects of the NCAA program, al-'
though no further details have
been given as yet. Second, after FRITZ KELLJERMAN
prohibitingr teams from playing ;."sihmr'fnli4
in post-season football games, ... sPhomore nalst
was felt that the rest of the ath- 4
letic program should be consist- 4-M %
lent on the championship levels.
Gets Majority Vote
The proposal- to the faculty
representatives got its needed
majority vote from athletic di- By DAVE LYON
rectors, but Reed said it was not Associate Sports Editor
Individual voting is not re- Team balance virtually a
vealed by the Conference. Michi- Michigan to wrap up the W
gan Athletic Director H. 0. Cris- Conference wrestling chan
ler refused to reveal his stand on ship during yesterday's pr
the controversial subject. nary and semifinal action
The proposal was referred to Intramural Sports Building'a
representatives who decided to gymnasium.
put it under the White Resolu- By placing seven men (ou
tion before voting in favor of it. possible eight in today's 0
Final Vote Anticipated pionship and consolation
The White Resolution gives the matches, the Wolverines ha'
The hit Resluton gvesthesured themselves of a minimu6
respective faculties 60 days to re- pnto
consider the proposal. If any Iowa Ru Sond
single faculty takes a negative ns ec
stand -- and there is no question Second-place Iowa, guars
but that some will - a final vote a minimum 38, can get 54 :
will be taken at the May meet- if all seven Hawkeye finalist
ings in East Lansing. in title matches, five in co
Until that 60 day period is end- tions) win in today's SE
ed, the plan is not in operation, which begins at 2 p.m.
Reed announced at the dramatic That Michigan will lose s
press conference following yes- matches today and Iowa wi
terday's meetings. all its bouts is extremely un
The official wording of the and it can be assumed Coac
clause reads: "Seasons in all IKeen's squad has ba ged N
sports, unless otherwise limited gan's first team champions]
in these regulations and except four years.
for Olympic trials, shall close Michigan's only sophom
with the Conference champion- the meet, Ambi Wilbanks and
ship meet in each sport." Kellermann, plus Jim Blake
Revolutionizes Rules Dennis Fitzgerald, will all b
It drastically revolutionizes the ing for weight division titl
old rule of ". ..shall close with day.
the N CAA meet or Olympic Also contributing points to
trials All
Immediate reaction, especially..Michigan's team total toda
from coaches and athletes, is ex- be Captain Mike Hyles,,
pected to be strong around the Fronczak, and Fred Olm, wi
Conference. It was felt by many See WILBANKS, Page i
in Columbus that several athletic
directors were bitter about the 9TTe
Rose Bowl failure, the NCAA set-US
up, or had other individual com-
pReend explained that no com- Seeks Elect

mon denominator was the cause.
Rose Bowl Defeated 3., L 1wfl ki(
The Conference faculty repre-
sentatives, living' up to expecta- City Republican Chairman
tions, put their rubber stamp on bert E. Bursley, ssistant- dir
the Rose Bowl and marked it de- of the University Develop
feated yesterday morning. Council, will campaign for
See CONFERENCE, Page 5 tion to the Legislature this


lasavine, Tenn., stuaen..
In Montgomery, Ala., wildly
cheering Negro students last night
pledged a mass protest strike at
Alabama State College in retalia-
tion for expulsion of nine campus
leaders who sparked demonstra-
tion aganst segiregated lunch
An estimated 900 student roared
frenzied support of the plan after
one of their leaders said, "There
are other schools in Alabama you
can go to."
Gov. John Patterson had or-
dered the expulsions.
They renewed their chant of the
past several days, "Can't go to
Alabama, we go to Auburn." Au-
burn is, a state-supported white
The NSA protest will begin with
demonstrations on the East Coast,
and an outbreak of hourly demon-
stration as it becomes 12 noon in
each time zone.
In other actions throughout the
nation this week, several standing
protests were held on campuses, a
deluge of telegrams poured into
Nashville in support of the ar-
rested students, and protesting the




Co-Existence Proven Valid at Universtty

Personnel Director
Pacifists and military men co-existed to music last night at
opposite ends of the campus.
While 500 ROTC-minded couples waltzed in the Union Ballroom,
a smaller number of "peace-makers" were prancing at the University's
first "anti-military ball," held in the Hussey Room of the League.
The idea for the informal dance, designed to spoof the annual
uniformed ball the three military units sponsor, came from a similar
event staged at the University of Wisconsin.
Same Night
"The Young Friends decided to hold the affair two weeks ago
and planned for the same night as the military ball," David Giltrow,
'61Ed.; event chairman reported.
The proceeds from the dance ("one dollar admission charge for
peace-makers, two for warmongers") will go to support the work of
the American Friends Service Committees, and pay for the cost of
the room.
"Music is free," Giltrow said. "An unorganized group of musicians
walked in at 9 p.m. and volunteered to play for us." At 11 p.m. the
four-man unit was still motivating a constantly enlarging crowd of

Stroke Fells.
Warren at Met

Bursley, who has receive
mission from the Regents
ter the campaign, has n
nounced whether he will r
the House or Senate.
Bursley said he will an
his decision "within a few

'nEI si

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