"Greetings, Occupant" Seventieth Year EDIED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS Or THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OP, BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG.9 ANN ARBOR MICH.0 Phone NO 2-3241 Opinions Are Free th will Preval EAST GERMANY: Ideological Pressure On College Education (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is the second in a three part series of articles discussing the state of education in East Germany.) By BARBARA BERG (From the Antioch. College Record's "University Series") ALLOCATION of scholarships is decided by similar (state controlled) criteria. Curriculum, too, is subject even in smallest details to regu- lation by the State Secretariat. The duties of the State Secretariat are announced as being: To guarantee a uniform political, academic, technical and peda- gogical supervision of all universities; to supervise the political and ials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS HAYDEN Student Government Council Inconsiderate and Irrational LTHOUGH refusing to totally forbid small campus groups to conflict ideologically with rge, well-established and influential organiza- ons, Student Government Council certainly d its best to squelch this Wednesday. Acceding to a request of the Military Ball immittee of the Reserve Officers Training orps units on campus to partially rescind its revious approval of the Anti-Military Ball or eacemakers' Prance two days before it was be held, the Council seriously disrupted the ans of the Young Friends, the Prance's spon- r. The ROTC units on campus include several nousand students, including the executive ce-president of SGC, who made the motion irescind part of last week's approval, while he Friends group includes only 15 members. 'GC'S ORDER to the Friends not to hold the Prance in the Union, the location that the ouncil had approved last week where the reinds had already arranged for space, and find another place for the dance on two- ays' notice, permits no interpretation but iat of reactionary conservatism and fear of .rge influential groups on campus. Professedly, the ROTC units were afraid iat holding the two dances in the same build- ig would detract from the dignity and for- ality of the Military Ball, which was intended a be training for the military in attending >rmal functions. They alleged that this would occur in two ays. The mere knowledge that the other dance as going on would detract from the formality f the occasion, the ROTC representative said. E ALSO OBJECTED because an interior lighting balcony was accessible to both the ooms where the Prance, would be held and the allroom where the Ball was to be held. Pop QuizJ A GEOGRAPHY teaching fellow and doctoral candidate told his class he's decided to play fair ... no pop quizzes. His rationale: One of his geography pro- fessors last week gave a pop quiz asking his junior and senior students to fill in the names of the states on an outline map. The teaching fellow said he had done well ("missed only four") but that one girl had missed 31. The teaching fellow then turned to the lecture topic, explaining the motion of the earth around the sun.. -T. T. iTUDENT GOVERNMENT: Union President Tom Patterson, '60, said that if he understood rightly the location of the rooms in the Union (and who would know bet- ter than the Union president-the ROTC offi- cials?), the balcony in concern did not connect with the Prance's site. Even if it did, what did ROTC expect? Hecklers from the pacifist dance to shout cat- calls at the military? IT WAS POINTED OUT by several members of the Council of that if the mere knowledge of the Prance's being held would destroy the formality of the Ball, it could not matter where it was taking place-whether it was in a separ- ate part of the Union or an entirely different building. And requiring the move only two days before the dance created the problem of the Friends finding another site as well as the problems of changing all the publicity and seeing that all those who had already prepared to come to the Union knew where the Prance was to be held. ROTC also mentioned the so-called dis- courtesy of the Council in not informing the Ball committee of the Prance approval request, so that a complaint could not' be made when the request was considered. And they also questioned the Council's action in even con- sidering the Friends' request which was pre- sented to SGC on the day of its meeting. SINCE WHEN is it the business of ROTC or any other group to decide for the Council what requests it should consider? And by what standards does ROTC decide that the Friends request should not have been con- sidered while theirs should, even though both were submitted on the day of the meeting at which they were considered? It should be pointed out that both the late- ness of the Friends request and the conflict be- tween the two events had already been con- sidered last week, and SGC had approved the Prance.- WOULD SGC have ordered ROTC to move their Ball on two-days' notice if the Friends had protested? It seems unlikely - extremely unlikely. Then why did they make the Friends move their dance in such a short time, making all the advance publicity for the Prance completely useless. Was it perhaps because this was the lesser of the two groups, both in numbers and in influence? The Council seems to have proved itself weak, inconsiderate and inconsistent by this reversal of its own decision. Maybe such irrational actions as this are at least a partial cause of the much-lamented (by SGC) apathy toward the Council. -ROBERT FARRELL THE STUDENT'S PRIVILEGES: Have You the Right To Vote? ideological education of students, of the coming academic genera- tion and of the faculty; To guarantee that allstudents and the coming academic genera- tion receive a uniform obligatory training in the elementary branches of Marxism-Leninism, and to see that they familiarize themselves with dialectical and historical materialism and its con- nections with the various fields of science. . TO SEE that universities and technical schools realize their ob- Iigation to contribute toward the progress of science as the con- struction of a socialistic society demands it. To see that the interests of the Workers' and Peasants' State are observed if it comes to appointing, professors to individual chairs. To see that the percentage of gifted children of workers and farmers, of persons who have proven themselves in socialistic in- dustry, of members of the Nation- gl People's Army and other groups as well as of other persons who are known to be loyal to the Workers' and Peasants' might is raised as far as admission to uni- versities is concerned. * * * IN CONNECTION with the -last objective, children of "bourgeois" professionals may find themselves "useless," denied admission in fa- vor of children of the workers, re- gardless of scholastic standing, This is the fault of the intellec- tuals, says the State, for not dem- onstrating proper enthusiasm for socialist policies. Naturally the regulation on the year of practical work and the way it is Rendorsed have met with considerable criticism. Students at Humboldt University were at the fore of the opposition. Wei- mar music and architecture stu- dents particularly objected to be- ing compelled to do industrial or agricultural work during their holidays, as it was of no help to their studies. Students at Leipzig Technical School of Internal Trade refused to recognize the decree made by their Senate compelling them to work on the land or in coal mines during' their summer holidays, and fled East Germany. * * *. TIHE NECESSITY for ideologi- cal control throughout SED (So- cialist United Party) and FDJ (Free German Youth) organiza- tions has also been made clear by the government. For example, the SED head office of Leipzig Uni- versity drafted a program of their own serving the "further develop- ment of Karl Marx University along socialistic lines." The Institute of the History of Religion is to become "a centre of atheistic research and propagan- da;" the Institute of Slavistics is to become "a centre serving to canvass for the achievements of the Soviet Union and the Slavic Peoples' Democracy. The number of political repre- sentatives in the university sen- ates, formally the highest body within a university, has been in- creased to such an extent that SED members now command a majority in every senate. gNow DAILYF OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Unier- sity of Michigan for which Te Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 190 VOL. LXX, NO. 114 General Notices Tonight; Richard Wagner's, opera, "Das Rheingold," presented by theDe partment of Speech and the School of Music. Box office open 10 a.m. Perform-- ance 8:00 p.m. Summer Housing Applications for graduate and undergraduate women will be accepted from women now reg- istered on campus beginning at noon, Mon., March 7, at the office of the Dean of Women on the first floor of the Student Activities Building. Appli- cations will be accepted for residence halls and supplementary housing. Summary Action Taken by Student Government Council at its meeting, March 2, 1960. Approved minutes of previous meet- ing. Rescinded approval of location of the "Anti-Military Ball or Peacemaker's Prance" at the Union on March 4 190. Approved interim 'action as follows: March 14, 1960, Folklore Society, Con- cert, Trueblood Auditorium, 8 p.m. March 15, 1960, International Student Association, Program, Sounds of th East-Arabic Music, Architecture & De- sign Auditorium, 8:30 p.m. Discussed: Resolution 2, Membership Selection in Student Organizations, as presented by Phil Zook,. providing that no student organization shairTprohibit memnbership on the basis of race, col- or, creed national origin or ancestry; effective as of the beginning of the fall semester 1960-61, evxdenee that an organization prohibits membership on any of the bases specified shall be grounds for disciplinary action by Stu- dent Government Council. Furher con- sideration of this proposal is not planined. Resolution 1,.Revised-Haber, Miller. Regulations regarding discriminatory practices in student organizations. Received and discussed report from Edducation and Student Welfare Com- mittee; postponed further discussion until next week. Received report on Early Registra- tion PAM distributloxg, February 1960. Recognized the affiliation of Eihe 2Pt- litical Issue Club with Students for Democratic Society with the under- standing that 1) the PIC constitution state specifically its affiliation with the League for Industrial Democracy; (2) status of associates and members be clarified. Approved following activities: Political Issues Club, local chapter host for Students for Democratic So- ciety's conference "Race Relations in the North," subject to fulfillment of provisions for approval of affiliation with Students for Democratic Society (see above). March 13, 1960 India Student Asso- ciation, panel discussion, "Foreign Policy of India," Union '3 p.m. acu- ty participants: Professors Richard Park, Robert Crane and Siba, Sen March 13, 1960 women's Athletic As- sociation, Riding Club, horse show, Huron River Stables, 1-5 pm. Adopted as policy: "To implement the goal of free exchange and critical examination of ideas, the Student Government Council will approve no lecture, forum, discussion or other pb- lie talk unless there is provided ample opportunity for questions fromu the floor. Failure to allow such questions will be grounds for disciplinary action by the Council." Received report from Credentials and (Continued on Page 8) (The following article was written by a senior law student after in- vestigating the University student's right to vote in Ann Arbor elec- tions.) By FRED STEINGOLD YOUR 21st birthday is a great occasion in Ann Arbor. Not only can you drink in local taverns (if beer's you choice) and drive a car (if you pay a fee) but you can vote (if you're willing to make a big enough fuss down at City Hall). This being an election year, you may get an idea that you'd like to vote. If you're a University stu- dent, it will be an uphill fight. There's no literacy test or poll tax or anything like that: simply the policy of the City Clerk that "full-time students are ineligible." The world "policy" is used ad- visedly for the Clerk's view is cer- tainly not the law. There are some University students who are not eligible to vote-but many others are eligible. THE GENERAL law on the sub- ject is easy to state but often diffi- cult to apply to the individual case. Perhaps that's why the Clerk's office doesn't like to regis- ter student voters. At any rate, familiarity with your legal rights will help you to get registered if you are eligible. Under our Michigan Constitu- tion, you can vote in Ann Arbor if (1) you're 21 years old or over; (2) you're a United States citizen; (3) you've resided in Michigan for the six months preceding the elec- tion; and (4) you've resided in Ann Arbor for the 30 days pre- ceding the election. As you might have guessed, the big question is whether or not you're residing here. It takes more to be a resident than merely living here and going to school. TO The Edito Academic Lobby Works By JEAN SPENCER Daily Staff Writer SMALL but vehement lobby within Student Government Council has recently begun .a impaign to arouse interest in academic areas -a shift away from the stress they feel SGC currently giving to issues involving organiza- ons. This active minority feels that SGC, as a >dy representative of student opinion, can id should throw a critical light on the Uni- rsity's educational program to ascertain its eas of strength and weakness and try too irrect the latter. Examination of the physical education re- airement is under way and an audit-for-credit 'stem has been newly instituted. The SGC lucation and Student Welfare committee ported Wednesday they are working toward surrecting a Junior Year Abroad program nd presenting constructive suggestions to the erary college Curriculum Committee. NTHAT HAS been accomplished, however, is almost in spite of the Council rather than } ecause of it. Most members seem unwilling to evote more than cursory attention to matters purely academic concern. Presentation of the thoughtfully prepared ducation and Student Welfare committee re- >rt elicited little interest from the Council ritil a particularly vocal lobbyist for academic mcern denounced the indifferent reaction in >und terms. Comment then aroused was directed generally Editorial Staff THOMAS TURNER, Editor IILIP POWER ROBERT JUNKER litorial Director City Editor HARLES KOZOLL ..........,Personnel Director SAN KAATZ....................... Magazine Editor M BENAGH ....................Sports Editor at the outspoken member and seldom touched on the report, which included brief descrip- tions of projects including (besides those men- tioned previously) establishing an independent study program for interested, students with professors, and opening honors courses or sec- tions to qualified non-Honors students on a University-wide basis. PERHAPS the Council tends to shrug off debate on academic proposals because of the preponderance of "organization men" over "idea men" in its current membership. The organization bloc, corresponding only very roughly with the present ex officio mem- bership, are capable of clear thinking and responsible debate. But they seem more com- fortable discussing issues they encounter with- in the context of their organizational ties, and specific motions seldom originate with them. A long-established pattern dictates that Council "idea men"-rarely so called in a complimentary sense-present motions which are hashed out by the Council with constant clarification and compromise until a consensus is reached. If the motion passes, it is usually diluted or qualified. If it fails, the organiza- tion people have made their positions clear enough for whoever made the motion to see the direction in which to change his approach. In areas where organizations are directly concerned, activities people show little hesi- tancy. They state their positions firmly. It is seldom necessary for them to take stands. When considering academic questions, however, many organization members find themselves out of their element; they don't know just what kind of comment is expected of them, so they make none. T SEEMS obvious that the organizational and educational goals and interests of SGC are not opposed, muchf less mutually exclusive. The point which the lobbyists are trying to 4 Salute - .. To the Editor: A 21-GUN SALUTE to all those who so bravely sighted subver- sives and sank same! We refer, of course, to yesterday's announce- ment in The Daily that the Young Friends were deprived a beach- head on third floor of the Union because the chairman of the ROTC Military Ball objected that the Friends' Peacemakers' Prance would "interfere with the formal- ity" of the Military Ball. THE YOUNG Friends-and old Friends, too - have often been suspected of being subversive, and at last we have proof positive: to promote a dance with the theme of peace and mock the magnificent military! But let us not stop with mere exile. We must root out the SGC sym- pathizers who cunningly contrived approval for the Peacemakers' Prance in the first place. And place sentries at every Union entrance to guard our military formality. And use tear gas to fend off Peace Dove attacks. -Lauri Talayco -John Talayco, Grad, -Ellen K. Cronan, Grad. -David Spaan -Robert J. Dunn, Grad. -Eugene H. Pattison -John Dixon Hunt, Grad. --Lawrence E. Hussman Ji rad. -A. de Bonneval Gun Shy « « « To the Editor: THE ACTIONS of the Student Government Council in forcing the Peacemakers' Prance (Anti- Military Ball) out of the previously arranged location in the Michigan Union was indeed unfortunate. Sevral 1points should be noted WE CAN ONLY hope that ru- mors brought forth at the Council concerning plans of cadets to "march on the third floor" loca- tion of the Peacemakers' Prance were no more than rumors. Under different circumstances, we would consider it a compliment to be thought of as a threat to the well- being of the military. In this case, we are saddened that unjust con- fusion was attained, The fear of permitting the basic issue of militarism versus pacifism to be raised on the campus seemed to hang over the Council's dis- cussions of both the calendaring of the event and the subsequent protest by the military. Pointing out this basic issue is, of course, one of the reasons for sponsoring a dance of this nature and is a responsibility felt by our group. To attempt to whitewash the issue, as happened, is sad com- mentary on the underlying fear of questioning the military's opinion on most anything, including dances and dogwashing. * * * SINCE ALL profits will be for- warded to the American Friends Service Committee (a Quaker agency) for world - wide peace work, we were concerned that this abrupt change in policy would lower the amount of money re- ceived. This was not considered by the majority of the Council in its action. We hope that Prance dance at- tenders are not discouraged by the Council's poor action. We would also note that the Council's power (almost univer- * sally accepted as nonexistent) over an organization can be used with severe force in 'matters of calen- daring. * * " IN OUR CASE, an examination of conscience on the part of some Council members apparently took ON THE ONE HAND, attending the University is not enough to give you residence for voting pur- poses; on the other, it doesn't au- tomatically bar you from voting. It's impossible to set down a firm rule as to whether a person is a good faith Ann Arbor resident. It must be determined by the facts of each case. This might be a pretty confusing picture but for the fact that in 1946 Michigan's Attorney-General suggested some standards for de- termining residency. He derived his standards from two old Michi- gan cases and the law of other states. His interpretation of the law boils down to this: (1) If you intend to return to your former home upon gradua- tion, you do not obtain a voting residence at college. (2) If it's evident that you don't propose to return home but intend to remain in Ann Arbor for an appreciable length of time, you may vote here. In some cases this "appreciable length of time" is evidenced by continued resi- dence after graduation; in others, the residence is deemed to have been acquired before graduation. (3) If you don't intend to re- turn home but you're uncertain as to the place of your future resi- dence, you generally may vote in Ann Arbor. AS A FURTHER aid, the Attor- ney-General specifically said: "A student at college who is free from parental control, regards the place where the college is situated as his home, has no other to which to return in case of sickness or do- mestic affliction, is as much en- titled to vote as any other resident of the place where the college is situated." Clearly, this opinion is a far cry from the rule laid down by our City Clerk. If you want to vote in Ann Arbor and feel you're entitled to do so under the law, your first step is to register with the City Clerk at the City Hall. When you get to the counter, you'll probably be Monday is the last day to register for the April 4th elec- tion. The City Clerk's office is located on the first floor of the City Hall. asked if you're a student. When you answer "yes," you'll be told that you can't register-perhaps with the qualification that you can if you work at an outside job more hours than you attend school. C C * Dickie Warned Me of Days Like This IF YOU DON'T fit this last case, what next? Stop over to see Jacob Fahrner, the city attorney. He's located in the Ann Arbor Trust Building a block down from City Hall. He'll listen to the facts of your case and compare them against the standards laid down by the Attorney - General and other sources. If you convince him that