* SGC ACTION: INCONSIDERATE Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom Dat SNOW SHOWERS High-20 Low-O Cloudy with cold wind from the northwest. See Pale 4 I I r ;. r . VOL. LXX No. 106 Inter-House Couneil Offers Constitution Houses, SGC, Board Must Ratify To Form Inter-Quad Organization By KENNETH MELDOWNEY The Inter-House Council Presidium submitted a new constitution to the individual house councils for radificaton early this morning. The Presidium accepted the document written by the constitu- tional committee with' only minor alterations. None of the changes involved policy but were intended for clarification. This represents the first major step in the replacing of IHC with an Inter-Quadrangle Council. Needs Approval Before the IQC cqmes into existance, its constitution must be approved by majorities of two-thirds of the house councils, the Board ?of Governors and Student Govern- ment Council. Undern C the governing body R epublicans is comprsed of the presidents of each ousecouncils. The executive 4. committee, consisting of president A dopt 6o vice - president, secretary and treasurer, is elected by this gov- erning body. Pliatform New Organization In the new organization, the By ANDY HAWLEY governing body will consist of the president and other representa- Ann Arbor Republicans approved tives from each quad and a presi- their 1980 platform at a party dent, vice-president and a secre- rally at the Community Center tary-treasurer. Non-voting mem- last night, climaxing preparations bers will be the chairmen of the for the city elections April 4. standing committees. In some ways the platform is a Te officers Of the organization responsetot epresentedb will be elected on a slate basis. the Democrats, released in De- each student wishing to run for er president will announce his inten- dThe Democratic platform stress- tions and select two others to run ed the idea that government i for the other executive poltons. Ann Arbor must adjust to meet I hthe elections the houses the demands of a rapidly growing would vote only to fill the office community of president. The person elected The Republicans replied in their would carry the rest of his slate -preamble that they were dedicated- to the well-balanced development i ce. of the city and pledged to work Defeated Proposals toward "greater efficiency and The defeated changes dealt with economy in government." the election of officers. In the first In the area of human relations, it was proposed that qualifications the Democrats encouraged positive for presdesnt be made more loose. legislation prohibiting discrimina- The revised qualifications would tion in employment and housing, have required that the candidates as well as stronger support of the have sophomore standing and one Human Relations CommIssion. year experience In residence hall mmittees Endorsed government at the house level or The Republicans also pledged higher. As this was defeated the to pupport g cohmission, and original standards of junior tid- "each who, by his own effort, Ing and experience at quadrangle works to Improve his own' standard level Ar higher were retained. Wf living." ' Vacated Office Substandard housing was called The second was concerned with a "pressing problem" by the Demo- the procedure to be followed if the crate, who urged federal assistance oficer of president was vacated. as the only way to combat it ade- The motion stated if the president Th Neighborhood Rehabilita- left office in the fall semester the tion and Improvement Committee other officers should also vacate and its advisory committee, as well their positions. The general feel- as the office of Housing Coordina- ing of the Presidium was though tor were endorsed by the Republi- this was in keeping with the con- Scans, who also promisedtoenforce cept of the "slate," too great a all existing city ordinances and loss in continuity would be in- building codes and remedy cond- curred. tions that cause blight- As the section was not altered, it still states in case of the vaca- Platform Advocated tion of offices by the president The Democrats referred to an- only this post would be filled by other aspect of urban rehabilita- election. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1960 FIVE CENTS Suggest Gradeless Courses By ROBERT FARRELL Official credit for audited courses is being recommended to the liter- ary college under a "credit-audit" proposal by Babs Miller, '61, ap- proved by Student Government Council Wednesday. The "credit-audit" plan would allow juniors and seniors to take a total of four courses, not con- nected with their major, and re- ceive graduation credit but no grade. The system is based on a plan adopted at Wesleyan Univer- sity, Conn., in 1957. "The need for this plan ahoud arise from a certain basic assunr,- tion," Miss Miller said, "an as- sunption that there-are-students at the University who want to learn for the sake of learning and not for a grade." Students taking courses under the plan would be required to do course work and to receive a pass- ing grade, and University instruc- tors would have the power to re- fuse credit if they felt it was' "educationally unsound" in the particular case. Courses elected under this sys- tem would not count toward dis- tribution requirements,, and it would not be permissible to elect courses for credit with a grade after auditing them. Miss Miller said that if this plan were instituted, students would re- ceive credit for all they work they did, and would not have to carry heavy work loads to audit a course and still obtain the 120 credit hours needed for graduation. Such heavy loads are needed at present if a student Wishes to reach his 120 credits and also to audit courses outside of his major field, but still keep his grade- point high for purposes such as attending graduate school, Miss Miller said. Several objections were voiced by the Council members, including the possibility that students might use this to 'slide through" their more difficult courses. Miss Miller pointed out that only four courses outside of the major of the student would be allowed as audits, and that thes would probably not be taken at all under the present system. It was also mentioned that it might be better to restrict the use of this plan to only those with a certait grade-point average or better. Miss Miller said that she had considered this possibility in drafting the motion, but felt that there was no reason why any stu- dent should not be allowed the benefits of the system if his coun- selor and the course instructor agreed to his auditing, ILLI S I DIC TES DES TO (CEPT TIO AL II ICites Wish To Work THEY'RE OFF-The six finalists In the 200-yard individual medley leave the starting blocks at the start of the race last night. Inset (left) shows Fred Wolf of Michigan, the eventual winner. Wolf's victory gave the Wolverines seven points in the three-day Big Ten championship meet. The Wolverines trail Indiana In the meet, 22-16. Eli Wolf Wins, but Michigan Trails! By HAL APPLEBAUM Michigan and Indiana each won a final event, but the Hoosiers onN the strength of six individual point winners compared to the Wolverines' five. took a 22-16 lead after the first day of competition. in the 50th Big Ten Swimming Championships at Varsity Pool, yesterday. Iowa and Minnesota were the only other teams to break into the scoring column with four and two points respectively. Michigan's Fred Wolf won the 200-yard individual medley and Fred Rounds of Indiana was the victor in the 1500-meter freestyle. Hoosiers Lead However, the Hoosiers added a second in the 1500, and a second, third and sixth in the individual medley, while Michigan placed third, fourth and fifth in the 1500 and had only Wolf as a scorer in the medley. Although the Hoosiers current- ly -hold a six point edge on- the defending champion Wolverines, their lead was placed in jeopardy in the evening's final event, when the hosts qualified first, third, fourthr and fifth for the finals of the one-meter diving. If the Michigan divers can hold their current placed in tonight's finals they will adid 16 points to their team score while the diver- less Hoosiers go scoreles. Fast Start Rounds and Pete Sintz got In- diana off to a flying start in the meet when they finished one-two in the grueling 1500 meters free- style which traditionally opens championship meets. The 12 points the Hoosier duo scored (championship meets are scored on a 7-5-4-3-2-1 basis) were largely offset by nine Michi- gan points earned by Win Pen- dleton, Bill Darnton and Torn 'the other placers, was the win- Bechtel, who finished third, fourth, ner in the first heat, finishing and fifth respectively. Run off in two heats, final plac- ing for the 1500 meters is done on the basis of times in'these heats, however, nearly all of the scoring and all of the excitement yester- day took place in the secon'd heat. Bechtel, a sophomore like all of Rights Split Continuing WASHINGTON (AP) - Pro-civil rights Senators split into squab- bling factions last night. Some Republicans called the Ei- senhower administration program too harsh and some northern Democrats denounced it as too weak. Some Senators on both sides said that unless their objections were met they would refuse to vote for a rule to choke off the fili- buster which Southern opponents are waging against any civil rights bill at all The Southerners continued their talkfest without any sign of weak- ening. Sen. Paul Douglas (D-Ill.), one of those demanding a stronger bill, said: "What started out as an effort to wear down the South seems to have turned into an attempt to wear out the North." Declaring that "what we want to get across to you is that we mean business," Douglas pounded th- table and told newsmen: "If a bill is going to be passed so unsatisfactory as to delude the public, it would be better to have no bill at all." five yards ahead of Binkey Wad- ington of Iowa, but his winning time of 10:04 fell before four of the six men in the second heat. In this heat Darnton and Sintz broke from the starting blocks evently and matched strokes for the first 1000 yards, before Darn- ton began to fade. The two Hoosiers continued even, iwhle Darnton faded. How- ever, neither swimmer was able to gain an advantage on the other. Rounds Triumphs Finally, with 75 yards remain- ing Rounds put on a furious drive and pulled steadily away from his teammate. Darnton, meanwhile, exhausted from his attempt to keep up with the pace setters, was caught in the last 100 yards by the fast- finishing Pendleton. Rounds final time of 18:19.1 broke the pool record of 18:45.6 held by Michigan State's Bill Steuart, though it was eight sec- onds off of Ford Konno's Big Ten record and nearly a minute be- hind Murray Rose's NCAA mark. See ROUNDS, Page 6 Tryouts Students looking for that ex- tra added something to spark their education can find It by attending The Michigan Daily Introductory meeting being held today at 4 p.m. in the Student Publication Building. Interested individuals can sign up to work on the edi- torial, business, sports and pho- tography staffs. tion in encouraging merchants to improve facilities in the downtown area which may otherwise become an "expensive slum." They also advocated city planning and con- trol pf the rise of suburban shop-I ping centers "to insure balanced commercial development." A "comprehensive 'plan' for the orderly rehabilitation and con- tinued development of the cen- tral business district," was en- couraged by the Republicans as the "next logical step" in the in- dependent survey undertaken by the Chamber of Commerce. The Democratic platform ad- vocated "a long-range recreational plan" to allow citizens "full op- portunities for leisure-time activ- ities near their homes." Republicans supported the con- cept of a joint city-school district recreation program and further urged the "equipping of presently undeveloped park areas" and "planning for further acquisition of recreation lands." Both parties agreed that the present zoning ordinance is in- adequate and urged that it be re- vised. The Republicans listed as objectives: "to protect the public. welfare and the individual's pro- perty rights; to provide for a logical and orderly pattern for fu- ture land use; to insure just and impartial treatment for all pro- perty; and, to establish equitable appeal and revision proceudres." Propose Reassessment In addition, the Democrats pro- pose complete reassessment of all' city property to eliminate acquired inequities; and the Republicans recommended that the city coun- cil create a "citizens' tax commit- tee" to sit with the city council to review and report with recom- mendation on the proposed reas- Telegrams, Strikes Support Student Protest in Nashville By University Press Service A nationwide student protest called by the United States National Student Association against the recent arrest of 100 Nashville students engaged in non-violent sit-ins has resulted in a deluge of over 50 telegrams sent to Nashville students and city officials, and several standing strikes by students across the nation. The Association's call for students across the nation to express their support for the entire sit-in movement and their condemnation of the recent Nashville incident has set off a chain of non-violent actions throughout the country. Protest action began Monday. The nationwide student protest was4 called in direct protest of the MICHIGAN PLAY Nashville arrest and treatment of students by city officials. Telegrams deploring the arrests and expressing sympathy with the sit-in movement poured in to Nashville students and Mayor Ben West and City Police Commission- er John Hosey. By 4 p.m. Monday stand-up protests had been planned by the University of Chicago and other Chicago schools, Chatham and La- fayette colleges in Pennsylvania, Lehigh University, Douglass and Rutgers colleges in New Jersey and " the University of California at Berkeley. Telegrams to Senators Estes Ke- fauver and Albert Gore of Ten-' nessee protesting the Nashville incident have been sent by the U.S. National Student Association. The United States National Stu- dent Association sent a telegram Saturday night to student' leader' Diane Nash in the Nashville City. JalWhn t. . AA. ,:s. Scott Notes New Attitude Of Russians By PHILIP SHERMAN When he was in Russia last sum- mer, Time staffer John Scott saw a fresh attitude among Russia's young people. He also found out about Rus-I sian attitudes from hitch-hikers along the roads. The upshot was that Russians are not as afraid to criticize their government as many Americans think, thoughathey will defend it against criticism by foreigners, he said yesterday. Scott spoke in Rackham Amphi- theatre under the sponsorship of the journalism department and the Russian studies committee. Intellectuals Changing The young intelligentsia are be- ginning to consider such concepts as "good" and "beautiful," Scott said, and they are utilizing new freedom of conversation. Such an atmosphere would make a repeat of the purges of the 30's impos- sible. Hitch-hikers whom Scott picked up on his tour were ;glad to see Americans despite long propa- ganda campaigns against America and were willing, to criticize the 'government. One said "I hope youE Americans get this government of ours straight. The Tartars were here 200 years and we got rid of them too."$ Proud of Heritage 'TheRcitizens are proudof being Russians, Scott added, but they still refer to the Communist rul- ers as "they," evidencing a still low degree of political acquies- cence. This may be why the Russians do not want disarmament .inspec- tion teams to freely travel in Rus- sia since it 'throws open their sociology to outside inspections." Another thing which strikes an, American traveler in Russia is the big difference between the modern production machinery of the col-- lectite farms and the living con- ditions of the peasants. Fail in Program This is evidence the Russian program to eliminate differences between rural and urban areas, initiated long ago, has failed, and. is the reason for low agricultural production since farmers are gen- erally dissatisfied with conditions. Russian industry, on the other hand is phenomenally profitable, supplying the economic muscle for the big military and foreign aid programs. ~ Becomes 'Colony' Russia, which has made political colonies of East European nations, has become their economic colony,, he added. The average standard of living in +1. rn ,,b - 4 e.. , 12,1...4,... t_ For Peace, Hare, Swainson Expected To Run For Nomination By The Associated Press LANSING -- Gov. G. Men Williams announced "with he heart" last night that his 124, reign as governor of Michiga, ending. Williams, the nation's first i ernor to serve six straight te told a statewide radio and t vision audience he had made committment" for national o although it is no secret he w happily accept a spot on the tional Democratic ticket this y Not Pursuing Nomination Following his address, Willi told newsmen he would be ple and honored to be the Democ: ic vice-presidential nominee year. "But I don't foresee i the present moment,, and I'm~ actively engaged in pursuit of nomination." He said he hoped to "work the cause of peace in some pu of'--- w e I could be effecti "The great imperative of to is i- -omestic progres - portant as that is," the gove said in his dramatic 1-mix announcement speech. "The great overriding' imp4 tive of today is peace," he s "I want to work for this cau - Lists Accomplishments The governor recited for listeners the accomplishments his .11 years in office, inclu the Straits of Mackinac Bri vast construction programs state colleges, universities mental institutions. He said he would continue promote. constitutional ref( and reapportionment in the Le lature, two prime Democr goals. "It is obvious no man carI should, occupy the highest exe tive office indefinitely," he c cluded. Sidesteps Questions Williams sidestepped spet questions whether he thought could advance his aim in a cab post or with an ambassade appointment. He said that he and Sen. Jt F. Kennedy' of Massachusetts:l exchanged no committments any description, and thaf hadn't seen Kennedy since t breakfasted together Jan. 23 Washington. Williams seems to be "defin ly" interested in gaining vice-presidential nomination perhaps the office of secretar state, Prof. John P. Whiteof political science department 6 gested last night. Effective Positions "He said he wanted to work peace, and those two offices the positions where he might an effective job." "Williams would make a p erful addition to a number Democratic candidates," he s Prof. Daniel S. McHargue gued "geographical ditribu would. make Williams a choice to run, along with Stev son or Humphrey. but as a p ner he might do well." Two Democratic leaders agt Williams will be of great ser to the country. Will Realize Capacities Attorney General Paul Adams declared "while his ser to the state as governor may drawing to a close, his m,]u needed and great capacities leadership will only now begit be fully realized on the natic scene." Neil Stabler, state Demoer: chairman, sai Michigan's los the nation's gain. Williams' decision set the st for a battle between Secretary state James M. Hare and Li tenant Governor John B. Swa son, for the Democratic nomi _4^ +r _n nn='hm. S HOST: ence Mat Meet Begins Today By DAVE LYON Associate Sports Editor Michigan will try to win its first Big Ten wrestling title since 1956 when it hosts the Conference mat meet today and tomorrow in the main gymnasium of the Intramural Sports Building. Today's opening session of competition will begin at 2 p.m., with preliminary and first round matches scheduled in the 10 weight divi- sions. Semifinal bouts in championship and consolation brackets com- mence at 7:30 p.m. and will likely continue up to midnight on all three mats in the gymnasium. The meet Is climaxed tomorrow by championship and consolation finals, beginning at 2 p.m. Admission to each of the three sessions is one dollar. First Here Since 1952 More than 1,000 skectators can be accommodated in bleachers for this meet, the first Conference mat tournament here since 1952. By late tomorrow afternoon, they will have seen more than 100 separate matches involving nearly as many contestants, and the pre- sentation nf 10 individual tronhies and one team championship award.