uNESDAY, MARCH 2,1960 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE V AIL OFFICIAL BULLETIN - - . . . , n , , s . ini . l i-. 11-0'- 041 12 1 10. 1>. .>< 111 W i ' l l-1. t . . 's, 11! ! tl'I il 11 i l I i I $ - 6$1' 11 1 :. el' ols i - lil :41 ril'le ' : n 11 -1 rli 4 . 11. Il irl stel m is -i :4 i i il -m e 1 : -: :, r r. . . . . ., . . . L**Efl-D (Continued from Page 4) pictures which cover the Biblical spots of the Holy Land as well as the modern new developments of the new nation of Israel. Tickets are on sale today 2-4 p.m. and tomorrow 10 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. in the Aud. box officeF Student: Leadership Exchange fellow- ship applications- are now available at the Scholarship Office, 2011 Student Activities Building. The application period will be from March 1 through March 14. This fellowship includes all expenses, except travel, for a year's study at University College, Pniversity of Lon- don. Scholarship and leadership are the main criteria for receiving the fel- lowship. The recipient must meet all requirements for admission to the Rackham Graduate School. Leadership in student activities will include active participation in any rec- ognued extra-curricular activity. A su- perior academic performance is also essential as this would indicate ability to carry on study at the University College in London. Students who expect to receive Edu- cation and Training Allowances un- der Public Law 550 (Korean G.I. Bill) or Public Law 634 (Orphan's Bill) must sign MONTHLY CERTIFICATION, VA Form VB7-6553, in the Offices of Veter- ans Affairs, 142 Administration Bldg., before 3:30 p.m., Fri., Mar. 4. Office hours are: 8:30-11:15 a.m. and 1:15-3:30 p.m., Lectures Professor Jovan Diordjevic will lec- ture on "The Constitutional System of Yugoslavia" on March 2 at 4:15 in An- gell Hall Auditorium C. Professor Francis L. K. Hsu, Chair- man of the Department of Anthropology at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, will lecture in Auditorium A of Angell Hall on "Cultural Differences Between China and the United States" on Wednesday, March 2. Lecture: Herman Zanstra, Visiting Prof. ofrAstronomy, University of Am- sterdam, will speak on "The Philosophi- cal Foundations of Knowledge" on Wed., March 2 at 4 p.m., Rm. 33, An- gell Hall. Lecture in journalism Thur., March 3 at 3 p.m. in Rackham amphitheatre. Speaker will be John Scott, special assistant to the publisher of Time mag- azine, on "Russia Revisited". Lecture: Dr. Hewson Swift, Prof, of Zoology, University of Chicago, will speak on "Nucleic Acid and Cell Mor- phology" on Thurs., Mar. 3 at 4 p.m., in the third level amphitheatre, Medical Science Bldg. academic Notices Seminar: Studies of high tempera- ture gases. Prof. E. A. ,Martin of the Electrical Engineering Dept. will speak on "A Study of The High Tempera- ture Arc Plasma" in Rm 1041 Randall Laboratory at 4 p.m. Thurs., Mar. 3. Applied Mathematics Seminar: Prof. N. Coburn will speak on "Cauchy Ini- tial Value Problem for Charged, Rela tivistic, Compressible Fluids", on Thur. Mar. 3, at 4:00 p.m. in Rm. 246 West Engineering. Refreshments will be serv- ed in Rm. 274 West Engineering at 3:30 p.m. INTERVIEWS, Friday, March 4th Navy seeks Engrg & Science Students Interviewers from the Naval Ordnance Test Station, China Lake, Calif. and from the Station's Pasadena Facility will interview senior and gradduate students for research and development work in two of the top scientific cen- ters of the Navy's new Bureau of Wea- pons. Interviewers will be at the Engrg. Placement Office, 128 H of the West Engrg. Bldg. on March 4th. Placement Notices INTERVIEWS The following companies will in- terview at the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 4001 Admin. Bldg. Call Ext. 3371 for an interview appointment. Monday, March 7, 1960 Radio Corporation of America (RCA) Camden, New Jersey. Location of Work -Permanent Assignments located in Cherry Hill, N.J.; Philadelphia, Pa.; Washington, D.C.; New York, N.Y.; Cleveland, Ohio; Boston, Mass.; Chica- go, Ill.; San Francisco, Calif.; Los An- geles, Calif. and others. Graduates- June, August. Prefer the candidates not having any military obligation. Na- ture of business: Research, Develop- ment, Design, Manufacture, sales and service of electronic products for the home, for Science, Government and Industry. Men with a degree in Liberal Arts, Business Administration, Mathe- matics, Physics or Science for Train- ing Program in Electronic Data Pro- cessing with Positions in Sales, Sys- tems & Methods, and Product Plan- ning. Washington National Insurance Co., Evanston, Ill. Location of Work-29 group offices strategically located from Organization Notices (Use of this column for an. nouncements is available to offi- cially recognized and registered organizations only. Organizations planning to be active for the spring semester should register by Feb. 29. Forms available, 2011 Student Acti- vities Bldg.) * * * (An organization which has not registered with the Office of Stu- dent Affairs for a period of two consecutive years is considered de- activated. To re-establish recog- nized status after this period the organization must re-petition Stu- dent Government Council.) * * * Gamma Delta, Luth. Stud. Club, Ash Wed. Service with Holy Communion, Mar. 2, 7:30 p.m., 1511 Washtenaw. « * « Intern'tl Folk Dancers, Folk Dancing & Instruction, Mar. 2, 8 p.m., Lane Hall. SGS Educ. & Stud. Welfare Comm., meeting, March 2, 4:15 p.m., 1548 SAB. Anyone interested in working on the committee is welcome. Univ. Coed Horseback Riding Club, meeting, Mar. 3, 3:50 p.m., WAB. For information, call NO 3-7778. Let us remove the salt and dirt from your car ... Stadium Automatic Car Wash 142 East Hoover coast to coast. Graduates-June. Insur- ance: Life, accident, and Health, hos- pitalization - Group Insurance. Est. 1910. Men with a degree in Liberal Arts or Business Administration for Salaried Field Representatives of Group Depart- ment. Applicants receive extensive training in the Home Office Beginners' Group School. The Reuben H. Donnelley Corporation, Chicago, Illinois. Location of work- Chicago, Illinois. Graduates-June, Au- gust. Telephone Directory Advertising, Direct Mail Advertising, Merchandising Service and Business Papers. Men with a degree in Economics, Political Sci- ence, English, Sociology, Psychology, History, Journalism, and Speech for Sales Management Trainee Program. The Program consists of sales work, rotational assignments, special projects, and coaching by a manager. The First National City Bank of N.Y., New York City, N.Y. Location of work: NYC. Graduates: June, Aug. 1) Men with a graduate degree in Liberal Arts but interested in the field of finance for Official Asst. 2) Men with a gradu- ate degree in Liberal Arts with an in- terest in finance, international trade and commerce plus a facility for lan- guages for Official Asst. - Overseas Division. 3) Men with a graduate de- gree in Liberal Arts and an interest in the field of finance for Investment Analyst. U.S. AAr Force. Capt. Massy will be located on the ground floor of the Michigan Union opposite the cafeteria to speak with any men interested in the Air Force. Major McGinnis and Capt. Rathburn will be located in the Michigan League to speak with any women interested in the WAF pro- gram. Opportunities for women are in the fields of intelligence, air transpor- tation, finance, information services, administration and personnel. Tues., March 8: U.S. Air Force: See Monday's listings. Reuben H. Donnelley: See Monday's listings. Harris-Intertype Corp., Cleveland, Ohio. Location of work: Home Office - Cleveland, Ohio; Divisions and Sub- sidiary Plants - Cleveland and Dayton, Ohio; Westerly, Rhode Island; Brook- lyn, N.Y.; Quincy, Ill.; El Monte, Calif.; Sales/Service Offices - Located in prin- cipal cities. Graduates: June. Men with a degree in Liberal Arts or Business Administration for Junior Executive Training Program. The program con- sists of on-the-job experience in vari- ous appropriate departments with tangible job assignments from 12 to 24 months. U.S. Marine Corps Reserves, Jackson, Mich. The reserve representatives will be at the Michigan Union between the hours of 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. Men inter- ested in fulfilling their military obli- gation. Enlistments available in the six month program. Irving Trust Co., New York, N.Y. Lo- cation of work: New York City. Gradu- ates: June or Aug. General commercial banking. Est. 1851. Employs 3,000. Men with a degree in Economics, Political Science, English, History or Business Administration for Eecutive Training Program, leading to appointment as Customer Contact and Loaning Officer representing the company in a loaning service and sales capacity. Bell Telephone Systems. Location of work: Michigan; Can refer applications anywhere in the U.S. Graduates: June. Men with a degree in Liberal Arts or Business Administration for Manage- ment Training Program. The program opens opportunities in managing a business office, in directing sales and servicing work,. in analyzing the kinds of service and equipment needed by customers, in publishing telephone di- rectories and selling directory adver- tising, or even in providing such spe- cial services as teletypewriter, mobile radio, and transmission of radio and T Vprograms. Also, opportunities in administrative staff work; In planning and merchandising of communication services; analyzing methods, standards and results; developing sound training practices and effective supervision. Wed., March 9: Bell Telephone Systems: See Tues- day's listings. Booth Newspapers, Inc., Detroi't, SAME-DAY HEEL SERVICE SHOES DYED ALL COLORS RAPID SHOE REPAIR 216 E. Washington I block East of 1000 South Main Daily 8:00 to 6:00 Sunday 8:00 to 4:00 U I ". (Author of "I Was a Teen-age Dwarf","The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis", etc.) Mich. Location of work: Ann Arbor; Bay City; Flint; Grand Rapids; Jack- son; Kalamazoo; Muskegon; Saginaw. Graduates: June. Publish newspapers In all cities listed under location of work. Men with a degree in Econ- omics, Political Science, English, or Journalism for 1) Business operations which include Advertising, Accounting and Circulation; 2) Editorial Dept. On- the-job training program of three per- iods of four months each spent on dif- ferent papers. Cadillac Motor Car Div., GMC, De- troit, Mich. Location of work: Detroit, Mich. Graduates: June, Aug. Manufac- ture of automobiles, bodies, parts and accessories. Men with a degree in Lib- eral Arts for Accounting or General Business. Aetna Casualty & Surety Co., Detroit, Mich. Location of work: Anywhere in the U.S. Graduates: June, Aug. Feb. Aetna Casualty is a "multiple line" organization and leader in the field of casualty and property insurance. Men with a degree in Liberal Arts in- cluding MathemataIcs and Education, or Business Administration for field representatives, actuaries or under- writers. Dow Chemical Co, Midland, Mich. Location of work: Midland; Sales of- fices located in principal cities throughout the U.S. Graduates: June. Nature of business: Manufacture of chemicals, plastics, magnesium, agri- cultural chemicals and synthetic tex- tile fibers. Men with a degree in Lib- eral Arts or Business Administration for 1) Production 2) Technical Service; 3) Sales (desirable to have completed two years of college chemistry) 4; Ana- lytical Chemical Work; 5) Market Re- search 6) Accounting; 7) Data Process- ing. Nalco Chemical Co., Chicago, Ill. Lo- cation of work: through the U.S. Grad- uates: Feb. or June. Men with a degree in Liberal Arts or Business Administra- tion and some chemistry background for sales training program. Men with BS,aMS or PhD in General Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, OrganicChm istry or Physical Chemistry for labora- tory work. State YMCA of Mich., Detroit, Mich. Location of work: YMCA's in Mich. or throughout the U.S. Graduates: June, Aug. Nature of business: Provides so- cial, religious, educational and physical programs for youths and adults, Club programs: Recreation, physical educa- tion and camping. Operates cafeterias and residences for members. Men and women with a degree in Sociology, Psychology, History, Physical Educa- tion or Guidance and Counseling for YMCA Secretary. Beginning candidates can qualify for starting positions in youth program, adult program, physi- cal education, women and girls' pro- gram, positions in youth program, adult program, residence work, and railroad YMCA work. You will receive on-the-job leadership training. 2) Wo- men with a degree in Sociology, Psy- chology, History, Physical Education or Guidance and Counseling for A) Youth Program; B) Adult Program - Chief fields are religious, vocational, health, recreational, social, marriage, and fam- ily and you would direct club work, supervise special interest groups, con- duct informal adult education classes; C) Health and Physical Education pro- gram; D) Armed Services - Secretaries serve in U.S.O.'s and in Armed Serv- ices branches located in bit cities and near Army, Navy, and Air Force in- stallations to provide service men with activities such as dances, and edu- cational classes, games and sports. E) Public Relations Directors. F) Commu- nity Secretaries; G) Membership Sec- retaries; H) Metropolitan Associate Ex- ecutives. National Malleable and Steel Castings Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Location of work: General Offices - Cleveland, Ohio; Plant Locations: Pennsylvania, Ohio, Ill., Ind., Arizona. Sales Offices locat- ed In principal cities throughout the U.S. Graduates: June. Nature of busi- ness: Manufacture of malleable iron and steel castings. Men with a degree In Liberal Arts or Business Adminis- tration for Sales and Sales Service. All trainees will start in the plants so as to have a basic knowledge of the company and its products. At the end of the program the new employee will then be consulted as to his first job assignment. Student Part-Time Employment The following part-time jobs are available to students. Applications for these jobs can be made in the Non- Academic Personnel Office, Rm. 1020 Admin. Bldg., during the following hours: Mon. through Fri., 1:30 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. Employers desirous of hiring students for part-time work should contact Jim Stempson, Student Interviewer at NO 3-1511, Ext. 2939. MALE 3 Meal jobs (in fraternities.) I Room in exchange for yard and housework. 4 Waiters (hours flexible.) I Housefather, Grad. student preferred. Psych. Soc. or Ed. major. (6 nights per week, 6-9 p.m. 35 min. drive from Ann Arbor.) 2 Readers (Mon., Wed., Fri., 10 am. to 12 noon, Tues., and Thurs., 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.) 4 Boys to shovel snow. 1 Food supervisor (4 days per week) 1 Sales clerk. (Evenings, also some weekends, must be available full-time during the summer. 1 Book repairer. FEMALE 2 Readers (Mon., Wed., Fri., 10 a.m. to 12 noon, Tues. and Thurs., 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.) 2 Typists (20 hrs. per week.) 1 Typist (8 a.m, to 12 noon, Mon.-Fri.) 1 Answering Service (2 days per week from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 2 days from 2 p.m. to 11 p.m.) 1 Cafeteria server. (20 hrs. per week.) 1 Experienced food supervisor (4 days per week.) FOR RENT CAMPUS ATTRACTIVELY furnished single, with private bath, $40. Also basement room, $25. 614 Monroe. NO 3-5224. C62 SUBLET above average 1 bedroom apt. 1st floor. Lovely brick apartment bldg. Furnishings reasonable. NO 3-5010 af- ter 5:30. C63 PARKING SPACE for rent near State Theatre. Call NO 2-7274. C61 SINGLE ROOM for male, one block to Mich. Union. 509 S. Division. C60 BOYS' ROOM for rent: On campus, 1346 Geddes just off Forest, newly decor- ated double. $5.50 each, singles $6. See Mr. Feinger in basement apt. evenings or call NO 2-3982 anytime. C57 ROOMS: Campus. Single & double rooms. Clean, furnished, Call NO 3- 4706. C54 ACTUALLY on campus, clean 5 rooms furnished. NO 3-5947. C20 CAMPUS ROOMS for men, reasonable. Linens furnished. NO 3-4747. 017 ONE BLOCK FROM CAMPUS-Modern apartment, 514 8. Forest. Also room. NO 2-1443, C25 LARGE ROOM, single 8 per week. HU 2-4959, 5643 Geddes Road. C35 FOR RENT: Quiet, pretty, furnished apt, for 2, 1 bedroom, good heat, near campus. NO 5-8516. C53 GIRL WANTED to share spacious apart- ment close to campus next semester. Call NO 5-7616 after 5 p.m. C67 DO YOU HAVE boarders moving out- Rooms for rent? Apartments for rent? Do you want a cheap, convenient, widely read source to publish this in- formation??????????? then - try the MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED NO 2-4786 42 FURNISHED University operated apart- ments available immediately at Uni- versity Terrace and North Campus. Available to married students and married faculty. Efficiency, $85; One bedroom, $97; Two bedroom $112. Call NO 3-1511, ext. 3311, or apply 1056 Ad- ministration Bldg. 040 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Brown silver-trimmed glasses. Vicinity N U. between Drake's & Alice Lloyd. Call 5505 Alice Lloyd. A21 FOUND: Money, Feb. 29, rightful own- er may obtain by saying how much and in what denominations. Ext. 2352. A19 PERSONAL NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS COMPANY will interview March 10, 1960, June 1960 graduates in C., Chem. Eng. M.E., E.E., and Industrial Eng., Ac- counting, and Industrial Relations, Please see the Placement Office for appointments. P25 LOVE THIS PLACE? Want to come back to campus four days early next fall? Pick up an application for counseling at Freshman Rendezvous, Lane Hall. P108 HELP STAMP OUT H-BOMBS - $1.00 contribution to Peacemaker's Prance (Anti-Military Ball) goes to the peace work of American Friends Service Committee (Quakers). Friday, March 4, Michigan Union. 9-12 P.M. Infor- mal. P107 CAMPUS CLOSEUP Do you know? Kathy Hunter...........NO 3-1561 Bill Roman ............NO 3-1023 F102 TO ALPHA CHI SIGMA: It has been brought to our atten- tion that a great detriment to high- er education exists In your house. Being true to the principle of help- ing thy brother, we have removed that detriment. It will be replaced when it has proved that it is not a detriment, Leads P103 CAPTAIN: Get rid of mono before March 3 - wear Xmas present! -Nitwit. F104 REMEMBER THE BOOKS you left to be sold at SBX before classes began? Now is the time to pick up your cash for those that were sold and reclaim unsold books. Returns will be made this week only from 3:30-5:30 through Friday and Saturday from 1:00 to 3:00 in 510 Student Activities Build- ing.. F106 MASS MEETING on Tuesday at the Union at 7:30 for MICHIGRAS Filo 323 S. Main NO 2-5667 X36 MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES I DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .80 2.00 2.96 3 .96 2.40 3.55 4 1,12 2.80 4x14' Figure 5 average words to a tine. Classified deadline, 3 P.M, doily Phone NO 2-4786 MUSICAL MDSE.. RADIOS, REPAIRS PIANOS-ORGANS NEW & USED Ann Arbor Piano & Organ Co. 213 E. Washington NO 3-3109. X1 Service on All Radios, T.V.'s and Hi-Fi's All Work Guaranteed STOFFLET'S RADIO AND TV SERVICE 207 E. Ann NO 8-8116 X22 A-1 New and Used Instruments BANJOS, GUITARS and BONGOS Rental Purchase Plan PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington NO 2-1834 X14 WANTED TO BUY WANTED-A '55 Michiganensian. Call 206 Cooley, E.Q. after 7 P.M. K7 MOTOR SCOOTER: Lambretta or Ves- per. Call 405 Hayden House, East Quad. K6 PHOTO SUPPLIES CONTAFLEX II, F2.8.45 mm. lens Com- pur MXV shutter, Pre-set peratives, W. A. Tele. Lens, Wantle Lens, Filters, flash, and etc. Call OR 9-3702 toll free. ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND/OR BOARD for men stu- dents. Meals $16 per week with re- bates. Room $7 per week. Linen fur- nished. 1319 Hill, corner of Forest. Call manager, NO 2-6422. E9 FOR SALE BATTERY OPERATED tape recorder. New. Cigar box size. $65.00. Call 436 Cooley, E.Q. B26 TUXEDO "After Six," black and white coat, 39 long. Call 103 Michigan West Quad. B24 1956 4 DOOR English Ford. Perfect de- luxe. Good condition. $465. NO 5-7374. B25 2 STUDENTS nurse uniforms. Size 14- good condition, including cap. Call NO 5-8495 after 6 P.M. B22 300 S. Thayer NO 2-2500 J30 I CAMPUS. OPTICIANS BUSINESS SERVICES Special Offers March 1960 Atlantic-- mos..................$3.00 Sat. Eve. Post-37 wks............$2.97 Esquire-8 mos. ...,....,........$2.00 Holiday-15 mos. ..........$3.75 New Republic-9 mos............$3.00 New Yorker-B mos. ..........$30 Time, Life, Sports fius., and News- week less than $.09 per copy. STUDENT PERIODICAL AGENCY Call NO 2-3061 J31 HI F1 STUDIO 1319 S. University WE TAKE TRADES - BEST DEALS ANYWHERE X37 GRI NNELL'S Used Bran Bach grand piano like new only $445 Come in, investigate Magnavox March Clearance Sale Bargains in Stereo and TV Used tape recorders $59.95 and up Most frames replaced while you wait. Broken lenses duplicated. FAST service on all repairs. 240 NICKELS ARCADE NO 2-9116 NO 8-6019 J21 We now have hot barbecued chickens, spare ribs, pork roasts, and beef roasts. Hot and ready to go. Come in or call up and we'll reserve them, RALPH'S MARKET 709 Packard NO 2-3175 "Just two doors from the Blue Front" J66 TYPING: Theses, term papers, reason- able rates. Prompt service. NO 8-7590. 311 RECORD SALE This week only. Save up to 40% on LP and Stereo records. Music Center THREE WHO PASSED IN THE NIGHT Last year, as everyone knows, 1,210,614 undergraduates dropped out of college. 256,080 flunked; 309,656 got married; 375,621 ran out of money; and 309,254 found jobs, As you have, of course, observed, this accounts for only 1,210,611 out of 1,210,614. What bappefed to the other three? Well sir, to find the answer, I recently completed a tour of American campuses where I interviewed 40 million students and sold several subscriptions to The Open Road for Boys, and it pleases me to report that I can now account for those three lusive undergraduates. The first was an LSU junior named Fred Gaugin. He was extremely popular, always ready with a smile, fond of folk dancing and pralines, and last semester his Chi Psi brothers unanimously elected him treasurer of the fraternity. This proved an error, Gaugin, alas, promptly absconded with the money and went to Tahiti to paint. The fraternity is bending every effort to extradite Gaugin, but Tahiti, alas, is currently observ- ing the feast of Dipthong, the Sun-God, a five-year ceremony during which all the islanders wear masks, so nobody, alas, can ME's, EE's, AE's, MET's HAMILTON STANDARD DWSION OF UNITED AIRCRAFT CORP. will INTERVIEW See your placement office Reconditioned Vacuum Cleaners $15.00 and up J. LEABU SALES AND SERVICE 322 8. Liberty NO 3-3604 )J59 ONE-DAY SERVICE AT SANFORDS... Shoe Repairing Hat Cleaning Tailoring Pressing Shoe Shining 119 East Ann Street Open 'Til 8 P.M. - Also Sundays & Holidays (Opposite court house since 1927) NO 8-6966 J2 DO YOU HESITATE TO BUY SUB- SCRIPTIONS TO YOUR FAVORITE MAGAZINES BECAUSE YOU HATE TO PAY "THAT KIND OF MONEY"? IF SO, CAST YOUR EYE ON THE PRICES QUOTED BELOW, AND YOU'LL FIND THAT YOU NEED HESITATE NO LONGER. Nat'l You Retail Pay Magazine Price Only American Heritage ....$15.00 $1250 American Mercury .. 4.00 3.00 Argosy/.............. 4.00 3.00 Audio.. ............. 4.00 3.00 Better Homes & Gar, .. 3.00 2.70 Camera 35............ 2.50 1.75 Catholic Digest ........ 4.00 3.20 Christian Herald....... 4.00 3.00 Downbeat ............7.00 5.60 Ebony ............ ... 3.50 2,75 Electronics Illus. ......4.00 3.00 Field & Stream ....... 3.50 2.75 Flying (U.S.)...........5.00 4.00 Forbes. ..............7.50 5.75 Glamour (Charm incl.) 4.00 3.00 Harper's Magazine.....600 4.50 Hi Fi Stereo Review ..,4.00 3.00 High Fidelity...... 6.00 4.50 Horizons..............18.00 15.30 House & Garden ...., 5.00 4.00 Look.................. 4.00 3.00 Popular Electronics .... 4.00 3.00 Reporter... .......6.00 4.50 Rudder...............4.00 3.00 Sports Car Guide ...... 5.00 3.75 Sports Car Illus........ 5.00 4.00 True (U.S.) ............ 4.00 3.00 U.S. Camera ,.......... 3.50 2.50 Venture..............7.00 4.90 Vogue Pattern Bk.'....3.00 2.25 (All prices shown are for 1 year sub- scriptions; we have even better ds- counts for longer periods.) (The magazines listed above are only random examples of the more than 2,900 periodicals that we handle.) CALL STUDENT PERIODICAL AGENCY, NO 2-3061 before 5:00 P.M.; NO 3-3018 after. Place your order now, we will be glad to bill you. J14 BARGAIN CORNER say for certain which one is Gau ; 1' i,, , ( , . l igin. J'- ' . U School Suppl ies Get Your I tlo d DEAR Y: Keep posted to this column tinent communication. for per- XX Fill THE NATIVES aren't restless anymore. P112 at MORRI LLS State NO 3-2481 STUDENTS-I will give you a 25% dis- count on a name brand portable type- writer, backed by Ann Arbor's most reputable office supply company. For demonstration, call Ralph Frederick, 3-3839, 5-9 evenings. B44 HELP WANTED MAID WANTED once a week. For fur- ther information call NO 3-7611. H26 MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST-Available now; Senior laboratory positions with guaranteed maximum salary of $500 or over. Requirements are B.S. and registered A.S.C.P. Hospital location. Greater metropolitan Detroit area. Write to Post Office Box 128, Ann Arbor. H24° NURSES, registered for Saline Com- munity Hospital. All shifts, part time or full time. Apply in person week- days between 10:00 A.M. and 2:30 P.M., 400 West Russell St., Saline, Mich. H22 KITCHEN supervisor and cook wanted for 8 weeks residence summer camp. Must plan menus. If interested, write giving experience, references and sal- ary required. Write Camp, 1231 Van Dusen Drive, A.A. H21 SUMMER CAMP Counselors Wanted. Men for northern 8 week boys sum- mer camp. Waterfront, archery, rifl- ery, craft counselors needed. If in- terested call NO 2-9454 after 6 P.M. H20 WANTED TO RENT AWAY NEXT YEAR? Faculty couple will sublet your 4 or 5 room apart- ment Sept. 1960 to June 1961. Cam- pus area only. Local references. NO 2-' 4988. L7 BUSINESS PERSONAL BEFORE you buy a class ring, look at the official Michigan ring. Burr Patter- son and Auld Co., 1209 South Univer- sity, NO 8-8887. FF99 FOR THE BEST IN MUSIC it's Johnny Harberd - Bob Elliot - Boll Weevils - Andy Anderson - Dick Tilkin - Al Blaser - Kingsmen - Ray Louis - Larry Kass plus many others. Phone THE BUD-MOR AGENCY. NO 2-6362. FF100 EUROPEAN TOURS, '60. 45 days, 9 countries including Oberammergau Passion Play & Olympics, if desired. All ror $705. For details write West- ropa, Box 2053, Ann Arbor. FF1 TRANSPORTATION 11 ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords-$7.95; socks 39c; shorts 69c; military supplies. Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. WI CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES C-TED STANDARD SERVICE Friendly service is our business, Atlas tires, batteries and accessor- ies. Warranted & guaranteed. See us for the best price on new A use dtires. Road service-mechanic on duty. "You expect more from Standard and you get it!" 1220 8. University at Forest NO 8-9168 at WHITE'S AUTO SHOP Bumping and Painting 2007 South State NO 2-3350 82 SMITH AUTO UPHOLSTERING Auto and Furniture Refinished -- Reupholstered Convertible Tops NO 3-8644 YAHR'S MOTOR SALES Bumping and Painting Used Cars Bought and Sold NO 3-4510 Both at 507 S. Ashley Protect your car 1! " Fall Changeover. " Antifreeze " Winter Lubrication Complete Tune-up Service Available GOLDEN'S SERVICE STATION 601 Packard NO 8-9429 83 . _, a FLY TO FLORIDA Spring Vacation $99 round trip. NO 3-6074 F STUDENT OPERA tickets are now in at Grinnell's . . . 323 S. Main. F93 _L _ _.. _____. _ av.]. .1 t.. 9,..........11...,.....4 .,li C" '4,.. "rrna wxny+n :r nninn I I 11 Y %~.,!J 1 11 FI